#aggron is soooo much lovelier than misdreavus in attitude and design
heyyoupikaboo ยท 9 months
The Virgin Misdreavus vs. The Wonderful Chad Aggron
The Virgin Misdreavus
Pulls pranks on people for no good-enough reason
Cute-looking but actually an asshole
Overrated as all hell
Has a punchable face
Nothing but a little miscreant who just wants to see people terrified
Its evolution is more useful than it is
Doesn't know when to grow the hell up
Has a pretty bad design
Has an anime voice that is pretty annoying
The Wonderful Chad Aggron
Aggressive-looking but actually gentle
Takes care of its territory well
Tough as hell
Doesn't need an evolution introduced in a later gen to be useful (not hating on any other evo introduced in a later gen)
Has a wayyyy cooler design
Has a waaayyyy cooler anime voice
I just wanna hug it!!!!
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