#aicarosse || sure
aicarosse · 11 months
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Happy Halloween All You Lovely People’s, be you Elf or Dwarf or Man or Hobbit or Ainur.
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aearluin · 2 years
“Are you molting?”
Ruffling his wings and seeing a couple of feathers fall loose Manwe inwardly groaned. It was not actually molting though it certainly looked like it. With a sweep of his hand the feathers rose and he caught them. "I am not... well not as such. It is not actually molting as you see some of the young birds doing."
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animatorweirdo · 2 years
Domestic life with Aicarosse
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(Some domestic stuff with Aicarosse. I hope you like it anon.) 
Requested by anonymous. 
Warnings: None really, fluff and couple stuff. 
-Life was peaceful with Aicarosse. He had been nothing but a loving husband ever since your shared special day. He had filled your days with love and domestic bliss, making you still wonder how you ended up marrying such a loving soul like him. 
-Of course, you were the only one to see that side of him. Outside the walls and doors of your home, he was a diligent lord to his people while you were a simple sailor, sailing the seas while he cared for his people on the land. 
-Some people see him as a charismatic elf with a cunning mindset, but behind the doors, he’s one of the clingiest and love-sick fools you met. He would sometimes sneak attack you from behind, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into the passionate and sweetest smooches you ever receive. It was his favorite little hobby, and you would be worried if he didn’t do that at least once a day. 
-Aicarosse made sure it wasn’t boring in your daily life. 
-He loved cooking breakfast and dinner for you and adored it when you cooked together. Even though: His mischievous nature would kick in, and you two would start throwing food at each other, making a mess in the kitchen. 
-You two would even bring food to each other while working. Aicarosse sometimes got too focused on the work, forgetting to eat, so you made a habit of bringing him a fresh plate. 
-Same comes to you as you also had a habit of forgetting to bring your food, so Aicarosse would make time to deliver your food to the docks. You would feel embarrassed for such a thing, while Aicarosse would smile since he had a reason to see you. 
-His assistant would scold you for being an obvious distraction from his work.
-You two often go to the beach to swim and bask in the sun. It became a habit since you two began to spend time together before your courtship. You both shared a love for the sea and seeing Aicarosse’s refined body was worth it. You never thought you would become a bit of a pervert for your husband, but it was okay since he was the same with you.
- If anyone knew better, he was the real pervert since he was the one who would entice you first for some — late-night activities. He has no shame in complimenting you, even when they might be slightly inappropriate at the wrong times. 
-Your favorite activity after a long day is cuddling in each other’s arms, just lying against each other beside the fireplace, reading, and being affectionate. 
- You sometimes miss your family in middle earth and think about them, so Aicarosse always made sure to stay by your side and comfort you so you wouldn't feel alone. He had always been like that since the anxiety attack you suffered that night.  
-His relatives were lovely people, and you adored his aunt, queen Earwen, who was very welcoming and just the sweetest, like him. 
-It felt like everyone from the Teleri were friendly and the most lovable people you have ever met, despite that they still had some stuff to work out with the Noldor since the incident that happened hundreds of years ago was still deep in the hearts of many. 
-You have seen how some of the two interacted, and it's not the prettiest thing you have ever seen. There was no violence, but nasty remarks would fly like fishes that glide through the waves. 
-Overall, Aicarosse is just dear to you, and you doubt you would have ever felt such happiness in middle earth. In middle earth — people would only judge you, but not in Valinor with Aicarosse. 
-He was the light of your life, and you would not change your current life with him for anything else.
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theelvenhaven · 2 years
So I know you have a roleplay blog for Vanifinwe at least that’s what’s linked on your main blogs profile. Do you know any other roleplay blogs? Or do you have anymore? I was thinking about role playing but was curious to see who all does.
Hey anon! I do actually know quite a few RP blogs and I have a couple myself!
If there are anymore blogs someone wants to add they’re welcome to reblog it and add the others! This is just my comprehensive list and I’m sure I’m leaving someone out that I don’t know.
My blogs are:
My friends blogs are
Some blogs I’ve interacted with outside my friends:
Other blogs I follow or have seen around:
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chaoswrought · 2 years
“I love you Neti and would never allow anyone to attack you. Not even Aria.”
Neti smiled a bit and added feather details to his design, "Thank you, Sure, I know I am not Sin, nor Baby, but your affection and protection are appreciated."
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aicarosse · 9 months
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aicarosse · 9 months
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“Súre is plotting to take over the world.”
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aicarosse · 1 year
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"You're Welcome Mama MaiMai."
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aicarosse · 2 years
❝ i made this for you. ❞ (Maimai)
Súre’s eyes lit up with pleasure at Mairons words and he quickly moved to join the elder. “You made me a gift? How splendid! What is it?”
He gave Mairon his most cunning and beguiling smile as he reached to accept what was offered.
“How did I become worthy of a gift today? Or did you make a thing and it reminded you of me somehow?”
Then the chaos of his mind shifted, his eyes narrowing a bit in suspicion. “Or is it you desire something of me and seek to flatter me with your gifts?”
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aicarosse · 2 years
WBB: Eonwe, Mablung, Arafinwe
Ohh no! *shrieks with glee* However will I choose?
We shall wed Arafinwë
We shall bed Mablung (tie to our bed…. What?)
And unfortunately behead Eonwë. But not out of spite or anything…. Simply because he is our brother…. *looks around sheepishly* not that I have anything against brothers. I love my brother!
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chaoswrought · 2 years
The owl winged its way directly into the window of Sin's room, flaring it's impressive wingspan at the last second to stall out its speed. Landing in the middle of the plush bed the bird looked around curiously. Well now, he thought to himself, I seemed to have caught Sin unaware. This was news he liked as it gave him enough time to set the scene before the other returned.
The large snow owl blurred and shifted then and in it's place sat a slender and rather pretty youth with shockingly huge white wings. The pretty male set about turning the plush bed into a wonderful nest of warm blankets before sprawling out on his belly to await Sin's return.
It was another few hours before Sin returned, looking a bit bloody and bruised and tired. His hair was matted and eyes half lidded but they opened wide in a stunning display of blue seeing the figure making a comfortable nest in his bed.
"Well well, and what is this surprise I see?" He asked Sure before crawling into the bed and over the other form like a panther, covering him in his own warmth, "Does anyone know you are here?"
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aearluin · 3 years
"Father," he called as he sought out the Valar who had given him life. "Today I found out I could call enough wind to actually make a spinning vortex kind of thing." He pointed out toward the ocean. "I thought no one would mind me experimenting out there, but I think I might have upset Ulmo when I started sucking up a LOT of the water." He smirked a bit, "And I know he was upset when he yelled and I stopped, and all the water went back all at once."
Manwe chuckled as he beckoned his son closer. That explained why Ulmo had seemed annoyed and was complaining about frightening the fish earlier. “The Children call such things tornadoes. It is usually safer to practice those over solid rock or over certain parts of the sandy areas, I can show you those places later if you’d like to show me what you did.”
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aearluin · 3 years
(@aicarosse) The young Ainu came blowing into where his father was, the air around him swirling a bit in response to his mild increased emotions. "Atar? Atya?" He moved closer, coming right up into Manwe's lap. "Can we talk? I have... Things on my mind that are bothering me, and I think you're the only one that can help."
Manwë wrapped his arms around his child and held him close, his wings wrapping loosely around the two of them. He watched him concerned but seeing that he was unharmed merely upset he calmed, simply holding him. “What is it little cloud? What troubles you?”
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aicarosse · 2 years
An elf silently watched as the younger ainu danced and played in the woods, he could scarcely remember a time he had felt that free, and yet he did not make any move to approach him. A voice in the back of his head whispered that this was an ainu and they were not to be trusted, certainly not if they gave their word because none of them ever kept their word unless it related to harming others.
Sure had fled from his home in favor of the wilder areas. Not because anyone had done anything to offend him or make him unhappy, but out of a desire to simply be free. Now, with the winds that seemed to follow him endlessly ruffling his feathers and hair, he was fully engaged in a dance of unbridled joy. For a moment he continued to dance, spinning and jumping, his wings flaring as he caught wind and lifted higher into the air. Yet he sensed something, or someone, and stopped in his dance. Looking around for what was causing the feeling, he thought he spied someone nearby and spoke quietly to no one, "If you would like, you may come out and join me. I promise I don't bite. And it would be more fun for both of us if you were to come out and speak with me."
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aicarosse · 3 years
A purple and blue hummingbird flitted around Súre playfully. She darted away a little before returning to him. Figuring that she should actually ask rather than simply hope he would understand the Maia asked, *Would you like to play some, little cloud?*
He was amused at the antics of the little humming bird, following it a bias it darted about. When it spoke, his smile grew wider still, "Ah, not a bird at all, but something more."
He nodded, but paused as he licked his lips thoughtfully, "I only have the one bird form." And to his knowledge this was the only one he was meant to have, "I don't think a big old snow owl can keep up with a playful little humming bird."
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