archivedsizhui · 5 months
adversitybloomed asked:
❛  you’re so cute when you’re half asleep like this.  ❜
There was a blinky quality to the cultivator as he glanced over at her and brought his fists up to rub his eyes. He hid a yawn behind the back of his hand. "So tiredness is cute ?" he asked with a soft chuckle. He had never thought of it as so. He lifted Cloud from his lap though the cat made a sound that actually sounded like "Nooo." as he fought to get back onto Sizhui's lap.
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"Hm, do you want some Hot Chocolate, I apologize, I don't really know what is going on in this drama, and I haven't had a clue for two episodes." he admitted rubbing the back of his neck. "I have not slept the best for the past few nights and it is clearly catching up to me."
He sat up "So, would you like to have some coco ?" he motioned towards the kitchen. "I am sure I can make some sesame pancakes to go with them." Cloud made another sound. "Ah, yes I know Cloud you can have tuna." the cat settled after that.
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