avtrose-blog · 8 years
crazy dog
She sits in the park, crosslegged. It’s still early, and she can’t practice without other people around if monitor how she’s doing, so this okay, she tells herself. Nothing too big - just experimenting how much control she has over the area her aura has an effect on, the intensity of it. Joy spreads it out as far as she can, watching the people around her.
A few of the elderly exercising by the benches frown when that happens almost immediately, and she thinks she sees someone try to subtly step on someone else’s foot in that little party. She has to suppress a laugh; this is only practice, she reminds herself. She’s not here to play.
She closes her eyes, focusing on feeling out the perimeter of her aura. It’s gotten clearer, no longer a fuzzy sort-of-feeling, it’s graduated to a more condensed sense. Joy recognises the way her aura feels now, after having experienced life without it. Her aura stops a little ways after the large oak tree and the rose bushes, and there are only maybe fifteen, twenty people within this area.
Joy starts to draw it in, reels it towards her, envisioning the coppery tinge shrinking as she concentrates. She wants it to stop just before the signpost, a mere three metres radius. It shouldn’t intensify, at least not like this, not intentionally. She succeeds in lessening her area of effect, watching a pair of sisters make up easily as she releases her hold on them. Joy nods to herself, pleased. The reddish brown layer settle over her mind’s eye, darker than it had been when she’d stretched herself thin.
Frowning, she works to lighten it, trying to make it the same shade as her initial attempt. The more she fails, the more frustrated she gets, colouring it even darker and Joy panics. Her control is slipping away again and she forcibly pushes the bloodlust down, draws it all back in before it gets out of hand. She counts to ten before the tension dissipates and she thinks she could try it again.
She holds her presence steady, bloodlust tight in her chest as she inches it slowly towards the signpost. Her eyes are closed again, and she’s blind to the world except for the anger she can sense and her bloodlust. She looks for all the world like an innocent bystander (if a bit sleepy), she hopes.
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advjingoo · 8 years
For Hire | Yeji & Jin Goo
The bell rings and Jin Goo exhales before grabbing his water off the bench. It was a good sparring session. One late into the night, but nevertheless a good one. Since he arrived at the foundation, he was set to train and spar with Yeji. She had done well over the past two years, learning and improving quickly.
A couple hours later, he has a silencer screwed onto the handgun strapped to his chest and a knife holstered to his side. He gives the file a once-over before heading out. He hadn’t taken a job like this in months. And he probably shouldn’t. But the adrenaline rush from a hunt is too good to resist.
So he finds himself following the man until the guy disappears into a club. There is no way I’m going in there. He would actually deafen himself with the thumping bass already giving him a headache from across the street. He’d get the guy when he came out. In the meantime… Jin Goo climbed up the fire escape of the building opposite to land on the roof. It was a good thing the buildings were old around here. Nighttime vision isn’t much of a problem, and if he can’t get a shot in the moment the man walks out of the exit, he could borrow some of his beast’s strength and just jump across rooftops to follow the guy until he can get a clear shot. Now it was just a matter of waiting.
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advxminhyuk-blog · 8 years
“great. perfect. nice. fuck this.”
Sentence Starters
“For the record, that was STILL an accident and you’re the one who zipped by, y'know.” He’s speaking with a bottle of spray paint in one hand and a girl in front of him with a bright pink stripe running down the front of her shirt. To be fair, she looks banging in pink and Minhyuk would love to tell her that if she weren’t just a little bit miffed about the whole thing. Lucky for him, he’s a fast runner and all dressed up in his Whack Job gear. So maybe she can’t like... pin him down and get mad. Then again, she looks like the type of chick who kicks some major ass and he doesn’t really want to deal with fighting anyone right now. He’s already covered in bruises from getting into an alley brawl about an hour ago and the whole graffitti thing was supposed to be the cool down for AFTER the fight. Now he’s got a puffed up chick in front of him that decided now was the time to become a cotton candy cane.
Again, the pink stripe is sort of fitting.
“If you want I can like... I ‘unno- paint the rest for ya’? Or like... Make it stripey. I mean you seriously ran straight in front of me here like... Ya’ can’t get onto me.” She can but he really hopes she won’t. “Seriously though... Please don’t be too mad. I ain’t got shit for cash, after all. I’m just some common gangster with like 6 won and a bit of lint in my pockets so if you want me t’ pay for the shirt you’re outta’ luck.” He’s babbling but he doesn’t really notice it. He just shakes his head a little and shakes the can in his hand. The paint job on the wall still isn’t done, which is super lame. He’d like to get back to work but she’s still in front of him. Sure, she’d make a nice art piece but that is not going to make her happy to hear right now. 
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advwonshik-blog · 8 years
“so what? you did it.”
Sentence Starters
“Aww come on! You’re not even a little impressed?” He grins with sharp teeth glinting and eyes equally excited. He knows that Yeji isn’t going to be easily impressed, but normally she gets so excited so quickly! It’s a total buzzkill that she wouldn’t even slightly appreciate his work. Wonshik tried pretty hard just to get the cow onto the roof of Daybreak’s Cogender dorms and it wasn’t like he planned to leave it there! That would be rude to the cow, who Wonshik had searched all over to find only to start calling her Spots and relocated her to the Daybreak roof.
So he might have been a little drunk- still might be, and this plan might have something to do with his bat wielding sparring partner, but Wonshik was currently laughing up a storm at the way that so many potentials at Daybreak had walked passed only to rather confusedly ask why there was a cow on the roof! Really though, his plan was pretty well executed...
...Maybe he shouldn’t drink anymore. It was working for the whole “stop feeling horribly depressed by forgetting your feelings” thing, just like Minhyuk said, but it’s resulting in far more holes in walls and cows on roofs than seems safe. His grin drops and he shoves his hands deep into his pockets. Yeah... He shouldn’t be so selfish. Not if he’s going to end up causing strouble.
“... I’ll... Uh... I’ll get her down.”
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