extremedivas · 5 years
What is Kenny Omega situation with AEW women divisions?
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This is entertainment purposes only.
I don’t have no problems with Kenny omega. For anyone that calls me a hater of Kenny omega. You guys need to take several seats with your fake phony.
1. What is Kenny Omega position on AEW women division?
The Ten of Cup reversed can be an indicator of AEW women division not being as stable as they may appear outwardly. There is a lot of confusing and direction in the women division in AEW. I see that Kenny Omega is not focus enough for the women division.
It’s like he is trying to make other women wrestlers to do their own storyline. But there is no connection and chemistry with the AEW women division. I feel like Brandi Rhodes trying to do her part in the women division by team up with Awesome Kong. However, Kenny Omega is not connecting with women wrestlers in AEW.
2. What is Kenny Omega view on the current AEW women division?
The Lover reversed indicates that Kenny Omega maybe struggling to take ownership of the decisions he made on the women division in AEW. This is causing conflict within him. Kenny Omega feeling uncertain of the direction of the women division in AEW. Kenny Omega need to remember that he is the master of his own destiny. He is a boss of the women division in AEW. Kenny Omega need to act like a boss instead of babies talents in the women division. He need to use his business mindset on how to make other people respect his decision on AEW women division. Kenny Omega has to take completely care of the women wrestlers in AEW. Not only Japanese women wrestlers but all women wrestlers in AEW.
3. What is Kenny Omega challenge on AEW women division?
The Chariot indicates that Kenny Omega probably struggling with AEW women champions Riho bookings and storyline. I see there is a struggle with Riho as AEW women champions. Kenny really want to put Riho over as champions. But there is a problem with him and Brandi Rhodes not seeing eye to eye on the women division in AEW.
I believe there is so much manipulation in Kenny Omega relationships with Brandi Rhodes. They are not get along with each other recently. Both of them are being very careful with each other.
I think Brandi Rhodes and Riho character development as a champions is Kenny Omega challenge.
4. What is Kenny Omega Problem on AEW women division?
The World reversed indicates that Kenny Omega is his own problem in the women division in AEW. There are not too many women wrestlers in AEW right now. Because Kenny Omega is not trying his hardest to make AEW women division better than NXT women division. It’s true, I see why HHH say on his interview about NXT women division is better than WWE main roster but also around the world in pro wrestling. He says that women wrestlers are wrestlers who need proper guidance and skills to succeed in Pro wrestling. I think Kenny Omega need to take note on how to improve and impact his AEW woman division. If Kenny Omega want to push Riho as champions. He need to make a storyline about her character as AEW women champions.
5. How Kenny Omega deals with his problems and challenges on AEW women division?
The Knight of Sword indicates that Kenny Omega has ambition, drive and determination to make AEW women division. Kenny Omega know what he want to achieve and he is going for it.
I see Kenny becoming bold, brave, daring and courageous and go after what he want full throttle on the women division in AEW. It can also represent a big change in AEW women division.
I see Kenny Omega and Tony Khan in a huge meetings with AEW women locker room about their change in the women division. I see them discussing news ideas on how to improve their division as women wrestlers. I see that Brandi Rhodes has a good ideas but Kenny kinda shut her down. I think Kenny doesn’t want Brandi to change his ideas about Joshi wrestling in AEW.
Side Notes: Kenny Omega need to stop with this shade messy behavior with Brandi Rhodes. Yes, Brandi Rhodes is Cody wife but she is a woman who understands about women wrestling. Kenny can’t shut down Brandi Rhodes like that. He need to learn how to listening with her ideas and suggestions. Also Brandi Rhodes need to do the same thing too. She need to respectfully listened Kenny Omega as the one who is charge of the women division in AEW. Brandi Rhodes need to let Kenny Omega do his things on the women division in AEW.
6. How Kenny Omega solves the problems within AEW women division?
The Ten of Wand represents Kenny Omega was charge of the AEW women division that started off as a good idea but has now become a burden. It signifies problems, responsibilities, being overburdened, overloaded and stressed. It indicates that Kenny Omega have a huge weight on his shoulders and you feeling obligated, saddled and restricted. I feel like he being stripped from his duty as the boss of the women division in AEW. It’s like he is being control by Tony Khan and his father especially their hardcore fans. He really want to change his views on women wrestling in AEW. However, I feel like he is pressure to do something with Riho because of the fans or contact dealing with him. Right now, He is extremely stressful on his position as the one who is charge in AEW women division. He doesn’t know how to get his point across for AEW women division.
Side Note: I believe there are people going behind his back. And saying negative things about his position in the women division. Even some of the AEW women wrestlers go to Brandi Rhodes instead of him. Which is no good for Kenny Omega. AEW women wrestlers going to Brandi Rhodes for assistance to make women division better. It’s a problem for Kenny Omega.
My advice to Kenny Omega: Please do what Brandi Rhodes and young buck are doing with their wrestlers talents. They are bring character into their spotlight on storyline. Brandi with Awesome Kong cutting women wrestlers hair. Then young buck interview talents in their hotels rooms. Kenny Omega you can make Riho your star when you have a skits with her.
7. What Kenny Omega need to do improve AEW women division?
The Two of Pentacle can indicate that Kenny is trying to find or maintain the balance between various areas of his position as the boss in the women division in AEW. Kenny is dealing with the ups and downs of AEW women division. He need to be very resourceful, adaptable and flexible enough to get through them. However, it can be a warning that trying to juggle too many things at once and not prioritising what is important can lead to failure and exhaustion. Kenny please try to evaluate where he is putting his energy and cut back on what is not necessary in order to maintain a balanced and happy life on the women division in AEW.
Kenny Omega say something about AEW women division here:
"I want the women to have the largest stage possible on Dynamite and Dark. I'm fighting for it every week for them to have more time," stated Omega. "'Cut mine, I don't care.' When you have such a focus on the (tag team title) tournament, which took up so much time on each episode, it was two to one titles. I have to put blame on myself because I had the angle with [Jon] Moxley as well. At the end of the day, there's only so much time in an episode. It's almost amazing how fast it gets eaten up. We haven't been able to focus on women as much as I'd like. Some of it has been availability. We have girls signed and hopping on board. I hate to say 'wait til 2020,' but I can safely say in 2020 there are going to be interesting and exciting signings that will shake up the division. As soon as we have a women's tag division, that will balance (things) more and give the women more of a stage. Once there's that 'thing' for them to fight for, you're going to see more time devoted per episode for the women."
8. What Kenny Omega should not do on AEW women division?
The Four of Sword represents fear, anxiety and stress. I see Kenny will becoming overwhelmed and mentally overloaded when it appears on the AEW women division.
The Four of Sword tells Kenny that the issues he is facing are actually not as bad as he believe them to be and there are solutions available. I don’t want Kenny Omega to abandoning his position as the one who is responsible for the women division in AEW. He should not sleep on the women division in AEW. Allowing the women wrestlers to be equal as the men and let their voice be heard.
9. What Kenny Omega ideal women wrestlers that will represent AEW women division?
The Justice means that Kenny want women wrestlers with a strong sense of what is right and wrong and who likes to play fair and square. He wants his AEW women wrestlers to be balanced and take their time making decisions as they often fear they will make the wrong one. Kenny love women wrestlers are good at setting their emotions aside to make use of their logical brain to see what happens in pro wrestling business. He know pro wrestling business is a shady and backstabbing business.
Kenny considered for AEW women wrestlers to be cold as they don’t like to show their emotions on backstage politics and business. He want AEW women wrestlers just want to stay true to their principles in pro wrestling.
Kenny Omega love honest and real genuine women wrestlers who are truly honest with themselves. If you are a women wrestlers or upcoming women wrestlers in pro wrestling. Please be true to yourself and honest with people. Kenny Omega respect and adores realest wrestlers.
10. How Kenny Omega will help AEW women division?
The Temperance indicates that Kenny Omega have found his inner calm and have a good perspective on things. It is a sign that the relationships with AEW women division are harmonious. Kenny must learned not to allow himself to be dragged into other AEW women wrestlers conflict or to let minor issues knock him off balance. Instead Kenny adapt to the situations with a clear mind and calm heart and keep his balance.
Kenny Omega is a Libra sign in the horoscopes. Libra represents peace and balanced within their environment. He need to have a fatherly/motherly side to him. AEW Women wrestlers are very vulnerable and emotional people who need understanding on their own career in AEW. Kenny Omega must be the peacemakers in the women locker room.
11. What is Kenny Omega plan for AEW women division in the year 2020?
The Ace of Cup indicated which AEW women division deep fulfilment and a sense of joy in their work. I see Kenny in a loving and supportive work environment where staff are happy and welcoming him. I see a lot of former wwe women wrestlers and former NXT women wrestlers are coming to AEW wrestling. Yes, Kenny Omega and Tony Khan are doing a lot of script work for the women wrestlers in AEW.
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