#ai teenage bodybuilder
gingerbredman1989 · 4 months
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Teenage bodybuilder outside a hardcore gym, morning.
Bing AI & ChatGPT with DALL-E
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aihoshiino · 8 months
what's your #1 chapter/moment? by character if you're up to writing another essay
"if you're up to writing another essay". you guys know me so well <3
For the sake of not taking like 8 weeks to answer this ask, I'll limit this to just the Hoshinos for now.
Ai: So, my actual fave Ai moment is not from the manga itself so I'll pick my fave manga moment then talk about my actual fave moment. It's fine, she's my favourite so she gets preferential treatment!!!! (saitou behaviour……)
From the manga itself, my favourite Ai moment is her death, believe it or not lol. I'm one of the Oshi no Sickos who think her arc being capped by her death is narratively speaking the perfect conclusion to everything we learn about her life – the entertainment industry ruined every opportunity Ai ever had at a normal life up to and having that conclude with Ai's literal, actual life being taken by an embodiment of the misogyny and violence that's been inflicted on her since she was a child is such a miserable, cathartic bit of tragedy. But moreso than that, what resonates with me so strongly about this moment is how Ai responds to it - or rather, how she fails to respond.
Even though it would make so much sense for her to be bitter or angry or upset, she makes an active choice to spend her last moments alive pouring out love and literally spends her last breaths on telling Ruby and Aqua she loves them. It says so, so much about what a deeply kind and incredibly strong person Ai is that she was able to do that.
My actual favourite Ai moment is her conversation with Kyun in Viewpoint B and the reveal that their meeting in the park was so impactful to Ai that it lead her to consider Kyun her closest friend for years afterwards. Like her death, the way Ai goes out of her way to approach Kyun and try to reach out to her speaks so deeply so her kindness and her desire to connect with other people and there's a little part of me that always wonders if maybe if this fleeing friendship had come to pass for real, Ai might have been saved. At the very least, there's something bitterly sweet about knowing that for as alone as Ai was in B-Komachi, she had someone she called a friend even so.
Aqua: Honestly, I love so many Aqua moments, it's hard to pick just one but I will never be over the Piyeon ruse. Aqua was so put out by the girl he has a crush on not talking to him that he dressed as a bodybuilding chicken with a squeaky voice for a week. Literally the most teenage thing any teenager in this series has done. Embarrassing ass kid.
My actual serious answer is Aqua's breakdown during Tokyo Blade - specifically, the 'internal' scenes where he's confronted by both Goro and his younger self. These are so, so important for getting at the core of who Aqua really is and they're honestly bone-chilling to read. Seeing Goro as this malicious, intrusive force who is preventing Aqua from being happy, seeing the words he batters Aqua with and realizing that this is the kind of shit Aqua probably thinks about himself every day honestly kind of turns my stomach a bit! It's clear before this that Aqua struggles with self-hate and self-blame but seeing the sheer extent of it is so horrible.
That this confrontation essentially climaxes in the hallway where Ai died, with Aqua face to face with his younger self, also underlines something that's really fundamental to understanding who Aqua is; at his core, Aqua has never stopped being that little boy covered in his mother's blood. He has, emotionally speaking, never been able to leave that hallway and until he allows himself to do so, he's going to continue self destructing and taking everyone down with him.
It's honestly the scene I'm most excited to see animated... season 2 can't come soon enough!!!
Ruby: Without a doubt it has to be her and Ai's dance practice scene back in volume 1, but especially in the anime's portrayal of it. I think OnK's handling of the past life stuff is at its best in moments like this, where it actually meaningfully engages with what it would mean for someone to carry such deep trauma from their past and how it would continue to affect them going forward. We get little hints of this leading up to it, like Ruby outright saying she's never thought about her future (implicitly because she was aware she would not have one as Sarina) and the way she so enthusiastically gives her all to playing and having fun with other kids at school - because those are things that she never got to do as Sarina. But her dance scene and her thoughts leading up to it really hammer in just how deeply this has affected Ruby - she spends almost three years living with the expectation that at any moment, her body will betray and hurt her for seemingly no reason to the point that it affects how she walks and carries herself moment to moment.
This is also a really good Ai moment for her as a moment and it also highlights something really special about Ai and Ruby's relationship I feel we don't get as much post-timeskip; how genuinely healing and wonderful their connection was for both of them. I've talked before about the running motif of toxic motherhood on Oshi no Ko and how Ai, as a character, is sort of a refutation of the other shitty oshi no moms in the series. Knowing that both Ai and Ruby are victims of toxic mothers, it makes it so deeply, incredibly powerful that these two victims find healing and acceptance in each other and the genuinely loving and supportive mother/daughter bond they have with each other.
The anime's version of this scene is also just easily one of its biggest highlights for me. The gorgeous colours, the overlapping of Sarina and Ruby's voices and the palpable affection Ruby and Ai have for each other... it's just so lovely and it makes me a little teary-eyed every time I watch it. The transformation of Sarina's sorrow into Ruby's joy and empowerment is such an important foundational part of Ruby's arc in the first part of the series and I'm so glad the anime really got it right.
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steelbrro · 13 days
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Ever wondered why your muscles are screaming louder than a teenager at a pop concert the day after leg day? That's because you've introduced them to the concept of DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness), and they're just not fans... yet. But guess what? This pain is almost like a love letter from your muscles, saying, "Hey, we're getting stronger!" So, rather than avoiding your next session, embrace the wobble, and let's get back to it! Remember, progress doesn’t always have to be pain-free. Just ensure you're refueling with the right nutrition, stretching it out, and giving your body the rest it craves. Your muscles might be singing the blues today, but they'll be ready for their rockstar comeback in no time. And when in doubt, your AI Chatbot Personal Trainer at ⭐️ STEELBRRO.COM ⭐️ is here to guide you through the pain and towards the gains! #bodybuilder #bodybuilding #aesthetic #aesthetics #motivation #fitness #fitfam #instafit #gains #muscles #workoutmotivation #hardwork #trainhard #whateverittakes #justdoit #ifbb #npc #fitnesscoach #fitnesstrainer #womanfitness #fitnesschallenge #personaltrainer #AIChatbot #AIChatbotPersonalTrainer
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girlpower-gym · 4 years
Strong Is The New Skinny.
da un indagine europea del quotidiano inglese “Telegraph”.
“… il numero di bodybuilders femminili è in aumento. Questa tendenza è in fortissima ascesa nelle palestre, dove “Strong is the new skinny” è un mantra sempre più popolare e di successo, ripetuto da un esercito crescente di donne che si pompano muscolose con il ferro.”
  Le Donne con un Fisico Muscoloso ora sono più Attraenti delle Coetanee.
da un indagine del quotidiano inglese “Indipendent”
di Rachel Hosie – Friday 26 January 2018
Il magro non è più considerato la forma del corpo più attraente per le donne, secondo gli studi. Secondo una ricerca dell’Università del Missouri-Kansas City, gli ideali di bellezza stanno cambiando, con un’enfasi crescente che viene ora posta su corpi in forma, tonificati, muscolosi e sani. Il cambiamento negli atteggiamenti coincide con un numero crescente di donne che scoprono i benefici dell’allenamento con i pesi in palestra, L’autrice principale dello studio, Frances Bozsik, spiega che “magro e tonico” è ora il fisico che le donne aspirano a raggiungere.
Valutando le foto dei concorrenti che partecipano al concorso di bellezza Miss USA, le partecipanti allo studio (78 donne universitarie) hanno aiutato i ricercatori a stabilire che le vincitrici sono diventate sempre più muscolose negli ultimi anni.
“C’è uno spostamento nella figura femminile ideale verso una che ora include l’apparenza della forma fisica attraverso la muscolatura”, afferma Bozsik. Anche che tra le celebrità femminili, magrezza e muscolosità stanno diventando onnipresenti.
  Il Dossier Americano del 2019 di Teen Bodybuilding Statistics.
  di Lisa LaGrou September 6, 2019.
Da uno studio condotto da Teen Bodybuilding Statistics dimostra: le “immagini del corpo mostrate nei media popolari della cultura occidentale sono diventate sempre più grandi, magre e muscolose. Molte ragazze si sono rivolte a comportamenti di potenziamento muscolare per ottenere l’aspetto presentato dai media.
“l’ascesa del bodybuilding femminile, il culto dei muscoli è un must tra le teenagers, lo rivelano studi europei e americani.”
  Le Curve mettono i Muscoli: Il Nuovo Culto della Ragazza di Successo.
“Accantonati i modelli di magrezza eccessiva, ora le donne e le ragazze puntano ai muscoli per aumentare il sex appeal. Il Body Building è la disciplina che spopola tra le giovanissime.”
Anche in Italia il fenomeno sta esplodendo tra le giovanissime. Zainetto minimalista in spalla jeans attillatissimi e muscoli scolpiti assumono naturalmente posture perfette e scultoree. Esibiscono in spiaggia fisici cesellati e scolpiti come opere d’arte. La moda teenager diventa minimalista evidenziando le curve scolpite e le posture perfette dei loro corpi perfetti.
Belle dentro e belle fuori. Equilibrate, solari dai volti sereni non sono vittime di mode maniacali ed estreme essendo fisicamente bellissime sanno di poter dare valore a qualsiasi abito e accessorio indossino. Qualsiasi stile vogliano sposare possiedono le “fisique du role” per indossare tutto con risultati eccezionali.
Spesso eccellono nello studio ed in qualsiasi disciplina sportiva, mostrando doti e capacità fisiche spinte da una fortissima autostima ed orgoglio verso se stesse, ragazze che spesso sono in grado di superare atleticamente i ragazzi.
Sui Social diventano delle vere regine di bellezza ammirate da maschi e femmine, ma non dedicano molto tempo sui social dove solitamente vengono sommerse da ondante di “like” ma preferiscono dedicarsi al corpo, alla salute, alla femminiltà e ad una mente sana.
    Dalla Scuola alla Sala Pesi è il nuovo Must delle ragazze di successo.
Il tabù del magro è bello si stà sgretolando di fronte a questo nuovo culto, esse adorano i loro muscoli e non gli importa nulla dei pregiudizi.
Le braccia e le spalle muscolose diventano degli strumenti esclusivi di seduzione, addominali a tartaruga e le misure toraciche maggiorate diventano un simbolo di bellezza possente e di una postura scultorea. Si sentono orgogliose, soddisfatte e attraenti. Si piacciono e sanno di piacere. Esprimono con forza un aspetto vitale, positivo e sano. Hanno una cura della loro immagine estremamente femminile e si sentono valorizzate.
Nelle anonime folle umane delle città emergono come figure dominanti e attraenti e non passano mai inosservate qualsiasi abito indossino. Sicure di se stesse esibiscono con disinvoltura fisici scolpiti, muscolosi e perfetti.
Ottengono il massimo dei risultati nel vivere quotidiano, essendo uno sport individuale che parte da una competizione con se stesse i rendimenti sono sempre buoni se non addiritture ottimi, maggiore attenzione, memoria ed energie in tutto.
Il loro rapporto con il corpo è cambiato, i muscoli conferiscono un controllo totale che possono gestire centimetro per centimetro potenziando la sicurezza in se stesse e l’autostima. Le insicurezze spariscono come un brutto ricordo di un incubo soppiantato da un corpo da sogno.
Si sentono rispettate e non temono più di essere vittime di bullismo o abusi, essere molestate, sottomesse perchè deboli o schernite per i difetti fisici. Statisticamente molte di loro potenziano i risultati del Body Building con corsi di difesa personale. Padrone del proprio corpo e della loro forza fisica non temono nessuno.
      L’Ultima Moda delle Donne? Farsi i Muscoli.
A cura di Alberta Mascherpa del 21/03/2018 di estratto dal sito delle mamme bimbisaniebelli.
“La donna oggi piace e si piace non solo magra ma anche tonica e muscolosa. E così dopo anni in cui il modello vincente era la donna grissino, ora l’ultima moda delle donne punta ai muscoli. Accantonati i modelli di magrezza eccessiva, ora le donne puntano ai muscoli per aumentare il sex appeal.”
Natalia Kutzenova la culturista che ha conquistato il mondo
Lo Sportello di Forum – Silvia la prorompente culturista romana costretta ad esibirsi sui tacchi tutto il giorno.
  I Concorsi di Bellezza nel Mondo diventano sempre più Muscolari.
  I dati degli ultimi 10 anni nelle varie regioni del mondo civilizzato dimostrano che i classici concorsi di bellezza in gran parte sono stati soppiantati da concorsi per ragazze con una tonicità muscolare. Solo negli Stati Uniti negli ultimi anni sono nate 600 competizioni di bodybuilding femminile (negli anni 90 erano poco più di una decina) e nel mondo sono migliaia ed in continua crescita. Considerando che la maggioranza delle bodybuilders non competono ma lo praticano come professioniste per se stesse in un rapporto europeo il rapporto è di circa 1 a 50. Per quanto riguarda le adolescenti il 48% desiderano un corpo più tonico e muscoloso, avere volumi e curve scolpite.
    Bellissima super campionessa e super modella teenager Texana di Body Building.
  Lo dice la Scienza.
Il Body Building è uno sport per Donne.
“Le nuove generazioni vogliono essere muscolose. Questa è la nuova tendenza in fatto di bellezza femminile.”
fonte assocarenews.
Studi scientifici hanno dimostrato che uomini e donne hanno una diversa proporzione di fibre muscolari, quindi il muscolo di un uomo è diverso dal muscolo di una donna, e di conseguenza anche l’allenamento deve essere differente per sfruttare al meglio le caratteristiche sesso-correlate. Nello specifico, il muscolo femminile contiene il 35% in più di fibre rosse di tipo I rispetto al muscolo maschile e, per contro, gli uomini presentano una percentuale maggiore di fibre bianche di tipo II.
Come si traduce in termini pratici per l’allenamento? I muscoli femminili vanno in contro ad affaticamento più lentamente rispetto ai muscoli maschili; inoltre, la donna presenta una resistenza più alta e un recupero muscolare più rapido. Gli uomini presentano una generazione della forza e un rilassamento muscolare più veloci. In termini pratici, significa che la donna risponde meglio a degli esercizi con un numero più alto di ripetizioni e un numero maggiore di esercizi ad ogni seduta di allenamento. Al contrario, l’uomo risponde meglio ad esercizi con un numero più basso di ripetizioni e un carico più importante.
Per quanto riguarda l’attività aerobica la donna risponde meglio a un tipo di attività continua e regolare, di intensità intermedia, rispetto a un tipo di allenamento ad alta intensità e a intervalli. Questa differenza tra fibre maschili e femminili ci suggerisce inoltre che la donna, avendo una concentrazione superiore di fibre rosse, è maggiormente predisposta ad utilizzare i lipidi, durante l’allenamento, come substrato energetico principale, al contrario degli uomini che utilizzano prevalentemente il glicogeno. Un allenamento continuo è più efficace nel bruciare il grasso sottocutaneo, localizzazione caratteristica della donna.
      I Vantaggi dello Sviluppo Ipertrofico Muscolare nelle Donne.
Ossa e Osteoporosi: Il Bodybuilding rafforza il tessuto osseo conferendo maggiore densità ostacolando l’Osteoposi, creando una scheletro osseo più potente e resistente a fratture e stress meccanici estremi. Le Bodybuilders sono donne che anche dopo i 50 anni non soffrono di osteoporosi ma hanno ossa cosi dure da permettegli ancora allenamenti veramente estremi.
Prevenzione degli infortuni: l’allenamento con i pesi rinforza i muscoli e i tendini, e più forti sono, meno sono le possibilità di infortuni. Rafforzare i muscoli che circondano le articolazioni è uno dei modi migliori per prevenire e recuperare da un infortunio.
Grasso: l’aumento della massa magra demolisce il grasso corporeo aumentando il metabolismo innalzando il consumo costante di calorie anche a riposo, la massa muscolare cresce insieme al Testosterone endogeno e si mantiene bruciando grassi corporei anche dopo l’allenamento.
Postura: La corretta postura ed un’immagine femminile più attraente i muscoli tonici e ben sviluppati esaltano le curve femminili. Al contrario degli uomini le donne bodybuilders mantegno una straordinaria elasticità e flessibilità che le rende atlete straordinariamente complete. La donna puà unire il Bodybuilding anche ad attività come la danza, discipline acrobatiche e arti marziali aumentando i vantaggi.
Bodybuilding e Cosmesi. Questo tipo di alllenamento aumenta la produzione di Testosterone Endogeno a beneficio di pelle, capelli e unghie. Dona una pelle lucida e setosa eliminando le tipiche imperfezioni giovanili. Capelli più forti e radiosi, unghie molto più resistenti.
Cuore: al contrario degli esercizi aerobici che appaiono più “femminili” ma stresano maggioramente il cuore e perdite importanti di liquidi e sali minerali, l’esercizio aerobico e complementare ma non prioritario. Mentre nel Bodybuilding l’esercizio diventa Anaerobico con notevoli vantaggi: maggiore consume ed impiego degli zuccheri e grassi, utilizzo e non spreco dei sali minerali dovuti alla bassa sudorazione, meno affaticamento di organi come il cuore, reni ect
Si riduce il rischio di diabete: una malattia in tragico aumento nelle società industrializzate. L’allenamento con i pesi può migliorare il modo in cui lo zucchero viene metabolizzato, riducendo il rischio di diabete.
Resistenza: I muscoli femminili tollerano molto di più l’affaticamento e l’enduranze facendo delle donne delle atlete con un grado di resistenza eccezionali.
Potenza Esplosiva: sempre più spesso il body building diventa la base per aumentare forza e prestazioni in tutti gli sport femminili, soprattutto negli ambiti della difesa personale sempre più ragazze affiancano il potenziamento fisico dei pesi per ottenere una forza esplosiva di una massa muscolare poenziata.
Estetica e Plasticità: la qualità delle fibre muscolari rosse che sono specializzate nella reale crescita muscolare permettono il vero sviluppo muscolare estetico-plastico a vantaggio di un estetica completamente modellabile. Un privilegio questo che conferisce alle donne di scolpire e plasmare rivoluzioni fisico estetiche di notevole impatto.
Longevità: e oramai consuetudine vedere donne di 50 anni che praticano body building apparire come bellissime 30 enni. Questo sport mantiene alto il tasso di testoterone endogeno che con l’età tende a decadere mostando flaccidità dei tessuti e delle fibre.
Autostima: la padronanza di un corpo muscoloso e prestante conferisce una sicurezza psicologica ed una potente autostima, fascino e sex appeal.
    Il Body Building Femminile il futuro dello sport mondiale.
Nello sport agonistico alle atlete non basta più essere solo delle campionesse nelle competizioni, ma vogliono essere campionesse anche nella bellezza e nel sex appeal.
Innumerevoli ricerche scientifiche sostengono che Il mondo dello sport femminile a livello planetario cambierà grazie a loro. In tutte le discipline sportive professionali ed olimpioniche le atlete assomigliano sempre di più a culturiste. Anche negli sport agonistici le donne curano la propria estetica con i muscoli diventando dei veri e propri riferimenti mondiali di bellezza, sensualità e forza. Olimpioniche ma esteticamente belle e perfette nelle simmetrie.
Il Body Building conferisce alle atlete prestazioni mai raggiunte prima, elevando il ruolo dello sport agonistico femminile a livelli spettacolari alla pari se non oltre quelli maschili.
Sarà un Rinascimento tutto femminile in ogni disciplina sportiva, non saranno più le sportive di serie B solo perchè la donna non può competere con gli uomini. Il body building femminile è già da un decennio un fenomeno mondiale in esplosione, dove in tutti i settori delle competizioni femminili sta diventando la base per il miglioramento delle prestazioni fisiche: dal nuoto al tennis, dalla danza, alla ginnastica alle olimpiadi la muscolarità delle atlete aumenta di continuo facendo cadere barriere secolari ed innalzando il livello di competizione e spettacolo straordinarie. Una rivoluzione questa che sta coinvoglendo anche il lavoro, la moda ed il costume in molte regioni del mondo.
Un modello questo che ispira le nuove generazioni che sanno di essere molto più muscolose del passato, geneticamente predisposte a sviluppare masse muscolari e prestazioni eccezionali senza dover ambire alla competizione. Le ragazze di oggi hanno le spalle larghe e fisici atletici ed al contrario del passato ne valorizzano la bellezza. Grandi società ed aziende internazionali di molti settori e non solo sportivi stanno già investendo su un futuro radioso per queste ragazze agoniste e non.
  Virginia (Spagna) Cintura Nera di Karate e Body Builder
Alexandra Raisman e Simone Biles i Muscoli del Successo.
  Campionesse e appassionate praticanti di Ginnastica Acrobatica e Danza preferiscono esibire fisici scolpiti di muscoli per raggiungere prestazioni ed un sex appeal superiori.
Tifani Wittman la Campionessa Culturista Ungherese di Sollevamento Pesi
Tifani Wittman campionessa di sollevamento pesi grazie al Body Building a soli 19 anni è considerata una delle atlete più famose, affascinanti e sexy in Europa nei suoi workouts esegue stacchi da terra da 230kg e oltre.
Lorena Manolica campionessa di Canoa Sprint allenando  imuscoli con il body building.
Lorena Manolica mentre si allena con il Body Building.
Paige Selenski Hockey su Prato.
Esibiscono fisici muscolosi e scultorei dove estetica, bellezza e sex appeal dominano indiscussi in tutte le discipline sportive.
    Supremazia Totale negli Sport di Combattimento grazie al Body Building.
Bella Backe 22 anni Culturista e Campionessa Svedese di Kick Boxe K1 2014, 2015 e 2016.
  Jay Fuchs 50 anni Ju Jitzu, Muay Thai e Body Building. Modella e Campionessa non c’è limite alla sua potenza fisica, esibisce una supremazia fisica da super uomo.
Nelle competizione di velocità una pura Esplosione di Potenza.
  Il Nuovo Look della Ragazza di Successo 2020. Strong Is The New Skinny. Strong Is The New Skinny. da un indagine europea del quotidiano inglese "Telegraph". "... il numero di bodybuilders femminili è in aumento.
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mathematicianadda · 4 years
Books I Loved in 2019
Before it gets too deep into 2020, and this new decade swallows me like a whale ingesting krill, I want to take a moment to tell you about books I enjoyed this past year.
All of these books are certified 100% great and you should read them so we can chat about them, like a little two-person online book club.
(Note that my attention span favors books which are (1) written with a distinctive voice, (2) intellectually dense, and (3) short. Your tastes and mileage may vary.)
  Math Books
I read a lot of books about math, for the purpose of stealing the authors’ ideas and, eventually, their identities drawing inspiration.
The Weil Conjectures, by Karen Olsson. Beautiful, subtle reflections on the elusive nature of modern mathematics. Composed from an outsider’s vantage, yet with an insider’s ear and finesse.
Humble Pi, by Matt Parker. Riveting, wide-ranging exploration of mathematical mistakes. Includes clever “mistakes” of its own – e.g., the pages are numbered in reverse.
Euler’s Gem, by David Richeson. Dave’s two books – this one on topology, and his new one on impossible problems such as squaring the circle – are superb. His selection and presentation of mathematical ideas is exquisite: an unmatched combination of accessibility and depth.
Tales of Impossibility, by David Richeson. My back-cover blurb: “The story of a mathematical treasure hunt, and a treasure chest in its own right.”
What Is the Name of This Book? by Raymond Smullyan. A classic collection of great puzzles, including those about knaves who always lie, and knights who never do. I especially loved the pages of anecdotes, jokes, and stray thoughts.
Infinite Powers, by Steven Strogatz. In contrast to my book on calculus – a silly, literary, personal affair – Strogatz’s is epic and sweeping. It weaves together historical storytelling and surprising accounts of modern applications.
Mathematics for Human Flourishing, by Francis Su. My back-cover blurb: “Francis Su believes that math can make us better humans—and he leads by example. Every page is a work of generosity and compassion. Plus, the puzzles will haunt you for weeks.”
  Sci-Fi Short Stories
My pleasure reading. A good one gives a quick, stimulating burst of “whoa.” The four authors below – some of my absolute favorite writers – deliver fireworks.
Exhalation, by Ted Chiang. The most carefully crafted and rigorously imagined sci-fi in the business. The final story, on parallel universes, is worth the price of admission.
How Long ’til Black Future Month?, by N.K. Jemisin. A collection of extraordinary diversity, from distant-planet exploration to a prose-poem meditation on NYC to a spy caper set in an alternate, high-tech 1800’s New Orleans.
Changing Planes, by Ursula Le Guin. Stimulating, funny thought experiments about imaginary civilizations. Silent people; perpetually migrating people; people with wings…
Sorry Please Thank You, by Charles Yu. Witty and wildly imaginative meditations on relationships, meaning, and capitalism.
  Gorgeous & Heartbreaking
I guess sometimes I want to be sad? I read all of these before my daughter was born. Having an infant now, I don’t lack for strong emotions in my diet.
Night, by Elie Wiesel. This Holocaust memoir was required reading for 9th graders at the first school where I taught. Ten years later, I’m finally caught up.
Alex: The Life of a Child, by Frank Deford. I love Deford’s sportswriting; this is a memoir about his daughter, who died of cystic fibrosis. Sat on my shelf for years; had to read it before my own daughter came along, lest it wreck me even more than it did.
The Best We Could Do, by Thi Bui. Graphic memoir of a family’s journey from Vietnam. Full of hurt and compassion, with colors so beautiful they register as music. One of the best books I read all year.
  Literary & Comic
Not coincidentally, those are adjectives you might use to describe my 2019 book, Change is the Only Constant.
The Lonesome Bodybuilder, by Yukiko Motoya. Short stories; a Japanese sort of magical realism. One of the strangest books I read this year.
Romeo And/Or Juliet, by Ryan North. A choose-your-own-path version of Shakespeare’s classic. North is one of my favorite humorists, and he explores every corner and permutation of his delightful premise.
Love Dishonor Marry Die Cherish Perish, by David Rakoff. A short novel written entirely in verse – and what struck me, given the sardonic edge of Rakoff’s essays, entirely in earnest.
Franny and Zooey, by J.D. Salinger. Two linked novellas. I still don’t understand why Catcher in the Rye gets all the glory; Salinger’s other stories are deeper, funnier, and more virtuosic.
Tenth of December, by George Saunders. Incisive, witty short stories, ranging from pedestrian to sci-fi fantastical. Saunders has a keen and devastating eye for the flattering lies that we tell ourselves.
To Say Nothing of the Dog, by Connie Willis. A time travel romp through Victorian England. Leisurely yet propulsive, full of fun moments. To say nothing of the dog!
  Illustrated & Ingenious
These books, for me, push the bounds on what books can be and do. All three are full of serious, interesting ideas – and all three are playful in presentation.
The Dialogues, by Clifford Johnson. The author, a physics professor, drew this series of cartoon dialogues about science himself. Clearly a multi-talented fellow.
How To, by Randall Munroe. I write in Munroe’s shadow, and it’s a big, beautiful shadow. This book shows off his chops not just as a humorist, but a researcher; he has a nose for the quirky and fascinating.
Basketball (and other things), by Shea Serrano. I wound up giving this as a gift to every basketball fan I know. A mixture of meticulous argumentation and delicious pop culture lunacy.
  Modern & Insightful
Usually I read stuff that’s years or decades old, but in 2019 I actually read some modern nonfiction about modern concerns that might be relevant to a modern person! Go me!
Because Internet, by Gretchen McCulloch. Whereas oral speech has always had formal and informal registers, writing had only the former. Until the internet. This bestseller thoughtfully unpacks how we write online.
Hacking Life, by Joseph M. Reagle, Jr. An affectionate but unflinching critique of the form of self-help known as “life hacks,” and its obsession with optimization.
How Eskimos Keep Their Babies Warm, by Mei-Ling Hopgood. Every chapter, more or less: “Here’s a question about child-rearing. Here’s a society that does it totally differently than the US. And guess what? Both have their ups and downs.” Formulaic but immensely reassuring for the new parent.
Bringing Up Bebe, by Pamela Druckerman. Polar opposite of Hopgood’s book; celebrating the Parisian style of child-rearing as lower-effort and superior. Probably right on food; maybe insightful on discipline; dubious elsewhere, but well-written.
  Literature for and About Teenage Girls
I went on a brief kick of this stuff, and it’s great! Good job, teen girls! I mean, not that you wrote these books, but you created the market demand for them, which is the highest form of virtue in a capitalist society!
The Fault in Our Stars, by John Green. Tear-jerking mega-bestseller. I borrowed it from a friend because I fell in love with Green’s podcast, The Anthropocene Reviewed, which I recommend fanatically.
Catfishing on Catnet, by Naomi Kritzer. Charming YA thriller, based on a Hugo-winning short story about an AI that gains sentience… and demands cat pictures.
Grace and the Fever, by Zan Romanoff. After years of obsessing over a boy band, what if you got to meet them? Half the joy is sheer wish fulfillment; the other half is the surprisingly delicate character study of our guarded narrator.
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Arts Martiaux Sports Extrascolaire Activités Sur La Côte D'Azur.
Joe Gold, the proprietor as well as programmer of Gold's Gym had visions way back in the 60's of having his very own health club and also in 1965 he built his dream fitness center, which came to be the Mecca Of Bodybuilding, we know it and we know it as Gold's Fitness center. All five young people enjoyed in terror as the building emerged in a large implosion, evidently taking their close friend Alpha Five and their advisor Zordon in addition to it. After the dirt worked out, the 5 teenagers break from their preliminary shock, as well as realize for the very first time that their days as Power Rangers more than - permanently. You could position up to 10 Pokémon in fitness centers at any kind of one-time, and while it deserves placing strong beasts therein, you might need to keep your greatest for assaulting various other gyms. You're not enabled to press your opponent into the dirt, also if you wish to (this seems particularly true for ladies, and may be one reason that gym classes are overwhelmingly without men). I sure really hope Zordon was right in picking me to be the advisor of the Terran Rangers. After years of inactivity, Carlos returned as the Black Space Ranger to help the Galaxy Rangers fight the Psycho Rangers. I haven't check out the secret yet I assume the power conveys the very same message that remained in the trick, from a different angle. To Billy went the Triceratops Power Coin, offering him the power of the Triceratops, and also control of the Triceratops Dinozord. Childhood excessive weight gets on the increase, as well as this is one reason fitness centers are ending up being so prominent. Sometimes, when the lightbulb needs replacing, you need to ride up and down in the dark, which is when my ideas return to that frightening haunted lift scene from The Eye. The function of the outside all-weather stair lift is to assist the impaired in accessing outside actions while stepping in and also out of their houses. Nonetheless, some sceptics have actually articulated issues over the security of utilizing workout devices without clothing on. Neil Newberry, assistant chief fire officer, will write to raise proprietors to inform them of the brand-new plan. The power hitter's best asset is their ability to create bat speed through the hitting area. A Power Rangers Alternaverse that discovers the bitter fruitage of abandonment, fraud, as well as betrayal. Alongside her, as well as all the various other Power Rangers for that issue, I feel so misplaced. Awaken Physical fitness, an Acrobatics Bodies affiliate, is located in Denver as well as is among the initial of its kind. I simply wanted my brow area raised and the deep grooves between my eyebrows to be removed. They are the fight fields of the Pokémon globe, but till your trainer reaches degree 5, you can not also enter a fitness center. The sidewalks and actions around the gears were when the fiefdom of a lift driver, who rushed about the control area, pulling bars to increase or reduce a bewildering selection of gateways. She was a solid lady who depended on her very own giving off an aura of power and intelligence. If you're tied into a year-long agreement (typical at lots of health clubs), you might be linking on your own in to around ₤ 1,000 worth of gym time, despite what does it cost? you use it. If there is a minimum notification duration, examine. The timing, particularly offered the success of Deadpool, is ideal for a sharp as well as spiky , irreverent comic-book film that uses its Japanese roots and provides Cranston (that actually articulated beasts Double Male and also Snizard in the initial collection) and also Banks the chance to eat furnishings like two starving goats caught overnight in a branch of Ikea. Raise bridges, turn systems and also move entire buildings all with the power of your mind. These difficulties to top-down power are coming alive once more today not only in times of governmental political elections (where they are frequently missed by the prospects) yet likewise in the numerous social motions of our age. You likewise have the choice to leave a Pokemon behind at your group's health club to aid in its protection. One troubling aspect of this publication is that, a number of times, Pfeffer cites study showing that race and also sex impact power in companies. I have actually gotten the sun icon from guide as a tattoo to represent the power of love. The worth and take advantage of the shoe comes largely from the security you receive (and really feel) as well as the effective application of power in your lifts. Focused solar power (CSP) technology, as it is recognized, is seen by several as a simpler, more affordable and a lot more efficient means to harness the sunlight's. power than other methods such as solar (PV) panels. Rito as well as Goldar infiltrated the Command Center as well as took the Crystal, right before the explosive gadget they had actually planted previously went off, leaving the Command Center in damages, as well as the Rangers without a head office. We're gon na really drive with our heels as well as we're gon na raise our hips as high as we can. Action on environment is long-overdue, as well as the Clean Power Plan is a crucial step to curb the carbon pollution that drives hazardous climate adjustment and intimidates our kids, our areas, and our world. Take some time to discover the advantages and disadvantages of every sort of Interlocking Rubber Floor tiles as well as the outcome would be a fantastic home fitness center flooring. But I additionally know that the procedure is more crucial compared to the goal I'm mosting likely to enjoy this set, but I'll be back in the health club on Monday. Health clubs have actually made a company out of taking apart old-time tasks, reconstructing them, injecting elegant packaging and also providing them to clients in a pretty workshop. As http://arbeitansichselbst.info/selfie-drone-7s-deutsch-review-drone-fuer-selfies/ who submitted their work to our close friends at prove, having the at home gym of your dreams isn't really simply convenient - it's really workable. The Total Fitness center 1000 actions 88 inches long by 16 1/8 inches broad by 44 inches high when deployed for use. It is this mindset that got him preferred to represent Angel Grove at the World Teen Summit, a peace meeting in Switzerland he participated in, leaving the Rangers with Trini Kwan and also Zack Taylor that left a void in the group which was after that filled by Rocky DeSantos. On a recent visit there were shelves of plastic tubs of supplements behind the counter and a notification on the door revealing that the fitness center was closed on Friday afternoons for Muslim prayers. A system lift is a machine that is powered to lug as well as increase power chairs and also the people who are utilising them. Much more suspicious is the assertion, on the leading lift sharing internet site,, that it is much more enjoyable. It deserves having a look at which Pokémon remain in the health club you want to attack before opting to enter into fight making sure you have the ideal kinds of Pokémon to be successful. L'entraînement par accélération sur les plates-formes Power Plate ® procure une foule d'avantages notables put atteindre, voire dépasser, les objectifs de condition physique. Lewis, resting on the ground, blood leaking down his face, reaching out for the last key to his power. So while energy power station gyms might not generate blinding light, their existence does leave a bit much more light at the end of the tunnel. Individuals that frequently flock to plastic surgery centers to have a mid lift are those in their 40s or 50s. What dispirits me inutterably is that children, that are inquisitive as well as fresh, will certainly go to this movie and also, for 88 mins, the motion picture will certainly do just what it can to weaken their creativities. When you battle in a gym you're never in fact combating an additional gamer: the safeguarding Pokémon are controlled by an AI, as are yours later, when they're resident in the gym and also defending. This is a listing of authors, ideas, and also publications mentioned in The Power of Fifty Bits, which may be valuable for future reading. The court activity was brought by the Office of Fair Trading versus Ashbourne Management Provider, which creates arrangements as well as gathers settlements from health clubs with a total of more than 500,000 members. Power Tattoo ® recommend une toute nouvelle façon de jouer et permet aux 7-12 ans de s' affronter n'importe où, n'importe quand.
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gingerbredman1989 · 4 months
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Bespeckled teenage bodybuilder in the gym.
Bing AI & ChatGPT
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gingerbredman1989 · 6 months
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A candid photo of an aspiring 18-year-old bodybuilder's bedroom from 1989, featuring a wall adorned with various posters and images of male bodybuilders. The wall reflects the young bodybuilder's aspirations and admiration for the sport, showcasing a variety of bodybuilder figures from the late 1980s in different poses and styles. The room's decor, including personal items and typical teenage furnishings, highlights the era's style and the personal touch of a young athlete's space. The photo captures the essence of a young enthusiast's passion for bodybuilding, with a nostalgic feel characteristic of the late 1980s.
Playground AI (v2) with the "Delicate Detail" filter
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