tonsuredworld · 1 year
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shinymoonbird · 4 years
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“If You give me such courageous intellect by Your Grace to firmly determine that any activity except loving and abiding in the Heart is useless, I will not request You even a bit (atom) of anything else.” ~ Sadhu Om
When the ego, which projects the world but hides itself [being unable to know its own true nature], enters the heart by enquiring thus ‘What is the shining source of myself?’, the supreme knowledge which shines forth triumphantly and with vigour [in the form of the sphurana ‘I-I’] is the unending and real state of Self. 
~ Guru Vachaka Kovai - The Garland Of Guru Sayings, by Sri Muruganar - Part Three, The Experience Of The Truth - Ch. 30: The State of Self  - Verse 1022 
Sadhu Om :
The very nature of the ego is to attend only to things other than itself. Therefore, the ego does not know who or what it is. This ignorance of its own nature (i.e. the ignorance of the fact that it truly has no existence of its own) is what is meant here by the words “the ego which hides itself” (olikkum ahankaram). 
But if this transient and unreal ego, which rises in the form of the wrong knowledge ‘I am this’ or ‘I am that’, tries to turn its attention away from the world of second and third persons, which it projects through the five senses, and turns towards itself, the first person, in order to find out ‘Who am I?’, it will subside into its source, the Heart or Self, whereupon the eternal and real state will shine forth of its own accord in the form of the true knowledge ‘I am I’. 
Photo by Eliot Elisofon: “Women devotees having darshan of Ramana Maharshi in Ramanasramam” (David Godman Books)
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suri441 · 6 years
Two days back an unknown caller got me over phone..”Sir..I got your no from…I saw your interview on Mahaperiyava and wanted to meet you in Chennai..but I was told you have moved out of Chennai to an Old Age Home in Coimbatore..!”Naturally he was concerned about my Old Age living..when I had to tell him the difference between “Our Imagination of an Old Age Home vs  a Luxurious living Style,as a Senior Citizen in a place like Serene Shenbagam,Madampatti..” …even the concept of any Home must be a Happiness surrounded atmosphere at any age!
  Shenbagam Vinayakar
So I decided to convey to that Caller,how we live through these pictures of our Ganesh Chathurthi Celeberations today..!Sometimes we can’t express our real feelings in mere words but pictures can describe our emotions a bit more clearer..like the above  display of 128 Vinayakas,earnestly collected and assembled at our “Second Innings”and decorated with ,Self made Garlands from freshly picked fragrant flowers from our Villas , artistic Kolams by Senior Citizens and added  Bhajans by the enterprising Elders…..a scene ,seen to be believed..
Puja by Anantha Subramanian
From a sincere Anantha Subramanian to a devoted
Vasantha Mami’s Bhajans
Dr.Natarajan’s Bhajans
Vasantha Mami’s and Natarajan’s Bhajans were most enjoyable.!.Many of us can’t enjoy life at any age..as even going to a Puja or a Temple is an Egoistic event for us..We may attend any no of lectures on Ego shedding but we can never get out of it! Swami Vivekananda was unhappy once with a disciple ,who refused to attend a particular Sath Sangh, just because of the man who was conducting was ‘not to his liking ‘..Swamiji told this Disciple..”If you forget God,God will forget You..”Swamiji added “we don’t differentiate between Pujaris to enter a Temple for Worship”!Lessons to shed our Ahankaram,however Big we  may Be!
Kolam by Senior Citizen
128 Vinayakas@Shenbagam
Puja by Anantha Subramanian
Bakthi is particularly an enactment of shedding our Ego…like some do Kolams to Meditate upon the Supreme God  and a few sincerely decorate the Ganesh Chathurthi Stage with 128 various Vinayakas and a few others sincerely go to every one’s house to collect these Vinayakar idols..all out of pure Bakthi…all Ego less events!
I feel one of the best ways to enjoy old age  is  to make our Homes a Happy Home and try to enjoy such small little moments in our Life ,without Ego…
Puja@ our Shenbagam Temple
Shenbagam Seniors
Shenbagam Seniors
Vinayakar Puja@Shenbagam
128 Vinayakas@Shenbagam
Ego is…… ‘When I write a sentence or post a message in Whatsapp or FB’ my Ego is so High, that I am expecting Calls  or likes,even from Afghanistan!’ but at the same time when someoneelse does ,we don’t even have the Courtesy to say..
“Hi Man..You Did it..”
Most Americans are trained to appreciate even small little things, right from the young age,and if we all do the same there will be mutual appreciation,Respect and a Life full of empathy and understanding..!
Please visit the following links  too, incase you are Curious to know more about ‘our Way of Living’:
A Brochure I made :
Madhampatti Moments
Happy Ganesh Chathurthi to all of You..
Old Age Homes Vs Senior Citizens Home… Two days back an unknown caller got me over phone.."Sir..I got your no from...I saw your interview on Mahaperiyava and wanted to meet you in Chennai..but I was told you have moved out of Chennai to an Old Age Home in Coimbatore..!"Naturally he was concerned about my Old Age living..when I had to tell him the difference between "
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shinymoonbird · 4 years
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"Se Vós me derdes um intelecto tão corajoso por Vossa Graça para determinar com firmeza que qualquer atividade, exceto amar e permanecer no Coração, é inútil, não Vos pedirei nem um pouco (átomo) de qualquer outra coisa." ~ Sadhu Om
Quando o ego, que projeta o mundo, mas se esconde [incapaz de conhecer a sua verdadeira natureza], entra no coração perguntando assim: "Qual é a fonte brilhante de mim mesmo?", o conhecimento supremo que brilha triunfante e com vigor [na forma do sphurana 'Eu-Eu'] é o estado interminável e real do Ser.
~ Guru Vachaka Kovai - Grinalda das Palavras do Guru, de Sri Muruganar - Parte Três, A Experiência da Verdade - Cap. 30: O Estado de Ser  - Versículo 1022 
Sadhu Om : A própria natureza do ego é atender apenas a outras coisas diferentes de si mesmo. Portanto, o ego não sabe quem ou o que é. Esta ignorância da sua própria natureza (isto é, a ignorância do facto de que ele realmente não tem existência própria) é o que se entende aqui pelas palavras "o ego que se esconde" (olikkum ahankaram).
Mas se este ego transitório e irreal, que se eleva na forma do conhecimento errado "eu sou isto" ou "eu sou aquilo", tentar desviar a sua atenção do mundo de segunda e terceira pessoa, que ele projeta através dos cinco sentidos, e a dirigir para si mesmo, a primeira pessoa, a fim de descobrir "quem sou eu?", ele desaparecerá na sua fonte, o Coração ou o Ser, pelo que o estado eterno e real brilhará por si próprio na forma do verdadeiro conhecimento "Eu sou Eu".
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