#again my hubris is clawing at me and i can't control it
chicanedaze · 1 year
my hubris is acting up again, and while i mostly enjoyed tsats, I would've made some suggestions to improve it. mainly by telling the authors "no" at certain parts.
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baggebythesea · 1 year
Princess Glimmer and the Day of Many Choices: Perfuma falls victim to hubris (31/?)
"Now we can finally get things done," Perfuma said with a content smile
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"You have access to the power of the Heart of Etheria?" Shadow Weaver asked, a hungry edge to her voice.
"I do indeed," Perfumas said, and for a short moment First One's writing could be seen in her skin.
"And now you will destroy the Archnidian princess?" Shadow Weaver hopefully asked.
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"Destroy?" Perfuma sniffed. "Why would I ever want to do that."
"Because she's currently attacking your romantic partner," Shadow Weaver pointed out. "Isn't that usually something that gets you princesses a bit miffed?"
"It's a tragedy when parents try to keep their children down," Perfuma agreed. She smiled, a confident smile. "Fortunately, it's a tragedy I can do something about, now."
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"Mooooom," Scorpia wined, barely ducking a bolt of electricity from the older scorpion woman.
"Useless brat!" Scorptra yelled at her daughter. "I will teach you as lesson…"
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Her voice trailed off as a gloved hand blocked the lighting bolt, as easily as if it had been a jet of water from a squirt gun.
"Violence is not a good motivator for children," Perfuma said with cold voice. "And Scorpia is a grown woman who is allowed to live her life as she please."
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"BEGONE!" Scorpa's mother yelled. "Go back to Plumeria, little princess. Once I've beaten my daughter in shape, I'll make sure she conquers your home once and for all."Perfuma dressed in her noir dame evening wear from the episode Perils of Peekablue,
"But mom," Scorpia mumbled, looking at her claws. "I don't want to conquer anything. I just want everyone to be happy."
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"SILENCE!" Scorptra yelled and unleashed another bolt of electricity, causing Scorpia to flinch.
"D'awwww, I'm just an old softie," Shadow Weaver lied. "Good parenting always makes me cry."
"Silence," Perfuma said over her shoulder. She returned her attention to the Scorpion women. "You can't coerce your daughter, least of all with violence."
"Yes I can," Scorptra said in surprise. "Why wouldn't I."
"You can't punish your child just because she doesn't conform to your perfect idea of her" Perfuma said, tone of voice more sharp.
"Of course I can," Scorptra said with Shadow Weaver nodding agree. "And I will do so until she does as she's told."
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"Um, I won't do that, actually," Scorpia shyly said. "I know you're my mom and all, but I love Perfuma and I want to…"
"NO DAUGHTER OF MINE DATES A PLUMERIAN!" Scorptra yelled and threw a piece of debris large as a tank towards her daughter, causing Scorpia to hind behind her claws.
A plant tendril grew out of nowhere and grabbed the projectile, harmlessly putting it down.
"No," Perfuma said.
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"YOU DON'T TELL ME HOW TO…" Scorptra begun, picking up another piece and throwing it right towards Perfuma. Again it was plucked from the air by a plant tendril, leaving Perfuma unharmed.
"No," she said again, cold and collected, walking closer.
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"I'LL…" Scorptra begun, but before she had time to finish the sentence, she was wrapped in plant tendrils, completely unable to move as Perfuma closed the distance between them.
"You will listen," Perfuma said. "You may think your actions are justified by the potential good them will do your child, but that sort of thinking is actively harming the real foundation for a good mother/daughter relationship."
"I DON'T…" Scorptra begun, but a plant tendril clamped her mouth shut.
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"I am not done," Perfuma went on. "Your child is not your property or investment to manage - it's a person. One of the most important persons in your life. And you are - potentially - one of the most important in her. You are not a manager. You are not an owner. You are a parent. Your job is not to coerce or control, even for what you think is Scorpia's best. Your job is to support. To encourage. To support growth." She smiled. "To love."
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Scorptra had stopped struggling and was staring at Perfuma with wide eyes. Scorpia was also watching, mouth open.
"That you have been denied to be part of Scorpia's upbringing is cruel," Perfuma went on, giving Shadow Weaver a hard look. "But you have been given a chance now to reconnect. To forge a new kind of bond. That chance is entirely contingent on you approaching your daughter with respect. With an ironclad acceptance of her integrity. Then, and only then, can you build bridges. Then, and only then, can you and your daughter get the loving relationship you deserve."
Perfuma did a little gesture, and the vines that held Scorptra shrunk away. She looked Scorpia's mother in the eyes.
"Also, if you ever as much as think of hurting Scorpia, I will use you as fertiliser," she hissed.
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"Scorpia!" Scorptra said, voice brimming with emotions. "Here I thought you were weak and useless, but then I found that you have submitted to a partner of superior strength. I can't imagine anything more romantic than that."
"Um, gosh, thanks, I guess…" Scorpia said, obviously very conflicted about how to feel.
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"It's a start," Perfuma smugly said - body language and tone of voice not in any way denying the 'superior in strength' label. "I will leave the two of you to catch up while I sort out any other little hiccup that might need a helping hand."
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She walked towards the door where Shadow Weaver watched her in silence, arms crossed.
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"What?" Perfuma said, eyebrow raised.
"You can't be serious," Shadow Weaver said, clearly rolling her eyes behind her mask.
"And why wouldn't I be?" Perfuma primly asked, while behind them Scorpia and her mother awkwardly hugged.
"Because 'love' is a story told to little girls," Shadow Weaver said. "And you are a queen now. High time to leave the stories behind."
Perfuma gave her a disgruntled look, but quickly collected herself.
"I should not be surprised that you think of love in that way," she said in a superior manner.
"Meaning?" Shadow Weaver said.
"Meaning that love is built on the foundation of trust," Perfuma said. "Something you have shown preciously little of."
"'Trust'" is just another word for 'power balance'," Shadow Weaver replied, "something you'll find I have plenty of experience with.
"Trust is the opposite of power balance, actually" Perfuma shot back. "It's about moving outside of your zone of control. It's about willingly giving up power to others."
"Every time I've done so, it's ended badly," Shadow Weaver said, not completely able to hide her voice growing sharper. "Fatally, most of the time."
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"Yes," Perfuma said with serene voice. "Trust and love takes work. Sometimes you get burned. Sometimes you have to build yourself up again. But here's the thing, Shadow Weaver."
"Yes?" Shadow Weaver said, despite herself listening carefully to every word.
"It's still worth it," Perfuma serenely said.
"Really?" Shadow Weaver asked, scorn dripping from her voice.
"Really," Perfuma confirmed.
"You think the 'power of love' could have defeated someone like Horde Prime?" Shadow Weaver scoffed.
"It did, quite famously," Perfuma retorted with a mischievous smile.
"I think you will find it was the magic of the Heart of Etheria that did the trick," Shadow Weaver drily commented.
"Unlocked, directed, facilitated and ultimately created by love," Perfuma immediately answered.
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"You are really sure of this little thesis of yours," Shadow Weaver said, voice intrigued.
"Is there any reason I shouldn't be?" Perfuma asked.
"Care to put your conviction to the test?" Shadow Weaver hissed.
"What did you have in mind?" Perfuma asked.
"A little wager…" Shadow Weaver answered. "That whatever we find in Hordak's inner sanctum can't be solved by love."
"And what are we betting?" Perfuma confidently asked.
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"If I win, you will grant me your powers," Shadow Weaver hissed.
"And if I win?" Perfuma asked, voice shivering slightly.
"I will admit that I was wrong," Shadow Weaver smoothly said. "That your philosophy is surperior to mine. That love really is the stronger force."
"Deal," Perfuma smirked.
They shook hands.
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They entered Hordak's inner sanctum, where Glimmer, Adora and Catra had gone before them.
Perfuma drew in a sharp breath.
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The portal was active, flickering with cold light. Catra and Adora huddled together, trembling in fear, with Glimmer standing protectively in front of them, both hands holding a pink force shield, her face a frozen mask of terror.
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Framed by the portal stood a single person. A woman.
"Ah," Shadow Weaver said, not entirely able to keep the fear out of her voice. "That's who opened the portal. If you insist on solving this issue with 'the power of love', I suggest you do so quickly."
"Why, hello mommy," the woman by the portal hissed. "Į̶̢͈͎͖͌̊̊̍͐'̸̤̘̞̜̉̅̎͑̀ͅm̸̧̛͓̭̼̲̋̓͑͂ ̶̡̘̩̠̠̈͊͐̃͌ʜ̸̧͈̜̮͓̔̔̊̂̓ỏ̷̧̺̩͇̾̀͗͘ͅm̶̧̻̖̼̩̀̋̔̀̊ǝ̸̞̤̩̳̲̃́͊̈́̕.̸̝̯̪̮̔͆̿͆̕͜ "
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Part 30 is here: https://www.tumblr.com/baggebythesea/726417163488018432/princess-glimmer-and-the-day-of-many-choices
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dmagedgoods · 2 years
Did I already send you something for the new kiss prompts? I can't remember...if I haven't, how about "holding your lover by the jaw to kiss them" for Sal and Daeran, of course 💕
The terrible orchestra of the battlefield seemed to swell and penetrated his every sense. – The smell of metal and sulfur and blood, the view of entangled bodies and deformed atrocities, the screech of steel and claws, the crackling and whirring of magic, screams, and shouts, his own orders mixing in the chaos.
He focused to summon more celestial support, tried to stay in control over the dense mass of fighters. It was he who conducted the details of it all. He gritted his teeth and blocked a powerful strike of a Glabrezu close to him with his sword. “Woljif, the opening! To your left,” he yelled.
Immediately, the tiefling obeyed, smoothly escaping the attack of a spear.
Once more, the Glabrezu tried to hit him, surprisingly fast for a creature of his size. Salvadore dodged and channeled holy light to burn a Babau to ashes and relax the situation for Regill at the front. Arueshalae’s sharp arrow got rid of another while the Devas distracted a second Glabrezu and …
The next hit caused him to stumble, a sharp pain shot through his body, radiating from his stomach. The chela of the creature had left a deep wound. Warm red blood drenched the white of his uniform. He turned around in a sharp movement, raised his sword, but the next attack came too fast.
No, he wouldn’t … The pain clouded his senses and he sank to his knees. The others needed his instructions, needed the Devas he had summoned, he could not … The giant chela aimed for his chest, a cry echoed through his head, his name in a deeply familiar voice distorted by panic, then his vision faded to black.
Soft … There was something soft underneath his body and supporting his head. The noise of the battle had stopped and the peaceful burbling of near water seemed surreal to his overwrought and heavy mind.
He opened his eyes and was greeted with the worried gaze of the man kneeling beside him.
“This was a remarkable display of hubris again.” The sharpness of his voice lacked every condescending tone. Instead, it was filled with undisguised concern and hard reproach.
“I redirected their efforts. It’s my duty to control the battlefield.” He forced himself to sit up. His muscles burned with the echo of overexertion and a dull ache radiated from his stomach where Daeran had healed his wound.
“While neglecting the fact that this oversized monstrosity was attacking you?”
Salvadore managed a strained smile. “That’s what I have my healer for.”
“I almost didn’t make it in time.” He was surprised by the grave intensity of his answer. Even the last hint of playfulness had gotten replaced by cold fear.
His own features softened while a deep warmth ran through every sore fiber of his body and far beyond.
In a gentle gesture, he reached out for Daeran’s face and leaned closer. He half-heartedly tried to escape the kiss, but he held him in place by his jaw and caught his lips with tender passion. It took only a second and he gave into his touch, almost harshly so, taking the lead by digging his fingers into the remains of his uniform and pulling him close. There was a fierce urgency in the way he pressed his lips against his. When he eventually spoke again, he barely widened the distance, muttering the words against his mouth:
“Don’t,” he demanded, “Don’t leave me like this.”
“I won’t.” His throat felt tight. “I promise.”
Daeran stayed within the moment of closeness for a heartbeat longer, then he let go of him as if nothing had happened. Now his expression appeared unimpressed when he looked around the quiet empty clearing between leafless trees.
“The others should be back with firewood soon. Woljif makes sure there aren’t any more of those ugly creatures near our camping ground. We will rest here and continue this bothersome march in the morning.”
Salvadore smirked in amusement. “Taking charge, Count Arendae?”
He gave a theatrical sigh and raised a brow. “To my immense displeasure, I’m left with no choice. Our commander decided to act like a fool and therefore was suspended for the day by his second-in-command, Field Attaché and exceedingly capable healer.”
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