#afterward brian was like “damn that was some kinda adhd of you” and laughing
brennacedria · 11 months
So the anesthesiologist was in the room when I got back here, and after a minute he and Brian were just chatting about Brian's stones and we're they like, recessive or what? And I just bust out, after 5 minutes in the room completely silent, "you know, like the peas" with no context whatsoever.
Thank God I remembered Mendel's name after a second to explain myself, cause at first I'm like, "...you know, like in 10th grade?" Also thank God to the anesthesiologist for remembering it enough then to be "wait wait I remember this kind of" and pulling it up on wiki on his phone to read up really fast
But sure, my brain's COMPLETELY normal 😆 just pulling 10th grade bio out of thin air
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