#aikatsu friends is my fav btw
healloumi · 7 months
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Sumire & Kuromi from the recent Aikatsu X Sanrio collab!
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millepara · 5 years
aikatsu on parade episode 7 spoilers (rewatching)
I wonder if we’ll catch Raki’s sis before s2....
a lot of the scenes in the beginning of this ep are copied from Ichigo’s very first appearance in the very first ep of oldkatsu... wow....!! (like in an homage way, not a bad way. obviously)
it’s so weird thinking of how different public perception of Raki must be in the oldkatsuverse vs. the starsverse. I know the last ep was supposed to cover the whole span of her making the mistake, atoning for it, and then being totally forgiven by everyone, but it’s still hard to imagine her not being known as ‘some rando who interrupted the S4 live’, even if it’s with the qualification ‘and we all love her now’. meanwhile, here she’s known for the costume contest and how cute and quirky everyone thought her costume was. I’m getting whiplash just thinking about her hopping btw the two worlds and having to navigate that.
Ran: (whips off her apron and poses for no reason)
huh, I guess the Lilac Fairy coord is Ichigo’s most recent PR. I always think of the Aurora Kiss and Pisces ones before I think of it, but that’s my personal bias I guess.
Raki’s sudden intense interest in Spicy Ageha as opposed to cute brand Angely Sugar is suddenly very interesting given that we now know she has a sexy-type PR coming up. I’m sure she’ll end up as a cute-type idol in the end and this is probably just coincidence, but still... it’s like there’s a hidden wish to be a sexy-type idol trapped in her or something, haha. (influence from her big sis, maybe?)
GOD look at what good friends they are....... I got a little watery watching this ep the first time remembering how Soleil’s just, so close with each other.... absolutely no one in Stars was like that, and Friends legit felt way more romantic than friendly so while it wasn’t bad (it was ABSOLUTELY NOT BAD), it was different. but Soleil’s there for each other..... forever...... waaaaah I  love the m
oh, there’s the poster from last weekend’s kuji that I was unable to go hunt down thanks to work!! goodbye forever small Yurika plush with even smaller fangs
it’s wild that they’re just able to spend the night there... did Ichigo’s mom even ask if they needed to contact someone or what (obviously this is the kind of pesky detail that doesn’t need to be included in a kids’ multiverse anime but I’m still thinking about it)
and there’s old Fish Lips from that same first ep of oldkatsu! long time no see
bouquets from: Luminas (pink roses and peonies), PowaPowa Puririn (balloons), Yurika-sama (blue roses), Kaede Sushi (stars and english), Mizuki (flowers in sexy-type colors lmao).... they were only on screen for a couple of seconds but they put a lot of thought into who would send what, and even that they thought to include it at all is so nice. I love aikatsu
hate how Orihime(’s seiyuu) says fuan instead of fan. I always have, and I still do. I know some people just say it like that like how some people say hwat instead of what in english but they’re also wrong and so is this.
kyaaaaaa!! Soleil!!!
this is my least fav Spicy Ageha PR (I actually really like aikatsu’s Generic Sexy-Type Coord aesthetic.....) but otherwise this performance is perfect. ah, I guess I don’t love being reminded of how they used to not sing on the runway stages but that’s Just Aikatsu Things
Aoi’s stage is perfect. all of it is perfect. and I totally forgot this performance bc I think of Stranger Alien first and only when I see this coord, so I had a nice moment of ‘totally new Aoi performance?!?’ too for a moment lol
Ichiiigooooooo o o o .... I love this song so much, even after playing it a million times in the game it’s still so good
Calendar Girls starts playing, I burst into tears.... you know the drill by now
I guess Raki’s making her first PR next time?! can’t wait to see how it’ll look in the anime.
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