#ahhh i'm done with this challenge! this was a blast!
cleflink · 1 year
Howdy-hi! Your Santa again <3
I’m glad to hear you enjoy the trope, and I think I’ve finalized the overall story. I’m still in the process of working on it, but I can truthfully say that you can expect it between the 22-25th (hopefully sooner, depends on how long it’ll take me to edit). It’s been an absolute blast to work on and I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I have writing it!
I suspect when I next come in contact with you, it’ll be through the reveal and the gifting of your present. Truly quite excited, this event has been so much fun, and I’m glad I participated, if only because I got to be introduced to you and your writing. I’ve been picking through Scion piece by piece, and my absolute joy when I saw how you wrote Shinichi, but most of all Kaito. I won’t lie, I ended up raving about it to my roommate, explaining only the beginning of the fic in what cohesive manner I could.
So if nothing more, you’ve gained a new reader delighted to find a great author.
And I think, if only to give more content, I would like to leave you with one last question: If you could watch a DCMK episode/movie for the first time again, what would it be?
Until we meet face to face, take care of yourself!!
–Your DCMK Secret Santa
Merry Christmas!
I've done this all in a backwards order, sorry about that! ^_^ But between covid, Christmas and finishing my own Santa fics, I've barely been on tumblr oops.
Your story was absolutely worth the wait, and I'm so glad that you enjoyed writing it because I very much enjoyed reading it! :) It's also been such a delight to get to chat with you this month and to flail over this fandom together.
Ahhh, I'm so glad that you liked Scion! (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) I love these boys so much, so knowing that I'm writing them in a way that other people also resonate with means so so much.
Another great but challenging question - there are just so many great options to choose from! Hmmm... for movie, I'm torn between The Last Wizard of the Century and The Lost Ship in the Sky (yes, I'm aware my KID bias is showing, and I'm totally okay with that). Both of them are such fun to watch unfold, and they go in directions that I didn't expect, which would be fun to watch again for the first time. Also, there can never be enough KID shenanigans.
For the show/manga, I actually really loved the Scarlet Return arc. It had all the tension of main plot stuff ACTUALLY HAPPENING (how unusual!), and the way it unfolded was just so satisfying. Kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time and I enjoyed seeing Amuro get out-manoeuvred when he thought he was winning. What about you?
Thanks again, Silver! I look forward to getting to know you better moving forward. :D
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ryansjane · 5 years
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thai series challenge: [1] genre > BL
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