#affordable dog grooming in chicago
pawcarebooking · 5 months
10 Ways You Can Advocate for Animal Welfare This Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month
Make a difference this Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month by taking action for animal welfare. Explore 10 powerful ways to advocate for animals, from supporting legislation to adopting from shelters, and be a voice for those who can't speak for themselves.
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lodessa · 6 years
“We’re both on the same multiple stop flight schedules to go to the same destination so we might as well stick together. Also your shoulder is a very comfortable pillow.” or AU“We’re in an exam study group and I just send you my nudes by accident oops” AU, J/C pleeeease ! I really love the way you write them, exactly how I've always pictured them !
“The good news, ma'am, is that it looks like your connecting flight to San Francisco out of O’Hare is also running late and there’s a flight three hours later out of JFK that I can put you on which will get you were in time.”
“Do it,” the petite woman in front of him tells the airline associate, with very clearly barely contained frustration.
There is a husky authority to her voice, the familiarity of an American accent against the range of others in a foreign international terminal, that almost breaks Chakotay out of the cloud of gloom generated making off a turbulent flight from Mumbai to Heathrow only to find his next flight had been majorly delayed. Almost.
He barely has time to register the profile of her face as she turn to leave the podium before it’s his turn to deal with the complications this delay is causing to complex flight plans.
“Unfortunately, Sir, you are going to miss your connection to Phoenix, but I can reroute you through O’Hare and still get you to SFO tomorrow.”
He agrees in a daze, wishing he’d turned down this damned invitation, and the employee already reprinted his boarding passes by the time he connects the dots and realized that not only was the woman in front of him in line also going to San Francisco, they must be on the same flights the whole way now.
The smell of her perfume or body wash, subtle and a little spicy, lingers in his memory and he glances across the gate’s waiting area to where she is standing, one hand on her hip while the other holds her cellphone to her ear, clearly exasperated.  Her hair is twisted up in some elaborate and sizable style and she’s wearing black slacks and a black sleeveless shell, red blazer draped over her carry-on.   Traveling for business, he surmises. Chakotay wishes he was.
Alright, he more or less is traveling for professional reasons.  It may be a wedding he’s attending but the bride’s father is one of the few professional contact he has left, and that’s a connection he can’t afford not to nurture, not given his tenuous position right now.  
The woman has ended her phone call and has turned to look at him and Chakotay realizes that he must be staring, but she doesn’t look away so he figures why not.
“Sorry, I couldn’t help overhearing we’re both being rerouted through the same set of flights to get to San Francisco.”
She gives him an appraising look before answering, subtly intense and he finds himself wishing he’d checked his appearance at some point in the last few hours.
“So you want to what… commiserate?”
“Unless you have something better to do, why not?”
“First round is on you then,” she smiles halfway and it lights up her whole face.
“By all means,” he grins back at her, knowing just how persuasive many people find his dimples, as they walk towards the nearest bar, “And what will you be drinking, Ms…”
“Doctor,” she smirks, veering away from the bar and towards a cafe, “Dr. Kathryn Janeway and I’ll be having coffee, black.”
It’s so obvious that it shouldn’t be charming and maybe it’s the sleep deprivation he’s in the middle of but that doesn’t matter because he is incredibly charmed.
“I’m Chakotay,” he informs her, adjusting to her new course, “And are you a medical doctor, Doctor Janeway, or a fellow PhD like me?”
“Both,” she raises one eyebrow like her words are a dare and he’s pretty sure if he knew what the dare was he’d already be giving in to it.
They get their coffees (hers the aforementioned black and his with enough cream and sugar to make it palatable) and find a seat relatively removed from screaming children and selfie stick wielding tourists.
“First time in San Francisco?” she asks, promisingly initiating a point of conversation.
“No,” he replies, pushing aside painful memories to reply, “I spent over a decade studying and then working at Stanford, but its been a while.”
He’d done the right thing, whistleblowing about what was really going on in the department, but it had been hard, to lose his second home as well as decimate his career.
“I’m at Cal,” she reciprocates after a moment where he’s pretty sure she has put some dots together and remembered some passing headline about the scandal, “Though I’m on sabbatical this year so this is just a quick jaunt back for a childhood friend’s wedding.”
There’s something about the way she says “childhood friend” that rings as evasive, but he doesn’t push it.  She doesn’t owe him any explanations.
“A wedding?” he realizes, “Why that’s why I’m flying out there. Is yours in the city or-”
“Wine Country, up in St. Helena. One of those ghastly destination affairs that lasts most of the week.”
“I think,” he confirms, “That we are probably going to the same wedding.”
They are going to the same wedding, they are on the same series of three flights there, and they are somehow miraculously sitting right next to each other on each.  Its some fictional level coincidence, but Chakotay decides not to question it.
It is five cups of coffee, a two flights, and three glasses of whiskey later, when Dr. Kathryn Janeway finally confesses that the groom, Mark, is an ex.  By that point Chakotay has learned all about her work with nanotech, about her dog Mollie, about her growing up in the midwest and following in her father’s footsteps in pursuing medical research.  He’s told her all about his passion for anthropology, about the defense contract work he’s ashamed of, about his father and what happened with the oil pipeline and the protests.
She falls asleep halfway through the flight from Chicago to SFO and he’s a little jealous (he’s one of those people who just can’t sleep on a plane no matter how exhausted he is) but he’s also a little something else as he head tilts to the side to rest against his shoulder, face relaxing in sleep and making her look so much younger than the 39 years of age he knows she is now.  He lets her sleep.
“Apparently,” she smiles conspiratorially upon waking as they begin their descent, “You make an excellent pillow.”
“I guess,” he tells her in the same tone, “If the hotel has a deficit of them you’ll know where you look.”
Of course, they agree to share a rental car.  As they cross the Golden Gate bridge and then come out of the mist and fog on the other side into the warm Marin sunshine, he looks across the car at Kathryn Janeway and wonders if just his once the universe is not conspiring against him for for his benefit.  
(Which is exactly how he will phrase it much later on during their wedding toast, right before he lets everyone laugh at the fender bender he got into immediately following that moment… apparently he was distracted.)
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orbemnews · 4 years
Richard Feigen, Gallerist and Champion of Art, Dies at 90 Richard L. Feigen, a prominent gallerist, dealer and collector whose influence in the art world in New York and beyond included brokering top-dollar deals of all sorts for museums and magnates while championing both old masters and new talent, died on Jan. 29 in Mount Kisco, N.Y. He was 90. His daughter, Philippa Feigen Malkin, said the cause was complications of Covid-19. Mr. Feigen had a hand in numerous headline-making art sales during his more than 60 years in the business. At his galleries in Manhattan, Chicago and elsewhere, he hosted countless exhibitions, including early ones by emerging figures like the Pop artist Gerald Laing and the sculptor Enrique Castro-Cid. For years he represented the elusive collagist Ray Johnson, and he was a big booster of the assemblagist Joseph Cornell, the painter and sculptor Jean Dubuffet and the painter and printmaker Max Beckmann, all of whom received shows at his galleries. At various points he advanced Surrealism, German Expressionism, Italian art from the 13th century to the Baroque period, and, especially, anything involving old masters. A headline on a 1987 article in The New York Times about him and his work on behalf of the freshly minted collectors of the day said simply, “Old Masters, New Tycoons.” As that article noted, with his interest in old masters he was shaking up a traditionally staid corner of the art market — he had “brought the style and pressure of Wall Street to a trade still steeped in the notion of aristocratic gentility.” Whatever artist or genre he was bidding on or showing in his galleries, Mr. Feigen, despite having little training in art or art history, showed a keen instinct for spotting value — or, more important, future value. “Richard was always ahead of the curve,” Frances F.L. Beatty, who from 1980 to 2017 was vice president and then president of Richard L. Feigen & Company, said by email. “He did not like being a follower; he wanted to shine a spotlight on great art that was underappreciated.” Mr. Feigen traveled in heady circles, befriending artists and jet-setting about to cajole those who collected them. His hard-driving style put off some of his more reserved colleagues. “He can manage to work four English dukes, three financiers and two movie stars into one of his long-running sentences,” one of them once complained. Whatever his passion of the moment, Mr. Feigen came to understand that to appreciate the art’s importance and value required knowing how it fit in its time period. “The artists that I like take chances,” he said in an oral history recorded in 2009 for the Smithsonian Institution’s Archives of American Art. “They’re not painting in their rearview mirror. They’re painting through the windshield.” Richard Lee Feigen was born on Aug. 8, 1930, in Chicago. His father, Arthur Paul Feigen, was a lawyer and real estate investor, and his mother, Shirley (Bierman) Feigen, was a homemaker. By the time he was about 10, he was already developing a rudimentary theory of collecting. “I think I was interested in the future potential of things,” he said in the oral history. At 11 or 12, as he told the story, he bought a watercolor by the Scottish artist Isaac Cruikshank caricaturing the French Revolution, which had caught his eye in a local antique shop. He paid $100, he said, money he had earned by selling teacups with flowers in them. Why would a child buy such a thing? “I liked it and I felt it was undervalued in terms of what it would cost me,” he said in a 2019 interview with Christie’s, the auctioneer. Updated  Feb. 3, 2021, 3:22 p.m. ET By the time he was in college at Yale University, he had accumulated enough of a collection that he worried the pieces were “somewhat endangered by a bunch of rowdy roommates,” he said in the oral history. He earned a bachelor’s degree there in 1952 and a master’s degree at the Harvard Business School in 1954. He was being groomed for a spot in a company owned by relatives, the Beneficial Standard Life Insurance Company of Los Angeles, and at 25 was assigned to start its investment division. But his passion for art collecting kept pulling him back east. He bought a seat on the New York Stock Exchange, thinking he could work Wall Street and pursue his art passion at the same time, but that didn’t prove feasible. In 1957 he jumped into the art world with both feet, opening the Richard Feigen Gallery on Astor Street in Chicago. “I had to use my own collection as my opening show,” he recalled in the oral history. It was titled “Masterpieces of 20th-Century German Art,” Mr. Feigen having been enamored of the German Expressionists. But soon he was showing Beckmann, Francis Bacon, the Romanian sculptor and painter Victor Brauner and other important artists there. He also took to representing some Chicago-area artists, among them the painter George Cohen. Their eagerness to have their work seen in New York, he said, was one of the reasons he opened his first New York gallery, on East 81st Street, in 1963. In 1965 he opened a second Manhattan gallery, in SoHo, focused on contemporary art. In this period he had a piece of a gallery in Los Angeles, and, for four years in the early 1990s, he had a gallery in London. Over the years his New York galleries occupied various spaces, including the current one on East 77th Street. Mr. Feigen enjoyed working with his artists, even mercurial ones like Mr. Johnson, who died, apparently by suicide, in 1995. Once Mr. Johnson indulged in a sort of performance art, dropping 60 hot dogs out of a helicopter over Wards Island in New York City. He talked Mr. Feigen into picking up the tab for both helicopter and dogs. “He was relentless in his devotion to particular artists and movements (never the most obvious ones),” Dr. Beatty said. While showing artists at his galleries, Mr. Feigen built a reputation as a wheeler-dealer in the art world. He often turned up as the bidder behind a high-priced sale at the big auction houses, and even was cast as a version of himself in Oliver Stone’s 1987 film, “Wall Street.” Often at such auctions he was representing buyers he had schooled on the value of investing in art. “There are few ready-made clients in this business, particularly Americans,” he told The Times in 1987. “You have to convert them.” Museums often turned to Mr. Feigen for important acquisitions. But sometimes he was buying for himself, either for inventory for his galleries or for his private collection, which over time became formidable. “I’ve never bought a great object for myself that I could afford,” he admitted in the oral history. “I never knew where the money was going to come from. I managed somehow to conjure it up.” Several times late in life Mr. Feigen, who at his death lived in Katonah, N.Y., sold pieces of his collection to finance his retirement. Christie’s handled one such sale in 2019. “I hope none of them will sell,” he said at the time, “because I want them back in my living room.” Mr. Feigen’s marriages to Sandra Elizabeth Canning in 1966 and Margaret Culver in 1998 ended in divorce. In 2007 he married Isabelle Harnoncourt Wisowaty, who survives him along with a daughter, Ms. Feigen Malkin, and a son, Richard, from his first marriage; two stepdaughters, Stephanie Diana Harnoncourt Wisowaty and Léonie Allison Harnoncourt Wisowaty; a stepson, Alexander Karl Richard Wisowaty; a sister, Brenda Sue Feigen; and three grandchildren. Mr. Feigen, a staunch Democrat, recorded the Smithsonian oral history in January 2009, during the final days of the administration of President George W. Bush, whose eight years in office he had viewed with dismay from a cultural standpoint. He spoke about stewardship and where art should fit in society’s value system. “It has to start out with a belief that is not universal: that the arts are fundamentally important,” he said. “Now, not everybody agrees with this, and some people would call it elitism. The fact is that I believe that what we leave behind in terms of the arts is what really matters, and not the bombs we make and the craters we dig and the structures we build, which will turn into rusty piles in time.” Source link Orbem News #Art #Champion #Dies #Feigen #Gallerist #Richard
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pittylover728 · 4 years
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Posted @withregram • @temboandlaika Are you excited for another set of great businesses? We are! These businesses are Black-owned. As we continue to strive for racial equality, please understand why we "buy Black” - link our bio. A @ucsc study showed that 41% of all Black-owned small businesses in the USA have closed due to constraints created by COVID-19, and are less likely to get approved for small business federal relief loans (@colorofchange ). Don’t just support once, support regularly! Support includes purchasing, visiting, following, liking, sharing, and reviewing. . Sheri Patterson created @barksandpurrspet to provide your family members with natural and health pet snacks Brandon started @rockyswalkers with transportation from all 5 boroughs for boarding + walking, with the help of his younger brother Julius, providing dog walking in LES/East Village . Rahanna Gray owns a mobile grooming business @_stylishpooch_ and was recently featured on Queer Eye! @queereye . Tara Robertson owns @pupstarspetcare in Chicago providing daycare, grooming, and walking and now has hand sanitizer + masks Leon hand makes incredible @butlerbowls , "well-made pet furniture at an affordable price that looks great and will last for a long period of time." His craftsmanship is amazing! . Toni Craig-Cox is a 1st time dog mom. She experienced a level of love that she didn’t know was possible with her dog Aria. She was experimented by putting Aria on different products to show off her cuteness + figured other pet parents might want to do the same thing and from that, @petcartooningbrand was born. . Rachel & Chris Morrisey started @happee_dawg to create raw meals that are "the perfect combination of complete blends, only consisting of simple, human grade, USDA approved ingredients." . . Alissa Maree makes custom reversible pet bandanas for your pet at @brixxyandco Deana Evans is the founder and CEO of @barksfirstavenue , a luxury point-of-view on pet apparel #barksfashion Comment below if you've used any of these products or services or are excited to in the future! And of course, tag a Black-owned business we can share in our next feature. PLEASE SHARE. https://www.instagram.com/p/CCWS4zhgLwZ/?igshid=138tssm1sv4qc
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The Top 3 Advantages Of SEO
Anyone who wants his or her website to gain more traffic and become popular throughout the World Wide Web may want to join the masses of webmasters taking advantage of SEO (search engine optimization) tactics. When it comes to marketing a website, there is no denying the benefits that arrive through SEO. Below you will find the top three advantages one may receive for their search engine optimization efforts:
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Increased Internet Exposure
No one creates a website with the intentions for it to sit unnoticed, collecting dust. One of the most important advantages that come with SEO is the increase of traffic that occurs. The chances of attracting an increased amount of visitors is rather high when successful SEO places your website within the top 10 or top 20 of the most popular search engine results on the Web. When users search for the information they require, they are most likely to choose from the selections appearing on the first page of results. If your website ranks high (which means it enjoys the most exposure), your site becomes much easier to find, thus increasing traffic.
There are plenty of approaches that a website owner may take to make their site more visible to the public. They may purchase advertising space on Google AdWords, which charge per click. There are also additional pay-per-click marketing schemes that are quite popular with others. Often, website owners do not reap much profit and in some cases, actually lose out. With Chicago SEO, no matter how long you rely on this marketing tactic, it is an affordable approach that lasts for many years.
Boost Business Efforts
If your website is being used to promote and sell products or services, SEO can help by improving a site's ability to sell more. Let's say you own a website promoting your dog grooming services and products. The best approach toward SEO would be to write articles that praise the benefits of dog grooming, especially the advantages gained when using your particular services. The aim of business SEO is to sell your pitch, but also offer helpful information that will keep potential customers coming back for more.
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The Ladies Of For The Love Of Ray J Keep It Scandalous
All was running smoothly at first. Francis was the brilliant, successful son that his proud papa had always desired. His specialty was partying (today in order to as networking), and his (literally) wild popularity (literally) paid near. That was, of course, before Francis began doing such things as kissing a leper's hand, trading in her father's fortune for rocks, and (again literally) the actual shirt off his back for the Bishop. separation of duties - this suggests that the one who issues the check canrrrt afford to be doing the bank reconciliations; or else the person issuing the sales invoice need not be person receiving customer payments. In small business, where everyone wears many hats, this is difficult. During to pay for it is to get written procedures, job sharing & rotation, regular, detail review of financial reports by management. One for this beautiful reasons for these dogs is may have a fashionable and beautiful coat. The touch and feel of your coat is the identical to regarding silk. Be sure that the coat remains beautiful and elegant, it needs to be groomed regularly. Higher prevent the coat from matting. No matter how long it's been since anyone with spouse spoke openly with one another, it's never too late to open your mouths, ears and hearts doing eachother after. Doing so could beneficial marriage. If the good regarding time has passed, bitterness has piled up or other emotions are experiencing the way - let them go and go after your loved one. Even if you always be start small, starting will be the key onto your marital fortune. Since Was once paid a draw against commission, In addition was $12,000 in debt to that employer. They'd been paying me $2,000 a month whether I sold anything or not-the plan being that I'd personally pay rid of it when I enjoyed some benefit months of sales. But six months had passed and those good months-even just one-remained out of my range. Answer 2. IF all your financial affairs are actually in order true chicago pizzaria ? nothing left that both of you own, reely that necessitates attention of these two of you, then the answer is no. You not need to have keep hold of your ex. The divorce may have been due to be able to cheating spouse, mental or physical abuse or something of an unpleasant nature. You really not keep touching someone such as that. They will try and suck you back in to their world every chance they see. Ross Szabo: Stigma surrounding mental health stems throughout the stigma surrounding mental conditions. People think that if they talk about emotions it's a sign of weakness. They're embarrassed and ashamed and do not really just how to to discuss how they believe on frequently of periods. Beyond that, a lot of consumers are afraid to be labeled loony, or crazy, or psycho, or wacko. If offer an emotional problem, they're afraid which are in order to judge them, talk about them differently promote them really an outcast. If you are you looking for more on pa no fault Divorce forms look into our site.
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pawcarebooking · 5 months
Explore Fresh Wagg Grooming in Chicago
Fresh Wagg Grooming, located on Wolfram Street in Chicago, IL, provides exceptional pet grooming services. The pet groomers give your pet an amazing grooming experience. From breed-specific cuts to lavish baths and specialist treatments, we cater to your pet's unique requirements with care and skill. With an emphasis on quality and attention to detail, Fresh Wagg Grooming ensures your pet looks and feels its best after each appointment. Schedule an appointment now for a Fresh Wagg experience your pet will enjoy!
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moys16 · 6 years
A Guide On Buying The Best Labradoodle Chicago
By Martha Hall
Buying the best dog requires more than just browsing through a few online listings. You need to carefully plan and do lots of research if you must find the right pet for you. Learn how you can find the best labradoodle Chicago can offer you from the read that follows. Look into accommodation needs. Start by ascertaining your ability to offer the dog you want to purchase a befitting living environment. Here, you will need to look into several factors including the size of your home. Find out whether your pup will have enough space for its sleeping, exercising and playing needs. If you have a backyard, ascertain that it is big enough and pet proofed. Check if you can afford a canine. Most people think that buying a dog only requires having enough to meets its purchase price. That could not be any further from the truth. Remember, as an additional family member, the pet you buy will also come with additional needs. For instance, you should be financially stable enough to meets its diet requirements and training needs. You should also plan for its health care needs. Consider your availability. It is highly recommended that you allocate enough time to spend with your Labradoodle. Socialization is the most important thing your puppy will require after proper food and accommodation. Therefore, find out whether you will be available to train it and take it on daily walks. You will also need to groom it about 4 times every week. As a result, buy a canine only if you are not too busy. When looking for a good canine to purchase, identifying the best breeder is perhaps the first thing to do. It is crucial that you choose a seller who is reputable and responsible too. Such a professional is generally capable of producing properly socialized puppies that are not only healthy, but also strong. Responsible pet breeding experts usually take into account lots of issues with regards to their animals including their temperament, genetic screening and teeth structure. There are many ways through which you can find a seller of good purebreds around. For instance, you can obtain referrals from other people who own labradoodles around. They could be your relatives or associates and their referrals can help you hasten your search. Still, you can get valuable recommendations from the internet, especially through the websites of relevant breeder clubs. Before deciding on the breeding expert to get you dog from, it is vital that you research them thoroughly. Begin by checking their credentials, experience and reputation. It is vital that you work with someone with valid permits from relevant animal agencies. Also, they should possess vast experience in breeding labradoodles apart from having a good reputation. Inspect your puppy. Never take home a dog that you have not inspected reasonably. Therefore, visit the breeding facility you have selected to identify and inspect the canine you want to acquire. Look at its coat, eyes, ears and mouth for any signs of infection. Additionally, go through its previous veterinary records. A reputable breeder will also want to interview you to ascertain that they are making the best placement decision. Also, they will educate you on living with your labradoodle apart from offering you its ownership papers.
About the Author:
When you are searching for information about a Labradoodle Chicago residents can come to our web pages today. More details are available at https://ift.tt/1sdZsC6 now.
A Guide On Buying The Best Labradoodle Chicago via best4dogs https://ift.tt/2PgghzE
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judicadman3191-blog · 7 years
Dishes Dinner Platter Arrangements For Formal Affairs May be An Actually Classy
Carrie asked me if I would certainly create much more concerning it when I pointed out on my blog site exactly how a lot I appreciated our brand new congregation's Dinner For Six course. I am actually thrilled to do so. Our experts had a great little lunch time - splitting a good fresh assiette crudites and also a chawarma pita grill, with three exceptional dressings from the squirt compartments at the table, rounded off through a FIFTY clist Israeli rosé, and all pretty charming. This would certainly be easy to do - there are various methods to take pleasure in turkey (featuring a little, frequent and jumbo chicken dinner along with the mendings) as well as farm (beef), sea (self explanatory), pasta, sandwich, tossed salad as well as soup/chowder possibilities. A great supper with your wife or a fishing expedition with your colleagues ought to be actually marked as necessary" so you'll possess the power to complete your service opportunity and also await one thing excellent as a benefit for a job properly performed in the office. For example, a black footrest can be a splendid selection listed below which provides you the certainly not just the convenience to add seatsing to the common space yet likewise can simply function as a sofa when pressed from the wall surface and pillows included in this. Off above, even a few of Brussels' grandest monuments are actually reduced to small portions, along with the Royal Royal residence looking additional like an elegant doll house and also the abundant eco-friendly Cambre rainforest - web site from an upcoming Supper overhead occasion - appearing more like a mountain range of cabbage on the horizon. While the wedding celebration practice session dinner has actually generally been actually a tiny close event from close friends and also loved ones of the bride and groom, more and more typically nowadays pairs are actually preferring to expand their practice session dinner guest list yet. A week in a gorgeous property and changed barn in mouse click the next web site middle of the French countryside, instructing a handful from trainees which were there to enjoy on their own, attractive food items, holiday accommodation and pet dogs and also kitties as well as a turtle. I digress, after you have absorbed the comfy pub allure of the joint, order a drink from a wonderful listing of draft beer on tap in addition to a great option from nice wine that is sure to choose a number of their food selection selections. I personally swore off tasting food selections after 6 hrs and also 20 training courses at Moto in Chicago, which wound up in among my supper partners going thus loopy that when she was presented along with a syringe of something chocolatey in the end of the meal, the materials found yourself in my ear instead of in her mouth. Some exciting activities that have proven productive as fund raisers are: a bingo night; fine art raffles; bowling, bake sales; a charitable organization golf event; a karaoke evening; a spaghetti supper fundraiser; a dance marathon; a hot cake breakfast; and also a lip sync charity event. Matching Layers, it definitely does look pleasant to possess a matching collection- I am certainly not recommending you go as well as get a whole brand new set yet keep this plain as well as straightforward- if you possess airplane white layers- utilize all white colored, that way if you need any type of additional layers for added individuals, you may acquire low-cost spares at an affordable.
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pawcarebooking · 5 months
Explore Posh Pet Club Grooming in Chicago
Posh Pet Club, located on North Elston Avenue in Chicago, Illinois 60618, provides excellent grooming services for your pet. The experienced pet groomers are dedicated to delivering the finest possible care and pampering for your pet, ensuring they look and feel their best. From luxury baths to breed-specific pet grooming and styling, Posh Pet Club meet all of your pet's demands with experience and attention to detail. Make an appointment now for your pet's ultimate pampering experience.
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pawcarebooking · 5 months
10 Ways You Can Advocate for Animal Welfare This Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month
April is observed as the Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month. The objective behind this nationwide celebration is to raise awareness against animal abuse and cruelty. Pet parents or not, it is everyone's responsibility to raise awareness against animal cruelty. Here are ten ways you can work against animal abuse and promote animal welfare: Education and Awareness, Reporting Animal Abuse, Support Animal Laws, Adopting a Pet, Volunteering at Animal Shelters, Being a Responsible Pet Parent, Be Kind to Animals, Promote Cruelty-free Products, and encourage other people to show kindness and compassion to animals.
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pawcarebooking · 6 months
Senior Pet Care – Early Detection and Management of Pet Health Concerns
Uncover the key to ensuring your senior pet enjoys their twilight years to the fullest. Our senior pet care program emphasizes preemptive measures to identify and address potential health issues before they escalate. With a focus on proactive screenings and targeted interventions, we empower pet owners to make informed decisions about their beloved companions' welfare. Embrace peace of mind knowing that your furry friend is receiving the specialized attention and support they deserve.
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pawcarebooking · 6 months
Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day With Your Pets: 6 Fun Cat and Dog Activities
Embrace the festive spirit this St. Patrick’s Day with your furry friends! Explore our guide to delightful activities designed for both cats and dogs. From crafting DIY leprechaun hats for your pets to indulging in themed treats, discover six entertaining ways to celebrate this holiday together. Whether it’s a playful game of fetch with a green ball or a cozy nap on a shamrock-patterned bed, create lasting memories with your beloved companions. Join us in making this St. Patrick’s Day a memorable and joyous occasion for you and your pets!
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pawcarebooking · 6 months
Tailoring Advanced Pet Care: Ensuring Comfort for Your Senior Companion
Discover tailored solutions for advanced pet care catered to your senior companion's unique needs. From specialized dietary plans to customized exercise routines, we prioritize your pet's comfort and well-being. Our experienced team understands the nuances of aging pets, offering compassionate care and innovative approaches to enhance their quality of life. Trust us to navigate the journey of senior pet care with expertise and dedication, ensuring every moment with your furry friend is filled with comfort and joy.
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pawcarebooking · 6 months
Decoding Dog Body Language: Unveiling the Secrets of Communication
Discover the hidden language of your canine companion with our comprehensive guide to decoding dog body language. Delve into the subtle cues and signals that dogs use to communicate their emotions, needs, and intentions. From tail wags to ear positions, learn how to interpret these non-verbal messages to deepen your understanding of your furry friend and enhance your bond. Whether you're a seasoned dog owner or a first-time pet parent, our expert insights and practical tips will empower you to communicate effectively with your dog and foster a harmonious relationship built on trust and mutual understanding.
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pawcarebooking · 11 months
Explore Sydnee’s Pet Grooming in Chicago, IL
Discovering top-notch pet grooming services for your cherished furry companion has never been more convenient. At Sydnee’s Pet Grooming on Monroe St Chicago, you'll encounter highly skilled pet groomers dedicated to providing the utmost care for your pets. With their extensive experience in pet grooming, unwavering commitment to safety standards, and a genuine love for animals, they ensure the success of every puppy grooming session. The professionals at Sydnee’s Pet Grooming offer a comprehensive range of essential services, including bathing, stylish hairdressing, nail clipping, and thorough ear cleaning. Pet grooming is crucial for keeping dogs relaxed and content.
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