#ahit mouling rouge au
ninjadeathblade · 11 months
Moulin Rouge Discotrain AU (part eight)
Summary: (Post-game canon) The Conductor and DJ Grooves agree to finally work on a movie together. They come up with 'Moulin Rouge', a musical drama filled with romance. Over time the two directors grow closer and discover that maybe they don't hate each other as much.
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Word count: 659
Warnings: None
Author's notes: Back at it again with this latest part. I don't know how it takes these two so long to realise their feelings for one another. Grooves has gotten a role in the movie! Not much else happens this chapter actually. Enjoy.
"This isn't working. Owlice isn't cutting in soon enough," Conductor whispered to Grooves, drumming his talons on the table as they watched the rehearsal of the scene again.
He turned back to the clamouring actors and Owlice's stammering.
"Darling, I promise, I was sure she could play Christian superbly," Grooves replied, before standing and crossing onto the set.
Conductor was still trying to get used to seeing the penguin without his colourful jacket, making a mental note to return it later.
"Owlice, darling, don't be afraid to cut in! I know it can seem annoying to speak over your fellow actors but you must try! Or we'll have to award the role to another, which would be dreadful. You've been brilliant in your other scenes, what's wrong with this one?" Grooves asked.
"I- I'm sorry sir, I just…I'm not comfortable with singing," Owlice stuttered.
"But darling, your voice is like an angel's!"
"I don't like singing in front of people," Owlice sheepishly admitted.
"Yeah, singing in front of people isn't fun," Mustache Girl interjected, crossing her arms over her chest and looking at her fellow actors.
Hat Kid and Bow Kid nodded.
Conductor's patience had been wearing thin ever since the two other children arrived.
"Okay, darling, I'm gonna stand in and demonstrate what you should be doing, okay?" Grooves looked back and the Conductor and the owl gave a short nod of approval.
Maybe if Grooves stood in then they could actually get to work on the movie sooner.
"Alright peck necks, take it from the top!" Conductor yelled, watching as Owlice moved off of the set and sat down by one of the cameras.
He placed his head in his hand, knowing everything would probably go wrong.
Mustache Girl, Hat Kid and Bow Kid began yelling again as Grooves took his place on top of the ladder.
The penguin raised his flippers before singing.
"The hills are alive with the sound of music."
The Conductor raised his head, mouth hanging slightly agape as he looked at his co-director.
He'd never watched any of Grooves' movies so he didn't know if the penguin had ever sung before. But he nailed the notes of the song he'd composed.
"Alright, that's it, Grooves, come with me!" Conductor shouted, walking over to the rail of costumes at the side of the set.
"Is something wrong, darling?" Grooves questioned, taking a drink from his bottle of water.
"Christian is bein' recast," Conductor stated. "You're gonna take over as him."
Grooves spluttered and choked on his drink, eyes going wide behind his sunglasses.
"Connie, you- you can't be serious," Grooves laughed nervously, continuing in a panicky whisper. "I can't. It takes away from the possible talent the other actors have."
"Possible being the key word, eh? I'll have none of it. Owlice is a nice lass but she works in costumes and has nae acted before now," Conductor explained.
"Whereas you-"
Conductor paused, unsure about complimenting someone who was once his sworn rival.
"-you're a director and a…a good actor too. The movie will be better with you as Christian. Even if I have to put up with you callin' me Connie."
"But you were so against me even doing anything with his character before," Grooves pointed out.
"Because I didn't know the direction this movie was taking at that point. You'd be a good fit for him. But if you make a fool o' him then I'll have no choice but to change his casting," Conductor responded and Grooves chuckled nervously.
"I'll do my best."
"Good. Now get Owlice to fit you some costumes. Yer gonna need at least a couple suits," Conductor said, walking back over to where their table and scripts were.
"You're letting an owl do my outfit?" Grooves questioned, following him.
Conductor glared up at him.
"She'd do a better job than your penguins is all," Conductor grumbled, taking his seat again.
"If you say so, darling."
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