#after the twins' mother death and mika's manipulation
natasha-in-space · 11 months
The Beginning of the End
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Chapter 1 of A Wilted Daffodil.
Rika/cmc Chaewon Lee;
Grief is felt differently by everyone. It can be debilitating and overwhelming, to the point where you have no idea how you're supposed to keep on living without the one you lost. Chaewon is no stranger to grieving families and loved ones. Unfortunately, working as a nurse comes with responsibility of bearing witness to some very tragic events. But, she never thought she'd have to see her own dear friend crushed by a sudden loss nobody has ever seen coming.
TW for: pet loss, grieving.
A Wilted Daffodil: Ch. 1 (you are here!), Ch. 2
Can be read over on AO3
"She got run over, Chaewon, she's dead, and it's all my fault. I knew it. I knew I should've listened to Jumin! Why did I ever think that I knew better what she truly needed? She must've suffered so much... I couldn't do anything, I couldn't save her-!"
A horrible chill ran down Chaewon's spine as she held the phone up to her ear. Rika's voice sounded so utterly broken and anguished that she could feel her breath getting caught in her throat, a heavy lump of dread obstructing her airways and stealing her voice away from her. She felt her entire body freezing up completely as all that she could do in the moment was just stand there, not knowing what to do or what to say. Sally meant everything to Rika. She was so much more than just a beloved dog, and Chaewon didn't need to know her friend for long to understand that. Sally was Rika's loyal companion, her first source of comfort when she needed it most, someone who was by her side long before Chaewon, RFA, or even Jihyun first found their way into her life. To lose someone like that... in such a horrendous and abrupt way nonetheless... Oh, God, she was starting to get really scared for her dear friend now. Who knew what she would do in such a vulnerable state of mind?
She curled her free hand into a tight fist, her fingernails digging into the skin of her palm, until she had to hold herself back from wincing. At the very least, this helped her keep her head above water and not freeze up completely. Swallowing down the lump in her throat, she pushed through the paralyzing unease and spoke up, sounding uncharacteristically stuttery and high-pitched for her usual tone of voice. She would feel embarrassed about it, if not for the horrible situation at hand.
"Rika, listen, just- stay on the phone with me, alright? You're at home currently, correct? I'm coming right over. Just- Hold on for me, okay? I- I'll be right there. It'll be okay. I promise" She muttered hurriedly as she sprinted off from the supply closet she tucked herself into to take this call as fast as her legs could carry her, her heart pounding in her chest with so much force, she was afraid it might just stop beating all together. And, she couldn't allow that. Not right now. Her own words sounded so incredibly stupid. Of course it won't be okay. It won't ever be okay. But, she didn't know what else to say. She needed time to think, and she didn't have that luxury right now. So, she ran.
Everything else was lost in the haze of panic, confusion and frustration. It was probably incredibly reckless and irresponsible of her to just abandon her post at the hospital like this, especially right at the beginning of her night shift, but she barely gave a single damn about any of that right now, however selfish it was on her part. Nothing was more important than getting to Rika's side as fast as humanely possible. Before something bad could happen. Before she would get even more hurt than she already was, in one way or another. Chaewon was always a selfish person, deep down, after all. She accepted that. But Rika... Rika gave so much of herself away to help others, to make others smile, to give them hope for a better future.
Rika was nothing like Chaewon, and that's exactly why she didn't deserve to suffer such a loss alone.
Frankly, it was a miracle she didn't get run over on her way there. Her driving was horribly jerky and borderline dangerous. She won't be at all surprised to find a notification about a fine or two for exceeding the speed limit once this all blows over. Even if she knew, deep down, that it won't. And that was scary to think about. She told herself that she was just panicking, and that's why this harrowing feeling was scratching at her insides like a caged wild animal. The feeling of something going horribly wrong. The feeling of things falling apart and never being the same again.
She ignored it.
Somehow, thanks to pure luck, she made it to Jihyun's secluded place safely and with her car intact. She didn't have time to feel relieved, though. None of it truly mattered once she saw Rika's small trembling frame sitting all alone at the front porch, her head tucked tightly into her knees, almost like she was trying to curl herself up into the tiniest human ball imaginable. It looked painful. Chaewon was sure her back must have hurt from staying in such an unnatural position - how long had she even stayed like that? It broke her heart to see Rika like this. Usually, she'd get greeted by cheerful barking and her friend's soft giggling as she stepped through the front gate to usher her inside for a cup of pomegranate tea. Now, she heard nothing but the heartbreaking sounds of hoarse sobs and labored breathing. It all felt like one big horrible nightmare she would wake up from any minute now. She wished she would wake up. Oh, how she wished for this to he nothing but a cruel trick of the mind.
However, this was reality. And she had no choice but to face it head on.
She rushed to Rika's side, clumsily slumping onto her knees in front of her onto the pavement, her hands stopping just inches from touching her. It didn't matter that her pants were now sullied from damp ground from the rain. It didn't matter that she accidentally grazed her hand against the edge of the wooden door that hung right open - another thing that was horribly out of place. It was as if the entire world has faded from existence, leaving only her suffering friend and the deafening sound of her blood pumping in her head, making it very hard to focus. She was honestly starting to suspect that she was on the verge of a panic attack herself, and she wanted to curse at that realization. Of all the times for her to lose her cool, her mind just had to pick this one.
But... She was scared.
She was always terrible at comforting people. She could treat a nasty-looking physical wound and not bat an eye at the blood and gore, fight off a bully just fine or come to someone's defense with a strong word or two without a second thought, but... such fragile and emotionally driven ordeals? They were always Rika's forte. Or Jihyun's, as much as she hated to admit that. Yet another reason why that man would always be better than her in one way or another. But, this was not the time for her pity party. Rika she needed her right now. And any comfort would still be better than no comfort at all. At least, she hoped so. She didn't rush here for nothing.
Don't overthink it, just do it.
"...Rika? We should-"
She didn't get to finish her sentence.
"She's gone forever now, Chaewon, and it's all my fault! I'm never going to see her again. I didn't even... I didn't even get to give her any proper goodbye! She must have died in so much pain, so scared, feeling so hurt and alone... I can't... I can't handle this. Not without her. Oh, Sally... My Sally..." Rika sobbed, choking on every single painful word crawling up from her raw throat, almost like it was her own words tearing at her trachea, and not the globus sensation that appears during emotionally vexing situations. Some part of Chaewon felt gross that she was applying her medical knowledge even in such in an emotional situation. She felt like it was wrong of her. Still, Rika's breathing was growing more and more ragged with every passing second, and she needed to try and fix that. Or, at least mitigate. She knew this was bad. This was very bad. She never saw Rika like this before. So vulnerable, so... so hurt.
She swallowed shakily, trying to make her voice sound softer. This won't do. She needed to ask. "Does V-"
Once again, she was interrupted. She was starting to think that she won't get anywhere at this rate.
"I thought she would be fine on her own. I thought I was doing the right thing! I swear I- I took my eyes off of her for just a moment... I never imagined- Oh, God, I couldn't do anything! Not a single thing!"
"Rika, please, you need to listen to-"
"I wish- I wish it was me who got hit by that car instead! She was so much more deserving of a chance to live! She was good! Not me! I killed her! I- I hate myself! I hate myself for letting her die-!"
"Rika! Stop it!"
On pure impulse, she darted close and gripped Rika's shoulders tight, as her heart dropped all the way into her stomach at such horrible words. She was panicking. Her hands were trembling. Her hands never trembled like this before. What is she supposed to do? What is she supposed to say? Her voice was breaking, every word slipping off her tongue before she could even process them. She couldn't think straight. This was bad. She never acted rationally when she got like this. She would just make everything worse. "Don't you ever say such things! This is not your fault! These sorts of things happen all the time! Please, you had no play in any of this!"
"How can you even say that!? You weren't there!" Rika shouted back, but it sounded more like a broken wail than an angered scream. It still made Chaewon's heart ache all the same. "You don't know how much she suffered, you don't know what pain she was in! If I had just given her that surgery, none of this would have happened!"
Chaewon tried to calm her racing mind by running a hand through her messy black locks that have gotten damp now from the light rain trickling down on them from above. This wasn't good, she was handling this terribly, as expected. She needed to get herself together, think of something, anything. Screaming and arguing won't get her anywhere. This isn't some debate.
"...Sally wouldn't have wanted to see you blaming yourself like this." She murmured in a more hushed tone, letting out a soft sigh to try and calm her nerves before continuing. "She was loved by you. More than I've ever seen anyone love their pet. And you were loved by her, too. You are still loved by her."
Rika whimpered at that, a tiny little sound that almost made Chaewon start crying herself. Her friend looked like a small helpless child: scared, lost, and confused about losing something she never thought she'd lose. It was heartwrenching to see.
"I don't deserve her love... It all feels so empty. Like a part of me was ripped away, and it hurts. It hurts so much, Chaewon. I thought I was used to the pain, but... but it's too much."
There was a part of her that desired to have a separate conversation with Rika about that. Some part of her that had always known there was so much more to the lighthearted beautiful woman she fell head over heels for a year ago. Some part of her that felt concerned about all the tiny signs she pretended not to notice since Rika never brought them up. Some part of her that longed to be the one to ease Rika's wounded heart. But... Wouldn't that be selfish of her? She just wanted to feel wanted by someone who only ever viewed her as a close friend. It wasn't right of her to be greedy. Especially right now. Rika had Jihyun. She was happy with Jihyun. She was supposed to be happy with Jihyun.
Otherwise... what point was there in her just standing by all this time?
Without even thinking, her fingers gently brushed up against the side of Rika's face, finding her skin to be damp and cold. Like the misery she was suffering from on the inside was slowly twisting and transforming what was on the outside to match its cruel image. It hurt her heart to see.
"Please don't say that..." What else could she possibly say? She couldn't bring Sally back. She couldn't ask her not to cry. She couldn't make it all okay. She felt so frustratingly helpless. If only she could take away even the smallest portion of this pain Rika was feeling and experience it instead, she would've done so without a second thought.
"I hate this... Why did she have to suffer? Why couldn't she just live a peaceful and happy life...? What did she ever do to deserve such a horrible death? Why does God always hurt those that are innocent in such cruel ways!?"
Chaewon was unsure of what to say to that. It didn't even seem like Rika was listening to her at this point. She just breathed out shakily, pulling herself up to sit beside her and carefully rest her chin atop of Rika's head once she knew she wouldn't push her away. If only her embrace could protect her from all the pain in this world.
"She's not in pain anymore... I promise." That was all she could muster up, however clumsy it was. She gently pulled Rika's small trembling frame close in a somewhat awkward embrace. She didn't force her to let go of her knees or lift her head. She just wanted to make her feel that she wasn't alone right now. A small sigh escaped her as she could feel a damp spot slowly forming in her shirt where Rika buried her face in, her entire body wracking with painful sobs. She wished their first embrace wasn't under such heartbreaking circumstances.
"...It wasn't your fault." She whispered.
Perhaps it would be better to just be honest instead of trying to wing it. She carefully caressed Rika's head, finding her usually soft and beautiful golden locks to be tangled and rough to the touch. It made her purse her lips tightly in displeasure.
"Rika... I want to help you. In any way I can. Please... tell me what should I do. I... I don't know. I need you to tell me."
"J-Just stay. Please." Rika's voice was barely audible, but she managed to make out what she was saying nonetheless. She could feel her fingers digging into her shoulders, almost to the point where it became painful. She didn't care. "I'm scared..."
"Don't be. I'm here. I'm right here." She mumbled, pulling her friend close, and just letting her cry. Maybe, there wasn't any need for words right now. She didn't know. She just knew that she wouldn't leave her alone in such a state. "I'll be here for as long as you need me to be."
About an hour had passed before Chaewon could hear the sound of a car screeching to a stop near the entrance to the front of the house, with hurried footsteps following soon after. She wasn't at all surprised to see the tall man with messy mint locks once she lifted her head up from where it loyally remained atop of Rika's for the past hour. A silent moment of sorrow passed between the two, nothing but the sound of Jihyun's ragged breaths and the quiet pitter-patter if rain filling the air.
Looks like she's not the only one who dropped everything to come as soon as possible.
"Is she...?"
"I think she fell asleep." She replied quietly, not even needing to hear the whole question. Rika was probably exhausted, both physically and mentally from the immense stress she had to go through in the past few hours. No wonder she eventually just drifted off to sleep. Perhaps, it was better for her to just not think about anything for a while and sleep.
Jihyun sighed, his hands shaking as he fumbled with the corners of his jacket. In some ironic sense, Chaewon found it comforting to know that she wasn't the only one overwhelmed by this situation. Finally, he spoke up again, carefully sitting down on the same porch she and Rika were nestled upon, his hand carefully brushing a strand of his fiance's hair behind her ear. There was genuine heartache in his eyes, and she had to look away from the scene dejectedly. "I came as soon as I heard. I... Is she okay?"
Chaewon had a feeling that his question had more to it than just expressing concern about his lover's well-being. She tried to brush that bizarre thought away, but it remained there, in the back of her mind, like a parasite slowly digging its claws into her mind.
He seemed to be asking if Rika has done anything. To herself or someone else, she had no idea. But, it alarmed her nonetheless.
She shook her head slightly to avoid disturbing her unconscious friend. "I think so. Aside from... possible raw throat, tense back and possible headache, she should be fine. Physically."
She would have noticed any wounds right away, she was sure of it.
Jihyun breathed a sigh of relief, but without any joy accompanying it. She couldn't blame him for it. "Thank you, Chaewon... I am... ever so grateful she had you by her side when I couldn't be there."
The small grateful smile he gave her made her want to scream. He was being genuine, and that was the most unfair part of it all. Jihyun was a good and caring man. Although, she had more in common with his friend Jumin, rather than the photographer himself. She couldn't possibly hate him even if she tried. And, having these ugly feelings of jealousy and envy gnawing at her from the inside made her feel disgusted with herself. Jihyun considered her a friend, and here she is, getting all worked up over him rightfully caring and worrying over his partner.
Damn it, she's selfish.
In a mix of frustration and hurt, Chaewon bit the inside of her cheek, feeling the light taste of copper on her tongue. Right. She was just a friend. To Jihyun and Rika all the same. A close friend. Nothing more. Jihyun was the one Rika truly relied on. He knew sides of her she was never allowed to see.
The worst part of it all? She was aware that Jihyun was a better match for Rika. He was kind, gentle, artistic, loving. He was everything that Rika valued in a person. Meanwhile, Chaewon was blunt, forceful, and practical. She couldn't ever compete with this man for her heart. Did she even want to do that? It's not like she tried. She just stood back, without doing or saying a thing.
This seemed to be a pattern in her life.
Agh, just look at yourself. Your friend just lost her beloved companion, and you're too busy feeling sorry for yourself over some stupid crush. Get a grip. Chaewon quickly chastised herself as she tried to redirect her attention back to what was truly important right now, rather than her pitiful lovesickness.
"We should... probably carry her in. You should have her take a warm bath once she wakes up. Or give her a warm beverage. She might get sick after staying out in the rain like this." She mumbled quietly while untangling a few of Rika's golden locks to keep her mind on something else. She certainly did not want to picture Jihyun taking care of Rika like that. But... She wasn't one to be petty. At least not outwardly. She could be petty, angry and upset all she wanted once she gets home, where her selfish outbursts won't harm anyone.
Jihyun nodded as he carefully stood up from his spot. "Yes, you're right. I'll keep in contact with you. She might need her friend once she wakes up."
Her friend. She sure hoped that didn't sound too bitter. She didn't want to come off as an asshole. Chaewon made sure to help Jihyun carry Rika back into the house, offering a few more tips out of what little she knew. Of course, those were all health-related. Not much she could advise in when it came to emotions.
That night, after a miserable few hours of drinking her stress away, she slumped onto her bed with a bad feeling that kept her up until early morning. A horrible, nasty, chilling feeling. The same one that she felt back in her car. It never left. It just faded onto the bacround. But, it was there. Demanding to be listened to. The feeling of things would never being the same again. The feeling of something horrible awaiting just around the corner. Something that would change everything forever.
A point of no return. The beginning of the end.
And, just like she did before, she ignored it. She always did.
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iloveyanderes · 1 year
Shikama doji/sika madu yandere analysis, this is mainly for me and my friend that will probably never read this despite the fact that they'll probably never read it, warning bad words and sexual themes.
This same friend made me read the manga and I have to say no character has such a big of an impact on me as shikama doji gives me, this man is number two on my list of favorite characters, sitting right next to my beloved shiraori(btw I headcanon the both of them as siblings) and I've noticed a very short amount of fics on him, I've really only found one so if someone could send me some more I haven't found it be very appreciated.
Anyway moving on the analysis we go into the first part, his character.
To this day he remains very mysterious, he's an angel like character who's intentions still remain partly hidden, my greatest guess is that he wants to revive his son Mika but Mika is kind of alive? Maybe there's like two Mika's and he attempted to create a perfect replica of his son but failed so many times until we got our current Mika? Maybe our Mika is a reincarnation of his son and shikama knows this but that wouldn't make sense since he kinda was really unnice towards Mika when he was turning into a demon and destroyed his dreams, one thing is clear is that he has an attachment towards his son because he quite litterly kept him in a clear coffin for an unknown amount of time, I'd guess about a thousand years.
He also is very manipulative while making himself seem almost saintlike, he uses people and then abandons him, he seems to care about people by calling them endearments before threatening to kill them and attempting to follow through with it.
I imagine him as a controlling yandere, while also being a training yandere(one that trains you to act a certain way), he's not one to lose his temper but on the rare occasion he does I pray for you. He's also not big on physical punishments, most of the time he'd opt for mental ones, even so he does really not like punishments going more for positive reinforcement. Kidnapping you is a pretty much guaranteed but locking you up really depends on the situation, a bit protective but really possessive.
I have so many ideas for this guy and I'm so excited to share them with you.
If we were talking Platonic yandere I have a couple ideas.
1.you being the angel Mika's twin brother, after his son died he'd probably lock you up, on a tower like Rapunzel, funny enough I could imagine him singing mother knows best,.in this idea I don't think he'd ever let you talk to anyone other then him, he would leave you alone for days sometimes even months, only to appear at the most random times, brushing your hair so delicately as if he didn't just leave you totally isolated for the longest time. He's overprotective anyone that even dares go near you will meet death, you wouldn't believe how many of his fledgling vampire accidentally walked into your quarters and perished.
2. Your one of the orphans he took in and turned into vampires, in this idea he would give you a lot more freedom, not consistently worried that your going to die if someone bad even looks at you, though he would keep you with him all hours of the day, those other Orphans and salves he brought? They wouldn't even have the chance to express there jealousy towards you simply because you have never once left his side, he'd also occasionally wrap you in his wings and hold your tiny body next to him, I don't think he'd let you age, preferring to keep you as a tiny child that he could forever manipulate.
3. This is my final idea for platonic yandere and definitely the funniest in my opinion, imagine if you were his younger sibling and he absolutely adored you from birth, taking over the job of whatever parents the two of you came from, being there when you said your first word, when you took your first steps, EVERYTHING. The funny part of this comes from you, you've always known that your brother Is a psychopath, you know about the people he's tortured despite how hard he's tried to hide it, you want nothing more to get the absolute fuck away from him, he's absolutely fucking delusional, everytime you try to hide from him he somehow convinces himself that your playing hide and seek, every time you run he's right behind you asking where your going in such a hurry, he follows you everywhere and your trying to get the Frick away from him. Imagine you somehow manage to seal him away for a couple hundred years and you meet our Mika and yuu and get super confused about it, wtf is his son here and the weird creation that he made. Imagine just dreaming peacefully, feeling happy you don't have to deal with your brother anymore and waking up terrified when your brother whose now possessing shinoa is hugging you, screaming on the top of your lungs and bolting down the hallway of whatever house you decided to sleep in. Basically this entire idea is you running while screaming and him following you.
Moving on the the romantic yandere:
1. Imagine being a cute little bird he found one day, one of that he ended up liking a little too much, so much that he turned you human and kept you in a cage, a cute golden one only for the most beautiful of birds, almost no one knows about you and it's going to stay that way, he's very territorial over you, being an angel himself he thinks of birds as lesser beings, so technically he owns you.
2. Instead of shinoa getting him as cursed gear, he gets you instead, though unlike shinoa he ends up liking you a little too much, haunting your dreams every night, clinging so close, and forcibly possessing your body just so he could be a little bit closer to you, he's with you all hours of the day.
3. Your one of his servant, you were a slave he bought and you listen to every single one of his orders, when he wants you to kill someone you do it, when he wants you to watch as he tortures an innocent person you had the audacity to help you do it, when he demands that you place your head in his lap you do it. With him you don't have anymore free will, just him only him.
This is all I've got for now, pls let me know what you thought of this and feel free to give me your ideas! Have a great day.
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Character Intro: Mika
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Medium brown skin, straight and thick dark hair. Hair is usually done in a braid or ponytail, and she dresses mildly preppy, an unassuming style.
“I don’t relish in every detail of a murder, thank you very much.”
“You going to tell on me?” She raised an eyebrow. I think she worded it childishly on purpose, to discourage me.
“And okay, I get it. Nyp, like okay. Zachary does the same thing, keeping his guard up. Honestly, most people do. But most of the time, even with him, it’s subtle. I still get a feeling of them, there’s just a suppression of some kind. But with you it’s like a freaking wall.”
Mika is a combination of petty and mothering. Unaffected, she feels all emotions very deeply, meaning when she's angry she's very angry and usually not afraid to tell people what she thinks of them. But for people she cares about she is deeply loving and protective of-- something that really does go hand in hand.
I say "unaffected." Mika, like her twin brother Raymond, is a Nyp, with powers over the mind. She's most in touch with emotions and is able to manipulate both other's and her own.
Although in actuality this is not true, this is how Mika knows things to be: both she and her brother were taken in by, manipulated by, and trained by Zachary, though Raymond always got more attention. Mika was used to following her brother's lead as a child, used to him getting more praise-- he was a natural at most things, but she never resented him for it, because they were always partners. Her caution balanced his determination.
But then Raymond made a decision on his own. When he decided he could no longer do what Zachary wanted him to do, he risked his own life to save a target. He did survive it, but with the betrayal came the punishment he seemed to accept: death. Leaving her there, alone.
Should she follow his lead? Is he a better person for dying for his morals, while she keeps her head down and does what is asked of her to survive? (And to protect her younger brother, but I may take out that character).
Sometimes I wonder, am I just too weak? Too scared to resist that I can’t do what’s right? I hate myself whenever I twist someone’s mind, taking their pain and extrapolating it. And everytime it comes back to Raymond died because he couldn’t stand to do this. 
But also? He left us for his morals. And I don’t know if I’m mad at him for it or admire him. But I’ve decided. I’m not too weak, I’m sticking it out, I’m not going to leave Cecil behind. Not until he’s safe. I can’t hate Raymond, though. I get it, I get him. I understand him better than anyone else, and being a Nyp makes it so I understand everyone really well.
Mika is greiving her brother, battling between anger and sadness. While her powers over emotions still give her value to Zachary, she hates what she does for it, but surviving is worth it. Rather than rebellion, she numbs herself to it-- turning off her own emotions when it's too much.
Raymond had hated when I did, after all. He said I’d left, that he missed me. And you know what, Raymond, I miss me too, but you left me alone here, where I have to pretend I’m okay, where I don’t get to be me anymore. Because being me, feeling things, it’s a weakness here. I can’t show it. Not to the person who ordered your death and the person who executed it. 
But okay. I won’t numb myself, not just because I hated you, but because I don’t have any other way of keeping you in my life. And I so want you in my life. 
She doesn't trust those around her, surrounded by her brother's killers and suck alongside them. But she's not trusted either, which frustrates her. Someone always watching her, partially because Raymond betrayed them and she never lets them think she doesn't hate what they have her do. Zachary doesn’t trust she's going to do what she's told. Terran doesn’t seem to trust her either. Mika grew up in a loving home where she could depend on others and now no one trusts her and she can't relax around anyone. Is it for the same reason no one trusts Nyps, because of what Raymond did, or something else, something about her? But why does she even care-- no one here is worth trusting because when it comes down to it none of them have any morals.
But can she really say that when she's doing the same thing? Does openly hating it really make a difference?
Sometimes all you can do is mess with other's plans in a way that keeps you out of it, keeps you from being the threat. No one here really deserves the kindness of keeping things to herself. Being angry at them is so much easier than questioning if they deserve it, so it's the best way to operate. Be annoying, get under their skin, reveal their secrets, make their lives more complicated, because it's their fault hers is.
Mika is aroace! Doesn't really come up much but she is. I think if she ever let herself get close to someone outside her family she may want a qpr, but no one in her life would be a partner for that and Mika's focus is on escape. She's prepared to live on her own, and may not be able to trust anyone else anyway.
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frailesea · 6 years
        —     this gets long,   so everything will be under a read more because i don’t want to kill your dashes     !
          THE  FIRST  TIME     i need to mention is that this takes place in a different timeline than mai’s background takes place in.     mika is mai’s twin,   yes.     however,   she’s her twin from another timeline where mika actually lived.     this timeline doesn’t differ much,   but it does have it’s moments of very apparent places where events do not line up with mai’s background.     nozomi renji is still their father,   &   he still murders their mother along with all of his other children’s mothers.     it’s probably best to read   this   for some information about what i talk about in this paragraph.     the basis of what renji does isn’t much different from what is said in the other post i’ve linked.
          MIKA  WAS  BORN     as the older twin to nozomi mai.     what differs from mai’s timeline is that when renji killed their mother,   he didn’t accidentally kill mika.     he was able to escape with mika   &   mai,   &   he brought them back alongside his other   3   children.     mika had   3   older siblings   &   one younger twin sister.     the order of it goes     (     oldest  to  youngest.     )     :     hinata   [   +4   ],   chiko   &   chikao   [   +2   ],   mika   &   mai   [   0     :     to compare the others’ ages by.   ].     it remains in this verse than none of his children ever figure out that he’s murdered all of their mother.     they all just consider their mothers to not have wanted them for various reasons they can’t blame them for     (     especially  when  connected  to  this  man.     ).     their father obviously lied to them their whole lives   &   told them he loved them more than their mothers,   but their mothers weren’t involved   &   they had biggest issues,   so they didn’t consider much of it.
          THIS  PARAGRAPH  IS     basically a copy   &   paste from mai’s since it’s not so different          :          renji never actually took care of them.     raised is a word used loosely.     he spent all his money doing whatever unsavory business he did outside of their home     (     gambling,   drinking,   etc.     )     ;     hinata brought most of the money in the house with fights   &   so did mika.     mika also had taken up cleaning other people’s houses along with local interior advice     (     something  really  rare   &   utilized  typically  by  those  who  more  knew  her.     ).     after mai found her little talent   &   hobby with sewing   &   design,   she would have people pay her to fix things by sewing.     chiko conned people out of money     (     ever  since  he’d  been   9.     )     &   chikao did genuine fortune telling.     this was all in between occasional school,   with mai having went to school the most out of all of them     (     but  not  by  much.     she  learned  much  of  what  she  used  in  school  outside  of  it.     ).     mika was probably the next most educated,   &   she helped mai with what she had trouble with.     as sisters,   mai   &   mika were extremely close     (     even  if  mika  didn’t  speak  much   &   was  mean  in  ways  that  would  drive  others  off.     ).     mika was extremely lenient on mai with her attitude.
         IN  THEIR  HOME,     they had many arguments.     those arguments would include most of the household,   &   many of their arguments were partly their father’s fault.     while mai was the peacemaker   &   negotiator   &   mediator,   mika was either extremely short   &   quiet or cutting   &   explosive with these arguments.     earlier than in mai’s timeline,   mai started being pulled into the arguments,   &   they’ve accuse her of taking their father’s side because mai didn’t pick a side.     mika,   when mai was treated as such,   would self -- place herself against those who were accusing mai of this.     this was a very tense atmosphere,   &   at this point,   the arguments between all of them would shift into a physical fight with hinata   &   mika.     they were both very strong personalities,   &   they weren’t afraid to use their actions to duke out their differences instead of their words.     those nights,   mai cried so much   &   their father would attempt to calm her in her hysteria.     mika would lash out at him   &   repair the situation herself,   which worked out fine most of the time.     because of hinata’s hostility to mai,   hinata   &   mika butted heads a lot.
          AT  THE  AGES     of   10     (     mika   &   mai’s  ages.     ),   their father actually started attempting to take care of the home.     he would cook their dinner or bring dinner from other places,   bring the money he could into the household,   etc.     he got a little better,   but he was still manipulative.     mai always reminds hinata     :     baby steps,   baby steps.     mika stuck by mai’s beliefs of their father.     /     he   WAS   doing better.
         &   THEN  TRAGEDY  STRUCK.     mika was   12   when chikao was the first to get sick.     then it was hinata,   &   then chiko.     then   her.     within   4   months,   chiko died.     he had only been sick for a month.     2   months after that,   chikao died.    she had been sick for   6   months.     9   months after that,   after a roller coaster of her getting better   &   then getting sick again   3   times,   hinata died.     she’d been sick for   11   months.     (     maybe  i’ll  do  a  timeline  to  explain  that  easier,   but  probably  not  since  it’s  a  smaller  fact.     ).     at this time,   mika had been as for as long as hinata had been since they received their illness at relatively the same time.     though,   after hinata’s death   &   viewing certain behaviors   &   seeing their father perform certain rituals,   she had reason to believe their father had been poisoning everyone but mai     (     which  she  inferred  was  from  his  fondness  of  mai’s  passiveness   &   docility.     ).     mika was   13   when she made a     ‘   full  blown   ’     recovery.     &   this recovery consisted of her not eating the food or taking the medicine he was giving her to be able to poison her.     mai had been out at the store when mika confronted her father,   &   he lashed out at her in his anger   &   disbelief that she unraveled his plan right before his very eyes.
          &   WHEN  MAI  CAME     through the door,   holding groceries   &   humming,   their father grabbed her.     &   he,   staring at mika,   broke mai’s neck as he held her face down to deprive her of sight in her last moments.     mika   &   he did physically fight each other,   &   he sliced mika’s neck as a way to slit her throat.     &   she stabbed him   5   times.     he didn’t die in that moment   &   mika never knew if he died,   but he got away.     &   the way he sliced her neck kept her alive   &   left a nasty scar when it healed.     she brought herself to the hospital,   &   she left while in their overnight care     (     easily.     she  was  good  at  escaping.     ).     after that,   she made a ghost out of herself   &   left     :     hinaki found mika when she was   21   &   starving   &   fighting to survive.     she was severely in need of something to anchor her down to living,   &   the route she was taking was killing her     (     if  fighting  for  money  didn’t  kill  her,   the  way  she  lived   &   where  she  lived  would  have.     ).     hinaki found mika with briar,   &   that’s when hinaki   &   briar invited themselves into mika’s life.
          HINAKI   &   BRIAR’S  PRESENCES     in her life made it better.     to mika,   they both became family to her,   &   mika’s physical   &   mental state became better     (     more  the  former  than  the  latter.     ).     when mika was   23,   she had reached a state of emotional depth   &   anguish that’d became something concealed from hinaki   &   briar,   as well as damaging to her own health.     after a fight that’d ended in the heaviness of injuries fatal to her life,   she’d come home.     briar   &   hinaki were there     ;     no surprise,   but the way she’d been injured shocked the two.     in a panic,   hinaki had accidentally turned mika to a timeline stitcher by touch     (     the  requirements     :     emotional tragedy     ---     fatal physical conditions     ---     the touch of a timeline bride.     ).     while hinaki didn’t mean to turn mika,   to keep her alive,   she   &   briar switched to another timeline with mika while mika had been unconscious as her body tried to heal itself.     for the sole reason of mika not being in her home timeline   &   because her wounds were from her timeline’s natural events,   she was able to keep alive   &   heal.
          THIS  LEAVES  THEM     now,   the three of them as a team.     briar   &   mika protect hinaki from plane insurgency pirates who find their way to erase hinaki’s existence   &   attempt to thwart all timelines   &   dimensions   &   universes in discord.     often times,   they change timelines   &   adapt to them to blend in as to coexist with all others within that timeline until them need to switch timelines again.
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