#ah. right. i was sobbing in dream at one point. thats fun.
orcelito · 6 years
Mmmmm I feel like falling asleep listening to mother mother While lying on my left side... not the best idea
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chaosmagetwin · 7 years
The Burnt God
“THAHN DAHHHH PAWNCH!” I watched as Living Lightning’s fist started glowing, then smashed into the colossal War Beast. I sighed as white light smashed into my eyes and a shock wave followed. My eyes followed her silhouette in the light as she drift through the hole she made in the four-legged wolf monster, her own momentum throwing her into a building. She grabbed the ledge of the building with her non-glowing hand and pulled herself up.
I could only roll my eyes as she made a victory pose in her ridiculous pink spandex as the War Beast fell. I looked back to my own fight. A green humanoid creature struggled against my foot, trying to lift me, or push me of, or anything really. He was struggling to understand why a four foot tall girl could hold him down. Super Powers didn’t exist in his world. 
Normally, i would have said He should have thought of that before he invaded our universe, but to be fair, they’d been pouring through the portal they’d opened for a while now, and they did not seem very smart. I half wondered if it was an accident. 
“Are you going to finish him off? Come on, we still have a portal over there!” I gave a disparaging look to Talk Boy, my idiot friend. He’d been ‘fighting’ more than a dozen of what he called orcs. They now sat weeping in a huddle, their hopes and dreams collectively destroyed. Psych 101 was a particularly effective tool for him. 
“Nah, I’m just not feeling it, you know? I’m just.... bored.” I sighed, and took my foot off the ‘orc’ and slammed it into his side. He flew off and crashed into the huddled orcs like a bowling ball, his side partly caved in. “You want a slice of pizza after this? I’m thinking Hawaiian.”
He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck in thought. “I mean, I prefer meat lovers, but, okay.” He stood up from his squatting rest position and stretched. Unlike me, he’s tall, practically six feet of handsome. He knew it too. If he were anyone else, I might have been infatuated, but I’d known him since before I had powers. It didn’t help that he looked and dressed like Elvis intentionally, but had the cracking voice of a fifteen year old boy. 
I heard screeching behind me and sighed as something ran into my shield headlong. I turned and looked, only to find an enormous pterodactyl on the ground, its neck at an odd angle, the rider on the ground and holding it’s leg, screaming in pain. “Damnit. This is supposed to be a non-lethal job. Hey, it’s not my fault if one of them dies without me doing anything, right?” He was already gone. “... Okay, fine. I’m saying it’s not my fault.” 
I’m not like most super heroes. They all try to be heroic and shit. I’m just a normal person who got powers unwillingly. You’d think magic would be something you had to study and learn, but when you got right down to it, all you had to do was imagine what you wanted. Unlike a lot of heroes, I didn’t have to work hard to get something done. Unlike a lot of heroes, I also just didn’t care. Some said I was creepy. Or that i was just a villain who hadn’t realized it yet. 
Some said I was a sociopath, but I think they’re liars. 
“Okay, buddy, time to get up.” I pulled my hands out of my pockets and grabbed the ‘orc’ by his rat-skin vest and tossed him lightly into the pile of orcs I’d already knocked over once. I watched as he wheeled his arms around in the air and landed on his hurt leg. It wasn’t my problem. They’d all be sent right back through the portal in a few minutes. They’d only be missing their War Beast and now their Pterodactyl. Maybe we’d toss them in, too, as a warning. 
I looked over the edge of the roof of the skyscraper I’d been standing on. A few hundred orcs were trying, and failing, to fight a couple super heroes in just this street alone. I couldn’t recognize them from this distance. A look further down the street showed the containment squad. That meant the shield around the portal was up. Living Lightning was handling that area, in case anything big came through. A look down the opposite side of the street showed the portal. Nearly fifty stories tall, and made up of pulsating black, purple, and green, it was easily the worst looking portal I’d ever seen. Living Lightning was on the ground again, fighting... something. She was actually going all out. Odd. “Oy, green boys.” I turned and looked at the pile of orcs, who were either sobbing from their ‘fight’ with Talk Boy, or from pain. “Time to go.” I pulled my hands out of their pockets again and scooped them up into what I imagined was a soap bubble. 
A leap off the skyscraper later, and I was on the street, casually ignoring the nearly fifty ‘orcs’ around me. Arrows plinked off the shield, swords shattered from what I imagined were mighty swings. Now that I was on the ground, I recognized Falrak the Thunderer and Terra Questa. Technically a couple, their powers were about as opposite in theme as they could get; Falrak was a warrior with S class strength, literally capable of picking up a skyscraper and using it as a club, while Terra Questa was a little ‘girl’ who had stopped aging thirty years ago and was telekinetic. Luckily for everyone involved, their relationship was platonic. “Kit? What are you doing here? Shouldnt you be skinning puppies or something?” It was Falrak. He never liked me for some reason.
“You know, that joke got old like... a year ago. I’m not a sociopath. I just don’t care like you do. Where are your inmates? I’m about ready to toss mine through the portal, and I figured I could just take a few off your hands.” 
“Can’t you just.... take all of them?” Terra’s squeaky voice called out from the ruins. She must be resting. “I mean, it’s not like you need us to beat them into submission.” That was true.
“Well, I didn’t want to spoil anyone’s fun...” I lifted my hand and created bubbles for the rest. “But, if you don’t mind, why not?” Falrak opened his mouth to argue, but then just shook his head and stomped off. “There’s always another street!” I called out to him. “Not like they’re a challenge...”
For a moment, the air stood still. The next, everything went white as my shield dampened the sound of a massive explosion. I turned to look at the source; Living Lightning was missing half of her uniform, and breathing heavily. The thing she was fighting was a black skinned ‘orc’, a wild grin on its face. Most of its clothes were missing too, and the crater they stood in was smoking. I sighed unhappily. I knew I should have just taken the portal guard job. I flicked my wrist out and put some supports under the buildings that had started swaying dangerously, replacing the parts of the buildings that had been disintegrated by the explosion. 
“El el! You okay?” Her head turned to look at me, surprise in her eyes. Unlike me, she was tall, and beautiful, and elegant. She had the type of blonde hair that I’d wanted when I was younger. When I was... different. I flicked out a shield in front of her as ablast of something flew for her. “HEY. We’re talking.” I stepped and teleported next to the ‘bork’ as I decided to dub him. “That’s very rude.” His eyes bulged and he swung something at me. A soft tap into his gut later, and he was flying through the building. “El, I’ll let you finish this fight. I’m just going to toss these guys through, and lock it back up. You okay?”
She turned to look at me for a second time, relief on her face. “Yeah, I’m fine. That guy..... he just keeps getting stronger. I think there’s some ritual on the other side thats powering him or something...” She winced and put a hand against her lower ribs. “Agh. I think I broke something. How about you, are you... oh, who am I kidding. Of course you’re fine.” I nodded. “Can I live that guy to you?” I nodded again. “Great. I’m just..... gonna go get some medical help.” She tensed, and with a flash of bright light, she was racing off as ball lightning. Half the reason she had the name she did. 
I sighed as the Bork came flying back and smashed into my shield. His fists glowed with black energy, each contact with my shield creating shockwaves. I waited for a few seconds until he stopped, panting. “Are you done?” I checked my watch and shrugged. 12:30. He screamed at me, and for a second I wondered why my shield’s noise dampening was in effect. Until I heard the unearthly echoes. “Ah, that’s cute. You think you can intimidate me.” I gave him my widest smile. 
“Congratulations! You’re the one millionth loser! There are three prizes available to you!” I grabbed him by the arm and watched his face for a half second as fear became his sole expression. A moment later he was slamming into the ground. “Behind door number 1 is pain! Behind door number 2 is humiliation! Behind door number three is a free trip home! and behind door number 4 is ALL OF THE ABOVE!” I lifted him up as he groaned. I didn’t feel like counting the number of broken bones he had at this point. A soft toss into the air later, and he was in a bubble with his sobbing friends. 
I sighed. I’d actually been expecting... more. I floated the prison bubbles to the portal, bored. They’d pop when they went the full way through. But that was okay. Once the last one was through, I slid a barrier over the portal. The only thing left to do was wait for the rest of the heroes to bring their prisoners over so they could be shoved back through. 
“You pass.” I opened my eyes and looked up at the disgusted Miss Freyr. “Though only barely. You get a S for strength, but a D for morals. Jesus Christ, Kit, what happened to you?” I yawned, and sat up, stretching. I was in class. I suddenly realized what happened. Miss Freyr was an illusionist teacher who liked to enter peoples minds and give them tests. 
“Some god gave me powers when i didn’t want them. They had an adverse reaction to my emotions and morals.” It was the truth. I didn’t choose to be this way. She shook her head in disbelief. 
“Also, the Bork? Really? Bork? You couldn’t come up with a better name?” She sighed and stood up from her chair. “You’re not a very good Super Hero, Miss Kitty Danger. You don’t wear a uniform, you don’t care about civilians, you barely care about your best friend, you’re mildly sadistic, and the sheer amount of... emotionless is disturbing. Why are you even trying to become a hero?”
I shrugged, unsurprised by her question. People asked me that a lot. “I don’t have a choice if you think about it. The god forced these powers on me, and told me I have to use them. I tried not to.... for a while. I just wanted to be normal. The more I didn’t use them, the harder it was to care. Then it became a question of either becoming a hero or a villain. I think we both know what the world would rather see. Do you really think anyone living could stop me if I became a villain?” Her face paled and she looked away. “That’s what I thought. I didn’t choose this. I didn’t choose to be emotionless. I didn’t choose to have powers. If I had a choice, I’d go and be a doctor, or a lawyer, or a factory worker or literally anything normal. I used to fantasize about being the damsel in distress for some handsome hero.” I stood up, grabbing my bag in the same motion. “Now I fantasize about feeling again. About killing a god. About bringing the one who did this to me to his knee’s and making him beg for my mercy. I fantasize about that moment where the god begs me to feel something for him.” I shrugged. “But I won’t. Because I can’t.”
Miss Freyr sighed, and opened the door. “Miss Kit... perhaps you should see a psychiatrist. Or a wizard. Maybe they could reawaken your emotions?”
“I’ll look into it.” I stepped out of the small classroom, and looked around. Ah. “El!” Living Lightning looked up and grinned at me, waving. 
“Kit! I passed! Can you believe it?!” It was impossible for me to believe that she wouldn’t. She was a true hero. Everything I wasn’t. I gave her my best smile. My fakest. “Come on! I bet you Talk Boy passed, too.”
“Want to bet a Hawaiin pizza?” 
She laughed, and shook her head. “No way. That’s gross. I’d bet you a Margherita pizza though.”
I rolled my eyes. “How about if he passes, I’ll buy pizza for you both, and if he doesn’t you’ll buy pizza for us?” The simplest solution. It was just as impossible for him to not pass too. Everyone would be happy. Well... everyone else. 
“Deal! I’ll throw in ice cream and a happy movie too, cause we’ll need it if he doesn’t.” I nodded solemnly. “Oh, oh, oh, can I tell you my score? Please, please!” She grinned vividly at me, almost buzzing with excitement. 
“Sure!” The scores were supposed to be private, but no one actually followed those rules but the teachers. 
“S, S, S, A!” Strength, Speed, Morals, Teamwork. I smiled with fake pride. “Tell me yours! COME ON!!!” 
“How much coffee did you have this morning?” 
“FIVE CUPS, BUT THAT DOESN’T MATTER!” Some of the other prospective heroes looked at her and shook their heads. “Come on, Tell me!”
“S, C, B, F.” I fibbed. “I forgot to work with anyone at all!” LL rolled her eyes at me, but grinned nevertheless. 
“Of course you got an F for teamwork. Anyone you worked with would just get in your way. Ah! There he is!” She blurred her hand in a speed wave at Talk Boy. He grinned and waved back. “He’s smiling! I bet he passed!” 
His smile was for totally different reasons, but she probably wasn’t wrong. he trotted over. “I passed!” LL screeched in joy and hugged him as he flushed. “Ow, my ears! El, relax!” He said with a laugh. 
“Score, tell me your score!” He grinned widely as she demanded.
“C, S, S, S!” 
“YES! WE’RE ALL S’S! THAT MEANS WE CAN TEAM UP!!!!” The two of them pumped their fists as I smiled blandly, struggling to match their ecstatic energy. 
To say that we were the highest powered students in Powers College would be an understatement. Talk Boy and Living Lightning had all but become super heroes even before formally joining the college. They’d been my best friends before, strong from the time they were toddlers. In our world, that meant they were practically guaranteed a position of power. I’d been a nothing girl. For a while, anyways. 
Most people who had powers averaged out to D’s. They wouldn’t normally become heroes or villains, and would just live out their lives normally. D’s weren’t very powerful. It basically just meant that they could do something. Some d’s made a trickle of water appear, others could power a light bulb. C’s were a bit stronger, but not by much. If a person had even one B, they could consider becoming a super hero. More than one meant they were likely to get scholarships for it. An A was the same as multiple b’s. Multiple A’s meant they were going to be recruited. And S’s.... S’s had enough power to make the world tremble. To say that they were recruited would be a misunderstanding. S’s joined, or they were assumed to be villains. No one with that sort of power could live normally. 
I’d been born an F. F across the board, except morals probably. Powerless. Not that being a D would be any better. Party tricks are just party tricks, after all. I’d never cared, because I’d already set my mind to becoming an artist. 
Not that Gods cared. Or friends. They’d always wanted me to develop powers. An unstoppable trio of heroes. 
A wish granted. 
“Kit! Kit! Hello?” I jerked into paying attention. Two pizza’s laid in front of us. “Oh, good, you’re awake. To us!” LL raised a tall mug of something golden. i realized I had one in front of me and hurriedly lifted mine as well as TB lifted his. A clink later, and we were drinking a beer each. When had I gotten here?
“So, anyways! I think we should call ourselves Dangerous Lighting Talkers!” TB snorted, and put a hand over his mouth and nose as beer spurted from his nose. 
“Ahh, no way! That’s a bad name!” he said after managing to get himself under control. 
“Hey, the DLT is a great name! Team DELT! Delta. Team Delta. See? It’s great!” Tb and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes as he mopped up the sprayed beer with a napkin. 
“Why not something simple? Like.... Dream Team? I mean, we’re all s’s! That’s super rare, so, no one could argue.” LL rolled her eyes.
“Uhh, thats too generic! No, we need a unique name! Something that is totally us!” 
“And team Delta isn’t?” I said after sipping my beer again. A yard of beer? Did I order this? “If you need a non generic name, why not just go with Team Generic. Everyone would be so busy arguing whether or not Team Generic is Generic that it would flip right back around from irony to pure genius because everyone would know our names.”
They both stared at me for a good long second before laughing. I smiled in return. “No way. We can’t name ourselves Team Generic. We don’t have generic powers, so.. I mean.... you sort of do. it doesn’t get much more generic than Imagination Based Magic.”
LL nodded in agreement with TB. “How about... Imaginary Microphones? Cause... microphones are electric! And he talks, and you have magic.” 
I shrugged. “Whatever you guys like.” I took another sip of my beer. A golden lager of some sort. We had to be in Johnny’s. He was the only one who still served yards of beer and pizza. “How long have we been here?” I asked as casually as I could. 
LL flipped her wrist to look at her watch. “Uhh.... fifteen minutes. Why?”
I checked my own watch. 12:30. I made a face. “Oh, nothing. In my test, I remember looking at my watch, and seeing this time, too.” I shrugged. “Just a weird feeling.”
TB looked deep in thought. “Imaginary Microphones.... I mean... it works. It just sounds like a dubstep style band name or something. And it shortens to I.M.” he shrugged again. “I think-”
I blinked at the black ceiling above me. No, it was white. It’s just dark. My ceiling at the dorm. I sighed and rubbed my face. Am I dreaming? No. It was all real. I was blacking out. 
“Kitty Danger. Strange name, really.” Anger flashed up like a geyser of sweet release. His voice. The gods. 
“Give me back my emotions.” I said blandly, my voice not matching my rage. 
“Use me. Use my power. They’ll come back if you do.”
“I already do!” I sat up and looked around. “I use them daily now! Why am I blacking out?”
“You don’t use me enough.” He sat, cross legged, in the air and upside down. Half of his face was burnt charcoal. The other half was made of grey stone. His burnt charcoal side had three arms, at least one of which was moving at all times, while his stone side had two arms, but sticking out at odd angles. His too wide eyes looked more like fully open mouths with teeth for eyelids. “Use my power, and your memories will return.”
“What do you want from me? I already use your power!” 
“You weren’t made to have power. So sad.” He ignored me. “So you can’t use it.” I grit my teeth and leapt at him, yelling. 
“- and then I said that she should totally try out for being a super hero!” It was LL. I was staring at a statue. Where had I seen this statue before? My head hurts. “I didn’t think she’d actually just turn me down.” She sounded so young. I looked over at her. I realized I was floating. There she was, ten feet below me. Standing in front of the statue with TB. Her real name was Layla. TB’s was Alex. They looked upset. 
I suddenly recognized the statue. It was the one from my youth, at school. It stood in the courtyard in front of the school. At this time, we were all ten years old. “She doesn’t have powers, Layla. It’s not fair to he to ask her to try for something she knows she can’t do....”
“What if... what if we got her powers?” No. 
“What do you mean?” No.
“You remember that story from kindergarten? The one about Scout?” NO.
“...Yeah. He got powers from a god.” NO! 
“She doesn’t care.... but we do. If we get her powers, then she’ll have to be a hero!” NO! NO! NO!
I stood in front of a temple on a mountain. “NO!” I screamed at it. Snow blasting into my face was the only response. I slid into the temple, the doors flying open as I approached across the flat ground. There, on the ground, sat two eleven year olds. Layla and Alex. Blood dripped from their hands onto a circle. “NO! Stop! You’re going to kill me!” I shouted. They couldn’t hear as they chanted something softly. “Please.... You’re going to kill the real me....” Tears spilled for the first time in what felt like years. 
He appeared. His signature wide grin. His side that had once been charcoal was wood. One of his hands grabbed Layla as she screamed. He yelled as his wooden side burst into flame and quickly let her go. “Agh! Terrible children! I was going to bless you, and you do this?!” He glared at them with anger as he burned. “What do you want?” Alex grabbed Layla and pulled her back, quivering.
“Give our friend power. Her name is” The words distorted unnaturally. “Give her power. Not us.”
He stared at them for a moment. As the fire went out, and charcoal replaced wood, his face split open into a too wide mad grin. “Oh, very well. I shall do just that!” He laughed and disappeared, his laugh echoing off the temple walls. 
My anger, my sorrow, my interest had all burnt away with his flames. I could only watch with bland calmness as the temple flew away into darkness. 
It was replaced by my home. Me laying on the floor and watching the television. I looked... happy. Chewing on popcorn in the dead of night as I watched a horror movie. I yelped as the monster appeared on the screen. “Did I really look like that?”
“Yes.” The burnt god appeared next to me, his too-wide grin literally stretching from ear to ear. “A cute little girl, up all alone!” I flinched. I’d heard those words when i was younger. The other me flinched too, and looked around, fear on her face. It wouldn’t be the last time I felt it. I still had four years. “Too bad the little girl is powerless! She could never stop me.” 
“Why did you do this?” The little girl didn’t hear my words. i watched as she turned the T.V. off, her eyes wide.
“I was asked to, of course.” 
The little me screamed and ran from the television and the burnt god laughed. “But I suffered, and so shall you!” He turned to look at me.
“You are my revenge to them. You are my design. My avatar. They’ll never understand it until it is too late. When I fully possess you, they will pay for what they did.”
For a moment, an emotion twinged. Anger. It died. “That’s why I’m like this. So you can take me.” My old home fell away as he nodded somberly. “I want to hate you.”
“But you can’t!” he laughed raucously. “They should have never prayed to me!”
“Why do you need to possess me? Why do you need to do anything to me at all?”
“Because, my dear Kitty. There is so much more that I want than petty revenge. And you’ll be my instrument. Gods can’t stay long in the world unless they have an Avatar. And you.... You’ll be perfect.”
To be Continued.
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