#ahs one shots
whydoyouwantmyname · 6 years
Imagine telling Ben you are interested in him being your therapist for couples therapy....
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“Thank you Dr. Harmon, I really think this is going to help us.”
“Where is your partner?” Ben asked as you leaned forward, careful not to show the scars on your wrist or the healing bullet wound above your right breast.
“Right here Doc.” His voice sent your heart a flutter as you turned to follow Ben’s glaze, and smiled at the mess of blonde hair.
“Tate. I was unaware you were capable of a functioning relationship.”
“Well that is why we are here doc, I love her, but she is a little angry at me.” He smiled as you looked at him, his smile was the most perfect thing you had seen in this afterlife.
“Well who wouldn’t be angry if their lover told them they had a dream that they killed them, point blank bullet to the chest, in the bed where they made love.” You answered smoothly, tugging at the right side of the button down you wore, hoping it would help the scar.
“Now I told you that it was a dream love.” Tate took your hand as you looked at his hand in yours, it felt so right.
“It doesn’t surprise me that Tate had this dream, are you aware of Tate has had any other dreams such as this one, or if he has followed through on this actions?”
“No. My Tate is not a psycho.” You smiled as all the victims screamed in protest in your ear, you knew Tate heard them too, but you both were so used to it.
“You sure about that [Y/N].”
“Of course Doc, I just need some help moving past the dream where he shot me.”
“Well that what I am here for.” Ben smiled as you looked back to Tate, listening to the screams, but they didn’t matter... because all that mattered was the sound of his voice when he said, “I love her, there is nothing more I love in the world. If you can help us get back to the love that would be great.”
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