#aegis of aggramar
mothervvoid · 8 months
need to just be super self indulgent and write diane and belmont go look for the aegis of aggramar starting from the point where the alliance and horde wreck themselves in stormheim and ends at the dungeon entrance maybe. idk yet.
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azeroth365days · 7 years
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Stormheim - The Aegis of Aggramar
“One of the Pillars of Creation, relics of immense power created by the titans to shape the world.” _from Anubaranco’s travel journal, day248
This is a part of my adventures through the World of Warcraft scenario… see other daily sketches here too: TWITTER   INSTAGRAM
Fanart made just for fun
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existentialcattails · 3 years
This replica Aegis of Aggramar tho.. 👌🏼
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Worth it.
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Vykrul: A Lore Guide
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Evolution (before Year -150,000): The Vrykul are an ancient race descending from the iron vrykul, beings created by Titans during the The Ordering of Azeroth. In -15,000, The Curse of Flesh affected vrykuls in many different ways: the Dragonflayer clan of the vrykuls, turning them into organic vrykul we know of today. There are different types of vrykul. Frost_vrykul are made of two major factions: the The hyldnir an entirely female population of frost vrykul, located in the Storm Peaks, and the Ymirjar in central Icecrown who are undead and allied with the Lich King. These were vrykul who travelled to Jotunheim and fought at Valhalas. The winners of this competition are taken to Ymirheim and become Ymirjar. The losers become vargul. The Kvaldir are undead spirits, covered in green scales and barnacles created by Helya in order to serve her in Helheim. The Dragonflayer vrykul also are the predecessors for humans: the Curse eventually led to some of their young being smaller, weaker and “ugly” in the eyes of their people. Their king Ymiron ordered all those children to be killed but some parents couldn’t do it and hid them away in Northrend. In time, these small adult vrykul would form the early human tribes. Another group of vrykul settled in Kul Tiras and eventually became the Drust.
Winterskorn Warring (Year -150,000): Loken subdued most of the Keepers and removed the titan-forged out of Ulduar, the fire giants Volkhan and Ignis sought to conquer the Storm Peaks. They armed the the Winterskorn vrykul to attack other titan-forged across the Storm Peaks, beginning the Winterskorn War. Tyr was alerted when they attacked the earthen. Tyr asked the Dragon Aspects for aid, and the war ended with Ysera and Nozdormu putting the Winterskorn into a timeless sleep beneath northern Kalimdor. After discovering that some parents hadn’t complied with Ymiron’s orders, Skadi hunted them down and killed any of them he came across becoming known as Skadi the Ruthless. In an attempt to stave off the curse of flesh, the Dragonflayers went to sleep beneath northern Kalimdor in areas such as Gjalerbron. The Tribunal of Ages, a record of false history created by Loken claims that he ordered this hibernation.
A Rude Awakening (Year -10,000): After the Sundering, many vrykul were awakened and took the seas: some taking to Kul Tiras eventually becoming the Drust.
Easy Recruitment (Year 27): When Lich King stirred from his Frozen Throne he sent his Scourge minions to swarm across the land, destroying all in their path. The remaining slumbering vrykul awakened beginning with those of Jotunheim. Many of them would come to believe that the Lich King was a god of death, and pledged themselves to him and the Scourge. The Winterskorn clan was made subservient to the Dragonflayer. When they arrived in Northrend, the Alliance and the Horde built two ports on the shores of the Howling Fjord, Valgarde and Vengeance Landing. The vrykul of the Dragonflayer clan turned against Valgarde, launching attacks led by Ingvar the Plunderer from the fortress of Utgarde Keep. In turn, the Winterskorn clan turned against Vengeance Landing. The dwarven Explorer's League began excavating Dragonflayer ruins near Valgarde, speculating that the vrykul were related to humans. Thoralius the Wise, sent an Alliance adventurer into the spirit world to uncover the vrykul's past, where they found two visions of the past which revealed the events described above, thus revealing that there was no "missing link"; rather, the vrykul themselves were the missing link – they were the progenitors of humanity. Other vrykul were seen around Northrend, often helping the Scourge. They held competitions where many elite warriors competed for the chance to become powerful undead servants of the Lich King. The victors were made undead and became known as the Ymirjar, those who were not successful, or who fell in battle with adventurers, were turned into vargul instead. The val'kyr, winged spirits of vrykul women with vast necromantic powers under the control of the Lich King, raised them. Those in Valkyrion aspired towards this state. However, even the vrykul loyal to the Scourge were fighting each other. Other vrykul refused the call of the Lich King, such as a small holdout of hyldnir situated in Brunnhildar Village who reasserted their loyalty to the titans, or at least to the Keeper Thorim. One of their number, Sif, had been Thorim's wife a long time ago, and they held a contest, the Hyldsmeet, to see which among them would prove worthy to rule alongside Thor in her place. Within the halls of Ulduar, a number of vrykul could be found as members of the Twilight's Hammer. ]Loken also used the Forge of Wills to create new titan-forged vrykul, iron vrykul uncorrupted by the curse of flesh, to serve him. By the time the Ashen Verdict invaded to Icecrown Citadel, most of the vrykul loyal to the Scourge had been either killed or wiped out entirely in Icecrown. Some of the remaining val'kyr pledged themselves to Sylvanas Windrunner becoming part of the Forsaken.
Back On Dragon Wing (Year 28): A group of vrykul became elite drake riders who served as Deathwing's personal guard, led by Warmaster Blackhorn. 
The Family Tree (Year 30): Lorewalker Cho showed an undead their ancestors and two vrykul appeared as the character's furthest ancestors, confirming humanity's evolutionary line. 
Broken Shores, Broken Giants (Year 32): The vrykul of Stormheim on the Broken Isles were ruled by the unnamed husband of Queen Bretta until his son, Jarl Skovald, murdered him with the help of his brothers Voldgar, Agnol, Uldgar. The brothers then turned on each other, with Skovald being victorious. He then fought his mother at Kingsfall Pass and proclaimed himself king. Gul'dan approached God-King Skovald with an offer to join the Burning Legion and receive ultimate power, or be destroyed. Skovald and his Tideskorn vrykul allied themselves with the Burning Legion and sought to claim one of the Pillars of Creation for their demonic masters. To gain access to the Halls of Valor, Skovald perverted the ancient trials that open the Gates of Valor. During the Trial of Might, he shattered Yotnar instead of besting him and tried to destroy Aggramar's Vault so that no one else could know the criteria for the other trials from the titan databases. In the Trial of Will, he enslaved the Thorignir. During the Trial of Valor, he used the Bonespeakers to attempt to enslave the souls of the ancient rulers of Stormheim, forcing them to give their blessing. Odyn, under the disguise of Havi, guided an order champion in their quest to beat the trials and retrieve the Aegis before Skovald. While the Felskorn assaulted the Gates of Valor, both challengers met, but Skovald left the fight before there could be a victor.The champions proceeded to beat Odyn's own challenges within the Halls of Valor, and earned the right to wield the Aegis of Aggramar. Skovald suddenly appeared however, demanding that Odyn acknowledge his claim to the Aegis, a protest that Odyn said came too late. Skovald attempted to claim the Aegis by force, but was killed. Other vrykul remained loyal to Odyn. These Valarjar vrykul mainly inhabited Valdisdall. An adventurer who fought a pit lord by Odyn alongside other vrykul who took up arms against the demons was uplifted by Odyn and made Battlelord of the Valarjar armies. A forgotten tomb named Tomb of the Old Kings contained the remains of several great vrykul Kings. Odyn sent his Battlelord, with the help of Hruthnir son of Magnar, in the tomb to reclaim the armament of the Black Wyrm from the hand of the King Magnar Icebreaker. However the tomb was deconsecrated by the unholy magic from the Burning Legion and the guardian didn't recognize the Odyn's envoys. The Battlelord and Hruthnir fought the tortured spirits of Magnar and his soldiers. Vanquished, Magnar recognised his son and gave the Scale of the Earth-Warder to the Battlelord to avenge his death in fighting Helya. The spirits of Magnar and his soldiers were sent to the Halls of Valor. In the Shield Hill, the spirit of Gorvold Ironbrow was called by the Tahu Sagewind and Orik Trueheart in order to find the place of a powerful artefact of the Light against the demons. The Gorvold's Story led the paladins group to the Tomb of the Old Kings. Inna the Cryptstalker tried to stop the despoilers to enter in the tomb but she was killed by the paladins. In the Shrine of the Truthguard, Yrgrim the Truthseeker, champion of Tyr, and Runeshaper Griselda challenged the paladin's group and lost the battle. He accepted his defeat and gave Truthguard for the future Highlord of the Silver Hand to become the new champion of Tyr. Later, Prustaga helped the Unseen Path to penetrate in the Tomb of the Old Kings in order to find a powerful artifact against the Legion. When they entered the tomb of Warlord Volund, his spirit was awakened. Taking the intruders for thieves, he decided to defend his tomb. When his spirit had been vanished, Prustaga betrayed the Unseen Path and took the Titanstrike. Her next and last move was to lead her vrykul followers to the Temple of Storms in order to absorb the powers of the storm and the makers. Finally, she has been killed with several of her followers by an alliance between Thorim and the Unseen Path. Next, several vrykul from Valarjar led by Thorim, Hymdall and the Battlelord helped to the free Hodir, who was trapped in Felblaze Ingress by Lady Ran'zara and her demons. Sigryn, the heir of God-King Skovald, was prophesized by Eyir long ago to unite the Tideskorn against the Burning Legion. Seeking to make right the damage done by her father, Sigryn decided to fulfill her destiny. She defeated the leaders of the Bonespeakers and Drekirjar in single combat and forced them to acknowledge her claim. But when her brother Torvald, whom she believed was long dead, revealed that the assassination of their family was orchestrated by Odyn himself, which Eyir confirmed, Sigryn was consumed by anger. She let the fel power in her blood consume her and headed to the Halls of Valor in an attempt to confront Odyn. Fortunately, an order champion was able to dissuade her before she faced Odyn, who would not have been kind to her. She apologized to Eyir for her rampage and sought her judgement. Despite her misgivings, Sigryn showed that she possessed the strength and willpower to overcome the fel, something no vrykul had done before. Eyir thus decided that, instead of being punished, she was to assume the burden of the crown, and rule the Tideskorn as their God-Queen.
Free Trade (Year 33): After Zandalar opened its port to non-trolls, a group of vrykul traders arrived to sell their wares. Enges, a vrykul Fjarnskaggl trader can also be found in Boralus Harbor.
Physical traits
Life expectancy: Vrykul have an unknown life span, however some such as Ymiron have lived for thousands of years. 
Height: There is no confirmed height for vrykul but the are known as half-giants and have been compared to ogres who are 7-10 foot tall.
Eye colour: Depending on the type of vrykul, they can have many different colours of eye. Frost types may have white or blue eyes whereas those working with the Legion can have green eyes. Pure vrykul tend to have brown eyes.
Cosmetics:  Cairne Bloodhoof described them in the following way: "They looked like humans - if humans were larger than tauren and sometimes had skin that was covered in ice, or made of metalor stone."
Personality traits
Do Our Dirty Work: They tend to see see manual labor as beneath them, and as such they use mindless undead to dig tunnels and also use slaves in the Saronite Mines.
A Warrior State Of Mind: Vrykul see strength in battle as a valuable asset with both male and female fighters filling their ranks.
Other races: Vrykul may see the other races as weak due to their 
Other creatures: They have various types of mount: proto-dragons, polar bears, mammoths and felsteeds they use for travel and battle.
Languages: Their primary language is Vrykul.
Government: The different and factions types of vrykul have their own leaders. Originally, they were all under Ymiron and his wife Queen Angerboda. The Iron Vrykul were led by Loken by are currently led by Odyn. The Hyldnir were under the Lich King and now by Thorim. Val'kyr answer to whatever their faction dictates: some formerly to the Lich King and now to either Eyir, Sylvanas or Helya. The Ymirjar were presumably under Ymiron with their secondary leader being Kreug Oathbreaker. The Vargul were solely under the Lich King. The Kvaldir follow Helya and Drottinn Hrothgar. The Drust are ruled under Gorak Tul and Ulfar. God-Queen Sigryn rules the Tideskorn. 
Military: They serve their respective factions as Hunters, Mages, Shamans, Warlocks, Warriors, Death knights, mystics, Seers and Druids.
Religion: Many revere their titanic creators, though have veered off in different beliefs such as those who believed the Lich King to be a god of death.
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starseeker-tarazed · 6 years
World of Warcraft? For the fandom question thing.
The character I first fell in love with:
Probably Koltira Deathweaver from the DK storyline, I dunno why really. I just really like him. Thassarian is a close second in that.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
Khadgar. It wasn't till I read up on him that I was like, “Aw honey you poor thing!” and Now I’m just like, hey, I love this character!
The character everyone else loves that I don’t:
I...don’t know? I mean, who does everyone love? Personally I really hate Tyrande for the way she treated the Nightborne. It’s ridiculous that she holds the mana addiction against them.
The character I love that everyone else hates:
Well, I know Sylvanas isn’t popular but I continue to love her. I’m not very happy with her right now, but I do understand where she’s coming from in regards to why she’s attacking the Alliance. Anduin is sweet and all, but Jaina and Greymane were volatile to begin with. It was only a matter of time before one of those two acted, and besides, Greymane risked the PC mission to retrieve the Aegis of Aggramar over revenge - an understandable one - but Azeroth’s fate was more important.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
Uh, I would say perhaps Greymane actually. I loved him in Cataclysm, because I did play a Worgen for story purposes, and thought he was pretty awesome. Up until Legion anyways.
The character I would totally smooch:
Is it bad that I’d totally smooch Illidan? Koltira as well.
The character I’d want to be like:
No one actually. I like Saurfang’s honor, and Zekhans loyalty. Maybe I’d want to have Bwonsamdi’s humor? Talanji is pretty badass.
The character I’d slap:
Malfurion or Tyrande. Don’t ask why, I just would. Or Greymane.
A pairing that I love:
Canon wise I don’t have ay OTPs or NOTPs. I do like @drew-winchester‘s Perry and Khadgar, as well as @pebster‘s pairings, especially her OC and Turalyon. Koltira and Thassarian is a ship I like I guess.
A pairing that I don’t:
I don’t know? I’m fine with canon pairings I suppose. I’ve never been found of Illidan liking Tyrande, but then I don’t like Tyrande.
Keep in mind I haven’t read too much of the lore, but my family has, so I get my lore info from them and the game.
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transmogwow · 6 years
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Tomatenbrot - Tarren Mill (eu) head: Hidden Helm neck: Riveted Choker of Delirium shoulder: Blackrock Pauldrons back: Greatcloak of the Dark Pantheon chest: Blackrock Chestplate shirt: Neophyte's Shirt wrist: Thornscar Wristguards hands: Blackrock Gauntlets waist: Blackrock Girth legs: Blackrock Legplates feet: Titan-Forged Greaves of Triumph finger1: Sullied Seal of the Pantheon finger2: Insignia of the Grand Army trinket1: Diima's Glacial Aegis trinket2: Aggramar's Conviction mainHand: Maw of the Damned
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transmogwow · 6 years
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Loonwolf - La Croisade écarlate (eu) head: Headdress of Living Brambles neck: Vulcanarcore Pendant shoulder: Charskin Mantle back: Cape of Rigid Order chest: Vest of Waning Life tabard: Hidden Tabard wrist: Luffa Wrappings hands: Glaivemaster's Studded Grips waist: Cinidaria, the Symbiote legs: Greaves of Miraculous Magnificence feet: Skysec's Hold finger1: Terestian's Signet Ring finger2: Seal of the Portalmaster trinket1: Aggramar's Conviction trinket2: Diima's Glacial Aegis mainHand: Claws of Ursoc offHand: Claws of Ursoc
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transmogwow · 6 years
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Асолия - Eversong (eu) head: Hidden Helm neck: Prydaz, Xavaric's Magnum Opus shoulder: Felflame Inferno Shoulderpads back: Cloak of Growing Mistrust chest: Moon Guard Robes shirt: Green Linen Shirt wrist: Supple Bracers hands: Boneshredder Gloves waist: Riverblade Belt legs: Earthborn Kilt feet: Calliard's Galoshes finger1: Seal of the Portalmaster finger2: Loop of Vitriolic Intent trinket1: Diima's Glacial Aegis trinket2: Aggramar's Conviction mainHand: Worn Vrykul Smasher offHand: Worn Vrykul Smasher
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transmogwow · 6 years
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Rhylyn - Onyxia (eu) head: Raddon's Cascading Eyes neck: Understone Gorget shoulder: Delusions of Grandeur back: Cloak of Fel Flames chest: Tunic of Second Sight wrist: Blackfin Wristband hands: Demonbane Gauntlets waist: Cerulean Shadowfade Belt legs: Legwraps of Second Sight feet: Heartstone Treads finger1: Sullied Seal of the Pantheon finger2: Ring of Collapsing Futures trinket1: Aggramar's Conviction trinket2: Diima's Glacial Aegis mainHand: Warglaive of Azzinoth offHand: Warglaive of Azzinoth
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transmogwow · 7 years
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Spinach - Magtheridon (eu) head: Hidden Helm neck: Chain of the Unmaker shoulder: Skullflower's Haemostasis back: Cruel Combatant's Dreadcloak chest: Blightborne Warplate wrist: Cruel Combatant's Dreadplate Wristplates hands: Cruel Combatant's Dreadplate Gauntlets waist: Roaring Shellbreaker Greatbelt legs: Cruel Combatant's Dreadplate Legguards feet: Cruel Combatant's Dreadplate Sabatons finger1: Arch-Druid's Tainted Seal finger2: Seal of the Portalmaster trinket1: Diima's Glacial Aegis trinket2: Aggramar's Conviction mainHand: Skullstealer Greataxe
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transmogwow · 7 years
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Vevilusiuz - Stormscale (eu) head: Hidden Helm neck: Riveted Choker of Delirium shoulder: Duskstalker Pauldrons back: Hidden Cloak chest: Vest of Calamitous Fate tabard: Scryers Tabard wrist: Bracers of Rippling Darkness hands: Felreaper Gloves waist: Cinidaria, the Symbiote legs: Leggings of the Awakening feet: Landfall Leather Boots finger1: Seal of the Portalmaster finger2: Sullied Seal of the Pantheon trinket1: Diima's Glacial Aegis trinket2: Aggramar's Conviction mainHand: Aldrachi Warblades offHand: Aldrachi Warblades
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