#agatha harkness x librarian!reader
p-taryn-dactyl · 2 years
for the requests (if they’re still open!!) anything agatha related!!! always thirsty for the hot mommy witch 🥵🥵 - ☁️☁️
Heartbeat Out of my Chest
a/n: look…i am very gay and recently, i’ve been having severe cases of gay panic taking over my life so yes i turned it into a fic you’re welcome (and yes, my requests are open, im sorry this took me so long)
prompt: librarian!fem!reader catches the eye of agatha
word count: 1.1k
warning(s): gay panic - there’s no plot, only projection
this picture of kathryn owns my ass
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this is how i imagined agatha in this fic
Your long skirt brushed against your ankles as you danced through the rows of books, singing along to the music playing from your phone. Your shift hadn’t officially started yet but you couldn’t sleep a moment longer and so you headed into work an hour early. It was moments like these that made you love your job. The peaceful stillness of the air, the smell of new books flooding the air as you stocked and catalogued the shelves, the ability to let loose a bit before patrons started to stroll through the shelves.
“…I’m so in love that I might stop breath-AH!”
You sang along to the lyrics turning around to grab another book and practically jumping out of your skin. Leaning against the wall, staring at you with intense blue eyes, was the woman who made you forget how to breathe. Agatha Harkness. She was new to town, only being in the city for a few weeks, yet it seemed like she was set on making her mark. Specifically, her mark on you. For the past couple of weeks, Agatha had been showing up right as the library opened and leaving right as the clock struck 11. Sometimes, she would sit curled up in a chair, reading the books you recommended with a soft smile, drinking chai from the cafe just down the block. Other times, she would do what she’s doing now, stand on the other side of the room, trapping you in her gaze.
“Oh, uh, you-you scared me!”
You rambled out nervously, your eyes looking everywhere but her as your heart beater rapidly. Agatha merely cocked her head to the side, smirking slightly as her eyes raked up and down your form. Heat flooded your face as you too inspected your outfit, slight embarrassment building within you. You wore a long pleated skirt, with a white collared button down shirt tucked into it and held into place with a belt. A tie was loosely hanging from your neck but you still felt the phantom tightening, strangling you. You loved this outfit, it allowed you to live out your dreams of being Evelyn O’Connell. Nervously, you fiddled with the tie around your neck, moving your eyes to stare at the pile of books on your cart, hyperaware of Agatha’s unwavering stare. You heard her push off the wall as you reached for a book to awkwardly continue shelving. The music you had been dancing to paused and you looked up to see Agatha holding your phone.
“What,” you swallowed down your stutter, inwardly cursing yourself at your nervousness, “What are you doing?”
Agatha finished typing whatever she was doing and looked up, making direct eye contact with you. You were frozen, the book in your hand drooping slightly, in danger of falling to the floor. She raised an eyebrow, like what she was going to say was obvious.
“I have to contact you somehow, I can’t risk someone getting to the books first.”
You nodded, laughing nervously.
“Books, we have those, yep.”
Your eyes widened and you trailed off as Agatha slowly walked to you, her smirk growing larger as your heart rate increased rapidly.
She knows what she’s doing, you thought, somewhat angrily, and she’s enjoying it
Agatha came to stand in front of you, handing you your phone. When you reached out to take it, you felt Agatha’s fingers brush up against yours.
You thought you would surely die with how fast your heart was beating. Soon, it would beat right out of your chest.
“Any recommendations?”
She asked you, somewhat innocently, like she wasn’t staring at you like a tiger would its prey. You gaped at her before looking down at the pile of books then back up at her then back down at the books. Blinking, you snapped out of it, nodding with excitement as you grabbed a new installment, the fresh cover cracking pleasantly in your hand. You handed it to her, rambling about the plot with enthusiasm. You had read the book the night previous and were desperate for someone to rant about it with.
“It’s called Furyborn. It’s about this fantasy world heavily influenced by angels in one century, fueled with magic and something called the Emperium, and in the other century, these things are thought to be myth. It follows two girls, thousand years apart, living separate but somehow connected lives. Oh and there’s also a prophecy about the Sun Queen and the Blood Queen, one to save their world and one to destroy. Also-”
It was like you spent hours rambling about the book, trying your best not to reveal anything to the woman in front of you. After a while, you trailed off, once you realized what you were doing. Internally, you scolded yourself. Agatha had been flirting with you, you had just realized, and you spent well over twenty minutes describing a book. She probably stopped paying attention a while ago. Sighing, you handed Agatha the book and she took it somewhat hesitantly, slight concern in her eyes. You turned away, positive Agatha would walk away. As you started shelving the books again, you felt a hand on your elbow and you looked up. Agatha was now kneeling on the ground next to you, where you had squatted down to put a recently returned Moby Dick back in its place.
“You didn’t finish.”
Blinking, you looked at her in confusion. Agatha sighed.
“The book, Y/N, you didn’t finish telling me about it.”
You stood up, the surprise of someone actually listening to your rambles shocking you. Agatha stood as well, leaning against the bookshelf with her swagger that sent sparks down your spine. Looking around, you noticed that people had trickled in, not noticing them when you were speaking to Agatha. A line had just started to form by your desk, with people patiently waiting to check out a book. You looked back at Agatha apologetically, biting the inside of your cheek
“I rambled too much, I’m sorry, it seems I have customers waiting. Maybe I could finish later?”
You couldn’t deny that your last sentence sounded childishly hopeful. Agatha smiled, nodding.
“Let someone take the afternoon shift today, Y/N. I’ll be at the cafe down the street at two. I’ll save you a seat.”
It took you a minute to absorb her words.
“Like a, like a date?”
Now your word’s definitely were dripping in hope and slight panic. Agatha took a step forward, pulling you close to her with your tie. Yep, your heart would beat out of your chest at any moment.
“Finally you understand. Yes, like a date,” she pecked your cheek lightly, the kiss lingering on your skin as she walked away. She spun around, walking backwards and pointing at you, “don’t be late.”
As you made your way back to your desk, you had a giant smile on your face. One customer congratulated you, making a joke as you scanned out her book.
“It’s going to feel weird without the tension in here everyday, hope you enjoy your date, Y/N.”
a/n: did i give this a sudden ending? yes. is that because i would’ve written thousands more words on this dynamic? also yes. I hope you enjoyed this little projection not plot fic and thank you for reading!!
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vintagegoddess12 · 3 years
Books and Basements (1)
Relationship: Agatha Harkness x Reader; Wanda Maximoff x Vision
Summary: What happens when our curious-somewhat-evil witch finds someone who is as curious as her?
A/N: A month ago I promised a Librarian!Reader who can go toe-to-toe with our dear Agatha and here it is. Enjoy this one <3 Also avaialble in ao3. 
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Today is a good day in Westview.
Agatha walked out of her house with a little more pep in her step. She feels it in her three centuries-old bones. Something tells her that this day, just like her, has a few more tricks up their sleeve. She bites her lip as she sees the townspeople go about their day, totally oblivious about the new happenings in the WandaVision household.
It was only this morning when she watched their two new babies turn themselves into five-year-olds. Advanced aging. Well, that’s a trick. Every witch and wizard she has met has only one goal: to stay as youthful as ever. 
Not Wanda’s kids, I suppose.
Taking after their mother, breaking the natural order seemed natural with those kiddos. She spent the entire noon locked in her basement, curious as to what more curveballs her witch neighbor is going to throw her way. She likes a challenge and that family just might be it for this century. 
Her hips continue to sway more than ever as she reaches the Vision residence. With the intention of spending more time with the new offsprings, she knocks on their door with a prepared speech on how she can take their dog for a walk. She smirks inside; maybe the dog can do the biting for her. 
The only magic-wielding redhead opened the door, surprised to see her friend thrice - Thrice? That doesn’t sound right - in a day. “Agnes, what can I do for you?” Wanda chirped as she welcomes her inside.
“More like, what I can do for you, doll,” the mother of two shot her a curious look as she continued, “I’m here to walk Sparky!”
“Oh Agnes, that’s not necessary. The boys can take care of that after dinner.” Wanda smiled and looked behind her, probably eyeing where her little beings are. 
Putting on her over-the-top facial expressions, Agatha shrugged off her statement and replied, “and leave them alone in the dark? No can do, sweet cheeks.” The image of her kids in an unsafe situation immediately placed Wanda in unease. “Besides, they can walk with me. Give Auntie Agnes some quality time with your cute boys,” her voice now dripping with sweet concern.
Agnes does sound right, Wanda thought. She’s been nothing but a helpful figure in their lives. She supposes the boys can bond with her and get her friend away from the household liquor. The young avenger felt a pang of guilt run through her though. It’s such a waste that she had a friend like her here - in a place where everything is not real and lies fuel every goddamn street. 
Before the two witches can continue their chat, a burst of enthusiastic laughter erupted from their backyard. Their head followed the sound and saw Vision having an engaging discussion with a new character - no - neighbor - no. Stranger. 
Agatha watched as an unfamiliar face emerged with the deceased Avenger from their veranda to their living room. She observed as the woman held her own against a literal android while they’re debating about, from what she can hear, the universe. 
“I’m just saying if there is enough dark matter out in space,” your voice reaching the older witch, making her lean more, “its gravitational pull can eventually lead to the universe collapsing in itself.”
Vision walked beside you as he replies, “yes but that theory hangs to the idea that space has enough dark matter in it.”
You both continue to walk towards the front door, still engrossed in your dialogue. “It’s totally possible. A lot of supernatural things are happening in our universe.” 
“Name one.”
You halted and took a beat as the man dared you. Surprised with the challenge, you look to your right while thinking for an answer. 
“I don’t know. Ghosts?” Vision quizzically looked at you. “Dead people coming back to life.” You both laughed, not noticing how the statement made the matriarch of the house uncomfortable. After all, she was one of those supernatural things.
With her previous conversation long forgotten, Agatha took an interest in the sight before her. She doesn’t remember seeing you from their previous episodes. Or elsewhere for that matter. She’s pretty certain a face like that is memorable. Maybe Wanda was just keeping you away and brought you out only when there’s a character for you. 
Such a waste. Pretty little thing like you should be paraded. Hell, worshipped even. 
Agatha had to physically clear her throat to put a stop to her thoughts. You and Vision looked at their way, your gaze landing on the ladies by the door. A smile spread across your face as you approached.
“Ah, Agnes!” Vision leads the way and asked, “what brings you here?”
Wanda straightened up and answered for her friend, not that Agatha minds. “She’s here to walk the dog and the kids, dear.” Her husband nodded. “By the way, Agnes, this is [y/n],” you offered your hand as you’re being introduced and the raven-haired woman did the same, “and this is Agnes.”
“Pleasure to meet you,” your attention now solely on the witch. Agatha tried to ignore the shocks your hand sent to her spine after you shook hands. Nobody makes her shiver unless she allows them to. And you’re not allowed - yet. 
“Oh, believe me, honey, the pleasure is all mine,” she punctuated the statement with a wink. If she’s affected, might as well make you blush too. A hint of red formed in your cheeks, noticeable but not quite. The witch took that as a success. 
With your hand still in hers, she pulled you closer. “Now tell me, Wanda, dear. Have you been hiding this gal from Dottie and me?” She looked at her confused friend. 
“She’s actually Vision’s friend,” she replied. Her husband then added, “yes. We met in the library during one of our meetings.”
You retreated your hand, amused by all the attention around you. “I’m the assistant librarian there, which surprisingly can be very busy.” You chuckled a little bit, hiding the confusion regarding your workload. Is it really that busy? It seems that you don’t even remember how you got that gig. “That’s why I can’t attend those meetings.”
“A working gal, I see.” A bewitching smile formed across Agnes’ face that did not go unnoticed by the married homeowners.
Agatha watched as your eyes widened at the statement and immediately observed the sky outside. “Speaking of,” you said turning your attention back at the three people in front of you, “I have to finish some filing in the library. The guards can be very snarky when I close the place too late.” They all laughed which you took as a sign to bid farewell. 
The older witch eyed how you reached for Vision’s arm and said, “thank you for that very wonderful conversation.” A small ball of heat forming in her chest. “Also, Wanda,” the Sokovian avenger lit up as if getting out of her own thoughts, “those cookies you served are heavenly.” 
Wanda waved her hand and replied, “those are actually from Agnes,” your attention now on their neighbor. “She brings us baked goods every time she bakes from her house down the street.”
“Well then let me give credit where credit is due,” your hands now landing on her arm. “Those cookies are delish.” Your sweet voice ringing in Agatha’s ear. 
“Well, sweetie, why don’t I walk you to the library so I can share my secret ingredient?” The older witch was confused about how a simple gal like you can rearrange her priorities without even meaning to. 
“Agnes, aren’t you going to walk the dog with the twins?” Wanda’s reminder almost made the witch frown. 
“I just think our [y/n] here needs a little introduction to our social circle,” she replied without taking her eyes off of you. 
Wanda knew better than to get in between Agnes and the gossips, she wasn’t cast as the nosy neighbor for nothing after all. She bid farewell to the two of you, saying don’t hesitate to come back whenever.
You, on the other hand, kept looking elsewhere trying to avoid the intense stare of your new acquaintance. Your mind is still focused on the awaiting work in your office. 
You started to leave with Agnes in tow. She just wouldn’t budge with her offer. It took a little more convincing on your part though but something tells you no one says no to Agnes, or is it Wanda? You’re not sure honestly. Something isn’t right about this, yet you try to ignore it.
Meanwhile, a certain ancient book shrouded with yellow mists of magic started glowing wildly. The traces of power started hitting the concrete walls as if looking for a way out. 
Today is the beginning of the end for Westview.
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