#aegon is probably 17-19 in this idk lol imagine what you want
aemondsvisenya · 2 years
I saw teen!Aegon in your post so... headcanons about dating Tennant!Aegon?
Ty is my babe, I love him, so your wish is my command! I wasn't sure if this was Westeros!Aegon or modern!Aegon so... given the term, "dating", I went with modern!Aegon. I'll be honest, 99% of this is inspired by Ty's character in that UK drama "Consent" that he just appeared in, since that character was literally so young!Aegon coded.
Disclaimer: Ty is 20 - nearly 21 - and an adult, please do NOT send hate to me. If it makes you more comfortable to read the imagine as being the Aegon played by Tom, go ahead, but I wrote it with Ty's portrayal in mind.
Warnings: sexy time mentions but not in terribly explicit detail, usual fuck boi shit. Also, I was going to do separate SFW and NSFT sections but... this is Aegon. It's all not-safe-for-tumblr to be honest.
Being In A Relationship With modern!teen!Aegon - Headcanons
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(Side note: Ty baby please do more things because typing your name in the gif search brings up a LOT of gifs of your dad and I nearly posted this with a gif of him instead of you)
Oh he's an absolute fuck boy
Before you got together, he was known for sleeping around and not having a single serious relationship - all he wanted was a bit of fun, no strings attached. You had always thought he was hot, but you knew letting him use you was only going to cause unnecessary pain
Your sensible ideas disappeared down the toilet when you attended a party at Aegon's house that the whole school/college was at, and somehow (no doubt partly due to the unlawful amount of alcohol in your system) you ended up dancing with him - 'dancing' meaning grinding back against him as he wrapped his arms around your middle, mouth on your neck and hips firmly pressed to yours
Dancing downstairs in front of everyone very quickly became a hot and heavy fuck upstairs in his room, and you ended up falling asleep in bed together
You woke up the next morning in his bed, with him fast asleep beside you; you tried to leave before he woke, but he'd wrapped his arms around you in the night and you accidentally jolted him as you got out of bed. He blinked in the sunlight, squinting at you and frowning sleepily. "Come back to bed," He mumbled. "Too early." When you nervously mentioned that you should probably go, he frowned even more, this time a little sadly, sounding exhausted as he muttered, "No... don't. Want you to stay."
To be honest, you had expected that it was just a hook-up like all of the others he fucked, so you were shocked when later that afternoon (after his hungover had started to lessen somewhat) he smirked and told you, his voice low, "I've wanted to fuck you for years... And now you're mine."
And that's that: suddenly you're dating Aegon Targaryen.
Aegon is... not the most romantic of boyfriends, it must be said.
He absolutely tells all of his friends about fucking you, he describes your moans and body in explicit detail to them, bragging of how many orgasms he can pull from you; he also shows off the nail marks and bites you've left on his skin, much to the hollering of the other boys
He absolutely has a group chat with the boys and is constantly sending them shit like "holy fuck just got the best bj of my life", "just got the life sucked out of my cock", "drowning in pussy" or whatever
When the two of you are together in public, be it in the corridors of college or out somewhere together, he always has his arm slung around your shoulders - it's his way of showing that you're his, that you're taken by him, and he smirks proudly about it. If there's a seat somewhere - a bench, a cafeteria chair, whatever - he'll sit down and pull you onto his lap, which usually leads to you two making out or him groping you in front of his mates as they laugh and make catcalls
You two are the bane of the teachers' lives, they're so sick of telling the two of you to stop dry humping on school grounds
Away from his friends and alone with you, he's... slightly softer. Only slightly, mind you, but still.
Aegon very much just always wants to fuck; what starts out as innocent study sessions to try and help him with his coursework always results in some form of sex. You genuinely do intend to help him... but he has very different ideas - not that you're complaining, of course...
You had once thought that all of his bragging and ego was ridiculous, that he was probably absolutely dreadful and just boasting to impress his friends - it's safe to say that while he brags far too much about his prowess as a lover, he is excellent in bed
Sex isn't that romantic usually, it's a wonder if you're both entirely undressed to be honest, but it's hot and heavy and he knows exactly what makes you feel good. He prefers being on top as he fucks you, getting to force you down and maneuver you around so you feel good around his dick, but he's not going to complain when you ride him either
It's usually after sex that he'll sigh, pull you close and quietly admit things to you that he's never admitted to anyone before; that he knows he is not good enough, that his mother and father are always going to be disappointed in him, that he has no idea what he wants to do with his life. "Aemond is mother's favourite," He murmurs as you trace patterns over his bare chest. "And father... he's always preferred Rhaenyra over us, even when one of her little shits took Aemond's eye out..."
None of his friends see the way his shoulders slump when he comes home to his father's car gone yet again, the way he flinches ever so slightly when his mother says his grandfather is coming to visit, when she shouts and berates him for his failing grades... but you do. Apart from his brother Aemond and sister Helaena (his youngest brother Daeron is away at some prestigious school for gifted students, you learn), you're the only one who sees it.
You know better than to ask him about it, better than to raise the subject when it causes him so much pain - but your actions speak enough. Your kisses and touches are a distraction, a way for him to forget that he's the family disappointment, that he will never be enough
"Fuck them," You find yourself telling him often as post-coital exhaustion takes over both of you. "You're enough for me."
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