#agfl one shot
november-rayne · 8 months
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The Gift of Distraction - Part Two
Summary: Threats of war have the Kingdom of Asgard on edge. The King and his counsel have been working nonstop to prepare the realm for the worst-case scenario. Newlyweds Loki and Sigyn steal moments together when they can.
After weeks of pining for her husband, Sigyn decides to take matters into her own hands and surprise Loki at work. He welcomes the unexpected visit from his wife and the newlyweds make the most of their time together.
Word Count: 3300
Rating: Explicit
*This story is for mature audiences only. * 18+
*Minors DNI*
Tags: Oral sex, Cock Warming, Semi-Public Sex
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Sigyn barely saw Loki over the next few weeks. He rose before dawn and worked with the King and council until late in the evenings. He was coming home late and falling straight into bed long after the sun had gone down, physically, and mentally exhausted.
And she missed him. And she felt greedy for missing him. She knew when she married him that he had a duty to the realm but that did nothing to stop the ache of need that plagued her. She missed sharing meals with him, going on long walks with him, kissing him, and touching him.
She had her projects to keep her busy, of course, but her mind was never one hundred percent on any given task. Loki was always there in the back of her mind. She worried if he was eating enough or if the council was putting too much work on him. She knew he was not getting enough sleep, but she was hopeful this threat of war would pass and resolve itself quietly.
One morning she woke from a dream panting and breathless. An ache between her thighs the likes of which she had not felt in a very long time. It had been three weeks since she and Loki had made love. Three weeks! The longest they have ever gone without each other. She would settle for a quickie if she ever caught him alone long enough, but by the time he joined her in their bed, he only had energy enough for a brief cuddle and a few chaste kisses before he succumbed to restless sleep.
Something had to give, she had to make him carve an hour out of his schedule during the day to spend time with her. As she soaked in her morning bath, a plan formed in her mind. Was it desperate? Yes. Did she care? No.
It was late morning as Sigyn made her way through the palace, a basket of goodies hung from the crook of her elbow. She greeted Loki’s long-time assistant, Karl, with a pleasant smile. The area was abuzz with activity. People were dashing to and fro, passing papers and files and messages back and forth. 
Karl bowed to Sigyn when he caught sight of her. “Your Highness.”
“Good morning, Karl. Is the Prince in his office?” She motioned to her basket. “I have brought him some food. I hoped I might share a meal with him for a change.”
He gave her a nervous laugh, “His Highness is in there, but…”
“Oh, thank you, Karl. Here,” she plucked one of the wrapped sandwiches from her basket, “eat a little something. You are looking a little peaked.”
She gave him no opportunity to respond as she breezed past him and slid into Loki’s office before he could stop her.
Loki looked up startled, “Sigyn?! What are you doing here, sweetling?”
“I brought you some lunch.” She held up the basket. 
Karl was right behind her, “Apologies, Your Highness, she did not give me a chance to tell her you were busy.”
“That will be all, Karl. Please shut the door on your way out. Thank you.”
He bowed and quickly made his exit. 
“Don’t be cross with me. I am worried that you have not been taking care of yourself and I could not let another day pass without sharing a meal with you.” She set the basket on top of a low cabinet by his window.
He set his quill down and held his arms out to her, “I could never be cross with you for thinking of me so kindly.” He pulled her down into his lap and kissed her temple. “This is a very pleasant surprise. I have missed our talks during mealtimes.”
“Oh, Loki. I have missed you terribly.” Her bottom lip quivered, betraying the brave front she was determined to put up for him. She threw her arms around him and buried her face in his neck. 
“There, there, my love.” His warm hands stroked the bare skin of her back. Sigyn intentionally wore a very thin, backless summer dress, despite the nip in the early spring air, and opted to forego any undergarments, hoping lunch would take a turn into something more. “It's all right. Come now,” he sat her up straight, “let me have a look at you.” He held her chin in his hand as he gazed at her. She practically melted into his lap, his ocean-blue eyes etched with concern. “My pretty wife. I fear I have neglected you for far too long.”
His lips brushed hers and a storm of butterflies soared through her belly. The soft contact brought a needy whine to her lips. She ran her hands through his hair and pressed into him, parting her lips, and greeting his tongue with hers.
She resisted the urge to moan into his mouth, relishing the taste of him and the feel of his silky hair in her hands.
He reluctantly broke their kiss, “Did you come here to eat or…?” His grip was tight on her hips.
“I could wait to eat,” she panted. “What about you?  Are you hungry?”
She watched the bob of his Adam’s apple as he swallowed thickly, “Ravenous.”
Loki used his seidr to banish the items from the top of his desk and had Sigyn on her back in an instant. He slid her wispy dress up her thighs and groaned in approval at the sight of her bare sex. “Was this your plan all along? Fein concern for my well-being and seduce me?” 
She hesitated, she knew he could tell if she lied to him, “I am concerned for your well-being. But I am also desperate for your body. Does that make me a terrible person?”
He chuckled darkly, his hot breath fanned her wet cunt and caused her to squirm where she lay. “No, kitten.” He licked a stripe up the center of her and was rewarded with a needy moan. “You are a very good person.” He kissed her thigh. “The best person I know.” He kissed her other thigh. “Now be a very good girl for me and put your feet on my shoulders.” She kicked off her slippers and obeyed. 
He held her thighs as he dined on her. Loki delighted in the fact that anyone on the other side of the door would be an audience to Sigyn’s moans of pleasure and cries of praise for his ministrations. She held nothing back as she climaxed, “Gods yes, Loki! I’m coming!” 
She laid across his desk and twitched and shook as pleasant aftershocks wracked her body, moving her feet to his lap, it took her a few moments to come down.
“Norns, Loki.” She sat up slowly and found Loki watching her as he leaned back in his chair, a mischievous grin on his face and a huge bulge in his trousers. Sigyn bit her lip, “Your turn.”
She stood on shaky legs and moved to kneel between Loki’s feet, but he stopped her, pulling her down to straddle his long thighs instead. “I am afraid there is no time for that, kitten. I have a meeting with my liaison from the West. He should arrive any minute now.” The mischief danced merrily in his eyes and she knew he was up to something.
“Is that so?” She palmed his erection through the leather of his trousers, “What are you going to do about this? It is far too big of a thing to hide in plain sight.”
He walked his fingers up her thighs and made his way to her ass, squeezing her with both his large hands. “That is why I intend to hide it out of sight.” Mischief radiated off him in waves, causing Sigyn’s cunt to clench around nothing.
She swallowed thickly, “Out of sight where?”
He smirked, “Be a good girl and free me from these confines, wife.” 
Sigyn sensed that something devilishly wicked awaited her and she was suddenly filled with anticipation, a dull throb started between her legs again as she unfastened his trousers and liberated his glorious cock. Her mouth watered at the sight of it and a needy whimper escaped her lips as she pumped his shaft and cupped his balls.
Loki pulled her closer and claimed her mouth, kissing her frantically as she worked him. Without warning, he moved her hands to his shoulders. She was confused for but a brief second before she felt him guide her hips forward and position himself at her entrance. She lifted her hips and lowered herself onto him, throwing her head back with a moan as he filled her. Circling her hips and grinding down on him, she savored the familiar stretch of her walls as her body welcomed him home.
Once he was fully seated inside her, she started to roll her hips quickly, knowing they had little time to finish. But Loki used his large hands to still her body. Kissing her sweetly and caressing the bare skin of her legs and back, “Sit still for me, pretty girl.” 
Whimpering in protest, “Loki…”
“Hush.” She let his hand guide her head to his shoulder, then he adjusted the skirt of her dress to cover them as she perched on his lap. “Be my very good girl and keep my cock warm while I take my meeting.” She clenched and throbbed around him in response, earning her a moan and a pat on the rump. “Good, good girl.” He pressed a kiss to her shoulder as he summoned his paperwork back and rolled his chair close to his desk.
“Ah, Loki. I can’t.” She rolled her hips, and Loki pressed her down, stilling her once again.
“You can and you will.” His cock throbbed inside her and her cunt pulsed in response.
“Loki, please! It has been weeks.” Tears pricked her eyes, and she pressed her lips into his neck under his ear. “I need you.”
“And you have me.” He gave her the tiniest press up with his hips, “You want me inside you, do you not?”
“Ugh, yes, of course. But-”
“Be the sweetest girl, hold very still and you will be rewarded.”
Three solid knocks came from the other side of his door. 
“Loki!” Sigyn hissed.
“Close your eyes and do not move.” He whispered to her before he called, “Enter.”
Sigyn dropped her arms to Loki’s side and closed her eyes as she rested her head back on his shoulder.
Karl opened the door only wide enough to poke his head through. “Your Highness, your liaison from the Western Territory is here. What should I tell him?”
Loki looked up from his ledger and motioned with his quill, “Show him in.”
“Sir?”  He looked at Sigyn perched on his lap, appearing to be asleep.
Loki raised his eyebrows to him, “Yes?”
“Are you certain, sir?”
“Do not leave the man standing out there, show him in, please. I have much to do so get on with it.”
“Yes, sir.” He opened the door wide and ushered the Prince’s visitor inside.
“Your Highness.” James bowed. “Have I caught you at a bad time?”
Loki chuckled and shifted slightly in his seat as he leaned forward and extended his hand to him. “Not at all. But do excuse me if I do not get up.” He shook Loki’s hand. Loki motioned for him to take a seat across from him and continued, “I’m afraid my dear wife has not been sleeping well these past weeks. She came to bring me lunch,” he motioned toward the basket, “but fell asleep whilst we were talking. I did not have the heart to wake her, poor dear.” He ran a hand up her back and patted her hair.”
“Ah, yes. My wife is quite troubled as well, but alas, she does not seek out solace in my embrace as yours does.”
“Well, we are newlywed. My friends warn me she will become less generous with her affection as the years go by.” At that, Sigyn squeezed his cock and pressed a tiny pinch to his side through his tunic. He shifted and pressed up slightly in response, sending a fresh wave of heat through her body. She had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from whimpering.
“Are you sure we will not disturb her? We can move this meeting to the afternoon if needed.”
“No need. My Sigyn is a very sound sleeper. Now let me see what news you brought me regarding our steel production.”
James pulled out a thick file from his satchel and placed it in front of the prince. The two men went on with their meeting as if Sigyn wasn’t even in the room. Like it was completely normal for a grown woman to fall asleep atop her husband’s lap. His visitor was completely oblivious to the fact that Loki was buried to the hilt inside her. The thought of it and the fear of being discovered elicited a thrill from her and kept her throbbing with anticipation.
Tiny thrusts and twitches were the only indication that Loki was still aroused. His voice never faltered when he spoke, and his hands stayed steady as he flipped through page after page of inventory ledgers. His voice caught only once as Sigyn flexed and clenched around his cock, but he quickly covered it with a yawn and a sincere apology to his guest.
Sigyn did not know how he was keeping so composed. The meeting seemed to drag on and on all the while she sat impaled on his cock, throbbing and aching to move. So sensitive she was at this point that even the friction from the slightest shift sent currents of pleasure shooting through her body. The effort it was taking to keep from moving her hips was causing her breaths to become shallower, and tiny beads of perspiration began to dot her forehead. She had to be conscious of the moans and whimpers that threatened to escape her lips. All the while her clit ached with need.
She tried to distract herself, to focus on something other than her husband’s cock stuffed deep inside her. She tried to follow what the men were discussing, but she found the topic so boring, she couldn’t keep her attention there. She started reciting poems in her head and that would help briefly until Loki would shift in his seat and create the slightest bit of friction, causing her to clench and throb anew.
How much time had passed? She had no idea. Had the chimes rung in the palace indicating a new hour? No. She would have heard them. Or would she? She was putting so much effort into holding still she could have missed the sound. Maybe it had only been a few minutes, but her sweet agony had drawn them out and made them feel longer.
Finally, she heard the conversation wrapping up.
“Thank you for your time today, James. Again, excuse me if I don’t show you out.” 
James chuckled, “Of course, Your Highness. I am happy knowing our Princess got some much-needed rest. I am only sorry I did not get to meet her properly.”
“Stay for dinner. I will bring her to the dining hall tonight.”
“Thank you, Your Highness. I am looking forward to it.” He bowed and closed the door quietly behind him as he left.
Loki patted Sigyn’s bum and whispered in her ear, “Very well done, my good girl. I am very proud of you.” 
Relief and pride and arousal all washed over her in that instant. She kissed him eagerly and buried her hands in his hair. He held her hips and gently thrust up into her, she was oversensitive, and her body bucked and jerked at the sensation A sharp cry broke from her lips. 
“Norns, Loki! It was so difficult to stay still.”
“I know, precious. But you did so well. You have earned your reward.” He kissed along her jaw and down her neck. 
“Can I have two rewards?” Her head lolled back as their bodies found a rhythm. Loki’s chair was creaking loudly as they moved. 
He smiled against the skin of her neck, “You can have whatever you want.”
“I think first I would like you to bend me over your desk.”
Loki moaned, “Norns, yes, Sigyn.”
“Then I would like for you to have lunch with me.”
“Sounds perfect.”
This time he did not use his seidr, he pushed the files and memos off his desk with a sweep of his arm. He stood her up and spun her around as he pulled her back to his chest, running his hands over her breasts and hips, he kissed her neck and shoulders. 
Gently, he bent her over the edge of his desk and gathered up her skirts. He kicked her feet apart and slid into her as he admired the view from this vantage point, rubbing his large hands over her back, hips, and ass. He held her hips and took her hard and fast. Drawers rattled and the wood creaked on the large antique desk.  He earned lots of praise and dirty talk from Sigyn between her moans of pleasure. 
Afterward, Loki cleaned them up with his seidr and they had a makeshift picnic on the floor in his office, appreciating each other’s company, and talking about everything but war preparations.
Loki was feeding Sigyn a piece of cake with honey, teasing her by pulling it away before she could get a bite. Honey had dripped on her bottom lip, and he quickly ducked down to clean it off with his tongue. Their play quickly turned into passion and Loki rolled her onto her back. He was just freeing her breast from her dress when there was a knock on the door.
“No!” Loki called and lowered his mouth to her nipple.
Karl stammered on the other side of the door, “I am terribly sorry, Your Highness, but-”
“I said no!”
“Orders from The King, Your Highness.” Karl managed quickly.
“Fuck.” Loki pulled the fabric back over her breast and helped her to sit up. “Enter!”
Karl entered quickly and bowed, “Your Highnesses, I do hate interrupting your… lunch, but The King has called for a meeting of his council.”
“Very well.” Loki said wearily, “When is this meeting to take place?”
“Now, Your Highness. The King requests that you come at once.” 
Sigyn caught the split-second look of panic in his eyes before he quickly composed his features. “Thank you, Karl. Prepare my things as I bid my wife farewell.”
He bowed and exited swiftly.
Loki gave her an apologetic look, “I am sorry I have to cut our time short, my love.”
She took his face in her hands, “The King needs you.”
“And I need you.” He covered one of her hands with his and rubbed his thumb along hers. “I do not know when things will return to normal.”
“I know.” She gave him a sweet smile. “We will get through this.”
He pulled her into a warm embrace and buried his face in her hair. 
“Come on. Chin up. You should not keep your father waiting.”
“I love you, Sigyn. Please know that I am missing you as much as you are missing me.”
“I know. I love you too.”
He pulled back and gave her a mischievous grin, “You know, I am never going to be able to sit down to work at that desk again without thinking about what we did on it today.” 
He gave her one more long, lingering kiss before he left for his meeting.
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A Gift for Loki
Other AGFL One-Shots:
The Gift of the Sun
The Gift of Distraction - Part One
5 notes · View notes
november-rayne · 1 year
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The Gift of Distraction - Part One
Summary: Threats of war have the Kingdom of Asgard on edge. The King and his counsel have been working nonstop to prepare the realm for the worst-case scenario. Newlyweds Loki and Sigyn steal moments together when they can.
Word Count: 2900
Rating: Explicit
*This story is for mature audiences only. * 18+
*Minors DNI*
Tags: Oral sex, rough sex, degradation,
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Sigyn woke with a start. She bolted upright in bed, looking around frantically to get her bearings.  She hadn’t remembered drifting off. The embers in the fireplace smoldered with an amber glow. It was the middle of the night and her husband’s side of the bed was cold. She was still wearing the same skimpy lingerie she had put on before bed hoping Loki would rid her of it when he finally retired. His side of the bed had not been disturbed and there was light spilling under the bed chamber door. 
She quickly donned a silken robe that matched her undergarments and slipped out of the bedroom quietly. Loki was not in the sitting room nor was he in the dining room. She padded across the marble floor in her bare feet to the glass-paned doors of his office, bright light spilled into the darkened chamber from inside. She peeked in tentatively to see Loki hunched over a thick ledger, scribbling franticly with his quill.
Anger immediately flooded her senses. How could he have forgotten that she was waiting for him? She watched him with a scowl, bitter about being left alone again. He had been working so many long hours recently. There were rumors of Dark Elf activity threatening to disrupt the peace. The King and his council were on high alert, sending out spies to gather intel, preparing contingency plans and evacuation strategies, and taking stock of supplies, weapons, and soldiers.
Her heart took pity on him, and she quickly softened. He had been working so hard to ensure their people would be safe if the worst-case scenario should occur. The hour was late, he needed to come to bed and sleep to keep his mind sharp. But she also knew he would have a difficult time falling asleep with his mind so preoccupied with the rumors of discord.
“Come to bed, lover.” Sigyn struck a sultry pose in the doorway. 
Without looking up, “You go on ahead, sweetling. Do not wait for me. I am nowhere near finished.”
“Loki Odinson!” That got his attention. He looked up and his jaw fell open. 
Sigyn was wearing a sheer black bra and panty set. Delicate gold metal detailing trimmed the straps of the bra and along the waistband of the barely-there panties. A gold charm in the shape of a snake dangled between the cross-section of fabric between her breasts. Her pert nipples and the neatly cropped curls covering her mound were on full display through the sheer fabric. 
“It is the middle of the night. I fell asleep waiting for you.”
Loki swallowed thickly, “Waiting for me?”
She rolled her eyes and made her way over to his desk, perching herself atop it, “What is so important to make you forget about me? Hmm?”
He dropped his quill and reached his hand out to squeeze a creamy thigh, smudging her pristine skin with black ink from his fingers. “Nothing, kitten.” His eyes rose to meet hers remorsefully, “Nothing is more important. I lost track of time. You were laying there waiting for me and I was in here doing something that could have waited for tomorrow.  I am so…” he ran his eyes over her body, “…so, so, sorry.”
She raised an eyebrow at him, “I might be persuaded to forgive you.” She stood and started walking toward the door, “Instead of burying your nose in that ledger, come bury it between my legs instead.” 
Loki nearly spilled his ink pot as he bolted up from his seat behind his desk. His work was all but forgotten as he trailed behind his wife's back to their bedroom. Eager anticipation filled him with an electric buzz of energy. 
Sigyn slipped out of her delicate robe and sat on the edge of the bed as Loki brought the fire back to life. He turned to join her on the bed.  
“Freeze! Don’t take another step.” 
He stopped in his tracks and gave her a curious look. 
“I want to watch you take your clothes off…slowly.” She gave him a sly smile. 
Loki’s lips curled into a devilish grin. “Whatever you say, Princess.”
He toed out of his boots and kicked them to the side. He slid out of his jacket and threw it over the back of the chair by the fireplace. Grabbing the hem of his shirt, he slowly started dragging it over his body.
“Slower,” Sigyn demanded. 
Loki grinned and slowed his movements even more. By the time he had pulled it over his head and let it drop to the floor, Sigyn had moved a hand between her legs, teasing herself while she watched him with hungry eyes.
His knees nearly buckled at the sight of her. His cock engorged so quickly it made him dizzy. A deep growl emanated from within him as he took another step closer to her.
“No, no, naughty boy.” She said breathily, “You do not get to come to me until I tell you to.” Her fingers danced around her clit as she put a foot up on the bed beside her, spreading herself wide for him. All he could do was stand there and watch as heat flooded his entire body.
“Trousers. Now. Slowly.”
With unsteady hands, he unfastened his trousers painfully slowly as he watched her pleasure herself. He slid his hands down his thighs. She was panting and shaking as he stepped out of the trousers and kicked them aside.
“I am… oh. Do you… ahh… Do you want me to finish on my own? Or would you like the honors?”
“Me! Let me.” He started to close the distance to her but stopped himself, remembering her orders.
She removed her hand and braced herself on the edge of the bed. “Kneel before your Princess.”
He was there in an instant, kneeling beside the bed, squeezing her thighs, and crashing his lips to hers, kissing her hungrily. She smiled against his lips and started pushing his head south. 
“No need for a preamble, lover. Claim your prize for putting on such a good show for me.”
He chuckled darkly as he kissed down her neck and sternum, taking a few delicious moments to suck on her nipples through the sheer cups of her bra. Her hips bucked when he pulled one between his teeth and bit down, just hard enough to send a bolt of pleasure to her center.
“Ugh… Loki…”
He sat on his heels and put her legs over his shoulders. He made his way up her thighs with wet open-mouthed kisses before he licked a wide stripe over her sheer panties.
“On or off?” he asked her, his voice deep.
“Off.” She raised her bum as his large hands pulled the tiny piece of fabric from her body. He brought them up to his face and inhaled deeply.
“Your arousal is the sweetest perfume I have ever smelled, kitten.” He licked her cleft again. “And the sweetest nectar I have ever tasted.” Burying his face between her thighs like a man starved, he had her bucking and thrashing on the bed in no time as he used his lips and tongue to send her over the precipice of bliss quickly.
Loki let her catch her breath while he gave her slow languid licks, but when she attempted to remove her legs from his shoulders and stand, he threw his arms around her hips and pinned them to the bed.
“I am not finished yet, sweetling. Let me have my fill.”
She moaned wantonly and buried her fingers in his hair, “Loki, I want to taste you.” 
“Not until I am satisfied.” He nudged her oversensitive bud with the tip of his nose as his tongue explored her cunt. He took his time bringing her to orgasm the second time. Savoring the way she felt under his lips and tongue, the look on her face as she watched him feast on her. The sounds she made as he pleasured her were music to his ears. By the time he heard the sweet mewls of her orgasm, his cock was so hard it was painful. He had wanted to linger there, serve his penance on his knees with his face between her thighs, to make her come again, but his own need was becoming unbearable. 
He gave her thigh one last kiss as her legs shook around him. He stood and pushed her down to lay flat on her back, bum nearly off the edge of the bed. The post-orgasmic haze still clouded her mind as she barely registered that Loki was now standing, looming tall over her with her knees in his hands. She instinctively wrapped her legs around him as he ran his hands up to her hips and pulled her closer to him. 
Loki growled, low and guttural, as he pushed his cock into her soaking-wet heat. Her cunt was quaking with aftershocks from her orgasm, and he gave her no time to adjust to his girth as he pulled back and pressed into her again. As he held her thighs up, his hips started rutting frantically, his cock finally getting the sweet friction it was craving so desperately as he was pleasuring her. 
Sigyn’s back arched off the bed, the needy way he was taking her and his desperate, breathy moans, causing a wave of arousal to wash over her. She grabbed fistfuls of the bedsheets as the wet sounds of their sex spurred Loki’s lust and he drove into her harder. He was sucking in breaths through gritted teeth, a sheen of sweat glittered on his brow. 
She would have bruises on both sides of her thighs tomorrow, from his crushing grip holding her legs up and from his hip bones pounding her in this position, but she did not care. He rarely took her roughly and she was loving every minute of it. She couldn’t get enough of the absolutely feral look in his eyes, his loss of control as his usually precise hip movements were replaced by animalistic thrusts. The pent-up tension he had been holding onto finally found a release as he took her hard and fast. 
“Yes, Loki! Yes!”
He could only grunt in response. His gaze tore away from the motion of her breasts in her skimpy bra and landed on her face. His eyes were dark with lust, wisps of hair clinging to the sweat on his neck, lips curled back in a sultry sneer. He looked lurid and dangerous. Her cunt clenched around his cock causing him to hiss sharply. 
The angle at which he was fucking her added no friction to her clit, so she wet her fingers in her mouth and let her hand travel to the swollen nub, rubbing tight circles. Another feral grunt came from him as he watched her, and his hips continued rutting into her at their brutal pace. 
Her walls started fluttering around him and her eyes rolled back briefly, “Come with me, Loki… Fill me with your seed... Oh… Ah… I’m coming!” 
His hips stuttered and his groan came from deep within him as he followed her over the edge. “Fuck...” His sporadic thrusts and throbbing cock as he spilled inside her almost sent her again. Her handsome husband wrapped in ecstasy was something she never grew tired of seeing. She rolled her hips as his grip loosened, his cock still hard inside her. 
“Mmm… Loki…”
He slowly regained his wits and looked down at his wife. He was still speared into her, his cock not ready to call it a night despite the late hour.
“Look at you.” He pushed her back further onto the bed and laid over her, his feet still firmly on the floor. “My needy little cock slut is desperate for more?” She clenched around him; she loved it when he teased her in that way. She bit her lip and nodded.
“You filthy little whore, your thighs are already slick with my seed. Is that not enough for you?”
She shook her head, “No.” She ground her hips up on him, “I need more.”
“Such an eager girl. Greedy for more of my cock, are you?” 
“Please, I need more. I was so very patient as I waited for you to come to bed. I laid here desperate for your cock.”
He gave her a languid pump of his hips. She let out a wanton moan and squeezed him again.
“Nasty girl. How would you take my cock now?”
She pretended to ponder the question briefly then answered, “I think I would like to ride you if it would please my prince.”
He cradled her head in his hands and dropped down to kiss her, slowly, tenderly, letting his lips express all the emotion he was feeling at the moment. He was sorry he didn’t join her in bed when she retired, he was grateful that she pulled him away from the never-ending pile of work on his desk, and he was so damn in love with her, he could not imagine his life without her. 
“Mmm… Get into bed, lover.”
He was reluctant to slide out of her, but he got up from his awkward position and crawled to the middle of the bed, laying on his back.
Sigyn was quickly straddling his thighs and removing the bra as Loki watched. His hands drifting over her skin, he used his seidr to remove the ink smudges from her thighs and his fingers. 
Sigyn positioned herself over Loki’s cock and slid down onto him slowly. Loki’s eyes fluttered closed as they reconnected. 
“Oh…” Her breath hitched as he started to thrust up into her as he held her by her hips. “Mmm… Lay back and relax, lover.”
She sat on his cock and placed her hands on his taut abs, circling her hips slowly, his previous spend and her own slick making sloppy sounds as she moved. She threw her head back and ground down on him.
“You are a nasty girl, so dirty. And using me for your own pleasure as if I have not made you come three times already.” She bucked against him before she started bouncing on his cock. He watched as her tits bounced along with her, and the familiar coil of pleasure started tightening in his lower belly.
“I will always need more of you. I can never get enough.”
“You look so pretty up there; your face is the picture of bliss.” His hands squeezed her ass and then trailed over her hips. His eyes fell to where they were joined, and he watched as she impaled herself on his cock over and over again.
He hissed sharply and thrust up into her, stilling her body and fucking up into her from below. “Ahh…”
“Mmm… Loki…” She pressed down hard on him, and he allowed her to regain control. She lowered herself and he filled her deep, the head of his thick cock nudging at her cervix. The ache deep in her belly, “You are so big, lover. So long and thick. Norns.”
“You take me so well, sweetling. So tight. Squeezing me. Milking my cock so well.” He moaned as she picked up her pace. His thumb found her clit and he pressed into it and stroked it with urgency.
Her hips stuttered as he pushed her closer to her climax, her movements were soon frantic. She held onto him for dear life as she came. Loki came soon after as Sigyn’s pelvic muscles spasmed and her body shook around him. 
They were both breathless and spent as she flopped down to his chest. He wrapped her in his arms and pressed his face into her hair, cherishing the scent of her, the unmistakable citrus that he would always associate with his sweet wife.
Rolling them onto their sides, he slid out of her followed by a gush of their combined spend. Loki couldn’t help but watch as his seed slid over her thigh.
“Loki…” she whined.
“You cannot even imagine how erotic this image is for me, kitten.” Loki shivered. “I love seeing my ecstasy painting your skin.”
“Very well.” He relented and cleaned them both up with his seidr.
“Thank you.” She leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips. “Can I play with your hair?”
“Of course.” He pulled the blankets over their naked bodies and snuggled close to Sigyn, burying his face in her chest, and holding her tight.
She ran her fingernails lightly over the nape of his neck then pushed up into his silky raven locks. Earning a contented moan from him. Running her hand along his scalp and then pulling it away, letting his hair slip through her fingers and then repeating the steps again and again until they were both nearly asleep.
“Sleep well, Loki. Know that I love you more than anything in this world.”
He pressed a kiss over her heart. “I love you, my sweet, sweet Sigyn. My priceless gift.”
The threat of war had temporarily slipped from their minds as she played with his hair until she felt the deep, steady breaths of sleep pass through his pretty lips. Only then did she allow herself to be pulled under, her hand still pressed to the back of his head, holding him tightly, letting him feel safe and secure in her embrace.
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other AGFL One-Shots
The Gift of the Sun
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