#aight bye gotta get back to colouring
zerothesonic · 10 months
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if you were my mother and I gave this to you for your birthday (after it’s coloured ofc) would you be happy
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rvinsounds · 7 years
— really really in which jess stresses sina out and then nadine and jess stress megan out.
a/n: another v self-indulgent engagement fic that came from my reading back the line chat and finding ridiculous shit for me to write about LOLOL. but also that’s not all the fic is about i just liked how that sounded ok it’s about the bridesmaids being chosen and stuff HAHA also this was supposed to be a crackfic but now it’s become sappy what the fuck a/n2: this is why i shouldn’t be allowed to write at 4am ...
they’re gathered in jess’ cafe, much to her exasperation — “is this just a place for you guys to have meetings? i have actual paying customers you know!” “shut up jess, you know you’d be angry if we held this anywhere else.” — after the unsurprising announcement of their eldest couple’s engagement. 
“ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today —” 
“why the fuck does this sound like a funeral?” 
“sorry dad.” 
“anyways, i think sina has an announcement.” 
the former hufflepuff only looks amused, allowing nadine to have her moment of being the MC for their little meeting, before he exhales and smiles warmly at their group of friends gathered there. they’re missing seungyeon and chanuk, both of whom couldn’t make it to their little gathering because of work, and euncheol who was out of the country at the moment.
“as you know, megan and i are getting married.” 
“holy shit, really?” he slants a glare at the current youngest slytherin in their midst, and jess has the audacity to grin back at him, but he just shakes his head before pulling out two little cards out of his pocket, unshrinking them in the next moment with a tap of his wand. he clears his throat, glancing around at his group of closest friends, and selecting one of the cards from the two in his hand. “saebom, would you do me the honour --”
“i call best man.” 
sinhwa doesn’t even have time to react, to retract his hand holding the card out to saebom before it’s snatched from his fingers, jess grinning like the cat who had gotten the cream. the two men look very shocked, frozen in their spots as nadine cackles loudly and reaches out to high five her friend. it takes a moment for sinhwa to recover before he scowls playfully and indicates for the ex-slytherin girl to hand the card to her boyfriend.  
“anyways — oh saebom, would you do me the honour of being my best man?” jess quietly slides the card into her boyfriend’s hand, leaning her head against his shoulder he takes it, opening the card and grinning at the former hufflepuff. 
“it would be an honour,” saebom replies, his dimple showing in his cheek and jess can’t help but lean up to kiss him on the cheek at his obvious happiness. 
“and minseok,” the ex-gryffindor perks up at his name, the corners of his lips turning up at the corners as he receives the card, his chaser reflexes helping him evade interception from his own girlfriend, though nadine’s (lack of) height helps in that case as well, “kim minseok, will you do me the honour of being a groomsman?” 
“’course,” minseok grins, pocketing the card with a little salute. jess gets up after basking in the happy glow around all of them for a moment, returning about ten minutes later to their regular chatter with a new round of drinks for everyone, sliding the cups in front of their respective receivers. 
“i can’t believe you gave best man to saebom when i fucking called it first,” she huffs playfully at sinhwa, plopping herself into saebom’s lap in a show to prove she wasn’t really angry about it and was purposely just being a brat. 
“you don’t just call best man,” arazely offers from across the table, rolling her eyes playfully at both the older girl’s words and her actions. they’re all still sort of getting used to jess showing her affection for saebom in public, though it’s become much more common within the confines of her cafe nowadays. 
“what — no, it’s like how i called shotgun in minseok’s car the other day,” she points out, just to be contrary, grinning. “fuck you saebom.” 
“hey, you love me.” 
jess ignores his words in favour of pouting at him, her puppy eyes big and exaggerated. “why are you always stealing my spotlight? i wanted best man.” 
“do i not get a say in this?” sinhwa sighs, slanting the words in a soft murmur to his fiancee, megan mostly just smiling fondly and half exasperatedly at jess’ antics, knowing that the younger girl would get it out of her eventually. they both also knew she was just taking the piss anyway, so there wasn’t really a point in arguing with her when she was set on making life difficult. “no, i don’t think you do.”
“you can be best man at our wedding in five years,” nadine volunteers, a cheshire-like grin on her face as she added fuel to the fire, ignoring minseok’s “hey!” of protest. 
jess turns to nadine, rolling her eyes. “can saebom not for once, like i get he’s pretty and all but he’s not that pretty — like, he’s aight, i guess.” 
saebom pouts at her before she grins, patting his cheek in a show of affection, leaning in to murmur something in his ear before she gets up again. “just kidding, i gotta get back to work. let me know if y’all want more drinks, okay? say bye if you gotta go!” 
the dinner is a fancy affair. they know the moment they hear which restaurant it’s in, despite it being in muggle london. it’s one that’s rather famous even in the wizarding circles, considering it’s high class but not over the top fancy. 
they arrive in pairs, as usual besides sinhwa’s brother and mimi, and they wait in the lounge, assuming they were to enter at the same time, and are lead into the private room megan and sinhwa had booked. 
it’s decorated beautifully, with hints of silver and blue, the choice of colours obviously the theme of the wedding in the future. the table is laid out with glass and silverware, a box placed at each seat next to a placard with their names on it. 
they all step into the room, eyeing the namecards from the entrance to make sure none of them awkwardly hovered trying to find their spot, sitting down once they had all found their places: jessica and saebom in front of sinhwa and megan respectively, nadine beside sinhwa with minseok across from her and sinhwa’s brother beside megan, mimi across from them. they settle down, grinning at the soon-to-be bride and groom. 
it was obvious what they were there for, but there was a buzz of excitement in the air nonetheless. considering the placements, everyone already knew which positions they would be — not considering that all the males in the room had been asked already — but that was beside the point. 
they all drew their wands once they had sat down, quiet as they glanced at megan for instruction, tapping the boxes in front of them gently, the wrapping paper melting away as if it had never been there in the first place. it’s quiet, the little glass cases before them clear, almost as if the glass wasn’t really there, though still obscuring what was inside. 
another tap from their wands had the glass dissolving, the jewelry glinting prettily in the lighting of the restaurant. in front of each of the girls in a simple, dainty bracelet. each bracelet is silver, with a charm of the first letter of their names hanging next to a pearl of different colours for each of them — pale pink for jess, lavender for nadine, cream for mimi — with jess’ having a little gem on the ‘J’.  jess grins, sliding the bracelet on, adding it to her collection of trinkets already adorning her wrist, tucking the little card baring the words ‘my ‘i do’ wouldn’t be the same without you’ into saebom’s suit pocket. the other girls follow suit, before turning to see what sinhwa had planned for the groomsmen. 
as the boxes in front of the bridesmaids had done, the glass melts away in from the males as well. the boxes are flatter, less fancy than the ones for the females, but inside they hold a complete set of cufflinks and a tie bar — each piece has the groomsmen’s korean names engraved on them. 
they’re all quiet for a moment, as if worried to break the serenity and peace of the moment, saebom quietly swapping out his cufflinks for the new ones and tucking the box into his pocket, glancing around to see the other two men had done the same surreptitiously. 
no one really notices nadine and jess signalling to each other, obviously both of them having planned something as well, and it catches everyone off guard when they both flick their wands and two bottles of champagne float over before popping open, dousing everyone rather thoroughly with the bubbly liquid, including themselves. 
“you guys are fucking getting married!” 
it breaks the silence, in a way only nadine and jess can ever manage, and it’s some special sort of champagne (bought from weasley’s) that soaks you to the core but doesn’t linger, and they all find themselves dry within a couple minutes, after lots of grumbling. 
dinner comes in soon after, delicious as it always is when it comes from this restaurant, and they all immerse themselves in conversation, talking and getting to know each other better, considering they only really knew the people within their group of ten very well. once their food is finished, they tuck into dessert, and then split to head home soon after. 
on their way out, jess and nadine can be heard arguing over the fact that no one had cried. 
“i thought it was for sure that saebom would cry —” 
“shut up saebom — but no, i thought you were gonna cry. what the heck.” 
“whatever, it doesn’t matter, the bets are still on for the actual ceremony right?” 
“yeah, and the reception.” 
“i think minseok has ten galleons on one of them.” 
“ten? that’s weak from him.” 
“will you guys stop betting on my wedding?” a third voice joins in, and the two turn to see megan standing behind them, hands on her hips, though they can see a smile fighting to break it’s way out of the frown on her lips. 
nadine and jess both pause, glance at each other as if considering it, before answering in the exact same, sing-songing tone of voice. “no~” 
megan sighs, watching as they all disapparate to their respective homes, glancing at her fiance with a fond smile playing on her lips before she leans over to kiss him gently. “why do i put up with them? actually, a better question is, why did i choose them for my bridal party. they’re gonna ruin everything.” 
her fiance laughs, tugging her into his arms before they have to separate for the night, just holding her there for a moment. “but you wouldn’t change anything for the world, would you?” 
it’s quiet as they both take in the mess in the private room, and it’s with an easy smile that she answers. 
“not even for the universe.”
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