#afterwards axel can teach roxas how to tie his shoes or w/e
chainrave · 3 months
i feel like some of the condemnation of akuroku stems from a huge chunk of the kh fandom's obsession with infantilizing roxas. his naïvety and underdeveloped understanding of the world in canon (specifically days) is oversimplified and construed as some weird "toddler in a teenager body" situation which of course would make akuroku vewy icky yucky wucky and pwoblematic
(this also contributes to that weird ass fanon interpretation of axel in a parental role when he is the equivalent of a guy who hangs outside of gas stations offering to buy high schoolers booze and cigs so they'll think he's cool and be his friend because he doesn't get along with people his own age thanks to being emotionally stunted)
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