asynjja · 4 years
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                    𝐇𝐄𝐑  𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐒  𝐀𝐑𝐄  𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐋-𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃  𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐄  𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒  𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓  𝐇𝐄𝐑  𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐀𝐍  𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒  𝐁𝐘  𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄.  The  techniques  she  teaches  the  potential  aurors  differ  from  the  self-defence  courses  she  gives  with  Kua  Hale  and  it  is  perhaps  exactly  his  absence  that  makes  her  history  with  military  training  trickle  through.  The  pearls  of  sweat  that  decorate  a  back  evaporate  only  slowly  in  the  afternoon  sun  and  the  autumn  breeze;  she  doesn’t  mind  it  either,  has  always  had  an  affinity  for  the  cold,  and  now  that  she’s  back  in  Britain  again,  she  feels  a  lot  closer  to  her  origins.  Arms  lean  against  the  railing  of  the  studio’s  balcony,  eyes  closed  to  soak  up  the  last  seconds  of  peace  before  the  next  session,  but  she  notices  his  approach  regardless.  A  sip  is  taken  of  her  water  bottle  before  she  turns.
“  There’s  no  requirement  to  take  two  courses  on  the  same  day,  ”  she  breaks  the  silence,  lips  tempted  to  curl  upward.  He’s  one  of  the  few  students  she  doesn’t  absolutely  despise.  The  contract  with  the  Ministry  is  as  sober  and  practical  as  any  other  contract  she  has  with  governmental  institutions.  It  doesn’t  mean  she  is  suddenly  any  less  prejudiced  towards  the  wizarding  world,  or  its  inhabitants.  
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                    Frame  leans  back  against  the  railing  again.  “  How  is  your  auror  training  going?  ”
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@adprimus​ .  plotted .
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cosmicfoole · 4 years
   *     @adprimus​    /     continued    from    here   !
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               “dead?!”  dark  brows  lift,  his  voice  reaching  a  higher  octave.  gosh,  that  wasn’t  a  response  he  thought  he  was  going  to  get.  what  is  she--  one  of  those  freaky  fortune  teller  ladies?  “oh,  yes.  i  have  felt  death  in  many  forms.”  ever  since  he  was  three  years  old,  his  mother  always  said  he’s  been  a  dramatic  kid.  “once  was  under  the  spell  of  a  LOVE  pill  my  cousin  gave  me  and  the  effects  of  it  had  my  head  spinning.  once  was  falling  off  my  skateboard  right  onto  my  head  and  i  was  seeing  stars  for  what  seemed  HOURS.  and  the  last  time  was  the  wrath  of  a  female  and  her  vicious  sting.  i  thought  she  loved  me,  but  she  left  me  to  wilt  and  die  unannounced.”  well,  cruel  people  don’t  really  give  warning  when  they’re  going  to  break  your  heart  and  rosaline  was  no  different.  “but  i  still  don’t  understand  why  you’re  looking  at  me  like  that.”  he  thought  there  was  something  on  his  shirt,  and  now  he’s  even  looking  down  at  it  again  to  make  sure  there’s  nothing  off  about  his  appearance.  ketchup  stains  are  always  likely  given  how  clumsy  he  is.  but  this  time...  nothing.  clothing  still  kept  in  good  shape.   so  bright  blues  are  flickering  back  up  on  the  other,  curiosity  heavy  in  his  gaze.  even  more  when  he  notices  her  hand,  what  was  she  planning  on  doing?
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stcriestold · 4 years
"i know what it was. i just want to know where you learned how to do it." (@victor from yuri p.)
bbc merlin memes  -  accepting
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"Where I learned..?” Victor stared for a long moment, blinking once or twice as if to emphasize his confusion, before it clicked. “Oh. Oh! The rink, Yurio, obviously -- though not exactly with Yakov around to watch.” Here, at least, he had the decency to look sheepish. “I know they can’t be used in competition and Yakov would lose his mind if he found out, but flips on ice looked very fun and I was a teenager. So: flip.”
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cfdxspair · 4 years
“ eat as much as you can. you need to build your strength back up. ”(From Five @ Diego)
Diego threw his head against the back of the couch and let out a sigh. When their father died, he thought he had escaped the constant nagging. It was almost as if once Five returned he had taken Reginald’s place. He lifted his head for a brief moment to eye the contents of the plate his brother had handed to him before placing it on the table in front of him. “I have as much strength as I need. We really don’t need to be wasting time with shit like this when we could be out there finding the bastard who got us into this mess.”
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corvusrequiem · 4 years
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❝ we’re in this together. ❞ (From Peter @ Carol or Steve) @adprimus​
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 Carol doesn’t offer a response for a few moments. The seconds tick by as it’s clear she’s trying to process what she was hearing. Her past was still in pieces. Her memories still fragments of the truth, and it was going to take more than a couple decades out in space to fix that. Now she was standing on the edge of a new adventure. How was she going to respond to this?
 Especially considering the person she was speaking to was a kid. Much younger than her, and her other hero companions. Carol has years of experience on this kid, and here he was offering her comfort. He almost reminds her of Monica with that fearless spirit ready to take on the universe. It’s a feeling that makes Carol realize that she could actually trust this Peter Parker.
  Offering her hand to him, she smiles knowingly. He was right. They were in this together. They had a fight on the horizon waiting, and Carol was ready to take it on with her new team. She spent a long time alone out in the universe. Now she was home on Earth, and it was time to build some better bonds. She could do this. They could do this.
 “You’re right Peter Parker. There is nothing that will get in the way as long as we stand together.”
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stcriestold-a · 4 years
what kind of love do you attract?
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you attract: longing
“yearning from a safe distance; endless midnights of your mind being clouded with whoever it is you want to hold; catching small glimpses of the love you wish to have through flitting moments of smiling and gentle glances. you attract longing. whether that be your own yearning or a person yearning for your heart, longing surrounds you and encompasses the entirety of your life. you breathe and the people around you smile, taking second glances, feeling their breath catch in their throat. flowers grow to the direction of you. the sun rises to smile at you and wish you good morning. you attract ladybugs, butterflies, bumblebees, and all the insects that seem to flutter too fast to catch. there's no need for you to catch them, they just want to be there with you. you are a forcefield, a magnet for those who you've wrapped around your finger, perhaps unknowingly. you ... are longing personified.“
tagged by: @adprimus​ tagging: @stvffoflegend​ @jamespotterhumandisaster​ @hotpreist​ @darknght​ @scvrredhearts​ @crowdsroar​ @seerpixie​ and anyone else who’d like to do it!
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milehighmechanic · 4 years
bold   what   applies   to   your   muse,   italicize   what   sometimes   or   sort-of   applies,   strike   through   what’s   antithetical   to   your   muse.      repost,   don’t   reblog,   and   have   fun!      tw:   mentions   of   alcohol.
𝐌𝐀𝐉𝐎𝐑  𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐀 .          a  long  journey   -   a   feeling   of   raw   energy   -   putting   a   name   to   something   unknown   -   an   elaborate   patchwork   -  unexpected   catastrophes   -   unexpected   blessings   -   vivid   dreams   -  sudden  awakenings   -   the  feeling  of  shedding  your  skin   -   the  echoes  in  holy  places   -   bright   lights   -   deep   shadows   -   feeling  the  earth  move  beneath  your  feet   -   wandering   in   museums   -   the   strange   clarity   of   moonlight   -   thunder  and  lightning   -   an   unfamiliar   road   -   coming  back  to  the  place  you  started  as  an  entirely  different  person
𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐒 .          being   overwhelmed   by   emotion   -   finding   something   to   celebrate   every   day   -   finding   something   to   mourn   every   day   -  connecting   with   others   -   the  scent  of  ocean  air   -   making   food   for   your   friends   when   they’re   stressed   -   the  remembrance  of  something  lost   -   sublime   confusion   -   cool   colors   -   a   cozy   café  -   a   bustling   bar   -   calm  waters,  hidden  depths   -   getting   tipsy   in   the   afternoon   -   summer   rain   -   comfy   sweaters   -   flowing   skirts   -   a  house  by  the  sea   -   deep  conversations  after  midnight
𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐒 .          the  scent  of  spices  and  dark wood   -   making   something   just   for   the   sake   of   creation   -   dry   heat   -   crackling  fire   -   a   bolt   of   inspiration   -   refusing   to   apologize   for   your   passion   -   stubborn   optimism   -   taking   on   more   than   you   can   handle   -   hot   tea   -   warm   colors   -   getting  up  early   -   staying  up  late   -   bright   fire,   fast   burnout   -   tacky   thrift   store   finds   worn   with   the   utmost   confidence  -   the   thrill   of   starting   a   new   project   -   spring  storms   -   hotel  rooms   -   perpetual  restlessness
𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐋𝐄𝐒 .          the   scent   of   rich   soil   after   a   rain   -   hard  and  diligent  work   -   solid   ground,   strong   foundations   -   the   satisfaction   of   a   long-awaited   payoff   -   generosity  that  comes  with  a  catch   -   work   boots   and   heavy   jeans   -   silk  and  jewels   -   resting   on   your   laurels   -   seeing   your   work   through   to   the   end   -   harvest  time   -   fresh   bread   and   rich   soup   -   earth   tones   -   jewel   tones   -   a  lush  garden   -   sunlight  through  the  trees   -   dark   chocolate   -   a  home  in  the  farmlands   -   a   sprawling   house   in   the   old   part   of   the   city
𝐒𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒 .          the   scent   of   fresh   air   -   focusing  on  the  intellectual  at  the  expense  of  the  emotional   -   freshly   fallen   snow  -   burying  yourself  in  action   -   tending   to   your   own   wounds   -   a   foreseeable   disaster   -   crisply  tailored  suits   -   starkly   elegant   dresses   -   refusing  to  admit  defeat   -   cold   air,   clear   thoughts   -  old   hurts   -   fresh   starts  -   overthinking   your   overthinking   -   the   harsh   glow   of   street   lamps   -   black   coffee  -   a  cabin  in  the  mountains   -  an   apartment   downtown      -   the  quiet  before  the  dawn
tagged  by .   @adprimus    tagging .  @rcscue @myatonements @glacierfront @whinedarksea @thedarcydichotomy
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potterroleplay · 4 years
Directory Updated - October 25, 2020
View the full directory here. To be added to the directory, view the post linked here.
This directory is large and likely to contain errors. Please notify us of any mistakes, either in this update post or in the directory itself, and we will do our best to correct them.
* denotes a multimuse blog ^ denotes a canon divergent muse ~ denotes a genderbent muse
Next Gen Era:
James Potter II - @adprimus 
Marauders Era:
Jillian Graham - @unabletoforget 
ashesrise has moved to @malumalus*
kindheartted has moved to @vorhersage*
queeniethelegilimens has moved to @rosewoodandhoney 
@aeipathisms - 3+ months of inactivity
@atrocitis - 3+ months of inactivity
@braverystood - 3+ months of inactivity
@dragonthroned - 3+ months of inactivity
@evenbyanothername - 3+ months of inactivity
@insuffercble - 3+ months of inactivity
@kcrasv - 3+ months of inactivity
@lcstwcrld - 3+ months of inactivity
@littlexaliensx - 3+ months of inactivity
@muyymalo - 3+ months of inactivity
@ofkeeper - 3+ months of inactivity
@pureblooded - declared inactive
@starlightsurvivors - 3+ months of inactivity
@stcriesuntcld - 3+ months of inactivity
@teaspoonofginger - 3+ months of inactivity
@thedarlingmalfoy - 3+ months of inactivity
@thetruebloodofsalazar - 3+ months of inactivity
@vcults - 3+ months of inactivity
@wewhoareflawed - 3+ months of inactivity
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dorothyytm · 4 years
🌈🌻┋*:・゚✧  if there’s one thing that dorothy won’t stand for? it’s needless cruelty. she understands of course that there is an excessive amount of competitiveness between the gryffindor && slytherin house for some reason but frankly some of the things the slytherin team is saying to their opponents on the quidditch FIELD right now is just simply out of line. 
when one of them makes an especially HARSH comment at her friend james, she’s almost immediately right in front of the culprit, her finger wagging in their face.  ❝ excuse me! that was incredibly rude && uncalled for! you ought to be ashamed talking in such a manner to someone like that. ❞ she scolds them.
❝  you better get out of here before you get yourself hurt, mudblood. ❞ they sneer down at her, whipping out their WAND in a threatening manner. almost immediately the gryffindors move to defend her but it’s james who picks her up && throws her over his shoulder to walk her away, knowing she’s too stubborn to back down especially when she’s trying to defend a fellow student and friend.
❝  --- james sirius potter, you put me down right now! i wasn’t finished telling that horrible bully off! someone really should write a LETTER to his mother! ❞ the hufflepuff protests furiously, ranting away even while still on his shoulder. 
TENSION SYMBOL MEME.     //     @adprimus 💢  :  your  muse  picks  mine  up   &   carries  them  over  their  shoulder .
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asynjja · 4 years
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          WHAT HOZIER SONG REPRESENTS HOW YOU LOVE ? ――   sunlight.     Love to you is sacrifice.   You are acutely aware of the heartache that comes with love,   but it is well worth it to you.   You gladly welcome the pain if it means having love for even a moment.   You have a very “it’s better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all” vibe to your love.   But this sacrifice love also equals devotion.   There’s something so powerful about loving someone so much that you’re willing to accept the heartache;   that your love together overweighs that.   You also want to give when you are in love.   Whether that be material items,   sentimental things that you make yourself,   or just more love back;   you love to show someone love by giving and sharing what you have.
tagged by.   @patricauris   aka the fave <3          tagging.   @khrused,   @kausten,   @haunther,   @downpaths   ( kay ),   @wclfskinned,   @adprimus,   @klarsynt,   @csmics,   @pryceism,   @depthswept   ( thor ),   @rosdaite,   @lovetoretm,   @desertouched,   @reynlrunnr.
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asynjja · 4 years
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          ˚     𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓  𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐘  𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄  𝐀𝐑𝐄  𝐘𝐎𝐔?     »     𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐃.     You  have  a  heart  of  gold,  and  you're  beyond  loyal.  There's  so  much  love  inside  you  and  you're  not  afraid  to  share  it.  You  used  to  be,  though.  You've  been  hurt  and  for  a  long  time  you  were  scared  of  trusting  anyone  ever  again.  Despite  your  past  pain,  you're  kind  and  loving.  You're  proud  of  how  far  you've  come.  You're  learning  who  you  are  and  what  you  want,  and  life  finally  feels  like  it  means  something.  You're  not  quite  content  with  life  and  still  ache  for  something  more,  but  that's  okay.  You'll  find  what  you're  looking  for  soon.
tagged  by .  @sacredpyre .  ty  ilu .          tagging .  @unsnare,  @galaeus,  @jadeheroics,  @flammeus,  @fcukyouthen,  @nirgama,  @stapcs,  @adprimus,  &  whomever  reads  this  post !!
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