#agent washington x oc!new hampshire
babygirlgarrus7 · 11 months
Call Me…
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Freelancers go take a small break at the bar that they all meet up at. Hampshire and Washington talk about how they got into the Project.
Warnings: mentions of sexual content, flirting, alcohol, drinking, swearing, hallucinations, torture
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Code Name: Heart Break
The Director has announced that the project was getting their own ship in a few days. Only a handful of Freelancers were able to board the ship for a few months. It was exciting news for everyone, knowing that they were able to travel and help other on planets other than Earth.
To celebrate Illinois invited everyone that wanted to come to the bar that was near the base to meet there. Not only Freelancers were invited either. Soldiers and Freelancers alike all gathered in the bar. Wash walked in looking around to see York, Carolina, North, Wyoming, and Illinois were all together.
Wash was hesitant about to head over until his eyes hit the back of Hampshire. She was standing at the bar, waiting for a drink. His heart skipped as he stood there for a moment contemplating whether to go to her or not. His legs took over and he stood next to her.
“I was wondering if you were going to be here.” She said looking over at him.
“I uh yeah, I almost didn’t come.” He mumbled looking at the waiter who came over with a whiskey bottle and glass.
Hampshire chuckled. “Well I would have been awfully lonely without Washy.”
Wash knew the way her voice went, that smooth little more low tone. That was when she was flirting or starting to. Just couple of days ago they bantered back and forth with beating around the bush sex talk. Which made him well…wanting more and more.
“Well glad that I can make it then. Wouldn’t want you to be all alone.” He quipped back as she asked for another glass.
She chuckled before sliding a glass his way, taking off her helmet. She looked into his visor and smirked. “I can do something’s alone,” She leaned closer to his helmet. “Something’s.”
Wash’s mind went blank as they stared for a moment. Panic mostly trying to figure out what to say next. “What are those something’s?” He whispered trying to not stumble over his words.
It was quiet between them as the bar got busier and more lively. She smirked before chuckling. “Guess we would have to find out.” She poured herself a glass looking at Wash.
He nodded as she poured him some, he took off his helmet and placed it on the counter. Hampshire eyed him before taking a sip out of her glass. “I didn’t think you would be blonde.” She said looking at him.
Wash chuckled and took a sip before answering. “Oh yeah? What did you think I was?”
Hampshire smiled and reached for his face, placing her thumb over his cheek. “Brunette. I like the freckles.”
Wash could feel the heat rush to his face. He gulped before looking at her hazel eyes. “T—Thanks.”
She chuckled pulling away. “Oh don’t get shy on me now.”
Wash smirked before grabbing her hand. “Not shy just nervous.”
Their hands stayed there for a bit as they drank and drank. The whiskey coming more and more empty. They laughed and watched people as they got drunk, he totally didn’t even remember half of the things they said besides laughing at nothing. As the bar became quieter the conversation became more intense.
Hampshire frowned as she gulped the last part of her glass. “What made you come into the project?”
Wash froze as he spun a bit in the bar stool. They got talking about family, military background, and now this. Wash particularly didn’t share things like that, knowing that it could make people uncomfortable. “Uh,” He sighed. “It was either this or prison.”
Hampshire’s eyes went wide before turning to him. “Prison?” She whispered.
Wash nodded before gulping his down and pouring more in. “Yeah, I beat up my CO to the point where his face was unrecognizable,” He looked back at her, her eyes encouraging him to continue. “It was a stupid order that he gave, it would have put the whole squad into danger so when I confronted him…He…Well…He was a jackass about it so…”
“So you beat him until he couldn’t see?” She asked quietly still.
Wash winced at the statement, he knew it was bad. Hell when the Counslar came to him and told him his options he knew the trouble he was in. He had anger issues sure but he never got to the point of beating a CO. Wash just nodded before taking a swig.
“I would have done the same.” She commented placing a hand on his arm. “It isn’t something to be ashamed of.”
Wash sighed before looking at her. “What about you.” Changing the subject.
Hampshire smirked before pouring herself some. “Well not as badass as yours, I just disobeyed an order that promoted me to here. My CO knew about the Project…Well kind of knew. So he sent me here to get ‘cleaned up.’” She rolled her eyes and scoffed.
Wash chuckled lightly. “Damn guess we are both fucked up huh Hampshire?”
Hampshire turned to him before smiling at him. “Elena.”
Wash looked at her, watching the pink tint turn more red. “Come again?”
“Call me Elena.”
Wash smiled before moving a strand of hair out of her face. “Nice to meet you Elena. Call me David.”
The humming was starting to drive Wash nuts. That is basically the only thing he could hear besides occasional dripping and breathing from both him and Carolina.
“They could be down here any moment.” Carolina said her voice weaker from just a couple hours…minutes? He has lost track.
All he could do was hum instead of saying anything. His throat was so fucking dry. Carolina coughed. “Wash you awake?”
“Yeah I’m still here Care.” He answered feeling his throat tickling. He closed his eyes and breathed in slowly and out.
His eyes snapped open. Elena. She was standing a few feet away from him, wearing just casual clothes. He blinked hard a couple of times. “David,” She walked towards him slowly. “Where were you?”
“I’m sorry.” He whispered closing his eyes tightly.
“You should have came with me.” She said her voice breaking. “Why didn’t you leave with me?”
“I wanted to,” Wash said his voice breaking. He couldn’t tell from being thirsty or the tears he held back. “God I wanted to.”
“But you didn’t.” Her voice went dark. He opened his eyes to see her gone.
“I should have went with her Care.” Wash said quietly but enough for her to hear
“I know David,” She said faintly. “I wish I went with York.”
Wash went quiet. “I wonder what our lives would be like.”
Carolina didn’t answer for a moment for scoffing. “York wanted a farm. A farm of all things. He said to keep me busy, get all sorts of animals. And…” She went quiet he heard a small sniffle. “He wanted kids.”
Wash sighed looking over at Hampshire in the corner of his eye. “She wanted that too. Kids.”
“You know,” Carolina said inhaling deeply. “York and North bet that you two would be the first to marry. Everyone knew about you two. You both were inseparable. So when I heard that you were in Recovery and she wasn’t…”
“I should have gone. I was so stuck in wanting to get the Director back that it didn’t matter,” Wash stopped before coughing. “I was blind.”
Carolina chuckled. “Yeah the Director did that to you. Make you forget everything else but what he wanted. Even if he didn’t know about it. He always found away to make it about him.”
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babygirlgarrus7 · 10 months
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Agent Washington found some news about New Hampshire. Wash has more hallucinations of Elena.
Warnings: swearing, smut, angst, fluff
Previous Episode Next Episode
Code Name: Heart Break
Washington didn’t even know how it started. How they got into her room. They were crashing teeth, sucking on each others tongues as they tore their armor off and under garments to their underwear, to now naked. He thought about it how they were in the cafeteria having a heavy conversation.
Washington was frozen as New Hampshire sat across from him. He didn’t believe it, why would the Director move her from the team? She was one of the best. It made him angry to even think about it.
Hampshire sighed. “I thought to tell you first,” She started playing with her hands as she put her food aside. “I will still be around though.”
She smiled at him looking at his visor. Wash smiled softly. “I know it’s just…I don’t understand why he is taking you off.”
Hampshire nodded. “I don’t know either. Maybe to help the other Freelancers get better. Who knows you might get someone even better than Carolina.” She winked
Wash scoffed. “I don’t think anyone could bet Carolina. Especially now she has been appearing into missions that weren’t assigned to her.”
Hampshire nodded. “You run with the big dogs you get the bite sometimes. Maybe that’s why he moved me. Not to get bite marks.”
Wash laughed at that. “Like you couldn’t handle it.”
Hampshire rolled her eyes then grabbed Wash’s hand. “You know me, I can take anything.”
Wash knew that. Hampshire and him shared a very heated make out session couple night prior. Showering after a training session, they both slipped in together. The water making everything…smooth. Slippery. She gave him the best hand job of his life, while he fingered her.
The sexual tension between them just increased more. He hasn’t stopped the way she moaned his name, his actual name. As she grabbed the back of his head pushing his head into her neck, marking her. “Well…We should test that.” He mumbled.
Hampshire’s stare changed quickly, lustful curiosity. “Oh? We did test that a couple nights ago, you want to test something else?”
Wash blushed in his helmet. “Yeah.”
She smirked and leaned in. “Show me.”
Just like that, he was on top of her kissing her neck feeling her soft skin. How he got her was beyond him, she was hotter, more skilled, hell she was better than him in every way. It would seem more of York’s type. But here he is, having her moan and gasp at every movement he made.
Wash kissed her neck sucking on her pulse as she arched her chest into him. “Fuck David…” She moaned snaking her hand into his hair.
Elena wrapped her leg on his right side digging her heel to have him trapped lower into her. His cock was aching bad. Wanting more. He groaned grinding into her, bead of pre cum dripping out. His hand snaked down to where she had been begging him to be.
“Are…Are you sure about this.” David said looking back to her. Her eyes blown with lust.
She smirked placing a hand on his cheek. “David, there is nothing more that I want than this. Please.”
That’s all is what he wanted to hear before kissing down her neck, chest, stomach, thighs, to her core. Her breath hitched as she felt his breath hit her pussy.
Elena looked down seeing the blue eyed blonde looking at him. She wondered the same as David, how she got to this point with him. They were friends to best friends, to now. Friends with Benefits? Or more? She didn’t know. She forgot all about the thoughts once his tongue made a stripe up from her hole to her clit.
Elena arched back and gasped as David hooked her down to the bed. Holding her in place. He ate her like a starved man, licking and sucking up her juices, the noises could only be heard in a porno. As she gasped and moaned, as he slurped and moaned into her.
“Fu—fuck David,” She moaned looking back down. His eyes not leaving her own as he pushed her more into his mouth. Her mouth went snapped open, she felt his finger start playing around her hole. “Please don’t tease.”
David chuckled before making one last suck. “What’s wrong Elena? What do you want? Tell me what you want.”
Elena was taken back, she has never seen David like that. His voice assertive, husky, confident. The smirk drove her wild. Like he knew exactly what she wanted. What he wanted to hear. “You know what I want.” She said breathlessly.
His finger flicked up to her clit making her bite her inner cheek. “Come on Elena. Use your words.” He probed her entrance again.
Elena glared at him. “Please fuck me with your fingers.”
David smirked before leaning up to her. She could smell her need on his breath. “Wasn’t it so hard?”
Before she could give a snarky remark and jammed his finger into her. She gasped as he captured her lips. Elena could taste her on his lips as she let him take over. His hands were not just good at knife control but fuck how he was using them to pump in and out of her pussy.
David groaned listening to how wet she was for him. How his finger went in and out so easily, he couldn’t imagine how she would feel with his cock. “Can you handle another one?” He asked gasping for air as he looked at her.
She was beautiful. her face tinted pink, sweat glistening. “I would,” She paused as her orgasm was approaching. Panting hard. “Fuck David just fuck me, I want to cum on your cock please.”
David didn’t expect that. He quickly moved around to take his finger out and hover over her completely. He lined his cock to her entrance, he stopped backing up. “Shit I don’t have a condom.”
It hit him hard, how could he not have one on him. With how they both been acting lately. He mentally slapped himself until her laughter burst in the room. “Im basically on birth control.” She said.
“Basically?” He questioned.
“That’s a different story for a different day. Just come back here handsome.” She said sitting up and grabbing his hands.
He melted into her touch as he laid on top of her. He kissed her as he slid his cock into her. The noises were loud, they both didn’t care as they shared this moment. David wasn’t going easy on her once his orgasm was coming over the edge. She was squeezing around him too tight, plus not having sex in a while just he couldn’t. Wash’s breath hitched as he grabbed onto Hampshire’s thigh pulling it up, having him go deeper inside her.
“I’m—agh—i’m…” David stammered as his hips started to falter. Their skin slapping against each other, panting, moaning.
Elena moaned his name before nodding. “Me too baby,” She kissed him before placing her head against his. “Cum with me.” As she bit his earlobe before licking it.
That did it for him. He groaned loudly as he pushed all the way into her and releasing his cum into her. She gasped and tensed below him cumming right with him. They laid there for a moment, as he softened inside her. They were gasping, their sweat clinging on each other.
“Wow.” David said as her looked at her.
She smiled at him. “Yeah.” She combed her hand through his hair. “We have to do this more often Washy.”
And one thing about that. They did. More than they could count.
Wash stared straight ahead as he tried to watch his breathing. He noticed that he has been hungry for a while. His stomach started to growl then now it just fucking hurts. He would think of anything else but food. “She couldn’t have kids.” Wash blurted out.
Carolina was breathing heavily before she answered. “Who?”
“New Hampshire.”
It was quiet for a moment. “Didn’t she want kids?”
Wash chuckled. “Yeah but adoption was the only thing that we could do.”
He remembered once they slept with each other a couple more times it finally came up. Wash told her he loved her, that after the project they should get married and have kids. Elena didn’t say anything, just was silent, and after a few days she didn’t talk to him for months until she came up to him. Middle of the night balling. Apologizing. At first he was confused and pissed at himself to talk about marriage and kids. Thought he lost her. When she confessed on not being able to have kids it all made sense.
“You were okay with it?” Carolina asked.
Wash watched as Elena stood a couple of feet away. Smiling. “Yeah I was, I loved her. For her I would do anything. It wouldn’t matter if she had two heads, an extra toe. Nothing,” He paused trying to blink away her. But she stood there smiling. “I…I would have done anything for her.”
“But you didn’t.” Elena said walking to him. “You left me. Now I’m dead.”
Wash shook his head, closing his eyes. “I would have done the same thing for York.” Carolina said.
“Why did you leave me David,” Elena was right in front of him. “You would do it for Carolina. Why didn’t you do it for me?”
“She’s here again.” He mumbled.
“She isn’t real Wash, it’s all in your mind.” Carolina immediately said.
“But she is right here.” He argued.
Elena put her hand on his helmet. “Am I?” Wash squeezed his eyes shut. “Or am I your imagination? Your guilty conscience?”
“Wash ignore her.” Carolina’s voice quieter then Elena’s
“You’re not real.” Wash whispered.
“Like how I’m not real?” Wash snapped his eyes open to see Connie in the corner. “Elena is right, you have lost it.”
Wash rolled his eyes. “Like you care.”
“I always cared Wash,” Connie said walking next to Elena. “I just had to do the right thing.”
Elena looked at her before frowning. “Couldn’t even help her Wash.”
“I would have.” He argued.
“Wash,” Carolina yelled. “She isn’t real!”
“Or are we?” Elena asked he snapped his eyes shut.
“Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.” Wash repeated over and over. His ears started to ring. Memories of his and not flipping through the back of his eye lids. Things that could have happened. Things that should have happened.
Carolina’s voice came in and out, he tried to focus on her voice. He knew she was alive. Real. God he wished it was Elena’s. When he opened his eyes they weren’t there anymore. Carolina’s voice became more clear. “Wash are you there!”
He didn’t even notice that she was yelling, her voice was breaking from fear? Thirst? His eyes quickly scanning the area. “I’m here.” He quietly said looking at the corner of his eye to see Hampshire still in the same position. “I’m still here.”
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babygirlgarrus7 · 11 months
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A mission going south for Agent Washington and Agent New Hampshire on their duo mission. Trapped and injured Washington keeps Hampshire stable. While Wash remembers the hallucinations have kicked in.
Warnings: mentions of blood, swearing, angst, fluff, minor character death, flirting
Pre vious Chapter Next Chapter
Code name: Heart Break
The itch on the nose started to become more and more apparent. “God this itch is going to be the death of me.” Wash moaned as he moved his nose side to side.
Carolina sighed. “We still need to figure out how to get out of here.”
Wash looked around trying to see if he could get at least move his fingers. “I don’t know Care I think…”
Wash snapped his eyes to the side. He knew that voice. “David, is that you?”
“Elena?” He responded. She was alive!
“Wash I am so sorry, there is nothing you can do right now.” Carolina said.
“No no she just said something listen!” Wash was hopeful, she said his name.
The room was deadly quiet besides the hum of the building. The smell was something he was getting used to, the corpses that had been here long enough. “Wash,” Carolina said with a sigh. “She is gone.”
Wash nodded his head, well tried to at least. “You’re right, maybe I’m just hearing things.”
“Let’s just keep each other awake and sane. Maybe Caboose will accidentally find his way down here.” Carolina mumbled.
“And hopefully Tucker will understand what the hell he would say when finding us.” Wash added making Carolina laugh.
“David, help me.” He looked back over at her. Her last fighting stance not moving.
She isn’t alive David. Keep your head together. He tried god he tried to think of anything else but her. Hearing her. Thinking of her. But god, he couldn’t stop hearing her calling his name.
“Agent New Hampshire are you in position?” The Director’s thick accent rang through the comm channel.
“I’m in position. Agent Washington?” She asked laying more into the ground, pointing the rifle at the small campsite that the group of terrorist.
“In position.” Wash replied, Hampshire scanned the area to see him crouched behind a large mass of rock formation.
“Remember we want the leader alive,” The Counslar explained. “Kill anyone else. We want no loose ends.”
“Yes sir.” Both Wash and Hampshire replied.
Washington held position while Hampshire scanned the area, watching their shift changes and sleeping arrangements. Both of them had a camp themselves so they could rest, it was only a three day mission. Eventually after Wash planted mines around the camp he would be by your side until the attack.
This mission was solely on getting information for the oil industry. The only way to is to get to Andy Lines, he was glorified for this group. He made certain bases and buildings for them, with all the dirty secrets they have.
Andy was stationed to this location should arrive in the next day or two, in the middle of a forest up on the tallest peak of a mountain. Of course it was snowy as well, quiet and stifled noise surrounding them.
“There is an abandoned building just a few clicks away,” Wash said looking down. “We should bunker there for a few hours.”
Hampshire stayed quiet for a moment then chuckled softly. “The cold getting you Washington?”
Wash looked down at her laying position. This is the first time they actually interacted, due to back to back missions. York said she was a fire cracker but he A didn’t want to push it and B she was almost next to Carolina. “Uh uh no I just thought…”
Hampshire chuckled again getting up to face Wash. “Relax Wash,” She put her hand on his shoulder. “I was just kidding. I think it’s a smart idea. There is going to be a storm, rather not be an icicle.”
Wash tried to pay attention of what she was saying but going over his head, couldn’t stop thinking about the hand on his shoulder. “R-Right.”
Hampshire just stared for a moment before chuckling again. “Let’s get going.”
It was just north up the mountain, it didn’t take long to get there. Both of them searched for any unwelcome visitors then met in the middle of the building. Hampshire took out a small flash light and placed it in the middle of the room. “This is all I got.” She said taking her helmet off to place on a beat up cobwebbed table.
Wash could feel his cheeks brighten with red, thank god for his helmet. She was beautiful, her hair was long, from what he could see her features were soft. “That’s fine, it would be best to not have a ton of lights going on.”
“I don’t know maybe they would love to have a rave or something.” She teased glancing over.
Wash chuckled. “With the one flash light it would be a boring rave.”
Hampshire giggled. “Guess so.”
They took turns of having a couple hours of sleep until Wash heard a gun shot. He snapped up looking around to see no Hampshire and more gunfire. He stood up and grabbed his battle rifle, sprinting to the noises.
His heart dropped, Hampshire holding her side as she shot the two men. Red covered the snow. Wash ran to her side lifting her up on a sitting position. “That’s not good.” She said, breathing heavily.
Wash scanned quickly around the area before helping her up. They limped back to the building, she held her side and hissed when being put back down. “I have medi-jell,” Wash explained alining the nosal to her wound and squeezing the trigger to set the spray in. She grunted placing her head back. “Sorry.”
She giggled facing her visor towards him. “Ah don’t you worry about me Washy,” Hampshire placed a hand where his cheek would be. “I always love being the damsel for a handsome guy.”
Wash froze for a moment, chuckling from nervousness. “Uh uh.”
Hampshire laughed and just leaned back more, putting her hand by her side. “We will have to move soon.”
“I don’t think you should go anywhere,” Wash started looking out the abandoned building. “The medi-jell can have some hallucination effects.”
Hampshire sighed. “Well then this is the deal if I start seeing big bird then you take over.”
Wash looked back at her. “Big bird?”
“Ya know the yellow 6 foot ass bird,” Wash shook his head chuckling. “I am sure it’s a mascot suit and not a puppet.”
Wash laughed a little harder. “Yeah Hampshire, it’s not a puppet.”
“Damn.” She sighed starting to get up. “It’s almost time.”
Wash got up helping her grab her rifle. “Alright, let me know if we see are 6 foot friend.”
To his surprise, she fought normally, kicking ass as they took him back to the abandoned building. Getting all the information and then some from Andy. Hampshire was ordered to take him out of commission, hesitation was the first movement before looking at Wash. “Is this a hallucination?” She said privately.
Wash shook his head. “I’m afraid not.”
Hampshire nodded once before turning to aim the pistol firing once, Andy’s body shook once from the impact of the bullet before sitting still. “Command target epilated.” She said coldly before turning her heel.
“Roger that New Hampshire, extraction 10 minutes.” Four Niner replied.
It was quiet as Wash followed Hampshire. “You alright?” Wash asked being cautious.
“Yeah rather be hallucinating then killing an unarmed man.” She mumbled turning to face him. “Thank you for asking Wash.”
It was quiet the rest of the way, he couldn’t stop thinking about how she rather see big bird then killing the enemy. However the more he got to think about her, the more understanding it became.
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babygirlgarrus7 · 1 year
Code word: Heart Break
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When Temple showed the room full of the dead friends of Carolina and Washington. One of them was a long lost (now found) lover back in the Project Freelancer era.
A/N: My OC is a Freelancer that started at the beginning of the program. Her name is Elena AKA New Hampshire, she has long dark hair, short and fit, light blue and green eyes. Her armor is black with sky blue trim, wearing the Mark VI.
Warnings: Angst (a ton, you know how the project went) fluff, smut, trauma, childhood trauma, humor, and major character deaths
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4*
Episode 5
Episode 6*
Episode 7
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babygirlgarrus7 · 11 months
Lost and Found
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Wash and Carolina follow Temple down to his “basement,” to find old friends from Project Freelancer. However, Wash didn’t think to see his lost lover as well.
A/N: Alright my rvb lovers, this fic will be not that long and my OC. So it is going to be a back and forth between the past to present while Wash and Carolina were stuck. It will be different POV, I will put who is what type thing. But enjoy!
Code Word: Heart Break
Warnings: torture, angst, swearing
Wash was done with searching, he wanted to find Church and leave. It was nice to be in the paradise that he was in, he wanted to be back there, finally not fighting not always on guard. He was with friends…family. The Reds and Blues, he never would have thought that he would even consider them family but now it has changed.
Wash went with the Reds and Blues after working with the Meta. They helped taking down the Director once and for all. They helped fight and win a planet that was over thrown by Charon. He was making a difference once more. Made friends. Carolina being a part of it made it even better, made it seem like the old times.
Temple kept rambling on about different things as he led both Carolina and him to the room. Once the lights turned on it’s like walking down to memory lane. Different armored people looked familiar people in the project.
It took a minute before realizing that it wasn’t just shrines it was actually them. It didn’t hit him until seeing her. Her. When he walked up to her he placed his hand where her cheek would be and…that’s when Carolina said something. Anger hit him. All these years without her and finally seeing her again…she is gone.
Wash turned to face him, getting his weapon ready, about to fight his way out, to only be frozen in place. His heart started to race as he watched Temple walked away. He knew that he was going to be stuck here. Not only knowing that the Reds and Blues are in danger but now he is stuck next to someone he wished he left with. He could see her in the corner of his eye.
“Wash we have to figure it out is there a emergency button or anything?” Carolina said frantically.
Wash didn’t know, he knew there wasn’t. However, this isn’t what he was paying attention to… “Elena.” He whispered.
Carolina sighed. “I know Wash, I am so sorry.” It’s like everything faded around him as Carolina continued to talk, figuring a way out. Wash eventually did still thinking of all the memories that came flooding in.
New Hampshire. Read bold on the screen, it has been over a couple of years since Project Freelancer was established. New agents have came in one by one or by a couple. It had been months since there was a new agent until now.
York looked over at North. “New Hampshire huh. Wonder he will be.”
“She,” Carolina mentioned walking towards her locker. “New Hampshire is a woman.”
Wash looked at Carolina. “Which team is she going to join?”
Carolina sighed. “Ours.”
It shocked Wash for a moment. They already had about 8 members, him included. Wash just joined Carolina’s team couple months back, earning his spot. It’s rare that someone comes right to the top. There 7 teams total, having 6-8 agents in each one. That was plan anyways.
Carolina’s team was the highest rated team, it took a lot of different people a while to get there, and selected personally by the Director. Usually it’s the Counslar that picks and chooses where each Agent would be best fit.
“Well she has to be good in order to be here.” South mentioned leaning against the end locker.
“We should head to the training floor, she is going against Maine.” Carolina explained shutting her locker heading there.
Everyone followed behind her. North was walking next to Wash which he was grateful about. Everyone was talking about the new girl, agents to janitorial staff. Talking about how the Alpha team got a new member. “I’m excited to see how she goes against Maine.” Wash said looking at North.
“Maine is a big dude,” York called behind him to both of Wash and North. “I won’t be surprised if she breaks some bones.”
“She is on our team so she has to be good.” North disagreeing.
“If she is small built she could pass him pretty quickly.” Wash agreeing with North.
Wash and North were right, New Hampshire was tiny moving around like a squirrel on caffeine. Wash watched how she could sneak just as quiet as Carolina would be. The score ended with 4-1, New Hampshire winning. “Wow, that hit Maine give her with her getting up, that’s pretty damn good!” Wash said looking at everyone one by one.
“She is quick I give her that.” CT commented chuckling at Wash.
“She would be good for recon.” Carolina added. “Maybe her and I can go on one to see how good she is.”
All of them went into the office having her introduce herself to the team. Wash didn’t even think that she would be beautiful, her smile just gleamed the room. Her eyes was the memorizing hazel. “Agent Washington,” She smiled grabbing his hand for a hand shake, sending his stomach in a whirlwind. “Nice to meet you.”
Wash held it together as he shook her hand (thank god for the gloves since his hands started to sweat) “Wash, you can call me Wash.”
Hampshire smiled. “Alright Wash, can’t wait to get to know you.”
And damn…did they get to know each other.
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babygirlgarrus7 · 1 year
Red vs Blue Masterlist
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Agent Washington x Agent New Hampshire
Project Freelancer
The Reds and Blues
The Blues and Reds
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