#ahahhhah yep...
After reading your UA headcanons i remembered my one headcanon
You know how in chapter 88 Edgeshot showed his skin drill technique and told Baku that he got used of his past weak spots ? Will by thinking of it, it can be a relly dangerous technique that he admit himself "if you moved to much you may die"
As a first year kid he didn't think that his quirk was too much because of how thin it is, so when he came out with the idea of the "skin drill" thing :
He became relly good with the humans biology, how every single part work and where it exactlly ( i relly like this one since i'm called the biology nerd i am ^^ )
But, he was still hesitating "what if i killed somebody ?" "Heros should save people not harming them" but Best Jeanist and other classmates and teachers tried to cheer him up, i feel like there was that one cool guy in the school that was like "hey, Shinya-kun ! Come test your cool quirk on me !!"
Oh I love that, absolutely!!
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