#afflaite marketing
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Make Money With Affiliate Marketing
The Internet offers boundless possibilities for earning a living online. Upwork and Freelancers Union found that 35% of the American workforce did some freelance work in 2019. Furthermore, 77% of them said that technology made it easier to find freelance work.
Affiliate marketing is one way to make money on the Internet. Affiliate marketing is supposed to produce passive income, but does it really work? Let’s take a closer look.
In     simple terms, affiliate marketing means selling goods and services from     another person or company.
Nine     percent of publishers surveyed produced more than $50,000 in affiliate     income in 2016.
Always     remember that you're likely to make more money with affiliate marketing     content that is similar to your own.
Traditional advertisements and selling your own     products can help if your affiliate-marketing revenue dries up.
Affiliate Marketing Defined
In simple terms, affiliate marketing means selling goods and services from another person or company. It is like a referral service. You set up a website or blog and join affiliate programs that are relevant to your audience. You can connect to these programs through affiliate networks, which provide you with a link that you include on your site. When someone clicks the link and buys the product, you get a portion of the sale as a commission.
How Much Can You Earn?
The affiliate marketing industry is growing steadily. Statista reported that spending on affiliate marketing in the U.S. was predicted to reach $8.2 billion by 2022. That's up considerably from $5.4 billion in 2017 and $1.6 billion in 2010.
Another study from VigLink offers a closer look at just how much income affiliate marketers are making. According to the survey, 9% of publishers produced more than $50,000 in affiliate income in 2016. The majority of merchants—65%—said they were making between 5% and 20% of their annual revenue from affiliate marketing. The survey also showed a link between experience and revenues. Among the merchants with the most revenue, 60% had been involved in affiliate marketing for five years or more.
This majority of merchants said they were making between 5% and 20% of their annual revenue from affiliate marketing.
The biggest benefit of affiliate marketing is that you can more or less earn revenue on autopilot once it is up and running. All you need is a steady flow of traffic to your blog or website. However, there are some downsides.
If a company changes the terms of its affiliate program, your revenues could be directly affected. Becoming an affiliate for the wrong businesses can also create problems. You won't earn money if your blog or website audience doesn't feel compelled to buy their products or services. Given the growth of affiliate marketing, you’ll also have to contend with fierce competition from other marketers promoting the same products.
Finally, you'll have to keep people coming to your website with fresh content.
Developing a Successful Affiliate Marketing Strategy
It is relatively easy to get started in affiliate marketing, but generating sustainable income from affiliate programs is an entirely different ballgame. If you’re thinking of giving it a try, it is vital to lay the groundwork first.
Start by thinking about your audience. What kinds of goods and services do they want? Which products are you currently using that you would feel comfortable recommending to your readers? You can always add links to any affiliate program to your site. However, it would be best if you stuck to products that are connected with your websites to maximize the click-through rate and keep your audience.
Next, research individual affiliate programs to compare their structures. You want to consider factors such as the size of the commission and how often the company pays affiliates. Make sure you also understand any rules they impose on members of their affiliate networks. Always remember that you're likely to make more money with affiliate marketing content that is similar to your own.
Finally, be upfront with your readers. Adding a disclosure to your blog posts or somewhere on your website lets them know that they may come across affiliate links. This disclosure adds to your credibility, and it is also required by the Federal Trade Commission’s endorsement guidelines.
The Bottom Line
Affiliate marketing can be lucrative, but it takes a commitment of time and money to make it a real business. Do thorough research before you jump on the affiliate-marketing bandwagon.
Also, remember to avoid putting all your eggs in one basket. If you're hoping to build a moneymaking website, diversifying your income streams is a smart move. Traditional advertisements and selling your own products can help if your affiliate-marketing revenue dries up.
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otcsocialnetwork · 6 years
$NHPI – Updated DD 3.0 : Woodbrook Group 
Updated DD 3.0 : Woodbrook Group Adding to Q’s DD 2.0 post that’s stickied: Quick summary of what we know already plus more supplemental information Quick Recap: Micheal Doherty (CEO – Woodbrook Group) and Ziad K. Abdelnour (President – Blackhawk Parnters) are both Partners at Inter-M Traders. Inter-M Traders shares the same address as Blackhawk and Woodbrook Group as well. Well also know that Felicitas Management Holdings Limited / Mutual Trust Limited / Robusto Asset Management / Hygieia Limited / CBS Global are all apart of Woodbrook Group. See the sticky material at top from Q7 and Sibware for more on Inter-M and Doherty. Lets dig into Abdelnour – This guy is no joke:  He’s Founder and Chairman of Financial Policy Council – New York based Think Tank designed to formulate and promote sound & smart policies based on the principles of free enterprise and wealth creation. http://www.financialpolicycouncil.org/ I also recently found out that he was a former President at Arab Bankers Association of North America: more on this later below Quote:As Founder and Chairman of the Financial Policy Council, Ziad K. Abdelnour is also a Wall Street Financier, Author, Philanthropist, Activist, Lobbyist, Oil & Gas Trader & President & CEO of Blackhawk Partners, Inc., a New York based private equity “family office” that focuses on originating, structuring, advising and acting as equity investor in management-led buyouts, strategic minority equity investments, equity private placements, consolidations, buildups, and growth capital financing in companies and projects based both in the US and emerging markets and the trading of key physical commodities. Since 1985, Mr. Abdelnour has been involved in over 125 transactions worth in aggregate over $10 billion in the investment banking, high yield bond and distressed debt markets and has been widely recognized for playing an integral role in those three key market sectors. Mr. Abdelnour serves on the board of Elate Partners, a Chinese investment group backed by large institutional, strategic and wealthy individual investors from China. Mr. Abdelnour also serves on the Advisory board of DPG Investments, a recognized premier multi strategy global merchant banking, alternative investment, management and advisory firm. On a more personal level, Mr. Abdelnour, former President of the Arab Bankers Association of North America. Mr. Abdelnour is also a regular speaker on Private Equity, Physical Commodities trading and Middle East geo-political analysis at industry conferences & TV outlets nationwide including but not limited to Fox News, Newsmax, etc… and a key “influencer” in his own right having a hard core constituency of over 2 million viewers having read his blog postings and analyses since January 2014. Mr. Abdelnour holds an MBA in Finance from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania and a BS in Economics, Summa Cum Laude, from the American University of Beirut. He was recently listed as one of the 500 Most Influential CEOs in the World. Three things stand out here: Elate Partners / DPG Investments / Arab Bankers Association of North America Look at the bold portion in that quote: Elate Partners, a Chinese investment group backed by large institutional, strategic and wealthy individual investors from China. Do you want to know who else is apart of Elate Partners? Andrew Eros – He’s the CFA – Chartered Financial Analyst at Elate. He’s ALSO the Associate Real Estate Partner at guess where? Blackhawk Partners. Then there’s a company called DPG Investments: A large private investment firm led by Chairmen and CEO Daniel P. Galvanoni – WHO IS ALSO a Partner at BLACKHAWK. To add more to this: Ziad K. Abdelnour is a Partner and INTERNATIONAL Advisor at DPG Investments. Images below will help to tie this all together: Check out the team at Blackhawk – most notable in red \ Andrew Eros, CFA Elate and Partner at Blackhawk \ Daniel Galvanoni – Associate Partner Quote: Daniel Galvanoni is a Los Angeles based merchant banker who thrives in the structuring of complex financial transactions targeting private equity funds, hedge funds, REITS, equity portfolios, private merchant banks, pension funds, and life companies. In addition, Mr. Galvanoni’s emphasis rests strongly in ultra high net worth family office partnerships, predominantly based in North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Besides being the lead partner at Blackhawk bringing a West coast presence to the Firm, Mr. Galvanoni brings in a mutually profitable relationship second to none – especially when it comes to middle market buyouts – being the Chairman and Founder of DPG Investments, LLC; a multi strategy investment, advisory and merchant banking firm managing diverse assets comprised of private equity interests, short term high yield notes, and private investment partnerships. As of to date, DPG is actively managing over 30 operating private partnerships and portfolio investments/interests in which Mr. Galvanoni takes an active role by adding strategic value to DPG positions in its portfolio on an annual basis. The Capital Markets Group of DPG Investments focuses on the structuring and securing of both debt and equity for multi strategy alternative investment fund managers globally.Since the formation of DPG Investments, Daniel has originated over $1 billion in high yield debt and equity into DPG sponsored transactions and advisory mandates. Daniel also currently serves as a board member with DPG Realty Capital, DPG Investments, DPG Advisors and Fintramex. Ziad Abdelnour, Blackhawk Partners CEO serves on the International Advisory Board of the Family Office of DPG Investments as well. \ \ Then we have Demetri Michalakis – Partner at both Inter-M Traders and Blackhawk: \ Quote: Besides being one of Blackhawk’s key partners developing the Firm’s physical commodities trading business to the four corners of the world, Demetri is also the Managing Partner of Inter-M Traders, a firm in partnership with Blackhawk Partners The we have his Bloomberg Profile For Ziad K. Abdelnour: \ \ He’s the former President of Arab Bankers Association of North America. \ Quote:ABANA convenes hundreds of distinguished guests each year to celebrate the most accomplished individuals working in the Middle East, North Africa and North America. ABANA members are drivers behind many of today’s discussions around global financial and economic issues and they share a commitment to improved business flows and understanding between the US and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. ABANA’s eighty member institutions and 600 members are engaged in a diverse range of financial and commercial ventures. The majority of ABANA members are based in the US, and approximately 15% are based in the MENA region. Learn how to become a member of ABAN. ABANA is governed by a 20-person board of directors who are elected by its membership Take a look at some of the members here: \ \ \ It’s a pretty big deal to be afflaited with this PLUS to be PRESIDENT of it. I mean look who the President was after Abdelnour – Amer Bisat, Managing Director at BlackRock, who concluded two terms as ABANA president. Yeah, that BlackRock: the 10th largest AUM company at $6.3 Trillion Something else I found: Ziad is also the Managing Director at TerraNova Capital: Quote:TerraNova is a global firm with operations and investments throughout the world. In addition to our national presence in the U.S., we have extensive experience in Asia, the U.K., Europe, Africa and Australia. \ Blackhawk and TerraNova offices are basically in walking distance as well. \ And all of this ties back to Woodbrook Group and their companies. There is some serious SERIOUS money behind this. And you have to know that they are heavily invested in Woodbrook Group. Then here’s some supplemental information you may find interesting:  I wonder if Billionaire and former Director & Executive VP of NHPI, Alan Kestenbaum still holds his shares here. He’s the founder and CEO of the steel juggernaut Stelco Holdings Inc. that trades on the NAZ at $19.00. He’s still a present board member for NHPI as well. \ \ On top of all of this:  Former CEO David Ambrose, as of October, still holds 320,000,000 common shares (28%) and has EVEN gone as far to say this:  Quote:In addition, Mr. Ambrose has agreed to assume, indemnify, and defend the Company from an liabilities arising prior to the Agreement. THAT IS HUGE… then we have this: Then we have Michael Doherty like all kinds of tweets relating to NHPI and pending news. Even saying this in a Facebook message “We are working closely with the SEC and lawyers to make sure everything is within the law.” And a follow up that they are now just waiting on the SEC. \ This seems to have been in the works for quite some time which explains why we still have not heard any news or pre-news. Every T will get crossed and every I dotted before anything is released. http://dlvr.it/Qsk02n
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What Is Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing is an advertising model in which a company compensates third-party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company’s products and services. The third-party publishers are affiliates, and the commission fee incentivizes them to find ways to promote the company.
The Internet has increased the prominence of affiliate marketing. Amazon popularized the practice by creating an affiliate marketing program whereby websites and bloggers put links to the Amazon page for a reviewed or discussed product to receive advertising fees when a purchase is made. In this sense, affiliate marketing is essentially a pay for performance marketing program where the act of selling is outsourced across a vast network.
According to Business Insider, 15% of e-commerce revenue can be attributed to affiliate marketing.
Understanding Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing predates the Internet, but it is the world of digital marketing, analytics, and cookies that have made it a billion-dollar industry. A company running an affiliate marketing program can track the links that bring in leads and, through internal analytics, see how many convert to sales.
An e-commerce merchant wanting to reach a wider base of Internet users and shoppers may hire an affiliate. An affiliate could be the owner of multiple websites or email marketing lists; the more websites or email lists that an affiliate has, the wider his network. The hired affiliate then communicates and promotes the products offered on the e-commerce platform to his network. The affiliate does this by implementing banner ads, text ads, or links on its multiple owned websites or via email to its clientele. Firms use advertisements in the form of articles, videos, and images to draw an audience’s attention to a service or product.
Affiliates redirect visitors who click on one of these links or ads to the e-commerce site. If they purchase the product or service, the e-commerce merchant credits the affiliate’s account with the agreed-upon commission, which could be 5% to 10% of the sales price.
The goal of using an affiliate marketer is to increase sales—a win-win solution for the merchant and the affiliate.
Affiliate     marketing is a marketing scheme in which a company compensates     affiliate partners for business created from the affiliate's marketing     tactics.
Firms     typically pay per sale and less frequently by click or impression.
As     technology evolves, it is becoming increasingly easier for fraudsters to     generate multiple clicks and impressions via software.
Firms use innovative ways to circumvent     fraudulent attempts to drive business.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Affiliate Marketing
The advertising company sets the terms of an affiliate marketing program. Early on, companies largely paid the cost per click (traffic) or cost per mile (impressions) on banner advertisements. A technology evolved, the focus turned to commissions on actual sales or qualified leads. The early affiliate marketing programs were vulnerable to fraud because clicks could be generated by software, as could impressions.
Now, most affiliate programs have strict terms and conditions on how to generate leads. There are also certain banned methods, such as installing adware or spyware that redirect all search queries for a product to an affiliate's page. Some affiliate marketing programs go as far as to lay out how a product or service is to be discussed in the content before an affiliate link can be validated.
So an effective affiliate marketing program requires some forethought. The terms and conditions must be tight, especially if the contract agreement pays for traffic rather than sales. The potential for fraud in affiliate marketing is possible.
Unscrupulous affiliates can squat on domain names with misspellings and get a commission for the redirect. They can populate online registration forms with fake or stolen information, and they can purchase AdWords on search terms the company already ranks high on, and so on. Even if the terms and conditions are clear, an affiliate marketing program requires that someone monitor affiliates and enforce rules.
In exchange, however, a company can access motivated, creative people to help sell their product or services to the world.
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9 Best Affiliate Marketing Promotion Methods and Techniques
 Affiliate marketing can help you increase engagement and revenue, but it’s no longer just enough to launch these ads and hope for success.
Many brands and publishers have suffered from declining organic reach on platforms like Facebook and Instagram. So, making money from affiliate marketing isn’t as easy as creating high-quality content and distributing it organically. You need the right advertising and outreach strategies to help you drive users to your ads and partner publishers.
That’s why we’re breaking down the top 9 affiliate marketing promotion methods and techniques to boost your affiliate marketing and generate income:
·              PPC
·              Social Media
·              SEO
·              Blogging
·              How To Videos
·              Coupons
·              Email Marketing
·              Webinars
·              Reviews
How to Promote Affiliate Marketing
Use these affiliate marketing promotion methods to get eyes on your affiliate ads.
1. PPC
Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising involves launching ads, such as in search results or on web pages, with the goal of generating clicks. Every time a customer clicks on a PPC ad, the advertiser pays, and the hosting platform or publisher earns money.
A Google search for “fall boots,” for example, will bring up organic results topped by sponsored results — or PPC ads.
 Taboola is also a great platform for PPC campaigns, helping advertisers reach audiences across premium publisher sites with recommended articles and videos that drive customers to purchase.
 2. Social Media
Social platforms connect advertisers with billions of people across the world who are ready to learn more about their favorite brands and products. As GlobalWebIndex found, almost half of adult Internet users research products on social networks.
 Affiliate marketers would be wise to use social channels like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to share their content, generate a following, and tap into trending conversations. Social ad capabilities even allow customers to buy products right from their feeds, so they don’t have to leave their apps to drive conversions.
3. SEO
Search engine optimization (SEO) prepares your web pages to be found by just the right audiences. By strategically including popular, searchable keywords into your copy, image tags, and metadata, you can increase your chances of being seen in search results — and engaging people who are looking for exactly what you have to offer.
According to research from BrightEdge, organic search traffic jumped over 53% across industries in 2019, outpacing other channels like social media.
 4. Blogging
Blogging is one of the most effective affiliate marketing promotion methods for brands. Starting a blog can help you establish expertise in your industry, become a go-to source for helpful information, and build a community of readers who keep coming back for more content.
Take affiliate marketer GoPro. Their blog, The Inside Line, dives into the latest news and “what’s happening in the world of GoPro.”
 5. Helpful Videos
Online video consumption continues to skyrocket as Internet users are eating up social and web videos and livestreams. As Zenith reported, people spend an average of 84 minutes each day watching online video — and that number is expected to reach 100 minutes by 2021. That marks an average 32% growth rate in digital video consumption from 2013 to 2018.
Affiliate marketers can use online video to announce new products, conduct Q&As, reach targeted audiences, and conduct live demonstrations — building interactive, visually engaging experiences for prospective buyers.
Affiliate publisher Gear Patrol, for instance, uses its YouTube channel to dive deeper into its recommended and reviewed products from affiliate brand partners.
6. Coupons
Everyone loves a good deal. In fact, 97% of consumers look for deals when they shop and 92% are always looking for the best deal.
 Entice new customers to join the fold — or reward longtime customers for their loyalty — by sharing special offers and deals that relate to their interests. Popular coupon sites for affiliate marketers include RetailMeNot, Offers.com, Honey, and TechBargains.
7. Email Marketing
There are over 3.9 billion daily email users across the world, and that number is expected to reach 4.3 billion by 2023. Over 30% of B2B marketers even identify email newsletters as their most effective lead-generation source.
It’s no surprise. Email is an opt-in channel that lets brands and publishers deliver personalized content directly to people’s inboxes.
Brands can use mail marketing to share customized offers, promote trending blog content, and send customers to their product pages. E-commerce retailer Bombas, for example, does this well by sending weekly emails tailored to audience interests.
 8. Webinars
Just like in-person events and workshops, webinars can help brands connect with their audiences on a deeper level, and provide a more in-depth look at what they have to offer. They’re also a great solution for generating email sign-ups at registration and maintaining a point of contact with attendees even after the webinar is over.
As GoToWebinar reported, email drives 57% of webinar registrations and 67% of registrations are for 60-minute webinars, providing a big window for making customer connections.
 9. Reviews
Reviews can make or break a brand — and an affiliate marketing campaign. Consider more than 91% of people read online reviews and 84% trust them as much as they would recommendations from friends.
That’s why it’s important for affiliate marketers to ensure they manage their review pages on sites like Google and Yelp by responding to customers and providing incentives for leaving testimonials. Marketers can also partner with affiliate publishers, who can write reviews for their products and provide customized links to click through and purchase.
Take BuzzFeed, which built a whole site around providing reviews for affiliate products:
If you want to make the most of your advertising efforts, you need affiliate promotion methods to get the word out. You can use the strategies outlined above to get started and build a multi-channel promotion program, ensuring you reach the right audiences at scale with your affiliate marketing.
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5 Robust
Affiliate Marketing
Hacks to Increase Sales
 Looking to increase sales? Utilize these 5 robust marketing hacks to bring in quality leads and effectively convert leads into sales. These tips work well both in digital marketing and affiliate marketing.
Digital marketing is the most productive way to meet your target audience, drive targeted traffic to your website, generate quality leads, and eventually, close sales.
The secret to understanding the following is the development of a digital marketing strategy that will promote business growth:
·         How much money is to be spent on digital marketing?
·         What strategies can ensure the highest return on investment (ROI)?
·         What channels are going to support the funnel in high-quality leads?
·         What can be done to promote the full experience of the buyer?
·         How can success really be measured?
 No matter how small or big your company is, having a deep understanding of what happens when you execute your digital marketing plan is key to making better decisions that produce meaningful results.
As such, getting the right resources, ideas, and people in place will only help improve your efforts to achieve your other business objectives.
Here are 5 powerful marketing hacks that will help you boost your sales in affiliate marketing or on your e-shop:
1. Develop Star Content for Digital Marketing
The trick to making your content work for you in terms of visibility, leads, and sales is to make sure that you add significant value. This ensures that the subjects you’re writing about and the tips you’re bringing out are actionable and digested by your target audience.
 One of the main errors I see businesses making is producing content and thinking it will draw attention right away. Know that the content plan needs to be based on both short and long-term objectives. 
You’re doing a marathon, not a sprint.
There is a multitude of content forms that you can consider, so let’s look at a few and understand the advantages of each:
·         Blogging: Research subjects that are currently being searched for, like hashtags that are being used by your target audience. Find a way to be part of these discussions by writing insightful blog posts.
·         Infographics: Visual content is easy to absorb, so create infographics as a way to connect on your website, expand time-on-site, and input CTA (call-to-action) to let people know more about what you have to give.
·         Guides and eBooks: whether you want to store your content or not, the most important thing is that they are effectively leveraged as lead magnets. You can do this without gating content because the feedback of CTAs through content pieces can also help you understand what drives interaction and what doesn’t.
2. Run your social ads
 Advertising on social media is a no-brainer. Let’s assume that you’re in control of generating leads for the B2B SaaS product and need to find out how you can generate sales-qualified leads that transform into opportunities—what social networks might you like to consider?
First of all, look at the three: LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.
You’re going to be able to narrow down individual users, test different creatives and messages, and gather data to see what works best. Like every advertisement technique, make sure that you connect your social ads to their own landing pages and that the copy from the advertisement to the landing page matches. Besides, consider the following:
·         Leverage your content assets to the enclosure of leads and questions.
·         Make sure your message is a straightforward issue and solution.
·         Build several creative assets to prevent ad fatigue.
Fine-tune and tweak the way you go. In other words, emphasis on development rather than perfection.
3. Establish comprehensive email marketing services
If you have the lead information obtained from your website, the next logical move is to build automated workflows to help your lead. The trick to making successful workflows is to chart your purchaser’s path and match your email strategy with that.
 Here are a few key tips to keep in mind as you build the following:
·         Place the contents around the life-cycle stages of your leads.
·         Enable lead score so you can keep track of what drives interaction and movement from one life-cycle stage to the next.
·         Segment and configure it.
Test several subject lines and copy them.
4. Host A Webinar
 Get innovative with your webinars by inviting guest speakers to help co-host and even interview satisfied consumers who use your product/services. According to Xant, 73% of sales and marketing leaders say webinars are one of the best ways to generate quality leads. In reality, a single webinar might give you more than 1,000 leads.
To ensure that your webinars are successful, do the following:
Study and choose the right subject. Just as for your blog themes, do the same with your webinar themes—about it’s the searcher’s purpose and target audience needs, i.e., the problem you solve.
Decide on a plan to support your webinar. Unlike your other advertisements that are encouraged to provide advice or direct inquiry, webinars require at least 1-2 weeks of promotional time.
Build a variety of promotional emails, as well as reminders.
Run social ads, but also search engine ads.
Only get out of the PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation. Be very open to your webinars.
Ensure that the webinar is available on-demand, and then have a series of follow-up emails and advertisements to keep the connection going, transforming into opportunities.
5. Push a Growth Hacking Strategy
Growth hacking takes on the approach of checking almost all you can during the entire purchaser’s journey so that you gain clarity on what causes an interesting lead and then advance to a sale. The best thing about growth hacking is that you can apply it to any single digital marketing strategy.
 Here are some examples you can use:
·         A/B split test for the headlines and CTAs for targeted landing pages that are connected to your ads and homepage.
·         Personalize your emails by section and even by people.
·         Create several content clusters for your blog posts to see which one generates the best quality leads that transform into real sales opportunities.
·         Strong digital marketing versus great digital marketing.
What distinguishes good digital marketing from great digital marketing is not only the willingness to spend a lot of money but to use the money to demonstrate the real problem you solve. In other words, you’re selling a solution to a simple problem, and you can explain how you can do it.
 More precisely, consumers are buying from people, not businesses. Therefore being true to your strategy and staying clear of making a transactional sale can only benefit you in the long run.
At the end of the day, continue to combine your instincts and the data you collect to excel your business. Don’t look at digital marketing just like a 1:1—money in and money out—solution. Instead, use the power of digital marketing to build visibility that stretches beyond just one piece of creativity or content. Changing your outlook on this strategy would help you keep your target customers’ needs at the forefront of your mind and, in turn, support your growth initiatives.
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Best Affiliate Micro Niche Ideas for 2021
 With 2021 behind the corner, we are already studying the market and looking for more money-making ideas that will be relevant in the upcoming year.
Now, if you already know what micro niches are and how to monetize them, you may want to learn about the most profitable affiliate marketing micro niches. If you concentrate your efforts on those market niches, you have a very high chance of success, because these topics will be in great demand.
Your only job is to take the niche and create a micro niche out of it.
How do you do it?
By asking yourself:
·         Who is this product going to be for? (Men, Women, Children)
·         What age are you targeting? (Toddlers, teens, middle-aged, seniors)
·         Location? (Country or city targeted)
·         Ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, etc.
 For example:
·         “dating” is a broad niche. However, “dating for Hindu women over 40” is a micro niche.
·         “makeup” is a broad niche, but “makeup for mature dark skin” is a micro niche.
·         “yoga” is a wide niche, but “yoga classes in Paris” is a micro niche.
As you can see, you can take virtually any niche, no matter how big, and create a micro nice out of it, but adding the targeted audience.
Now, with that in mind, let’s discuss the most popular affiliate marketing niches that will bloom, or continue to bloom, in 2021.
Best Affiliate Micro Niche Ideas for 2021
1. The Technology Niche
2. The Health / Weight loss / Fitness Niche
3. Digital Marketing Niche
4. Love/Relationship Niche
5. Finances and Investments Niche
6. The Pet Care Niche
7. The Entertainment (Movies/Music) Niche
8. The Fashion/Beauty Niche
9. The Travel/Accommodation Niche
10. Mental Health Niche
11. Self-Development Niche
However, you already know that these are broad niches, and we need to find a micro niche.
Home Automation Micro Niche
Inside the technology niche, home automation isn’t particularly a “micro niche,” yet it targets a very specific range of products and needs. Since home automation is very popular in the US and just slowly taking off in Europe and the rest of the world, I predict it’s going to be a hot micro niche for many affiliate marketers.
With new products joining the home automation every month, I am sure those who direct their blogs at “smart homes” are going to thrive in 2021.
Drones Micro Niche
It may seem that drones and smartphones are no longer a big thing. At least, no as much as it was 4-5 years ago. However, they continue to be best sellers in many e-shops, including Amazon. Since drones tend to have a relatively short life span (they crash into the lake, land on a neighbor’s balcony, or just end up on the highest tree), they are often bought over and over again. If you are buying a drone for a child, you might as well grab two to avoid tears on the first pilot’s première. Trust me, I speak from experience.
All-natural makeup
Moving on to the health and beauty industry, the trend of “natural” makeup is hot. It cannot even be a micro niche anymore because it’s growing so fast. Nonetheless, if you run a beauty blog, it’s a gold mine.
 Instead of writing about “regular” makeup that is extremely hard to sell through your affiliate links, concentrate your efforts on a vegan, cruelty-free, and 100% natural makeup or skincare. A large segment of women choose to be environmentally conscious and will be eager to buy an unknown (“no-name”) brand product if they are convinced that they purchase a high-quality ingredients list.
Curly hair care micro niche
As a curly girl, I know first hand how lucrative this niche is. While men may still argue that one shampoo can suit every head in the world, women will continue to buy “pre-shampoo mask,” “shampoo for curly hair,” “conditioner,” “leave-in mask,” gel, mousse, hair spray, roots touch-up and many, many more colorful bottles…
 Targeting hair products isn’t a “micro” niche in itself.
You have to target a specific hair type.
Since curls are hot and will continue to be fashionable in 2021, everyone buys an electrical curler, rollers, and hair care products for curls. Why not jump on the bandwagon?
Tiny houses micro niche
Another trend that has started a couple of years ago but will continue to be extremely popular in 2021 ad beyond. Especially now, in the post-coronavirus crisis, when a lot of people were left without jobs or a stable income, a “tiny house” in a micro niche (literally!) inside the real estate business.
 It focuses on extremely small and often eco-friendly homes that do not waste space. Such a cozy cabin in the woods does not cost much and can be an effective solution for a tight-budget family who is willing to sacrifice the comfort of a spacious life for an eco-friendly minimalistic solution.
If you decide to make money from real estate affiliate sales of tiny houses, you are going to succeed in 2021.
Online Entertainment micro niche
Again, with the ongoing coronavirus, lockdown, and social distancing – the internet is slowly becoming the only place we can talk, learn, meet, and have fun.
 Choose a micro niche that is aimed at online entertaining, and you won’t regret it: video games, online dating, internet TVs, whatever. Remember to focus your attention on a micro niche, so instead of targeting video games, chose (for example) racing PlayStation games for kids. Even internet TV is big business. You will be surprised, but alongside Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Rakuten, there are dozens of other networks focusing on specific niches (romantic dramas, supernatural, etc.).
Psychological health micro niche
Ask anyone, and he will tell you that we live in an era of depression. People are depressed like never before. Antidepressants are prescribed in volumes like never before. 
We search online for a solution.
Oh, anything that would help!
From natural anxiety medicines to self-development or self-improvement courses. From food supplements to self-help books, from lucky amulets to “miraculous” CBD oils. 
If you decide to make money off people’s depression, I promise you: you will never be out of business. Choose a specific niche and go with it.
 The number of affiliate marketing niches is almost uncountable, and the number of micro niches is virtually unlimited. All you have to do is find a “main” lucrative niche and target a very specific audience inside it. In this article, we listed the most lucrative and money-making affiliate marketing niches as well as micro niches inside each category. I hope this post in our micro niche series was helpful. Don’t forget to check out all the previous articles on micro niche topic and let me know what do you think about it.
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18 Easy Ways To Create Passive Income Online in 2021
Earn Passive Income Over the Internet With These 18 Easy Ways
If you want to make money in 2021, we have a few great passive income ideas for you. Below is a list of 18 ways to make money online, passively and easily. Despite the great variety, you probably already heard about some of them before. Go through them all and choose the methods that are best for you.
Are you ready to earn passive income online?
Start making YouTube videos.
Making videos for YouTube is a fast-growing sport. Nowadays, you can film from anywhere with high-quality cameras even on your phone. And the videos you make can really be about anything. Think of makeup, sports, crypto, and someone’s daily life (vlogging or keeping an internet diary).
The possibilities are endless!
You will spend a lot of time making videos, especially when they are still subject to editing. When finished, however, they can create passive income online for a long time. You will earn with “Google Adsense” ads that are displayed on your videos.
Who can teach you better to become a super YouTube, than PewDiePie with his 100M subscribers?
You get paid every time someone looks at or clicks on this ad. The price per view is low, we are not talking about crazy money here, but if you have many views, it is becoming a bigger stream of income, especially when you create content daily.
Big Youtube stars, whose videos get hundreds of thousands of views every day, are making a full-time income just from Youtube.
Create a website for affiliate marketing. 
Another very interesting way, especially for people with an existing blog or website: is affiliate marketing. You can use this to place links on your blog that promote products. For example, you will receive a fixed amount or percentage of the sale for every order placed via your link. Do you have many visitors who are interested in certain products or services? Then you can certainly build a nice passive income with affiliate marketing!
Read also our popular blog post:
 There are numerous platforms where you can find companies that do affiliate marketing. They want to sell something, preferably through as many channels as possible. If your website has enough visitors, those companies are eager to do business with you. However, you can also start a very targeted micro niche website that will generate revenue with even smaller traffic.
The best way is to create a website or blog is to choose a topic you are passionate about, and promote products or services that are relevant to this niche. That increases your conversion rates!
Sell ​​your photos on the internet.
Do you like photography? If so, you may be able to generate a nice source of passive income with your photos. You can post photos taken on so-called stock photo websites, such as Shutterstock or iStockphoto. This way, you will receive a fixed amount or percentage for every customer who buys your photos through that website.
If you make a nice portfolio, you can earn a great deal of money through it. Posting your photos is not difficult. The complete process is fully automatic. And the great thing is… every photo you take can be sold again and again and generate compound revenue. Ideal, right?
Keep in mind that your photos have to be really good and high quality. It is smart to look at what is already in high demand. So make them slightly with a commercial slant; this works best 9 times out of 10!
Write an e-book
Writing an e-book seems like a lot of work at first… and it is! But once completed, it can be a fruitful source of income. Your book can be sold via your own website, but also, e.g., via Amazon or ClickBank. This way, you reach a broad audience in one go, but make sure that your e-book is worth reading.
You can write about anything, but you must know a lot about the subject. Give the reader a lot of useful information, use the right words, make it exciting and easy to read. Have you ever run into a problem that no one is writing about yet? Then you might have a gold mine in your hands.
Even with 1 good book, you can earn a nice passive income for a long time… because the sales could be unlimited!
Sell your own products.
Creating your own products can be considered a very broad topic, where you can sell just about anything. You can make your own products or have them produced cheaply in countries such as China.
You will have to build your own website for this, where customers can order the products. Another way is to place products on Amazon, which increases the chance of even more sales.
Always make sure that you have your own website anyway.
When you sell your own products, you have higher profit margins, more freedom, possibly more market dominance, and many sales opportunities. This way, you can quickly make more sales via large platforms (such as Amazon). They can even arrange the complete handling of your orders, leaving you more time for marketing and creativity.
Regardless of the time you put in, this is a great source of a passive income!
Adopt a blog that already exists
Are you able to get an existing blog for a good price? Then you can also earn a very nice passive income with this blog. Blogs are being created all the time, but not all of these blogs are used to their full potential.
So make smart use of this idea.
You can do this with Google Adsense and affiliate marketing. Blogs with a lot of authority and monthly traffic are ideal for this. In financial terms, you should keep about 24 times the monthly income of the blog’s price. If the income is $300 per month (preferably consistent for several years), then you have a price of $7200. It is, of course, better if you can manage for less.
Pay attention to whether it is really a nice blog, or whether the owner wants to get rid of it for another reason. Savvy affiliate marketers make $10k from their websites, so there is definitely some room for making money!
Start an e-shop
Starting an e-shop is also a good idea, where your own products are not necessarily required. Starting an e-shop in a niche where your passion lies – makes it more fun and profitable. You can start small… and when everything goes well, expand your range with more related products.
 You have to do a lot of work for it, but you will generate more and more passive income.
However, don’t want to be occupied with your eshop, all the time? Then you can automate a number of processes. For example, you can opt for dropshipping, where products go directly from the manufacturer or wholesaler to your customers. You can also place the storage of products at Amazon or ShareASale and have the complete fulfillment arranged by these parties. This saves you time, and you also get a lot of “exposure” for your products.
Plenty of features that may take some time in the beginning, will create passive income online later on autopilot!
Be a referring resource.
Any small (start-up) business can use referrals, which lead to more sales. Make a list of companies that you regularly turn to and that you can recommend to others. Then, ask them if they give you some sort of commission when customers come to those companies through you. It can lead to a nice side-stream of earnings.
You can even create a website for this with recommendations or quotations (something like a portal). Also, use social media and other online ways to increase exposure. When you approach it a little smarter, your earnings can suddenly add up.
It is, of course, important that you do not spend too much time on it. But it quite easily causes a snowball effect. In this way, you also build up real passive income, and you can do other interesting things while the money is being generated on autopilot.
Create an app
You can also start building an app. Yes, I know it’s not for everyone, but it’s not THAT hard. You have to ask yourself a number of questions.
·         What do you want your app to do?
·         How do you make the app attractive to users?
·         What problem do you solve with it?
·         How do users’ lives become simpler with your app?
·         And how are you going to market your app?
Of course, many developers want to release an app, so really stand out.
 It starts with a good idea, but then you also have to spend time developing it. Your app can be complex, but also super simple. Think of some games that literally don’t make sense, but have a great playtime. With the addition of advertisements, you can earn a lot of passive income with apps.
You can buy under-developed apps for a very low price, which will add up with massive use. This way, you can earn money for years with 1 made app.
If you are a beginner, ready to get started have a look at this detailed video tutorial:
Develop an online course
Everyone is an expert at something, so why not create an online course for this? It can be a great source of a passive income!
You can approach this in different ways. For example, there are websites like Udemy.com, with millions of students looking for new online courses every day. You can also post your online course on many other websites, including Amazon, of course. There are plenty of sales channels where you can sell an online course, just use Google to find what suits best.
Now it is important to make an excellent online course. If you post your online course on international platforms, you will have to make it in English. The use of video lessons, checklists, small e-books for support, images, and, for example, an audio version to reinforce your content.
Also, make 3 different packages with corresponding price categories. This way, you reach every customer, so that you take full advantage of the customers’ volume and earn more.
Google Adsense
Google Adsense really is one of the simplest ways to create passive income online. You place advertisements on your website or blog and don’t have to do anything about it.
The income is generated every time when visitors click on your ads.
Although you only earn a few cents per click, it can add up when you get a lot of visitors. The percentage that clicks on it every day can thus lead from nice pocket money to a whole monthly income.
 So it works best when you have a website that is well visited. It can also help to take over an existing website. You can also combine Adsense very well with, for example, affiliate marketing or other revenue models. This way, you build up more and more income with one website.
What are the best spots for Google Adsense?
Pay attention to where you place the ads. The best locations for this on your website are
·         inside the content
·         in the header
·         and the sidebar’s left side
Also, make sure you use the recommended dimensions that Google uses. And use ads with images, but also with text only. According to measurements, that combination yields the most!
Placing a donation button can also lead to passive income. It may not be a constant source of income, but it can add up.
 You work hard on your website, without perhaps getting paid. Some visitors are happy to lend you a hand. When this happens regularly, you can earn nice with it.
The best way is to post new content regularly and to be really valuable for your visitors. In this way, you build up a community bit by bit… so that people are also more inclined to make a donation.
You can use Paypal for this, for example, by making a donation button with your account (or just create it first). And then place it on your website. Most people have a Paypal account and can donate some money for free and quickly.
You can also receive donations on Youtube.
You can also receive donations on Youtube. In addition to a passive income on YouTube with your videos, it is an extra way to generate income quickly!
It often happens in live streams, where you can sometimes see the amounts increase considerably. Ok, you will have to build a large audience first. But there is a very good chance that they will give you something. Suppose you do a 1-hour live stream in which you answer questions. Then you can earn a nice extra cent with this. And your live stream can be viewed again later, where you place advertisements again. So do you regularly combine normal videos with live streams? Then you can earn money in 2 ways.
With donations, it is, of course, true that you get them. It is nice when your subscribers make a donation. This gives you extra for all your efforts.
Selling advertising space
 Do you have a website or blog with many visitors? Then you can also make advertising space available for companies that want to advertise on your website. For example, you can place a banner in the header for a fixed amount per month. With a few banners, you earn a lot of money.
Create manuals
Are you looking for additional ways in which you can earn passive income? Then writing manuals might be your cup of tea.
You can create very extensive manuals for the most specific topics. A manual helps people to achieve a certain goal step by step. Usually, this is accompanied by a small fee.
Another way is to offer the manual for free, using a different revenue model. Think of Google Adsense, affiliate links, subscriptions, or other things.
It’s a smart way to make extra money!
Invest in real estate through crowdfunding
 Investing in real estate is a very profitable way to create passive income on the internet. However, buying a house or apartment is not really cheap. You will therefore need to have equity capital or borrow it from the bank.
But there are also ways to do it differently. For example, you can invest in real estate through crowdfunding. You don’t have to put in a large amount right away, and you can start with a few hundred euros.
For example, if you look at the Fundrise.com website, you will see that around 8.7 to 12.4% interest can be earned with this. You do not have a guarantee for a fixed percentage, but you will earn extra money anyway.
Investing in stocks
Buying stocks can also create passive income online for you for a long time. In many cases, you buy shares, and you also claim a part of the profit (dividend) every 3 months. Are you going to buy shares? Then do this from companies that are reliable and likely to make more and more profit.
You can also learn more about how stock markets work. That way, you will be better able to buy stocks at a low point. Certainly, there is not always something wrong with the company for the larger companies when shares are low. If the shares then go up again, you can take advantage of the increases.
Depending on how much you invest, you can earn a nice passive income for a longer period of time!
Borrowing peer-to-peer (P2P)
It’s probably not your first idea to create passive income online. But it can be profitable to borrow peer-to-peer. You receive interest on money that you lend to others.
 Some people are not eligible to borrow through traditional financial services providers. However, some platforms lend it to that
makes people possible. You can register yourself, and that way, lend money to others. This does not even have to be very large amounts.
You will then receive interest on the borrowed money.
In most cases, it will earn you some extra money, but also carefully consider the risks. There are different categories, namely low risk, medium risk, and high risk. They indicate the risk of guaranteeing the loan. So pay attention to this!
Make money with things you already do
You can earn money with things you already do. This includes reading emails, shopping online, and searching the internet.
Of course, it does not bring in much, compared to the other ways mentioned. But it is a method to earn something extra, for which you do not have to do anything extra.
However, we recommend going other ways.
What are the best ways to create passive income online?
There are many ways to create passive income.
Our advice is to focus on the serious ways with which you really build an online business. They do take you some time in the beginning. But you will earn (a lot of) money online quickly and for a longer period of time!
You will always have to do something for it, but when everything is running… you will be very happy with the results achieved.
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Do you want to skip the read and get right to my top picks? The best web hosting service for most people is Dreamhost or Hostinger.
Looking for a hosting solution for your website?
You’re in luck because with today’s options, it has never been easier to keep your website online.
They take care of all the technical stuff and you get to enjoy casually updating your website for conversions.
And the best part is that most of them are very affordable which helps startups get a hold of their business quickly.
That’s why I put together a list of the best hosting services of 2021 for you.
So without further ado…
The Top 8 Options For Hosting Your Website in 2021:
1.   Dreamhost Best option if you want quick and responsive website changes
2.   Hostinger – Low-Cost shared hosting options for startups
3.   Bluehost – Best for WordPress hosting
4.   Nexcess – Best ecommerce hosting
5.   HostGator – Most affordable option for startups
6.   WP Engine – Best option if you know your limits
7.   InMotion – Best option for scaling BIG
8.   Siteground – Best for WooCommerce hosting
How to Choose The Best Hosting Service For Your Website:
When it comes to the best web hosting services you have to look at various important factors.
If you jump in too quick you might get into something that’s not suitable for your business.
But don’t let any of that doubt creep into your mind.
Instead, sit back and relax while we present to you all the factors that you need to be aware of before making a decision.
You can weigh the different web hosting services and decide which is the best solution for your specific business.
Hosting factor #1 – Uptime reliability:
If your hosting is down, no one would be able to access your website.
And obviously you want your website running 24/7.
Luckily, in 2021 this is not a huge problem since most web hosting providers offer a ‘99.99% network uptime guarantee’.
That means that your website would go down very rarely.
And even when it does, you can contact your hosting service and you will get compensation.
Most of the time that would be in the form of hosting credits.
If you want to prepare for the worst, you can check out our Website Downtime Survival Guide.
One of the best practices to making sure everything runs smoothly even when you’re taking a break is to sign up for a tracking tool like uptime robot.
If your hosting service crosses the line, this tool will notify you that you need to find a new webserver to host.
Hosting factor #2 – Speed is key:
Website loading speed is extremely crucial when it comes to SEO optimization in 2021.
That’s simply because if your pages load slowly, people will bounce out of your website and your ranking will fall down the drain.
You need a trustworthy host provider that can guarantee optimal website loading speed.
The thing is that you can’t know the exact loading speed before you try the hosting service yourself.
But you can always optimize your website loading speed using free tools and effective loading speed practices.
And the best news is that even if your budget is tight, you can still get a good loading speed.
But don’t expect anything spectacular for say $4/month.
Generally, the higher the price, the faster your pages will load.
Anyways, we will include our personal experience regarding loading speed for each of the options down below.
Hosting factor #3 – Customer
Good Customer Service will come in handy when something goes wrong.
Especially if you’re new to websites, you’re bound to make mistakes that may lead to your website being down for a while.
And the more time it’s out, the more it will cost you.
So a good support team will help you get the issues solved in no time.
Even if you made a major mistake that’s impossible to come back from…
Most support teams will have a full backup of your website so you can get back to a working version.
You always want your support team to have a live chat or a telephone you can call.
Email just doesn’t make the cut if you want to resolve the issue fast, which you should want, given that your website is down.
We made sure to include only website hosting services with strong communication skills.
The Different Types of Web Hosting Services:
In 2021 there are a lot of different types of web hosting services.
The most commonly used being:
This means your website will be stored on the same server as a bunch of other websites.
It is a cheap option for startup websites.
With the right one, you can have customizable options and average loading speed.
Don’t look at Shared Hosting as a long-term solution because Shared Hosting can not withstand high levels of traffic.
It’s definitely a good solution for people that just want to get their website up and running fast.
The Virtual Private Server (VPS) is definitely a better option than Shared Hosting.
Each website is hosted in its own virtual space which speeds up your loading speed and also allows you to get more traffic on your website.
This option is best if you’re planning to scale your website fast.
Yet again, it’s not a long-term option if you want to be one of the top websites in your industry.
Simply because it still has limitations when it comes to website traffic.
This is considered the most reliable and overall the best option out there.
You get a dedicated server just for your website with full control over everything.
But prepare yourself for a pricey alternative.
That option is mainly for the best of the best.
If you have plans to scale your traffic to enormously high levels, this is the only option for you.
But if you’re just starting out, we recommend one of the other 2 options.
Anyways, the web hosting services below give you the option to choose between different types of hosting services.
So just choose the one that fits your business and your budget best.
#1 – Dreamhost — Best Option if You Want quick and Responsive Website Changes
Dreamhost has been a big player for the longest time now.
Founded in 1996 it is one of the oldest hosting services available online.
Some people might think it must be outdated by now.
But that can’t be further from the truth.
Exactly because of their ability to adapt quickly to new trends they’re still considered one of the best in the business.
They don’t look at your website as just another website.
They know that your website is your own vision for the future.
“We Make Sure Your Purpose, Is Our Purpose”
And that’s not just words. Over 1.5 million websites host with Dreamhost.
You can expect great loading speed and friendly, helpful customer support on your side.
With incredibly adaptable services you can literally change your business in a matter of hours.
They know that things change as time passes.
Maybe you want to try out something new.
Maybe you’re certain that your current business model is outdated.
With their fascinating adaptable features, they will be your best friend when making major changes in your website.
#2 – Hostinger — Low-Cost Shared Hosting Options for Startups
Hostinger is unique with it’s Shared Hosting Services.
Their prices literally start from $0.99/month. WOW.
Of course, you’ll be very limited with this option but it shows how much they are ready to do in order to satisfy their customers.
We personally recommend one of the higher tier options:
The good thing with Hostinger is that for as low as $3.99/month you can get unlimited access to everything.
With 24/7/365 support, you can expect professional assistance at any point.
That’s less than four bucks a month for great loading speed and daily website backups.
That means even if you mess up badly, you always have access to previous versions of your website.
It is the best option if you’re searching specifically for a Shared Hosting Service that’s affordable and reliable.
#3 – Bluehost — Best for WordPress Hosting
If you’re looking to set up your website in less than a week, you’re probably considering WordPress.
After all, according to NetCraft, 35% of the Internet is powered by WordPress.
And it’s not a surprise. WordPress has been a leader in the industry for years now.
So if you’re looking for the best hosting option for your WordPress website, you can definitely trust Bluehost.
Their pricing options are competitive. Basic is $3.95/month and Choice Plus is just $5.95/month to get started.
This is really affordable considering all the unlimited features they bring to the table.
Regarding website loading speed, as long as you don’t fill your WordPress site with plugins, you should be good.
And even if you make a crucial mistake or overload your website with different plugins, you’re in good hands.
Their Customer Support is extremely responsive. They have both an active telephone line and a live chat you can rely on at all times.
#4 – Nexcess — Best Ecommerce Hosting
If you want a hands-off hosting solution for your online store, Nexcess is an incredibly smart choice. Use coupon code NEIL40 for 40% off 4 months.
They offer a wide range of hosting options with specialty solutions for Magento, WordPress, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Drupal, and more.
Plus, you get one-click auto-scaling to handle unexpected traffic spikes, 24/7 monitoring and customer support, and premium SSL certificates to keep your site and visitors safe.
So, you get everything you need to start, manage, and scale your online store.
On top of the amazing features, Nexcess has been around for 20 years with more than 500,000+ websites under their belt.
As such, they know a thing or two about how to help make your life easier.
With that said, it’s not the cheapest option on this list. But you do get more features, better support, and improved performance with the higher price tag.
So, if you need advanced security or expect to grow quickly, Nexcess is an excellent e-commerce hosting solution.
WordPress hosting plans start at $15 per month for one store, 15 GB of space, and two TB of bandwidth.
However, pricing varies based on the platform you choose. Use coupon code NEIL40 for 40% off 4 months. Sign up now.
#5 – HostGator — Most Affordable Option for Startups
HostGator is one of the most preferred options when it comes to blogging.
They are perfect if you’re looking for the most affordable way to begin posting online.
Pricing options start from the jaw-dropping $2.75/month.
Once again, you can’t expect the best features for such a low price.
But it’s a great alternative for startups that want to get their website up and running.
And just like Bluehost, they have a responsive telephone line with a live chat you can access at any moment.
You can also find a giant database with common questions beginners have, together with professional opinions and solutions to those problems.
Everything is explained and demonstrated step-by-step and if you’re still not sure that you can do it on your own.
Just shoot them a message and start chatting with their professional customer support.
#6 – WP Engine — Best Option if You Know Your Limits
We’re getting to the more advanced options now.
With WP Engine you can customize and get the exact features you need.
Of course, their services are not as cheap as some of the others on the list.
But if you’re certain what are the exact characteristics you need in a website, then WP Engine got your back.
You just have to contact them and work out the best plan for your specific situation.
Of course, their experts are going to help you choose the correct option without pushing you to stuff you wouldn’t need.
It’s a great Hosting Service if you’re looking to scale big.
Don’t expect cheap services, but expect great quality and support on the way to your successful business.
#7 – InMotion — Best Option for Scaling BIG
Are you positive that your website is going to dominate the online space?
If you’re 100% sure, then you should definitely take a closer look at InMotion.
Their VPS and Dedicated hosting services are far from cheap.
But with Premium prices come Premium services. We are talking fast loading speed and devoted customer support.
Obviously there’s also affordable WordPress Hosting and Shared Hosting options.
But if you’ve tried these before and now you’re looking for the next step.
InMotion is going to overdeliver on every promise.
Check out their plans and choose the one that fits your needs best.
#8 – Siteground — Best for WooCommerce Hosting
Do you want to sell your products online?
Then you’re probably in need of a good, reliable WooCommerce Hosting Service.
If that’s that case, then you should take a look at Siteground.
They have separated their pricing options depending on your scalability.
Most Hosting Services cut you here and there when it comes to cheaper options.
This is not the case here!
Siteground really wants to overdeliver, even if you choose their cheapest options.
Their Customer Service has a whopping 90% resolution at first contact.
That means that 90% of the time you’ll chat or speak with an expert in their team and resolve your issue in no time.
So if you’re looking for the best WooCommerce solution, Siteground is the hosting service for you.
Your Hosting Service Is Your Best Friend
Make sure you make a well-thought-out decision.
You’re most likely going to have a long-term relationship with the hosting service you choose.
So carefully look into every option that caught your eye today and choose the one that fits your needs best.
So, whether you choose one of my top recommendations or scout out your own, use the tips and best practices we talked about to make an educated decision… like the future of your business depends on it.
Because it does!
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12 Free Ways To Earn Money From Internet Without Any Investment
I am sure you know at least one friend or family member or colleague earning handsome money online.  You might have thought, it’s easy peasy money. You can make it too. But either you got trapped in an online scam or failed.
Have you ever wondered why?
It’s because either you didn’t know where to look at and where to start from or you wanted a shortcut to earn tons of money. Let me tell you, there is no shortcut to earn money. You have to work hard.
Let me tell you a story. One of my friends went for a digital festival sometime back. There he saw a guy sitting with a big board saying “Earn money fast: simple and easy form and survey filling job”.
The offer seemed attractive to him. He approached the counter and signed up for the job. The deal was he has to pay an initial amount of $40 to complete the registration. Once that is done, he will receive some survey forms and will get paid for it.
After a few days, he received some more online surveys which he gladly filled and sent. This continued for a month until one day the communication channel (email) was not reachable. All his emails bounced back and the guy who hired my friend was nowhere to be found.
This is just one of the stories that is happening online. There are millions of scams out there.  The reason I am telling you this story is not to scare you, but to show you the reality.
Do a proper verification before signing up for some work.  Check about the brand or the person behind the brand. Otherwise, you might end up working for hours for zero money.
Today, I’m going to share some of the simple and legitimate ways to earn money online that anybody can do. Be it a 40-year-old homemaker, a 15-year-old school kid or a retired person, you can pick your options and start working online.
While you are creating your big money blog, you need to keep earning some money in order to pay your bills and get through the period of struggle.
Therefore, to help you with making money, here are six ways to earn money online without paying for anything besides an internet connection, and well, a computer!
These methods can make you earn a decent income, depending on the amount of time and effort you put in.
Page Contents
·         How To Make Money Online without investment (Sitting at home)
o    1. Sell your skills on Fiverr
o    2. Become a Virtual Assistant:
o    3. Offer Article Writing Service
o    4. Freelancing:
o    5. Start a profitable blog
o    6. Create YouTube Videos or a channel :
o    7. Guest Posting For Your Clients
o    8. Affiliate Marketing
o    9. Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies
o    10. Online Paid Surveys
o    11. Become A Broker For Webmasters And Website Owners
o    12. Become a Transcription freelancer
How To Make Money Online without investment (Sitting at home)
Honestly, there are hundreds of ways. When you look online, you will find legit sources along with and many that are scams. I highly recommend you to stay away from programs that ask you to make the initial investment to start using their money-making formula.
Here, I’m sharing how to earn money online, which is easy to use and legit at the same time. Few of them will require you to have certain skills like good communication, good writing abilities, etc.
Without any delay, let’s get to it:
1. Sell your skills on Fiverr
Fiverr is the best place to make money online for free. This website lets you offer any kind of services that you are good at and earn money from it. Getting started with Fiverr is easy, and it is designed for users like you who are willing to work from home and make money.
There are many success stories on Fiverr, and once you browse their marketplace, you could find a lot of ideas that would help you get started. The best part, this is absolutely free, and one of the killer ways to make money online without any investment.
Join Fiverr for free
2. Become a Virtual Assistant:
This is another best way to earn money by sitting at home. As the number of solopreneurs are increasing, so is the demand for a virtual assistant. A virtual assistant job is just like a personal assistant, but done virtually.
The job could be like:
·         Doing research work
·         Replying to emails
·         Writing content or ad copies
·         Moderating comments
On an average, a virtual assistant job could help you earn anywhere between $2-30 every hour.
For anyone who can’t move out of the house, and needs an earning source sitting at home, becoming a VA is a lucrative option. We have published a few guides earlier on becoming a VA, and you could read more about it by clicking on the links below.
·         How to become a virtual assistant
·         5 Websites To Get Hired For Remote Virtual Assistant Jobs
3. Offer Article Writing Service
·         Sitting at home kind of work: ✅
Bloggers and webmasters are always looking for new and unique content for their blogs and websites. To become an article writer, all you need to good writing skills and you should be able to scout the internet to find the right information.
This is one of the best ways to make money online without paying anything.
Here is the list of websites which pays for writing:
·         Outsourcely
·         Problogger Job-board
·         Freelancer
·         Constant-Content
·         Upwork
·         Craiglists
You will be paid $2-$100 per article depending on the word requirement and quality. You’ll be instructed on the quality of articles, niche, number of words, etc. while making a deal.
·         8 websites to start your paid writing career
4. Freelancing:
Earn money from home: Yes
Whether you are a graphic designer or a finance manager, a writer or a homemaker, freelancing is for you. You just need to think about what you are good at, and you can make your living.
You can be your boss, can work from anywhere you like, and work according to your time schedule. Simply, Sign Up for freelancing jobs on sites like Guru, UPWork, PeoplePerHour, Fiverr, etc. Apply for a relevant category and that’s it. You are good to go.
Of course, different sites have different payment schedules and terms of conditions; you just need to pick the site according to your needs.
Tip: Make a good profile and mention your strengths and previous work. Ask people to leave a review after work. This will establish you as a reputed freelancer on freelancing sites.
If freelance writing options fit your requirement, you should read: Websites to get freelance writing gigs.
5. Start a profitable blog
If you are passionate about writing and want to share your thoughts, emotions or learnings with people, blogging is a great option for you.
You don’t have to be tech-savvy or a computer geek to start your journey online.
Here is an important story, the founder of this blog “Harsh Agrawal” met with an accident, and he was unable to move out of bed for 6 months.
It is that time, he made blogging his full-time career, and now he is earning more than $40000 every month.
You can read about his journey here, and you would be surprised to learn about the scope of blogging. You can learn a lot about profitable blogging, by reading ShoutMeLoud.
Here are some popular ways to earn money from blogging.
Getting started with blogging is easy, and all you need is a domain and hosting to get started for the self-hosted WordPress.  
You can start earning within 2-3 months. It all depends on how much time, hard work and dedication are you willing to give.
Read the below guides on blogging
·         How to Start a Blog
6. Create YouTube Videos or a channel :
·         You can work from home.
·         Investment required: Minimal
How many times have you spotted advertisements on YouTube videos? Until I got to know about money-making opportunities via YouTube, I never knew a normal user like you and I can earn income by uploading videos on YouTube.
It doesn’t have to be a technical video; it could be anything from funny to a serious one.
However, the video needs to be original. You can simply upload videos on YouTube and monetize it using Adsense.
Here are some articles which will help you to get started.
·         How To Make Money on YouTube (With or Without Huge Subscriber Base)
You need not need to spend a lot or buy a professional camera or any such gadgets. A good smartphone video recorder can do magic. Just be ready to capture some crazy moments.
Homemakers can consider starting a cookery show or similar stuff. If you are good with yoga, pilates or any other form of exercise you can create your DIY videos and upload it on YouTube and enable ads on them.
7. Guest Posting For Your Clients
·         Skills required: Writing & Client interaction
·         Can be done from home: ✅
It can help you make a lot of money. Guest posting has great benefits regarding traffic, exposure, credibility, and recognition from search engines. Just imagine the amount you can charge if you have the caliber to get a guest post approved on ShoutMeLoud!
Your clients will pay you thousands of dollars.
For this, you need to have writing skills and you can find a list of high authority blogs that allow guest posting here.
8. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is the best way for anyone to start earning money online. This requires zero investment & you can use your blog or even your social media platform like Twitter, Facebook to promote and earn money.
Learn about Affiliate marketing here.
I know of bloggers earning thousands sitting at home just with affiliate marketing. Here is a post where you can see how much a person like you and me is earning from affiliate marketing.
For further reading:
·         Affiliate marketing eBook for beginners (This is a complete book that you need for affiliate marketing)
·         How to start with affiliate marketing
·         5 Affiliate marketing myths uncovered
·         How to choose affiliate programs for your blog
9. Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies
It’s 2020 and there is no doubt that cryptocurrencies are here to stay.
Just like the dot com boom, Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are at a very basic stage but if you spend some time working hard, you will end up earning a lot of money.
The best part is, you can find most of the information online and I recommend you to spend the first few days learning about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies as much as you can before you start investing in it. Since the market is new and a lot of people are getting in, you can expect a lot of growth in the coming months or years.
You can browse Harsh’s website CoinSutra to educate yourself in the field of cryptocurrencies.
Here are some of the best tools and resources you need to get started with cryptocurrencies:
·         Coinbase: Get free $10 when you buy/sell Cryptos for $100
·         Binance: An exchange where you can deposit Bitcoin and Ethereum to start buying other low cap and high probability crypto coins.
·         Cex: An international website to buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, and a few other popular Cryptocurrencies using credit/debit cards.
I can’t really explain how you can earn money from cryptocurrencies in a few lines but here are few suggestions:
·         Cryptocurrency investment (buying good coins)
·         Cryptocurrency trading
Like I stated above, read Harsh’s CoinSutra.com to learn everything you need to know about cryptocurrencies.
10. Online Paid Surveys
This is the most common method for earning quick bucks. Now let me explain, how these online surveys work.
There are many survey companies that usually pay internet users for their opinion or views on their popular products and services. They send out free products or services to contestants for trying their products.
If you are searching for an entertaining method to make money online, think about registering with a trustworthy survey company and go ahead.
Here are a few working websites for getting paid surveys:
1.    Swagbucks
2.    Prizerebel
However, before you register for any online survey program, make sure you read their TOS as many programs accept participants from specific countries like U.S or Canada and thus on.
Personally, I highly recommend it to be the last way to earn money, as finding a good site which pays for surveys is tough, and there are many scams involved with paid surveys.
11. Become A Broker For Webmasters And Website Owners
Earn commission by getting them clients who pay for advertisement. Join webmasters forums and contact itraders to get this kind of work. These are all free ways to make money online and survive while you work on taking your blog to greater heights. Personally, I won’t recommend anything other than points 1, 2 and 4.
Another popular way to earn money is by helping someone sell their website or domain. This is a big business and with every successful sale, you can earn anywhere from $20-$20,000.
·         Join Flippa for free
The commission is usually 10% of the selling price of website or domain.
For further reading:
·         5 Websites to Buy Or Sell Websites & Domains
·         How To Start Selling Website on Flippa: A Beginner’s Guide To Success
Also, remember to strike a balance between time spent on your main money blog and doing odd jobs online. Odd jobs must not divide your attention and cut-in the time needed to work on your main blog.
12. Become a Transcription freelancer
As the number of podcasts and video content is increasing, so is the demand of workforce for transcribing the audio into text format. There are services like Rev, that let you work from home, and make money with Transcription freelancing gigs.
Benefit of this work from home gig:
1.    Rev freelancing jobs allow you to work as much or as little as you want, whenever you want.
2.    Enjoy selecting from a variety of projects that actually interest you. Our vast network of customers means a steady stream of freelancing jobs to choose from.
3.    Receive weekly payouts via PayPal for all work completed. Rev is on-time and dependable.
This is another do at your own pace kind of work, and easily doable by anyone who understands, and can write in English.
Join Rev affiliate
There are endless opportunities and options which you can select and make easy money online. Try to stick to one for some time and see which work and which doesn’t work for you. One of the most common mistakes which people do is, try multiple options at one go, and in this process, they never explore the power of one.
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