#after us it's also up to animation and lighting and comp to elevate things even further
neunhofferart · 4 months
I was just rewatching camp cretaceous and thinking about the writing and storyboarding process for a show that does silent/physical comedy so well and then I discovered your tumblr! amazing work!
Aw thank you so much!! We were a script driven show so some of it was thanks to our writers coming up with funny material to work with, and then a lot of the physical/visual comedy in Camp Cretaceous and Chaos Theory was thanks to the direction of one of our showrunners, Aaron Hammersley-- he comes from a storyboarding and directing background himself, and he often did passes on the animatics to punch up the acting and comedy even more. I got to work directly with him when I started out as a revisionist on Camp Cretaceous, and I tried to learn from and emulate his comedic sensibilities (in addition to learning from and emulating all my other incredibly talented coworkers haha).
You can particularly tell whenever Aaron touched a scene though-- like, you can almost see his drawings and recognize his timing even when it's translated to 3D. The shot of Ben falling over and screaming for sliiightly too long from the clip that was released today is one of his revisions that wasn't originally scripted, for example. I think probably the BEST example of his is the scene from Camp Cretaceous when Ben is staring at Bumpy and slowly shaking his head with those haunted eyes as she plops down in his sleeping spot-- that was pretty much exactly how Aaron drew it and timed it haha.
A lot of it comes down to thinking about the character's personality and what they'd do, picking strong expressions, limiting the movement of everything around that expression, and being allowed to let the timing breathe. It's really interesting-- a scene from a script can be made into something completely different depending on who's boarding it/who's directing it/how the interpretation of the script is approached.
Even though we were on script driven shows, part of the process of being a storyboard artist was working with our episodic directors to translate the script visually before it was animated, and troubleshooting any problems that arose while visually translating it. If we were able to pitch ideas that supported what was written in the script but took things further/we came up with good solutions to problems that also elevated the storytelling, we were given a lot of support from leadership in return-- particularly on Chaos Theory!
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BTS reaction to the zombie apocalypse - Maknae line
A/N: For the Hyung line click here! 
When it starts: Jimin was outside shopping when the zombie apocalypse happened. He’d been collecting xmas presents for his team when there was a sudden array of screaming coming from outside along with many people running into the store that he was currently in. 
“Run!” someone yelled at him as they pushed by, confused why the boy was just standing there holding a red knitted sweater instead of trying to get away from such danger. 
The people in the store were frantic as feral humans (as Jimin described later on) ran in and began attacking people. They were snarling and tearing the living beings apart as if they were some sort of animal. 
And that’s when the evident fight or flight skills in Jimin’s head began to work: flight was what it screamed. 
The boy had quickly stuffed the sweater into his bag, running away and up a flight of escalators in the mall so that he could possibly find some place to hide. He knew that there was an assortment of fake lockers in the upstairs area where the teen section was and he betted that that’d be a good place to hide if any spot was good. 
Lucky for him, the locker were exaggerated to make the school supplies look like they were even more useful than they really were, so it was hard at all to hide in one and close the door as he listened to the chaos around him. 
He pulled out his phone, dialing Seokjin’s number as he waited, terrified of what was to come. 
Adapting: It wasn’t BTS themselves who’d gotten Jimin out safely, but a group of men who were looking around for any survivors while also looking for their younger sisters who’d been out shopping. The group had killed off any remaining zombies in the area and when they heard Jimin calling for help from one of the lockers, they waisted no time to help the younger get out. That was why when the boy had been reunited with his friends and learned what was going on, they’d waisted no time to try and form a team to make it through. 
For Jimin, it was difficult. He was always too nervous and over thought too many things. He was constantly reminded to stay focused and in the middle of the night when they were settled down and ready to camp out, he could always feel some sort of water works making their way up. 
Well, at least for the first month it was like that. Shortly after the apocalypse began, the team as a whole seemed to grow thicker skin. They remained in a small deserted area outside of Seoul, lucky to even be alive considering the city they were in and how dense the population was. 
Namjoon and Seokjin had easily become leaders to their little group, laying out ground rules and trying to form a tight knit community in hopes that maybe a sub society could form through such a disaster. 
it was exactly 35 days after Jimin had found himself trapped inside a locker however that he’d made his way over to his best and most dearest friend taehyung who’d taken look out as his job within their little village. The younger was busy focusing outwards, trying to find any ravenous zombies that might suddenly attack. 
“Hey,” Jimin said softly as he walked over to his friend, a bag in one of his hands as he got closer. “You know what day it is?” 
“Day 35?” Taehyung replied as he smiled at his friend, wondering what Jimins grin was all about. 
“Yes and No.”
“Then what is it?”
“It’s your birthday silly!” Jimin practically yelled as he handed the younger the bag he’d been holding. He was so excited for his friend to see the gift he’d chosen, it wasn’t everyday that you got to give something so nice. Especially not during an apocalypse of all times. 
Taehyung quickly opened the bag after he realized that it really was his birthday and inside he find a crimson looking knitted sweater, perfect for their current weather. 
“When did you get this?”
Jimin laughed a little as he took a seat next to his friend, “Let’s just say that when I decided to lock myself in a locker... I brought a little something with me as well. And then kept it safe up until this very moment.”
Teahyung gave his signature box-like smile for such a cute response and gave his friend a hug. It was moments like these that warmed both of their spirits and gave Jimin courage to live on in the future. 
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When it starts: 
“Hyung, I feel like something bad is going to happen today,” is the first thing Taehyung said the day the zombie apocalypse began. They’d been a busy and tight knit schedule because of their upcoming come back and were doing back to back rehearsals for their newest title song. However, when the boy had woken up that day, he’d had a terrible feeling in his gut. 
“You’re probably just overworked , maybe you need a day off or something.” Yoongi had said when the younger told him such news. The two were the only ones left in the apartment, everyone else already at the studio or dance room working. But because Yoongi had spent all night writing the last verse to their last song on the track and Taehyung had been up all night playing video games, they’d decided to treat themselves to a small break. “Or, you know, you can stop playing games all night long. I swear, Namjoon is going to kill you for being so noisy at night.” 
“He can try,” Taehyung laughed before pouring himself some cereal and eating away at the sugary treat. 
It was simple in the beginning, peaceful and normal, and taking his hyungs advice, the younger had taken the day off, convincing yoongi as well to do the same. It was sweet. 
Adapting: Taehyungs world felt like it fell apart when he watched his best friend die. Yoongi had been the one who noticed when all hell broke lose, practically pulling the younger with him when he’d tried escaping, running out of their packed facility and out into the streets which is where one would generally not want to go. But by dodging and through brute force they’d made their way to the studio quickly, running inside and escplanning what was happening before the building went on lock down and all doors and windows were closed. 
Trainees and the other members were all rushed into the largest dance room, told to be quiet and to stay down low while the older workers found a way to make it out and contacting police stations for help and advice on what to do. 
“What do you think is happening?” Taehyung whispered to Yoongi as he scooted over to Jimin, setting down in the older’s lap. 
“Terrorist attack maybe?” Namjoon suggested as he was biting his lip. There was tension in the air. Everyone was scared. 
“Isn’t there a tunnel system in the basement area?” one of the trainees said as the older seven boys looked in their direction. “Just behind of the MV supplies? Me and Jakyoung went down there once.”
“Do you know where it leads?” Namjoon asked quickly. He was about to ask more when there was a sudden scream comping from the hallway and their door was ripped open, a couple of red eyed bloodied humans running in right after and seemingly targeting the different humans that were there and alive. 
“Run!” Seokjin screamed before standing up, grabbing onto jugnkook’s hand and pulling the younger back just as one of the things ran towards them. The seven were quick on their feet, trying to get away from all of the chaos as they dodged the attacks, making their way to the door that led out of the brutal practice room which was filled with screams from those who were trainees. 
“We have to help them,” taehyung said softly as he looked over at the bunch. 
Yoongi shook his head, holding onto the other and pulling him with the rest away from the room, kicking at what he’d call the modern version of zombies and trying his best to make it to the elevator that Seokjin already had up and open for them. 
They made it with no less than a second to spare, running in and panting as the older pressed for the basement floor, thinking that the tunnels might be the best lead they have at the moment. No doubt the lobby was packed. 
“Yoongi?” Jimin whispered softly, “Your leg.” 
The members all looked down at that moment, seeing the big bight on the side of his thigh where his jeans were ripped and blood was oozing. 
“It’s nothing, I’m fine.” The older replied. His leg was twitching and hurt terribly but as one of the eldest he knew he had to keep his composure. He was okay. It was okay. 
When the elevator beeped and the doors opened, the members were able to step out into a very quiet dark basement area. 
There were still sound so screams up above but overall it was peaceful and the members were thankful for that. 
“Where did he say it was?” Hoseok asked as he pulled out his phone, shinning the light around to see if they could see any entrance. They searched for a moment until making their way to the back where they found the stage outline for their music video “not today” and sure enough, there was a floor opening that read “tunnel system”. 
“Who first?” Namjoon asked as he opened the door up, thinking that it was way too intimidating for him. 
The members were all talking to themselves when Taehyung turned back and saw Yoongi leaning against one of the tables in the room, sweating heavily as he was leaned over, his hand on his thigh. The older looked up and saw the Youngers concern and it was obvious that something was right. 
“I think.... I think I'm going to pass out.” was all yoongi said before he fell over onto his side and Taheyung was scrambling to reach his hyung, yelling his name as he grabbed him. 
The yelling must have caught the attacker’s attention from the sudden pounding that was on the door which was only up a few flight of stairs. 
“Oh my god,” Seokjin said in almost a hushed whisper as they watched dtaehyung begin to cry, trying to push back the older’s bangs as his breathing became labored. He didn’t know what to do or what to say as Yoongi was holding onto his arm, gripping it tightly. His legs were spasming just a little as he tried to breathe. But just as quickly as he seemed to deteriorate, he was gone and a dullness was replaced in his eyes. 
“We have to go,” is all Jungkook said as he pulled taehyung away from yoongi, his screams for the older were heard from everyone including thoughs they didn’t want include. 
Yoongi was gone, and it was only the beginning.
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When it starts: Life had been going well when the zombie apocalypse started. the youngest of the group had been with his older friend Jimin on vacation to Disneyland when everything had crashed and fallen apart, quite literally. 
The two were on a rollercoaster, enjoying the thrill of adrenaline rushed rides when the ride had come to a steering halt while they were upside down. At first it’d been confusing and with the mixed screams of what they assumed to be energetic fun filled teens on scary rides, it was hard to hear the alarm that’d gone off and was warning park riders to exit the park immediately. 
“What’s happening?” Jungkook had asked as he turned his head, starting to feel all the blood rush down and make him dizzy as he tried to piece what was really going on. 
Jimin wasn’t holding his hand anymore and was instead trying to adjust his seatbelt right when there was a loud click and their over the shoulder seatbelts were released. 
The first reaction of course was to scream, which is exactly what Jungkook did when he felt himself practically free fall down a couple of feet, thanking the gods up above that he’d been holding onto the hand bars which was the only reason why he was still even on the ride unlike a couple other passengers who’d fallen off. 
“No Jungkook!” Jimin had screamed when he reached out. He was still buckled in by the emergency seat belt which jungkook apparently hadn’t bother to put on, barely there but still, barley was better than nothing. 
He reached out, hand grabbing for the younger as he held onto him and instead of pulling him up, let him hang as he tried to assess the situation. 
“Jimin I'm scared,” Jungkook admitted when he looked down. The passengers who’d fallen were merely below him, heads split open from the bars and pavement. “I don’t want to die.” 
“You won't, I’ve got you.” Jimin said as he bit his bottom lip. he could feel the roller coaster slowly inching backwards from all the movement as he held onto the younger, and within a second, the ride was rolling back, the rush pulling Jungkook in towards jimin and knocking the younger unconscious. 
Adapting: After Jimin had successfully carried the younger to the parking lot where their rented car was, he was then able to put the younger int he vehicle and drive away from everything crazy. 
He didn’t even realize what was going on until they were on the highway, driving out of the district and seeing the amount of buildings on fire and utter chaos from the outbreak. His main focus had been his best friend, his best friend who’s head had a big gash and was passed out. 
“You okay?”
Was the first thing asked when Jungkook had actually came to. Akita had become a safe haven once the epidemic hit and Jungkook had honestly been lucky enough to survive with his friend from such a crazy incident. No one knew why the ride stopped working let alone unlocked, but Jimin had a theory that maybe someone had been attacked and hit the control box. 
“Yeah I think I'm okay,” Jungkook had said as he sat up, “Where are we?” 
“Akita, Japan. The only safe place known right now in Japan.” Jimin answered. 
“Safe from what?” 
“The killing virus,” Is all jimin said before everyone else in the room went silent. 
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A/N: tae’s made me sad ;-; so please, send me some happy requests 
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iainisnotinberlin · 5 years
Klagenfurt/ Wörthersee
I departed Vienna for Klagenfurt, catching the train at 10:20 from Vienna Hauptbahnhof. I was really looking forward to spending some time by myself, or at least sleeping in a room alone, and being in nature after a couple of weeks in large cities. The train journey was very pleasant and I really got a feel of the topography of Austria. After a relatively flat start the train snakes up and down valleys and through the occasional mountain. I had a fairly unproductive morning as the train wi-fi was crap, but the view out the window was a serviceable alternative to work.
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I arrived at Klagenfurt at 14:20 and instead of getting a taxi as I had originally planned due to an unfavourable bus timetable, I decided to wait 2 hours until the bus arrived. I set up camp at the station bar, enjoyed a coffee and a couple of beers and made up for my lack of work in the morning. Shortly before the bus was due I paid up and headed for the bus stop. A 40 minute journey later I was at my stop, and walked 10 minutes to my destination.
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The guesthouse is in a small village called Dellach and has a golf course directly adjacent. It is a sweet place with a nice area to sit outside and very quiet, with sounds of animals and insects occasionally interrupted by the ping of a golf shot. I met the host, dropped my stuff in the room and headed out to see the Aussichtsturm Pyramidenkogel, a landmark I had seen previously on maps. As the crow flies it is probably less than a kilometre, however it’s quite a windy road and the hike features a fair amount of aerial elevation.
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I arrived at the tower after a wonderful hour featuring breathtaking views. I was also lucky enough to see a bird of prey (not sure which species) up close, as I inadvertently interrupted it’s resting place causing it to fly off towards the lake below. There were quite a few people around the tower and it seems to be a popular attraction, so I paid my €14 and took the 440 steps up to the top which wasn’t a lot after the hike I had just done! The price was totally worth it. There was a 360 degree view and it was one of the most stunning places I’ve ever seen. There were lakes, forests, plains and mountains fading into the distance for as far as the eye could see, and with sunset approaching the colours of the clouds, sun and lake were glorious.
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After taking far too many photos and plenty of gawking I took the steps back down and went to the restaurant at the bottom. I looked at the menu and to my surprise and delight there were vegan options. The waiter came over and said that only pizzas were available so I was somewhat dismayed, but after looking at the menu it transpired that they had vegan cheese! So I had a pizza and a beer in the fading light, then headed back down to my accommodation in the vain hope I’d be back before it was fully dark. I was not there before it was fully dark and on the way back down I broke into a run, but in the end I resigned myself to walking through the woods with only my phone light as company. I got back to the guesthouse at around 22:00 and headed to be shortly after, glad I had got the most out of my evening.
Day two in Wörthersee. I arose at around 8:00 after a pretty good night’s sleep and started work quite quickly after as i wanted to have a long lunch. I spent the morning working in between the courtyard and my room, as the room is very warm. My host had told me that in Maria Wörth it was possible to rent bikes from the tourist information office and I wanted to be a bit more mobile, so I went for a run there at lunchtime. 
On the run I passed by several great looking swimming holes, but I had decided that I should reward myself with a swim on the way back from the run. I got plenty of funny looks, as I’m probably not the sort of person to visit Wörthersee. It seems very rich and full of older couples, and the way the majority of the lakeside property is privately owned is pretty depressing. There are very few sections where the public can swim for free. Still I was aiming to find a good spot on the way back.
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I arrived at Maria Wörth, had a quick coffee (first of the day) and a mooch about the village/ waterfront. I found the tourist information and spoke to the employees, but it wasn’t possible to rent a bike for more than one day, and I don’t have much use for it between 8:30 and 18:30 so I declined. Around this point I noticed that I haven’t spoken English in 2 days, definitely the longest time ever. 
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Slightly dismayed, but looking forward to running more I set off back to the guest house and stopped at the best swimming spot on the way back. It was just off the road, but featured plenty of space for 40-odd people to chill out in the sun. I dumped my stuff and headed straight in to the water. It was quite warm, but so incredibly blue and clear, more so than I’ve ever seen in my life! The swim was so joyous and it felt amazing being in the lake and seeing the beautiful hills and mountains all around.
I left the ‘beach’ and arrived back at the house and had a casual afternoon’s work. Then in the evening I thought I’d head into Velden, the main town on the lake, for the evening and see what it’s like. It was over an hour’s walk away and I arrived there at around 20:30. Unfortunately, the place was horrible. It was full of middle-aged rich-looking couples and tourist families and felt very tacky. On the walk I did see the below bar, but it seemed to be long dead. I found a petrol station and hot-footed it back to the guesthouse as quickly as possible. I got home at around 11 then headed to bed.
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The next morning I planned out the day to come. I wanted to go for a swim and a read at lunchtime, then head to one of restaurants I came across yesterday in the evening. The first part was achieved successfully, but by 17:00 there was a spectacular thunderstorm, which also featured some large hailstones. I was confined to my room for an hour and a half, but after the storm passed I wandered down to the restaurant (spotting some storm destruction en route) for some soup and pommes, the only vegan options on the menu. It was satisfying to have a decent dinner though, as it’s been difficult to maintain a good diet the last few days as there’s not too much around and no kitchen.
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During the evening there was some spectacular lightning strikes on the other side of the lake, which were distracting, but also very cool. After dinner, a few beers and making a considerable dent in my book I wandered home to pack up my things and read some more!
The next day I was checking out, so I awoke at around 8:00, went through the familiar routine of packing up my things, then headed downstairs. I had checked the bus times and to my dismay I found that they don’t run at the weekends. I asked my host to provide me with a good taxi firm, but fortunately he gave me another suggestion. It turned out there’s a ferry which goes to Klagenfurt and after checking the ferry website we discovered the next one was in 10 minutes. I hastily said my goodbyes and got to the jetty with 5 minutes to spare, which was handy as the next one was 3 hours later. The journey took around an hour and was extremely enjoyable, made even better by getting a large discount due to my Wörthersee discount card! It halved the price to around €8 and also provided me with free bus travel around town all day.
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Once docking at Klagenfurt I hopped off and caught the bus into town. After alighting the bus I walked to the hauptbahnhof to deposit my bags in a locker and proceeded to have a wander around the city. After a quick lap I came across the stadtsgalerie, which had three exhibitions on, the highlight of the three being a display of photographs from a recent body-painting festival to which Klagenfurt is host. 
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After my culture fix I had a couple of beers, a bit more wandering then decided to go to the bouldering gym, Boulderama. First impressions were it was a good size gym, very quiet and a wee bit dirty. A lot of the walls had comp stuff on them which is unfortunate a I think I would have preferred some more everyday problems. Still I climbed for a few hours until my fingers were raw, then walked to the only vegan restaurant in town, triVida. Sadly the outdoor area was full, so I had to sit inside alone. I had a wrap/ summer roll-esque creation to start and a polenta pizza as a main. Both were really nice and I had a beer alongside. The waitresses were very friendly and I ended up chatting to one of them for about 2 hours. She was pretty cool and was also quite a talented artist!
I left around 22:30 still with a few hours to kill until my bus to Genoa, so upon my new friend’s recommendation I went to a few bars near the restaurant. I had a couple of beers and read, but during my time in the bar it started to rain very heavily! Fortunately it eased off just before I had to leave, so I wandered to the bus station and boarded the bus to Bologna, after a fantastic last day in Austria.
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