#agere sako atsuhiro
paper--moons · 2 years
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🌙 Character Paci 35/?: Sako Atsuhiro 🌙
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randommmmbnhahcs · 4 years
Twice is a little. Magne and Compress are his caregivers.
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paper--moons · 5 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
So I was tagged by @agerefandom for this fun little game. Thanks for thinking of me! Seeing as how a lot of these questions are AO3 focused and a bunch of my agere writing is here on Tumblr, I may blend my answers a bit. Hope that's okay! Anyhow, going to pop this under a readmore so as to not clog anybody's dash. 🌙
1.) How many stories do you have on A03?
On my primary AO3 account I currently have four public works and six private works, though I've published quite a few more on the site under a different pseud. And then I have many headcanon posts/ficlets here, of course.
2.) What's your total A03 word count?
My total AO3 word count is 51,743 words (again, that is just for my primary). Comparatively, the word count for my little old blog here sits at 145,222 words! (Not including my minis, that's just my big posts.)
3.) What fandoms do you write for?
Whatever speaks to me, really! If it's something I'm a fan of, there's a good chance I've got WIPs and scraps squirreled away in my files for it. Whether those ever see the light of day is another story entirely however haha.
4.) Top 5 fics by kudos?
Going to do another split answer here—my top (public) fic over on AO3 is Being Okay. My top blog posts are regressor!Zuko, regressor!Peter Parker, regressor!Bruce Wayne with cg!Clark Kent, and regressor!Shigaraki Tomura with cg!Sako Atsuhiro.
5.) Do you respond to comments?
Always! Unless some terrible, ill-fate has befallen me (migraine or some such), I make sure to respond to people's comments.
6.) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I believe the angstiest ending I've written is for one of my private works tbh. Whether I'm writing fanfic or original work I tend to gravitate towards themes like the loss of self and what it means to be changed. Change can be good, yes, but there's always grief there as well.
7.) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This is a harder one to answer, given that the happiest/fluffiest stuff I write is for the blog and even then I skew towards hurt/comfort. Maybe Taako on Board? That one I tagged as fluff at least, but it's a few years old now so it isn't the greatest.
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
Mm, not particularly? I did receive a rather rude comment the other day, but I just blocked and moved along. I have received a few "kys" messages over my agere works before, though it's been awhile since the last one.
9.) Do you write smut?
Indeed I do! Though perhaps not in the most traditional sense? Flashing my ace card here. When I write smut the focus is more on the sensuality and emotions rather than the physicality of the scene since that aspect doesn't exactly appeal to me. But none of that is posted here, of course.
10.) Craziest crossover?
While I'm not against crossovers, I personally haven't written any. I've certainly come across some neat ones though!
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not in its entirety, no. Though I have had scenes and ideas clearly lifted beat for beat, with the person admitting they "saw the idea around but couldn't remember where" despite it being a small community back then. But hey, it's fanfic. They can play in the space all they like as far as I'm concerned.
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Funnily enough, I have been approached quite a few times over the years about having one fic or another translated or made into a podfic. Each time I've given the go ahead, but nothing ever came of it.
13.) Have you co-written a fic before?
No, not unless you consider rp as co-writing a fic. Which personally I feel like it counts? It is co-writing.
14.) All-time favorite ship?
Oh, a real toughie! There are so many... I enjoy Erasermic, obviously. Really any combination of the rooftops (all four of them), as I have always been one to polyship. I've been reading a lot of Kazumaji lately though. And then there are the classics that will always have me, like Vegebul.
15.) What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
All of them haha. But really, out of my fanfic WIPs I think I'd like to finish the one that's closest to being AO3 ready. Which is (perhaps unsurprisingly) a regressor!Aizawa fic. Featuring things such as quirk shenanigans, a well-meaning yet meddlesome Class 1A, and cg!Yagi. The draft is at 21,131 words, but I just can't settle on an ending.
16.) What are your writing strengths?
Probably my ability to establish the mood of a scene? I've been told I'm very good with creating things like suspense or an unsettling atmosphere in my original works (which are quite a bit darker than what I post here, naturally).
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
While I am forever honing my craft, I feel I always struggle with endings and perhaps always will. Also, I worry over my dialogue not sounding natural enough, or not having nailed the correct character voice. Pacing is another thing that I tend to fuss over quite a bit and tweak constantly. And I tend to operate in a cyclical manner rather than a linear one, which Western culture does not particularly favor.
18.) Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
This is pretty situational imo. If the POV character doesn't understand the other language, I tend to focus on how the words are being spoken (gently, harshly, etc.) to convey the meaning/emotion. However if it is something they speak, then I tend to indicate in another way the language they are using has changed (so typically through italics and dialogue tags). But some words and phrases don't necessarily have a one-to-one counterpart in English, and so those should be kept as is.
19.) First fandom you wrote in?
The first fandom I wrote for was Batman, I do believe. Published my first drabble of a fic over on ff.net when I was somewhere in the ballpark of 13ish. It was pretty agere adjacent, too. Iirc it was a little fluff piece with Bruce and Dick centered around the concept of bedtime.
20.) Favorite fic you've written?
Wish I could tell you, but it's a secret! As for my posts though, I think one of my favorites is my regressor!Cody Walsh, or maybeee my regressor!Okuta Kagero. I'm also very fond of my cg!Gildarts Clive post, though all of my creative works hold a special place in my heart.
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paper--moons · 2 years
Regressor!Shigaraki Headcanons
(with cg!Compress)
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After Kurogiri is taken into custody by Tsukauchi and his task force, Tomura is effectively left in the lurch and not just from a more tactical perspective—sure, Kurogiri was their warp gate, but that was far from his only role within the League. Far from his only role when it came to Tomura, too. The loss of Kurogiri affects him far more than the loss of AFO after Kamino, because while Kurogiri wasn't his benefactor, he was his papa. And, being primarily a babyspace regressor who has always had his papa there to help him handle things like his big emotions, Tomura isn't sure how to cope or handle his regression on his own. It's always been him and papa for as long as he can remember, for as long as he has been regressing (which, given what he has been through, started not too long after AFO took him in). The first time he regresses after losing Kurogiri is messy, and it's obvious that someone needs to step up and help the poor dear.
Messy is a bit of a misnomer, as a more apt term for his first regression alone is distressing. With his regression being largely involuntary, it often comes on too quickly for him to notice until it has snuck up on him and it is too late to try to get things prepped for himself. That is exactly what happens when—in an effort to distract himself from their current predicaments—Tomura attempts to relax by playing Shovel Knight with Spinner. They're playing a co-op campaign this time rather than a PVP battle and it was going pretty well, until suddenly his hands feel less coordinated and he's missing the simplest of button combos that he could otherwise practically do in his sleep. Spinner recognizes this loss of dexterity and knows what it means, but that cannot prepare him for the impending tears when he has to explain to Tomura that he can't get his papa when he inevitably asks for him, that his papa isn't here anymore (though he really should have known saying that would only upset the baby more).
The resulting noise from his crying is enough to alert the rest of the League, who all are aware of their leader's tendency to regress—it would have been pointless to have tried hiding it, and the League is like family anyway. So when they all come running, they wind up having a bit of an impromptu family meeting in front of the baby to try and figure out who should take over as his main cg. There's a lot of discussion, which mostly consists of Toga and Spinner arguing about who would be better at it with Twice trying to interject from time to time. It's during this time that Compress takes it upon himself to see to the boy, whose upset was not aided by the loud voices of their comrades. He's remarkably gentle with him, providing the distraction Tomura has desperately been seeking—after all, Atsuhiro excels in the art of sleight of hand, an art that boils down to misdirection: pay attention to this, not that. Suddenly the cries die down, and baby Tomura is mesmerized by the marble Atsuhiro is twirling betwixt his fingers, gasping as it seemingly disappears. The tiny gasp is enough to let the others know that they have their answer.
Now, it is important to note that Atsuhiro doesn't mind being tasked with the role of cg. He thrives in being able to take on a role, to put on a performance. But this? This is different. It's something he settles down into softly, realizing that his tiny audience member keeps his eyes on him at all times. He isn't one to half-ass things either, and so he takes the time to properly acquaint himself with the bag of tricks left behind for him (a.k.a., Tomura's baby bag). All of the standard items are in there: his puppy plushie Mon-chan, his bottles and pacis, his weighted blanket, his quirk-canceling mittens. Things that they've all seen Tomura with before. But one thing that Atsuhiro doesn't expect to find is the small black book that was tucked away in the bottom. Closer inspection reveals that it was Kurogiri's personal...journal isn't exactly the right word, since he doesn't think the man was capable of keeping one. Rather, it appears to be a series of notes. Lists of things that Atsuhiro realizes applies to Tomura. Bunnies. Baby blues. Chocolate milk. Pages upon pages that seem to be nothing but little Tomura cheat sheets. It gives him just a enough of a leg up to help make the transition easier on the little guy.
Still, it is a big change for Tomura and he isn't the best at handling change. Atsuhiro isn't quite as intuitive as Kurogiri was and doesn't miraculously appear the instant his world starts shrinking. Nor does he know how to ease him down when he's too stressed and his regression gets stuck. But those are things a cg learns about their little one with time, and it's clear that Atsuhiro is on the right path already. There are other things that are a big change too, but luckily the baby decides they are a good change. Like the fact that giving affection comes far more naturally to Atsuhiro, and affection is something that Tomura craves whether he's big or small. His hugs are actually so warm, which was quite the surprise. Tomura didn't know hugs were supposed to be warm! The only person he can remember hugging is Kurogiri, and the man was alarmingly cold to the touch. But this is new and warm and Tomura finds he wants to be hugged and held at all times now whenever he's feeling small; it's such an innocent and sweet want that Atsuhiro has trouble denying him (and in fact doesn't, nine times out of ten).
Along with demanding all of the cuddles and snuggles, Tomura quickly makes Atsuhiro his new favorite napping spot. One minute the League can be sitting and discussing their next move—with Tomura sticking closer to Atsuhiro these days even for the more mundane things—and the next he has a sleepy baby dozing on his shoulder. Tomura trusts that if anything important does get mentioned, Atsuhiro will remember and be able to tell him later. Any apprehension from his big self that says this action might be unwanted is almost immediately washed away too. There's an arm being draped over his shoulder and pulling him closer until he is pillowed against his chest, the vibration of Atsuhiro's voice as he keeps up with the conversation lulling Tomura even further away and into the small fuzzy sleepy place he so often visits. And so the meeting quickly turns into naptime for the baby, but should anyone try to suggest they wake Tomura up they'll have Atsuhiro to answer to.
It takes Tomura some time before redubbing Atsuhiro with any sort of cg name—he can't replace papa of course, but he's become just as important to him! For weeks whenever he wanted his attention, Tomura would simply bounce and reach for him with his mittened hands, accompanied by tiny, needy squeaks of Ah! Ah!. (He isn't exactly the most verbal when he regresses and is limited to a few words after all, and it was pretty adorable how he babbled for him so there was no attempt to correct him.) At first they all assume he must be trying to say his name and only nailing the first syllable, but that isn't the case. It takes Atsuhiro longer than he cares to admit to realize Tomura was mimicking the way he tends to get his attention. His gentle Ah, Tomura look what I haves or Ah, be careful, darlings having been latched onto by the boy. Eventually however, he hears Tomura go Ah! Ah! Mama! and knows he is wanting him. He can't deny that the moniker is touching nor can he deny that it suits him, especially when it seems the rest of the League picks up on it as well...not that he minds in the slightest (he finds that he's more than willing to play along with the rest of them, if that's what they need).
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