#after the elections being on twt would irk me here and there but i didnt count with the entire world unifying to be imbeciles together
dykeasc · 2 years
the depp/heard trial and the way people so easily fell for a misogynistic smear campaign, reminded of me of my primal issue with twitter nd the reason why i decided to stay away from it before the presidential elections of my country, is that people are really fucking stupid there.
#during the presidential elections i found comfort of having other people as terrified of the prospect of being under a fascist regime again#after the elections being on twt would irk me here and there but i didnt count with the entire world unifying to be imbeciles together#i really wouldnt touch facebook or instagram not even with a stick bcs the idiocy is Big there#but twt people make fun of people that use those apps like theyre any better or less idiotic 😭😭😭 like!#i legit saw some woman say 'im so disappointed of journalists since most of them didn't side with depp! i won't trust journalism again!'#MMM its almost like journalists' work isn't to investigate and focus on finding and exposing the truth and standing by it!!#if most journalists are baffled by everyone siding with depp is bcs surely they all do a more meticulous work at investigating and - KNOW!!#BEING MAD AT JOURNALISTS EXPOSING FACTS ONLY MEAN YOU DON'T EVEN READ OR TRY TO BEFORE EMITTING AN OPINION...!#its - i'm genuinely stunned by how dumb nd misogynistic everyone are.#'did you watch the trial?' the new 'i dont read and don't inform myself and i'm super misogynistic btw!'#oh and its worse bcs people watched that goddamned trial and didn't fucking understand it.#bcs they're all running like fucking idiots spreading the lie that the trial concluded that depp is 'innocent' like???! no it didn't NXNCND#he's still an abuser. the trial concluded he did abuse heard but she can't talk about it. which is horrendous for DV victims.#so people don't even understand what they watch. and that's so dangerous about society. so so dangerous. i'm in shock.#its pathetic bcs these people don't read but dont understand what they watch either... horrendous truly.
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