#again this is not a voltron focused podcast they just have an ongoing series about dirty laundry rn
klanced · 1 year
Good morning besties, I’ve been listening to this amazing podcast @literarydemerit , and I heavily recommend listening to Literary Demerit if you enjoy examining and analyzing (bad) fan fiction.
I’m currently listening to Literary Demerit specifically because the two hosts are in the middle of covering ‘Dirty Laundry’ which LOLLLLLLLL. if you were around in 2016 this will be the voltron throwback of all time. If you missed DL’s heyday, Literary Demerit offers an excellent retrospective perspective on how DL rose to fame and also the myriad reasons it exploded upon entry into the atmosphere.
I’m currently only on part 4 of a 10 episode (which is still ONGOING somehow????) deep dive into DL and so far this podcast has been a total delight. Siobhan and Kester are an excellent duo who play off each other well. Both have clearly done an intensive amount of research into DL, and Kester even apparently watched Voltron with Siobhan just to prepare for this podcast (Spotify’s Bravest Soldier fr). They offer amazing insight into both DL as a fanfiction, and also insight into what does (and does NOT) make a fic actually good. (Honestly my largest takeaway so far is that I need to stop reading fanfic and start reading real books more often.)
I am not great at listening to podcasts, but I’m really glad I put in the effort to listening to Literary Demerit :) Since we’re in a Voltron Renaissance and all, I think this is the perfect time to offer a podcast that has an ongoing series dedicated to Voltron’s most (in)famous fanfiction.
You can listen to @literarydemerit on Spotify, Patreon, and Audible.
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