#aegon takes offense to people trashing maekar SPECIFICALLY
samwpmarleau · 4 years
aegon’s attitude towards maekar in the latter two dunk and egg books will never not be hilarious (and heartwarming) to me
what we see of his relationship with his dad in the first novella is quite contentious and maekar is notoriously grouchy and uncompromising. yet afterwards, the minute some rando says something even mildly disrespectful about him, this tiny little 10-year-old is all, “SAY THAT AGAIN, ASSHOLE. I’LL BREAK YOUR FUCKIN ARM”
i mean:
“[...] King Aerys hides amongst his books, Prince Rhaegel prances naked through the Red Keep’s halls, and Prince Maekar broods at Summerhall.”
Egg was prodding at the fire with a stick, to send sparks floating up into the night. Dunk was pleased to see him ignoring the mention of his father’s name. Perhaps he’s finally learned to hold that tongue of his.
“Rhaegel is feeble-minded. Why, I bear him no ill will, but the man is good as dead, and those twins of his as well, though whether they will die of Maekar’s mace or Bloodraven’s spells …”
Seven save us, Dunk thought as Egg spoke up shrill and loud. “Prince Maekar is Prince Rhaegel’s brother. He loves him well. He’d never do harm to him or his.”
Dunk was about to tell Egg about the men he’d overheard when he noticed his face. “What happened to your lip?”
“A fight, ser.” [...]
“Who were you fighting?”
“Some other squires. They said —”
“Never mind what they said. What did I tell you?”
“To hold my tongue and make no trouble.” The boy touched his broken lip. “They called my father a kinslayer, though.”
He is, lad, though I do not think he meant it. Dunk had told Egg half a hundred times not to take such words to heart. [...] “What did you tell these other squires, instead of holding your tongue?”
Egg looked abashed. “That Prince Baelor’s death was just a mishap. Only when I said Prince Maekar loved his brother Baelor, Ser Addam’s squire said he loved him to death, and Ser Mallor’s squire said he meant to love his brother Aerys the same way. That was when I hit him. I hit him good.”
even with dunk he’s ready to throw down:
“When the king named Lord Bloodraven his Hand, your lord father refused to be part of his council and departed King’s Landing for his own seat,” [Dunk] reminded Egg. “He has been at Summerhall for a year, and half of another. What do you call that, if not sulking?”
“I call it being wroth,” Egg declared loftily. “His Grace should have made my father Hand. He’s his brother, and the finest battle commander in the realm since Uncle Baelor died. Lord Bloodraven’s not even a real lord, that's just some stupid courtesy. He's a sorcerer, and baseborn besides.”
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