#aileen's fam
Polaris In The Family ~#15
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A/N: GUESS WHO WROTE ANOTHER THING. what do you mean you already knew it was me? smh. This takes place after Haiden’s pick of the last three. Random day, then a few days later, same day this fic written by the marvelous @aliyatyson hello, cass takes place. So like...there’s a section where that rp was supposed to go if I’d had time to make it from Aileen’s pov, still referenced it later on so it makes sense without her pov tho, so do not fret, I think. Anyhow...starts with Colleen, has other kinda important things. There’s third person pov at the end in italics. Ft. Cole, Sam, Ray (thanks for the rp cass), Uncle James, Lyra, David and Robbie. Also Biscuit.... I hope this isn’t to bad and makes sense?
“That’s not fair!” Robbie yelled as he stared at the game board in disbelief.
“Let’s not raise our voices.” Uncle James scolded from the living room.
Cole smirked in victory and I rolled my eyes with a grin of my own. “I think he played it right, Rob.”
“But—but—I was winning!”
Cole leaned on the chair’s backrest triumphantly. “It’s all in the strategy, kid.”
Robbie examined the game board once more with a frown but gave no other protest. I leaned closer to Cole and whispered, “How did you do that? Robbie never loses on this.”
He suppressed a smile. “Wendy was obsessed with this game when we were younger. I had to come up with good plays to stop her from winning all the time.”
I snorted in an attempt to contain my laughter and his grin widened, “Such a Lady, Firework.”
I shoved him and he laughed right before Lyra declared an “AHA!” from the couch in the living room.
Sam glared at her, reorganizing the papers he’d dropped when he’d been startled by her yelling. David, on the other hand, wasn’t bothered; bobbing his head to whatever song blasted through his headphones—making annotations every few seconds on a notebook—most likely working on some lyrics while Biscuit slept on one of his legs. Uncle James was just too used to it all and kept reading the newspaper without even acknowledging Lyra’s sudden outburst.
“Aileen, look at what I found!” She made her way to us with a mischievous smile and sat down next to Robbie, turning the magazine she’d been reading around to slide it across the table. I read the title out loud. “Love Quiz: Do you really know your partner?”
Cole continued reading after I raised an eyebrow at the title. “Worldwide leaders in research and couples therapy found out that one of the most important characteristics of successful relationships is the quality of the friendship between partners. Do you really know your partner? Take our quiz on the next page to find out!”
“You should take it.” Lyra cooed and I laughed.
“What do you say, Cole? Do you really know me?”
He rolled his eyes. “It’s a magazine.”
“It’ll be fun, come on.” I pushed the magazine back to Lyra. “We’ll do it.”
“Perfect.” She flipped the page. “Can you name your partner’s best friend?”
Cole groaned. “That’s not fair. You have like 5.”
“Not true. Just three and you gotta pick one.”
“Fine. I’ll go with Haiden.”
I looked down at my hands, the word "maybe" echoing in my head. “I guess if we ever get over this fight.”
“You mean when you get over this fight.” He corrected and nudged me with his elbow. “Your turn.”
I glared at him. “You don’t have a best friend. You don’t like talking to people.”
“Great response,” he smirked and looked back at Lyra. “Next question.”
Lyra tilted her head. “You seem like a talkative person here.”
“I am when I want to be.”
“He’s just never done much of an effort at the palace.” I snickered and he gave me a sideways glare.
“Next question.”
Lyra smiled and put her gaze on the magazine again. “Do you know what stresses your partner is currently facing?”
Cole and I looked at each other for a moment, having a silent conversation.
I knew he was stressed about the whole rebel fiasco. He’d been sitting with different papers for hours trying to think of something he could suggest to his uncle—King Ashton—but he still hadn’t figured out what the rebels hoped to gain by killing a royal and then stealing documents. It seemed like two completely different courses of action. To me, it made even less sense.  
As for my stress, it mostly came from worrying about Haiden or not knowing how to handle being around Sam sometimes. Either it felt like the good old days or it felt like we’d missed out on everything because he left. It was harder when it was just the two of us at home. He was still working on getting his job transferred to Angeles.
We both mumbled a “yes” at the same time. Lyra continued without asking for specifications. “Can you tell me your partner’s life dreams?”
Cole answered music production for me, and I said fencing and political science for him. We were both correct.
“Who’s the family relative your partner likes the least?”
Cole looked at me. “What was your great aunt’s name again?”
Lyra replied before I could answer. “Ugh, Miss pretentious pants? None of us like her.”
Uncle James, who had gone to the kitchen for a glass of water, stopped to stand near us with a frown after Lyra’s last words. “Who are you talking about?”
I gave him an amused grin. “Great aunt Marge.”
He made a face raising the glass to his mouth. “Oh, that woman is crazy.” Biscuit barked from the living room as if he agreed with the statement.
Cole laughed. “Why do you all seem to hate her?”
“We don’t hate her. She hates us.” Robbie finally chimed in, leaving the game board alone.
I nodded, staring at Cole. “I told you she never liked that my parents got married.”
Uncle James shook his head before adjusting the military dog tags around his neck—from what he’d told us he’d only served for a year—but he always had them on for some reason. “She still thinks they shouldn’t have gotten married. No matter how good things go for Miles. She’ll never accept Tessa married a Three.”
We all nodded and Cole laughed again. “Why does she hate all of you though?”
“Cause she knows we think she’s crazy.” Robbie pointed out.
His father gave him a glance, but Robbie only shrugged. Then looking back at Cole, Uncle James added, “She knows we don’t think lower castes should be frowned upon.”
“And therefore she knows we frown upon her.” Lyra finished.
“Well, she is wrong,” Cole muttered and I patted his shoulder.
“And that’s why she gets the title of the least favorite relative.”
Lyra stared at the next question with wide eyes, trying not to laugh. “Do you think there is fire and passion in this relationship?”
I burst out laughing and Cole struggled not to do so too. David, who had finally joined us, took the magazine from Lyra’s hand to read the question himself. “What kind of magazines are you reading?”
I looked over at Cole, dramatically standing up and placing a hand over my heart. “Tell me my love; is there fire and passion in this relationship?”
He snorted. “There sure have been a lot of fire references.”
I eyed him. “Fire and passion, Cole.”
“Right.” He cleared his throat before standing up and placing a hand on my lower back, in an equally dramatic voice saying, “Yes, my love. There has never been more fire and passion in a relationship before.”
“Does it burn like the fire of a thousand suns?” I declared, staring into the distance like they did in movies.
A small chuckle escaped his lips before he composed himself, taking one of my hands and bringing it to his heart. “Yes. You can doubt that the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move his aides, doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt I love.”
“Hamlet.” Lyra acknowledged with amusement and soon enough we both laughed.
David shook his head with a smirk. “Why do you make him embarrass himself in front of everyone?”
“Oh, he doesn’t mind. Do you, Cabbages?”
“What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t let you reenact dramatic scenes for the sake of it?”
Robbie made a gagging sound, “Boyfriend?” Sam perked up at the word as well, even though he was still in the living room, and I laughed at both reactions.
There was no denying we were a couple, and we were dating, but we’d never called each other boyfriend or girlfriend out loud. “So it’s official then?” I asked and he smiled.
“If you want it to be.”
Saying I had butterflies in my stomach was an understatement. I had butterflies everywhere.
Taking my trusty hairpin out of my braid I placed it on his free hand. He raised an eyebrow at it, however, grinned at me knowingly. I had told him the story behind that pin. “It would be my honor.”
He leaned down for a short kiss, but Biscuit tackled us before he had a chance, deciding we’d been standing close to each other for long enough and it was his turn.
The house was pretty much empty except for me, Sam and Biscuit. Lyra had a sleepover and Robbie had a camping thing of sorts. David was working on some new song at the studio and Uncle James was off with him too.
It was odd, but not entirely bad after an hour. We’d just kind of minded our own business at the beginning; which wouldn’t have been bad if it hadn’t felt like we were trying to avoid each other. After that, Sam had suggested we eat dinner, and since he was still not any good at cooking, we had to settle with Ramen.
At some point, the conversation had spiked into something comfortable and we’d ended up playing Robbie’s favorite game with me winning.
“Wait…how did you do that?”
“It’s all in the strategy, kid.” I grinned, quoting Cole from a few days ago, even if Sam was older than me for years.
“Loverboy teaching you his plays?” He mumbled with an eye roll and I laughed.
“I convinced him to teach me some, yes. They’re pretty interesting.”
He grumbled a “mhmm”, staring down at the board and I snorted. Sam hadn’t been around when I’d dated Josh, so I’d never seen how he would act around me having a boyfriend. The part of me that still mourned the years lost tried to creep its way out at that thought, but I pushed it aside and focused on massaging Biscuit’s ear. Don’t ruin the mood, Aileen.
“You really like him, don’t you?” his question took me off guard.
“Uh…yes. I do.” Clearing my throat to calm myself down I added, “He’s a good guy. Funny when he’s frustrated, patient when it’s needed, and he cares about others more than he lets on.”
“It’s pretty obvious when he’s around you.”
I blushed. “Yeah…a couple of people noticed he liked me before I did.”
Sam laughed. “Not surprised.”
I gasped. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“You’re actually not that bad at reading people, Aileen, but whenever it involves you—in any way—it’s like you suddenly become blind.” I could hear the amusement in his voice and huffed in response, crossing my arms over my chest.
That’s when Biscuit started barking. I did my best to shush him. He just ignored me and rushed to the backyard’s door, scratching on it repeatedly. I groaned, blaming David for not teaching him any manners while I was in Dominica. “Ok, I’m coming, calm down will you?”
He wagged his tail with his tongue sticking out, patiently waiting for me to open the door. Once I did he ran out and started sniffing the border of the house, occasionally whining. I frowned, and moments later Sam was standing next to me, giving Biscuit the same confused gaze.
That’s when we heard the footsteps and whispers.
“I thought Uncle James said Mr. Westfield would be out of town for the week with his family…”
“He did,” Sam clenched his jaw and we both listened again. There. I walked back inside, ready to go inspect when he grabbed my wrist. “Wait, what are you doing?”
“Don’t you wanna know what that was?”
“Yes, but I don’t think going there is the smartest choice.”
“Someone lost his sense of adventure.”
“I’m just saying—”
Not letting him finish I wiggled my hand out of his grip. “I don’t care. Are you coming or not?”
He gave me stern look. In a way, I knew I was daring him. I was daring him to say something. Anything. I was daring him to impose himself as the older, wiser brother. I wanted him to be the guy that scolded me for playing in the rain and getting a cold afterward. The guy that warned me not to look for fights with his friends because they were bigger jerks than he was. The guy that shook his head at me when I came home with a raccoon saying I wanted to adopt him—don’t ask how I caught it, okay?
But Sam only sighed and averted his gaze before saying, “Fine, let’s go.”
THINGS ENSUE. READ @aliyatyson FIC HERE TO SEE WHAT IT WAS. Next section continues after that...but I think you can still understand what is happening without entire context tho
Sophia had gone to the bathroom a few minutes after the doctors took Aliya away. I’d let her go alone considering she probably wanted some space to think. I’d heard she was in charge of the mission and could only imagine how she felt. Brownie eating chic, that apparently was named Ginny, had left to check up on her after a while.
Sam and I stared at each other as Ray paced the hallway frantically on the verge of tears. Feet away a couple of doctors whispered to one another, eyeing him, the conversation ending when one of them walked off to a security guard and made a ‘watch that guy’ gesture. That can’t be good. When we’d arrived the doctors had been reluctant to help Aliya out because of her possible caste and Ray hadn’t been precisely polite. I didn’t blame him for it, but it could be problematic.
“I’ll go talk with them,” Sam whispered to me, patting my knee reassuringly before standing up. He cocked his head at Ray before walking away. “Maybe calm him down?”
I nodded and watched him approach the doctors. Once they seemed to be in a civil conversation I stood up from my chair and walked over to Ray. He kept muttering to himself, “I hope she'll be okay. Oh god, let her be okay.”
“Hey,” I tried to place a hand over his shoulder as comfort. “She'll be fine.”
“She has to... Thank goodness for Twos having a hospital close by.” He mumbled it with relief but considering the conversation we’d had back in Mr. Westfield’s house I could tell he wasn’t a fan of higher castes.
I cleared my throat awkwardly, “Right.” Then discreetly looking around I noticed one of the nurses nearby giving us both a disapproving glare. I knew she’d heard Ray’s outrage at the doctors when we’d come in. “Um...maybe just try to be nicer to the doctors next time?”
He snapped at me, practically giving me a disgusted glare, “Why? He didn't want to help her because she didn't look like a Two!”
The nurse gave us another look. Ugh, this kid doesn’t get it. I pulled him to a different hallway and whispered between gritted teeth. “Stop yelling, will you? You think your attitude is going to help?”
He didn’t calm down. “Does anything else?”
“Yes, literally anything is better than your yelling!” I sighed. “Right now you have us, okay? Sam is already talking with the other doctors; he’ll tell them they don't need to worry about the stupid money. If Aliya's family can't pay our uncle will.”
“She can take care of herself, they-they can pay. You just never had to deal with something like this.”
I was done with his attitude. Aliya and I were in the same freaking caste for God’s sake. “Can you stop doing that? You treat us like we have perfect lives and therefore simply ignore everything else around us. Yes, I know I haven't gone through the same struggles as you, I know I have it better than others. I know.  But you're being as bad as any condescending Two if you keep treating us like we just automatically don't care because we have it good.” I was born a Three as much as any Seven was born a Seven. At least I didn’t treat anyone like they were beneath me just because of a stupid number plastered on my birth certificate.
Ray looked at me like he wanted to say something, but nothing came out of his mouth. Good, I’m not done. “I know you're used to higher castes being like that, but if you apply that line of thinking to every Three and Two you meet then its prejudice. And fine, it's usually earned, but what have I shown you so far that makes you think I'm like that?” He had to realize he was just treating me differently because of a number as well.
“I- But-” he looked down at me with a frown. I could see him trying to come up with something to refute my claims, but he came out empty. “You're...you're right, I guess. It's just that almost every time I meet a higher caste, they look down on me, so the bad people outweigh the good...”
“Well...” I sighed “they do, so I don't blame you for usually thinking that way. But trust me, not everyone that donates to charity does it to look good. Some of us do it for real because we can. I've seen people I care about—from different castes—affected by this system.” I looked at where Sam was standing; now trying to convince a nurse to allow him a call on the hospital’s phone. “I've seen some of them do stupid things because of it...” Very stupid things. “And I know you think it's not fair for them to care about Aliya's caste here at the hospital of all places. Newsflash: they shouldn't care, but either you learn to work with what you have until change comes or you get kicked out.”
He averted his gaze from mine after my last sentence and mumbled, “My dad got kicked out too” but before I could ask about it, he pursed his lips and looked at me again. “But fine, I'll try, okay? Maybe there are more Two's and Three's like Ali, and” he cleared his throat “like you and your brother. T-Thank you for helping me get her here.”
I smiled and punched his arm lightly. “See, it didn't hurt that much to be nice. As for Aliya, it was no problem. We weren't the closest friends back in the Selection, but I care about her. I want her to be okay.”
“She cares for a lot of those Selected it seems, even loud and crazy Tracie, so I have no doubt she cares for you too.”
I laughed. “Ah yes, Tracie. I'm pretty sure they're best friends so you better watch out. She likes baseball bats and if you hurt Ali she won't be afraid to use one.”
“So I won't be safe now then...” he muttered, and it took me a second to understand what he meant.
The panic in his eyes as Aliya’s blood covered his hands flashed in my mind again and I wondered if that had been the look on my face when Cole had been gasping for air on the floor.
“Don't talk like that. She'll be fine. This wasn't your fault.”
“Sure...sure... Just don't let the person you love get shot, I can't recommend it.”
I clenched my jaw. “Um, I've been there actually.”
“Oh God...I'm sorry- is he or she, uh, okay?”
“Yeah...he's fine now, thankfully.” Thinking about the whole attack still send shivers down my spine, however. “He recovered quickly since nothing vital got hit, but I had to wait for a day to see him.” I stared at the floor. “I didn't know there were two types of rebels... I would have never forgiven Ali if she'd joined the northern ones.”
“You mean the Sothern’s” he corrected with a small smile.
I frowned at the ceiling. It was getting so confusing. “Uh, I don't know. Which one is which again?”
“We're Northern,” he said, pointing at himself. “Those people who killed the Queen were Southern. Sorry about that too while I'm at it, I don't know if you knew her or something.”
“No. I never had the pleasure of talking to her in person, but her loss hurts people I care about, and the Southern rebels were the ones that shot him, so...I don't think I'm a big fan.”
“Then we have something in common. They're idiots.”
“Agreed... How exactly did you Northern rebels come to be though?”
“Years organizing in secret. Finding people isn't that hard, a lot of lower castes are unhappy, so it grew fast. We have our symbol, so we recognize each other, stronger together as they say.”
I tilted my head, “Symbol?”
He lifted his index finger revealing a star tattoo. “Yep. So, I suppose I can trust you with this?”
“Of course, I wouldn't want to put any of you in danger,” I assured him, examining the star with a frown. It was the North Star, “Hmm.”
“What? Is it too covered in blood?” He asked, staring at his own finger and desperately trying to clean it.
“What? Uh, no,” I reached for his hand and lowered it. “It just...” reminds me of Uncle James’ squadron? No, it can’t be, I thought to myself, shaking my head. “I'm probably imagining things. For a second I thought it looked familiar.”
Ray thought about it for a moment. “It could, we're bigger than we look. You could have seen it anywhere.”
“I-I guess…” I was pretty sure it wasn’t random though. “Are you all composed by lower castes?”
He gave me a confused look. “I think so, but it’s not like I’m in charge of everything. Why?”
“Nothing…I just—”
Sam was in front of us before I could finish my sentence. “Aileen, we need to go.”
I raised an eyebrow at him. “What? But Ali—”
“I know, but I just talked with David and Uncle James wants us home soon.”
“Did you tell him I have a friend in the hospital?” I scoffed and he sighed.
“Yes, but it’s getting late.”
“I think I’m old enough to handle a couple of hours after curfew in an emergency.”
“Remember the doctor said you should sleep enough.”
“Uh, Doctor?” Ray asked, clearly puzzled.
I pinched the bridge of my nose with a grunt. “Southern rebels. I got a concussion. Sleep is important.”
“Oh…you should probably go home then.”
“No, I want to stay.”
If the situation had presented itself years ago Sam would have dragged me out of that hospital without giving it much thought, I was sure of it, yet despite knowing that, I would have never guessed he’d have the bravery to do it now.
“Come on, we’ll be back first thing in the morning.” He reached for my wrist and started walking off.
“No buts, Aileen. We’re going home.” Staring over his shoulder at Ray he added, “I’m sorry.”
Ray nodded. “I-I get it.”
I gave him a glance before we turned a corner. “She’ll be okay. We’ll come back tomorrow. Be nice and don’t do anything stupid!”
He nodded again, that time with the hint of a smile.
We walked in silence.
I was still surprised Sam had actually dragged me out of that hospital, not because it was something he wouldn't do, but because it was something he hadn’t done since he’d been back. It was one of those things he avoided, those things he didn’t feel like he had the right to do anymore as a brother, those things I'd been desperately waiting for him to do again.
“Wild night, huh?” He ventured, and I looked at him, managing a weak smile. Suddenly sleeping seemed like a good idea. “Definitely.”
“That Aliya girl…she’s an ex-Selected?”
I bobbed my head up and down. “Sophia is so too.”
“I see.”
Silence again.
“Aileen...I want to thank you.”
“For what?” I frowned.
He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “For forgiving me.”
I examined the pavement at my feet again as we walked. “We already talked about this. I forgave you a long time ago, Sam.” I’d forgiven him during the second year of absence, the moment I realized there was no point in holding a grudge. That didn’t mean it hadn’t hurt the other four years though.
“I know you did... but tonight, when Aliya asked you... you said I was your brother.”  
“You’re her brother?” Ali had asked, and I’d seen the way Sam’s anger for Ray had diminished into uncertainty in a second—the way his eyes had glanced at me reluctantly—shame and sadness taking a hold of him.
I’d managed to mumble a yes, but Aliya kept on pressing, “I didn’t know you had one?”
I’d spent years telling myself I didn’t, and Sam visibly shifted further away from Ray after the statement like he’d been hit by it. He didn’t seem surprised though, just vulnerable and I hadn’t liked it. “Well…I do,” it had taken me a moment to admit it, but I knew I had to, “Sam is my brother.”
I pushed away the memory from barely an hour ago. “What about it?”
“She seemed surprised to even hear you mention the existence of a sibling; I know you stopped telling people about me. You haven’t called me brother since I came back, just Sam. Hearing you say it…it was good.”
I wasn’t sure if it was because I was tired or stressed, but after his words tears blurred my vision and I stopped walking.
“Well, you are my brother are you not?” It was a simple question, yet I could feel the tone I’d given it. The defiance. The reproach. “You are my brother are you not?” My voice broke at the question I’d screamed for years in my head.
How could you leave me?
You are my brother are you not?
How could you disappear like that without telling anyone?
“Are you not?”  Tears rolled down my cheeks as I looked up at him. There was pain in his eyes as well. “Tell me, Sam! You are my brother, aren’t you? Aren’t you!” My eyes stung and my head throbbed. I just wanted to sit down and hug my knees closer to my chest. “Come on Sam, tell me!”
He pulled me into a hug before I started sobbing. “Yes. Yes, I’m your brother, Aileen. I’ve always been your brother... I-I’m sorry for not acting like one but I’m not leaving you again. I promise.”
I clenched my fists around his shirt and let myself cry. He still smelled like that stupid cologne Mom used to buy for him all the time and I buried my head deeper into his shirt as he hugged me closer to him. “I’m sorry, Aileen. I’m really sorry.” His voice was barely a whisper. “I was a jerk, you didn’t deserve this.”
It felt like I was eleven again, coming into the kitchen with excitement just to receive worried looks from everyone else, Uncle James sitting me down to try and explain the few things he even knew. “You shouldn’t have left.”
“I know.”
I didn’t say anything else and he just let me cry in his arms, his hand gently stroking my head. “I think I ruined your shirt,” I mumbled, wiping away my tears, crying finally replaced by sniffling.
He gave me a tired grin. “That’s okay. Let’s go home.”
He carried me on his back the rest of the way, and it truly felt like when we were young again. No external thoughts to ruined the moment, just the sense of familiarity. I was half asleep by the time we reached our block. “Am I not too heavy now?”
“I can still handle you, Alien.”
I smiled at the nickname. Apparently, when I’d been born, six-year-old Sam hadn’t known how to read my name and thought it said Alien. Even after Mom and Dad told him what it really said the word stuck with him, and when I grew up he always brought it up as a joke.
“I missed you, Sam.” I slurred, almost asleep.
“I missed you too, Aileen.”
I woke up with Sam nudging me, “Rise and shine.”
“Five more minutes,” I mumbled back.
He took my blanket away. “Come on, you said you wanted to be there as soon as possible. Ray called and said Aliya was out of surgery, don't you want to be there when she wakes up?”
I snapped my eyes open at the word surgery and the previous night flashed in my head. Mr. Westfield’s house, the rebels, all that blood. Aliya’s blood. And then it wasn't her, it was Cole’s. It was his pained eyes. His blood on my hand... I pushed the thoughts away. No, he’s okay now, worry about Ali.
Sam placed a hand on my shoulder with concern at my daze. “Aileen?”
I rubbed my eyes and stood up, my head pulsing. “I’m okay, it’s just the headache.”
He nodded. Morning headaches had become a thing most days after the concussion. The last week they’d been residing, but after everything that had happened the night before it felt like they were compensating for lost time. “How bad?” he asked like David normally did during breakfast.
“Maybe a seven?” I wasn’t really sure; it was just killing my temples.
He stopped rummaging for clothes in my closet to glance at me. Normally my answer was a solid four. “Take the pills and don’t even consider skipping breakfast.” It was not a suggestion.  
“Ah yes. The concerned, protective brother has returned,” I mumbled with a smile.
Sam gave me a crooked grin in return. “Oh, he never left; I was just keeping him at bay. No need for that anymore though. Now I can ask Cole how serious he is about this ‘boyfriend’ thing.”
I groaned, sitting back on the bed, but I was glad to hear him say that. It meant Sam was back. Truly back. My brother was home.
“Why the sudden interest exactly?” James asked his niece as she examined his military dog tags during breakfast.
She pointed at the North Star engraved on the back of each tag before asking, “You said all your squadron had these, right?”
He tilted his head but continued to stir the sugar in his coffee without alarm. “Yeah, it was my training squadron. We named ourselves the North Star.”
Sam, who was eating on the counter with Aileen, looked at the symbol too. “Didn’t Dad have a pin with a star like that?”
Aileen nodded, eyeing her uncle warily. He watched her carefully as well. “Yes, he still does. And Mom has it on a pendant, the one made of a wax seal?”
His nephew continued chewing on his food, clearly not following the same line of conversation her niece was trying to hold. “Oh, yeah, I remember that one.”
“Well,” James took a sip from his cup calmly, trying to figure out if he was imagining his niece’s implications or not, “The North Star is a common symbol, Polaris marks the way due north and the rest of the stars wheel around it. People used it for navigation centuries ago.”
Sam listened to it all with mild interest. David was too busy not overcooking his eggs. Aileen, however, was remembering Ray’s words from the night before.
We have our symbol, so we recognize each other, stronger together as they say.
She tried a different tactic to get the information she wanted from her uncle. “You know, my friend is in the hospital because she got shot.”
Sam looked at her with wide eyes as if asking ‘what do you think you’re doing?’ but she ignored his warning glare and kept her eyes on her uncle, hoping he would understand. She needed to know. It couldn’t all be a coincidence.
Her uncle had paused, his cup halfway to his mouth. Not just anyone got shot.
David finally stopped staring at the frying pan to frown at his cousins. “Is she okay?”
Aileen dismissed his concerns; the conversation was not aimed at him after all. “Yes, she’s fine. We were in Mr. Westfield’s house.”
“What? Why were you in Mr. Westfield’s house?” David was very confused, but James’ expression had changed from interest to mild suspicion.
He’d told Angelo that house was perfect to send supplies, and like always, he’d stashed its' basement with things, expecting the young team to think it was originally from the house they were in. That was the protocol with Angelo. If her niece’s friends had been in the house that same night it could only mean one thing…
We have a symbol, Aileen kept thinking. “Oh, it’s a long story, David. Not really important. But she was with a couple of friends.” She handed her uncle his tags with a grin. “I think one of them was part of your training squadron.”
He weighed the chain in his hand, his sight never leaving her as the shadow of a smile tugged at his lips, “Really, someone from the North Star?”
“I’m pretty sure. I think I would only need confirmation from you.”
He didn’t bother hiding the knowing smirk that took over his face. “Well, it wouldn’t be a surprise if he were. I’ve always supported the North Star. It wouldn’t be that strange for them to be nearby.”
Sam and David were both giving them weird looks now, not understanding the real conversation at hand.
“Have Mom and Dad ever met your squadron?” Aileen wondered, now sure of what her uncle was. James let out a small laugh and started releasing one of the tags from his chain.
“They have,” he admitted, offering his niece a tag with pride “and I guess now you have too.”
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an art by em year in review!
2020 was frankly awful but, on the bright side, this has still been a year of firsts: the first year i’ve consistently done art, the first year i actually intentionally explored different art “styles” (frankly i’m still hesitant to call them styles, if only because nothing’s changed except the way i outline and color), and the year i bothered to figure out autodesk sketchbook
some unsolicited commentary below the cut
january: i’m amazed that’s theresa like GIRL u are unrecognizable. so blessed that she moved past her fiona from shrek phase ❤️ i still like the tiara though that took ages for me to do
february: ah yes, the meme picture of the 13th doctor and sacha dhawan master that made me slightly famous on twitter (we don’t talk abt it.) it’s still funny but the inconsistency in line thickness is. oof. i’m glad i caught that later on
march aka when it all went down: first lineless art! barbara is so cool like wtf,,, i remember not touching the first doctor’s run initially bc one of my friends back in c*tholic sch**l had something against him (i literally don’t even remember what at this point) so naturally, not having had access to streaming services at the time, i thought he must not be too good but then i watched it during the phase of the pandemic where everything seemed like an early spring break and barbara reminded me of my favorite english teacher so i—this isn’t even about the art at this point wtf. anyway this took me a long time and really helped me understand layers let’s move on
april: another lineless! this time theresa! the jewelry is literally the same as january’s portrait lol but i switched the dress. i don’t know why but i’ve always gravitated to having her wear blue green. i’m trying to break out of it though. anyway i thought she looked too orange but i had already finished so there wasn’t much i could do about it, but looking back it doesn’t look so bad. only thing i’d fix is that i can’t see her nose if i squint (same issue with many of my other lineless drawings, so i should really get on that)
may: oooo hello aileen, otherwise known as the politiciansona! (god i’m never typing that again) tbh i think this ones a step back from the progress i made in march and april with regard to lineless art, and it shows; after this i started gravitating toward line art again
june: you can see that here! i tested out two new brushes and decided to ditch the realism bent i was treading towards, and i still think it’s really cute! ALSO apparently i didn’t realize eyelid creases were a thing til this month,,, no wonder everyone used to say all the people i drew “looked asian” they just all had monolids apparently
july: the infamous hawaiian shirts cp fanart. i was supposed to color in carolyn’s sunglasses but by the time i noticed i had forgotten to do it, the post had blown up so...i just didn’t fix it. anyway that’s the most people i’ve drawn at once and it was a labor of love
august: here we see the proto-notions of cp characters being filipino in my head, starting surprisingly with herc. my reason being him saying “what a ridiculous dog” about snoopadoop in ottery when he and carolyn meet up. like no “hello, how are you, are you doing well?” he just goes straight to calling snoopadoop ridiculous. that’s got the most filipino vibes. this was verified by my dad
september: ah yes, the politicansona again. i included this one bc i liked the detail work i had put in on the robes,, no i won’t provide context i’ll just say that was for practice,,yes just for practice,,stinky bitch fuck ofF
october: i really liked this picture when i drew it and i even put it as a widget on my phone screen but honestly i’ve fallen out of love with it,,, there’s a lot that just looks awkward. looking back i think this is the point where i realized it may be time for a redesign (reconceptualization? is that even a word????) of the cp fam
november: my first work with my new tablet! otherwise known as theresa doesn’t know how to cook (may be projection idk). anyway it was good practice for expressions. yes that’s a ratio test behind her, because i thought it provided maximum comedic value and also i loved that part of single variable calculus
december: i think this is the best thing i’ve drawn this year. and since this year is the best i’ve been yet, this drawing is probably the best i’ve done so far, ever. i returned roaring to my lineless art and improved my coloring by using references instead of the preset colors in the app. like those are better skin colors. so much better. it makes me choked up a little, because that’s what my skin looks like. that’s MY skin color. i used to be so ashamed of being darker and loved winter bc i looked more light skinned in winter but now i’m so proud to be morena, even when my fam in the philippines are shocked that i’m not pale and skinny like american actresses (i’m not joking my father’s godmother literally said “why,,, are you dark” and i was like “....sun.”) and drawing barong tagalog is so special to me because all the representation we get are crumbs. CRUMBS. if we see someone who looks vaguely southeast asian, let alone wearing a translucent shirt, we go WILD. so this is also one of the most self-indulgent things i’ve ever drawn because i drew carolyn like family. THAT’S MY MATERNAL GRANDMOTHER’S FILIPINIANA. THAT’S MY PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER’S HAIRSTYLE. i never met my paternal grandmother and everyone tells me i look like her. so filipino carolyn looks a lot like her, and also maybe me. and it means so much and hfhrheheuejeh this was going somewhere but uuuuhhhhhh i’m crying looking at my own art it feels so silly but here i am!!! i love being filipino!!! i love cabin pressure!!! i love herc and carolyn!!! filipino herc and carolyn loving each other!!! yeah!!!
happy new year. here’s to getting out of one dumpster fire and being told to put out another. stay safe, happy, and healthy. and let’s do this with love.
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coalessscence · 5 years
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one of my favorite worst things to Think About are the ways herb’s casually neglectful childhood sometimes just....surfaces in the every day world of his life now. and since his whole shtick is my childhood was perfect my father is basically god and i have absolutely no parent issues idk what ur talking abt, he winds up having to flail, having to learn on the way down, and try to keep up a cover that he knew all along. which, usually, doesn’t work, and just makes it all the more sad. here’s a few examples i’ve thought of because i don’t love myself:
someone around the station gets stuck with something metal and comments they might need a tetanus shot. herb was definitely never taken to the doctor’s for a checkup and regular vaccinations as a child, and since he works daytime hours lucille takes the kids while he’s at work, so he literally has never had a shot and he doesn’t fully understand what vaccines are, aside from cultural osmosis, so he asks in telling confusion, “what’s that supposed to mean?” @piper-aileen-lenox specifically, thnx for making me think of this and ruining my life xx
when herb and lucille moved in together (i imagine they were engaged but maybe not married just yet) lucille made it clear to her rather sexist fiance that she was expecting him to tow the line around the house just as much as her, which he agreed to, except when she asked him to do the grocery shopping thinking that was a harmless thing he could do (not like she’d trust him to actually get the dishes clean or fold her clothes so they don’t wrinkle). they almost never had food consistently in the house growing up and if they did eat full meals, they only had the food for THAT MEAL around because 1. herb sr. and ruby (herb’s parents) lived an erratic lifestyle of little to no money or a whole lot of money but only for a second because it was burning a hole in herb sr.’s pocket, and because 2. ruby quickly learned spending money on food ahead was pointless because either herb sr. hecked off somewhere w/o warning and it went bad, or his deadbeat friends hung around and ate it all, so she only bought for that day if they had the money for anything. but since no one was ever around to TEACH herb anything and he figured most things out on his own, herb doesn’t understand all this and he literally thinks you’re not supposed to by food until you run out or that you have to throw out whatever you have left at the end of the week because....... who knows ???? that’s just what he thought. it caused multiple arguments early into herb and lucille’s relationship before she figured it out and explained it to him because he didn’t know well enough to ask.
when herb and lucille’s first child, bunny, was born, he had to be shown how to hold a baby by the doctor. he had literally never held or even interacted with a baby before until that moment. he had no siblings (that he knew of), he had no friends as a child because if he wasn’t the bully he was the target and he was an ass just like dear old dad so no one liked him anyway, and he had 0 other family. lucille realized in that moment as she watched his palpable confusion when she extended their newborn child to him that he was going to have a lot of learning and growing to do. she hoped he was ready for it.
god that time there was a station fam barbecue early into herb’s wkrp career and someone, maybe mr. carlson, is like ‘WHO WANTS TO BE THE GRILL MASTER’ like its a big deal and everyone is like oh it has to be herb bc he’s the newest out of us and hes aware all the men see it as a status symbol and he CAN’T be less of a man than another man bc Ego (tm) so hes like of course im the grill master !!! and then panics for the next thirty minutes because he’s literally never even stood next to a grill let alone used one HOW DOES IT WORK the first fifteen minutes he doesnt even have the gas on rip
when herb was, like, 15, he taught himself how to drive a car because one of his “friends” (peers who was a bully that he called a friend and hung out with to stop also getting bullied but who was still bullying him anyway, herb was just brainwashed into thinking that’s what friendship is) wanted them to go out cruising and herb wanted to be a Cool Guy and not look like a chump so he lied and said he could drive. they got pulled over, because of course they did, and herb got in big trouble for you know, driving w/o a licences. the kicker though is that herb didn’t fucking know you can’t drive without a license or that licenses and road tests and drivers ed were even a THING because he literally raised himself and no one ever  t a u g h t   h i m   a n y t h i n g. anyways his dad got called home to deal with it from wherever he was away at at the time and he got in big trouble for interrupting dear old dad’s work anyways so :) what a healthy family
surprisingly, herb DID know how to cook the basics. grilled cheese, pasta, stir fries, a couple casseroles. lucille asked him about it because he was always such a Gender Roles (tm) type of man who wouldn’t even wear a brighter shade of red than like. maroon. in case it got loosely contaminated with the concept of the color pink and he’d have to change his name and move to alaska. so why was he doing a “ womans job “ (cooking) and herb just looked confused and said “what, guys don’t cook?” she told him that no, they usually didn’t and would have laughed at her if she tried to make them, and he laughed awkwardly and absently stirred the pot on the stove and shrugged in mild confusion. “that’s weird. if i didn’t cook i’d have... starved, i guess.”
the bad news is his cooking wasnt GREAT and lucille was happy to take over because again.........self taught. and he has one (1) brain cell so. not Great
LITERALLY DIDN’T KNOW ALL CLOTHES DON’T HAVE TO BE DRY CLEANED. his dad literally wore clothes that had to be dry cleaned Every Day (and we wonder why the tarlek family was short on the food budget god) (and they were ugly clothes too akdhfjfg) and ofc if ruby washed her clothes, it was while herb was at school. he dry cleaned so many clothes that do Not Make Sense to dry clean in college before he slowly figured that out.
did not know what an allowance was. bunny asked him for one and not willing to seem stupid to his swift daughter he told her to ‘ask her mother’, who thought it was hecking weird that her money obsessed husband would say that, so she asked him why and after several long minutes he just shrugged helplessly and said “what’s an allowance?”
don’t even get me started on herb and lucille planning their wedding ( ‘what kind of stuff should we put on the gift register?’ “put on the WHAT?”  ‘what are we going to put on top of the cake?’ “there’s gonna be CAKE?”  ‘i can’t wait for daddy to walk down the isle with me, it’ll mean a lot to him’ “your DAD is gonna walk you down the isle....?? but you’re marrying ME, right?”   ) also herb not knowing the wedding look of the bride is supposed to be a Secret and barging into the room w a question or smth while lucille and her bridesmaids are getting ready, and everyone is hella miffed and he’s like WHAT i’ve seen her naked before and theyre all like THATS NOT THE POINT HERB
herb did Not Know about seasonal allergies. he just........didn’t know. he just thought god hated him and every spring and fall his head sprung a leak. and the whole time he was growing up no one A. listened to him complain about them and put 2 and 2 together, nor B. just taught him about basic first aid stuff in general for that matter he doesnt know shit. anyways, then lucille was like why are you such a tough guy just stop complaining and take some medicine for your stupid allergies and he was like take some what for my what now
ANYWAYS herb’s mom left while he was v young and he doesn’t remember much about her. herb’s dad was literally   n e v e r   home. the people herb’s dad left him with would work for obscenely low amounts of pay or owed herb sr. money and largely used all the money for their own food, drugs, alcohol, or other more unsightly business, and left herb alone to fend for himself. this is the disaster human that that produced, thanks, family dynamics! don’t abandon your children, kids, thanks for coming to my ted talk
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harper, anja, mackenna, aileen, blake, hailey
send 6 characters/people and i’ll tell you who i would:
do the sexy love™ with: @hailstormporter is the only one not fam or taken, so hay girl hay
sacrifice myself for: @hypewithharper, duh
kick: @anja-bjorgman‘s butt in words with friends
take to prom: @ailsbroch, we’d be hot
abandon in jurassic park: @jungleboyblake. he’d be right at home!
push off a bridge: @mackennadunbroch.
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pixiedane · 3 years
WIP Folder Meme
tagged by @lodessa - thank you! For months I have been threatening to list and babble about my WIPs so I can try to decide where to focus and this is a great first step!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
So, this is a list of all the WIPs in all my folders. Many fandoms are represented, as well as original stories. Some contain thousands of words, others are barely more than these titles. Some I've started posting, some I'm hoping to post soon, others may never get out of the folder. And I struck the tagging part because do I even know as many writers as I have WIPs? Anyone who wants to use it as a writing exercise should feel free to consider themselves tagged.
Star Trek: SVU
Hunger Games AU
Katrina and Gabriel's daughter is dating Anakin Skywalker
Narissa Project
what is nero even doing for twenty five years
Prime Directive
Kelvin Kat Sequel
Eight Hundred Lives
Amanda Homefront Babyfic
Kats Have 9 Lives
Sorsha Lannister
War of Stars the next generation
Jedi Afterlife
Jedi Dance Academy Part Two
Section One
Reylo Wedding at Disney World
Burn Notice au
Padme US Politics AU
Nobility AU
Fate Sequel
Shmi AU
Like My Father Before Me
Master Windu
Hayffie Draft
amelia may
The Magic Kingdom
Legendary breakdown
just write something start with this maybe
coffee shop
Not a Fairy Tale
Shakespeare Therapy Road Trip
Swan Lake
Archer Fam
Spooning naked as you fall asleep.
from drafts
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Week 14, 15 & 16: Sunday, 03rd December to Friday, 22nd December 2017
hola guys! I FINALLY managed to put together the reading list of the past three weeks. this list includes the reading list from two weeks ago, last week and also this weeks :) the next reading list will be up on Sunday, 31st as it´s the last one in the old year! thanks for being so patient with me! 
i put a list of 50 (!) fics together which i highly recommend reading! 
Have fun and enjoy! Also leave some love to the authors :) 
-aileen x
1. Most Wonderful Time of the Year by @teatimewithtiya
this little fic was the cutest thing i read and i really enjoyed it! you´re really talented, keep going! 
2. Someone to Talk At by @veroinnumera
this was your first work and you were so unsure about it, but it turned out really good and you are really talented! Well done! :) 
3. Holiday Shopping by @tenaciousarcadeexpert 
I loved JJ and Matt fighting over the toy and the end of the story :D i love matt simmons so much! good job! 
4. Overdue - Spencer Reid by @spenncerreiid 
my poor poor fangirl heart was dying while reading this fic. i need a follow up. can i get one? i loved this part so much! 
5. Cars by @ssa-banshee
i already told you how amazing this was like my angsty heart was beating faster while reading this and it´s so so good! well done! :) 
6. Do You Really Care? // Emily Prentiss by @spencerthepipecleaner
oh lord, the doyle arch. i can´t take it my poor heart. i was close to crying while reading this :) 
7. New Beginnings - Twenty Two by @criminal-minds-fanfiction
ANGST ANGST ANGST. I´m in love. this series is giving me life! 
8. Photograph by @spencerreidsmiles 
oh lord, my heart. it started out so cute and then, the end broke my heart. but i enjoyed reading it :) 
9. Loss by @crimindsaspe 
okay i´m a sucker for your fics. i really enjoyed reading this one because ANGST <3 
10. Gratitude by @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars 
this was such a cute follow up, i loved it. the first part was already amazing, but this was great too!
11.The Perfect Gift by @dontshootmespence
awww my poor heart melted. this is so pure and perfect and well written. thank you!!!
12. All You Need Is Love: Chapter Ten “Dear Prudence” by @sweater-vest-reid
WTF my heart I can´t. you know that i love percy and i always will. this is giving me life! 
13. Perfect Recall - Epilogue  by @illegalcerebral
this was such a pretty epilogue and i really enjoyed reading PR. amazing work, sarah! <3
14. Unknown Subject by @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars
ANGST. YES. I´M IN LOVE. this was everything. 
15. Violation by @crimindsaspe
okay, i love reading dad!hotch stories and this one was heavy angst but so very well written. i felt every emotion. good job! 
16. Doggy Daycare by @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars
AWWW yey. i love roxy stories bc she is the cutest. well done! 
17. The Babysitting Challenge  by @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars
awwwww luke and kids <3 <3 my heart....awwwwww :) 
18. to have and to hold by @hotchyrossi 
this makes me miss aaron so much but it was so beautiful! 
19. Damn Sweater by @dontshootmespence
ok, normally i´m not that much into shipping Ralvez, but this kinda made me do it. i loved this! 
20. Open Back (Spencer Reid x Reader) by @thecontinuingstories
21. Homework Help  by @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars
I died...again...this is too precious and cute. i need this to happen in real life. 
22. Newbie by @ssa-aaronhotchner
I´m in love! This was amazing! :) well done! (btw all your pieces are amazing bc you are talented af)
23. Home by @criminal-minds-fanfiction
awww yey spencer <3 this was cute, okay? :) 
24. Unshaken by @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars
i´m all about angst (and somehow this made me miss IYF so so much). i loved it! 
25. Spreading Christmas Cheer by @dontshootmespence
This made my heart so happy! I´d like to believe that this is something the team would really enjoy doing! i´m happy now, thank you <3
26. New Beginnings - Twenty Three by @criminal-minds-fanfiction
This part was everything. the reader is so badass and strong. and the end was just awwww <3 
27. Criminal Minds AU Episode 17: Memoriam - Part 6  by @remember-me-forever-silent-angel
this series is so good and it´s killing me. i love ally in this especially. can´t wait for more! 
28. Judge vs. Jeter by @veroinnumera
I really really do love your works and your writing style. you are really good and i can´t wait for my luke request :) 
29. You´re Not Your Illness -Spencer Reid by @fandomyimagines
this was so good!! very well written and i felt every emotion! well done! 
30. Hanukkah is Cool! by @dontshootmespence
awwww i love me some henry and spence <3 this was really cute and i loved henry in this :) 
31. Safe and  Sound by @mentallydatingspencerreid
spence and kids, anything more to say? perfect. 
32. A Family Christmas by @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars
awww. awww. awww. again. i can´t cope..my feelings
33. Under the Mistletoe by @teatimewithtiya
okay this was the perfect mix of fluff and slight angst and i am in heaven! such a great idea! well done!
34. Fix You by @criminal-minds-fanfiction
okay this made my heart break for Y/N. Spence to the rescue!!
35. The Hardest Time Of The Year by @mentallydatingspencerreid
this is such an important story bc christmas isn´t always happy and all cheerful for people. no. there are also people who have a hard time coping with everything and this is why i consider this story as important bcit literally shows the other side of the holiday too! it´s very well written! 
36. A Simmons´ Christmas by @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars
this.is.everything. i love matt and luke <3
37. Present Boxes - Oonaa Family by @criminal-minds-fanfiction
again...AWW AWWW AWWW. i can´t cope. wth...sooooo cute. and the end <3 my heart is all fuzzy and warm <3
38. In His Arms by @captainreid
39. Symphony // Spencer Reid by @spencerthepipecleaner
this was such a cute and short masterpiece! i loved it :) 
40. Bad Day - Spencer Reid by @fandomyimagines
awww this story was somehow the perfect mix of all emotions. i really loved it! 
41.Christmas Time at the BAU by @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars
awww again...my heart can´t cope anymore! i just loved it! 
42. That´s What Family´s For by @dontshootmespence
awww okay this was so sad on the one hand, but also so very cute and lovley on the other. BAU to the rescue! 
43. Bundled Joy by @dontshootmespence
and this also, such a cute masterpiece! Dad!Reid is everything!
44. Winter Wonderland by @teatimewithtiya
this one was so so so cute and adoreable and very well written! 
45. Criminal Minds AU Episode 17: Memoriam - Part 8 by @remember-me-forever-silent-angel
okay, this part had me at the edge of my seat bc ally omg. i can´t wait for more! 
46. All You Need is Love: Chapter Twelve “Oh! Darling” by @sweater-vest-reid
okay same here! WTH! 
47. An Alvez Family Christmas by @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars
i love luke´s fam :) i want luke as my bf for christmas. 
48. The Best Present Ever by @teatimewithtiya 
okay this was cute. i love JJ. 
49. Christmas Magic Brings Everyone Together by @dontshootmespence
i loved this and i loved the kids especially. it´s fun to read! 
50. Death Becomes Her by @traceyaudette
this was intense and i really enjoyed it! ANGST <3 
this were the reading lists of two weeks, last wek and this week :) i really hoped you enjoyed them. sorry again for the delay. also sorry that the recommendation texts are so short. i wish you a happy christmas and great holidays and see you next sunday! :) (31st Dec.) 
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wandercamz · 4 years
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Proverbs 16:3 Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. 💙 Thank you Father for your unwavering blessings and for bringing in sunshine to this health crisis. I offer this honor to my supportive Store Referrers who have made 2019 my strongest TROO achievement so far; Thank you to Mam Precy & Eastwood City, Mam Honey & Katipunan St.Ignatius, and most especially to my current store, San Mateo Fam.🙂 No amount of effort is ever small; I am proud to have had worked with all of you. To my Fairy Godmother, Mam Aileen, thank you for mentoring me for the past 7 months. This honor is yours too. 😘 P.S. Thank you to all of my Troo supporters and angels ❤️💋 Thank you D16 Sibs, Tam Daryl Ms. Miranda Weng and Ms. Annie Maureen, for always believing in me. 🙏🏻 #2019BrightStarAwardee #2019CircleOfStarsAwardee #iloveworkingattroo https://www.instagram.com/p/B-i2ojZDsA7Gotut0FAU5vgBIDOzTwQ0vbpsTc0/?igshid=8lm8bur2wobz
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MAlphabet Tag
Tagged by: @piper-aileen-lenox (tHANK YOU MANY BUNCHES DEARIE AH)
RULES: copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people.
Tagging, UMM. @innocentmanwithabounty @boldnewplan @annastrxng @imhcme ... if i didn’t tag you and you wanna do it tag me as the person who tagged you and just do it ??? bc that would be Rad,
A - AGE: 17
C - CURRENT TIME: literally exactly 2:00 pm 
E - EVERY DAY STARTS WITH: on weekdays one of the first thing i do is watch the youtube show, good mythical morning. but mostly every day starts with....turning off... my alarm ??? XD
F - FAVORITE SONG: this is different like every day but atm, i think it’s time goes by by triumph
G - GHOSTS, ARE THEY REAL: idk i haven’t had a ghost experience so... i have no reason to believe so, and i also have no reason to think not ?? hmu after i have such an experience and i’ll be much more well informed XD atm i basically just think MAYBE I GUESS ??
H - HOMETOWN: Shipshewanna, Indiana, USA
K - KILLED SOMEONE: nice try fbi (no)
L - LAST TIME YOU CRIED: a couple days ago tbh, i think it was tuesday or wednesday ?? that was a real sucky day lol
N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS:  its just me, fam. just me. i spent my childhood reading books and playing board games by myself XD
O - ONE WISH: could we maybe all by nicer and get along and build each up instead of tearing each other down and generally ??? could we maybe all be good peeps ?? THANKS B YE
P - PERSON YOU LAST CALLED/TEXTED: the answer to both of these is my mom
Q- QUESTION YOU’RE ALWAYS ASKED:  idk. how old i am bc i look like i’m 12 but im about to be 18 lol. & my friends’ responses to 90% of the things i say is some variation of “W T F ??” so there’s that. also if i ever say anything self deprecating to ppl i get a lot of HOW COULD U THINK THAT
R - REASON TO SMILE: bc you are beautiful and loved and the world needs you to smile to help make it better :) i don’t know what we’d do without your smile, lovely, but the world would be a bit darker, so even though i know it’s hard, please don’t let anyone take your smile away <3
S - SONG LAST SANG: i think it was i missed again by phil collins
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: like 5:40 AM but i didnt get OUT of bed and come downstairs to be a Person til like 7AM XD
U - UNDERWEAR COLOR:  i think its currently bright yellow tbh but i cant check bc i’m in my living room :p
V - VACATION DESTINATION: a big city. idc which one rly just........ a b i g c i t y
W - WORST HABIT:  DEF MAKING EVERYTHING WEIRD BC SOCIAL SKILLS ?? WHAT ARE THOSE ?? simultaneously overthinking everything and not thinking anything thru, procrastination, being too nice (read: wishy washy) and getting into Situations™ bc of it, etc etC
X - X-RAYS YOU’VE HAD: p sure i had one when i was really little bc i had bad pneumonia but i don’t remember much about it. other than that just the usual dentist teeth ones every not and then.
Y - YOUR FAVORITE FOOD: nearest food. nearest food is favorite food.
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Libra. i don’t much go for that tho. i am obsessed with typology, and i am an enfp 4w3 sx/so and i think an iee?? in socionics?? i cant find any good books on socionics here so JUST A GUESS LOL.........
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kimihammock · 6 years
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Congratulations to the Bromund family & Welcome Home❣️️ Thank you for choosing me to help you with your first home purchase, Brent & Aileen. I enjoyed spending time with you and getting to know the fam. The girls and I are looking forward to coming to hang and play in your huge yard. Thank you, Tonja Hathaway, for guiding us and making this a smooth process. 🗝️❤️ Side note, Brent and I went to St. James together. I love helping people, especially when we've known each other since grade school! #ClosingDay #SOLDbyKimi #HappyHomeBuyers #firsttimehomebuyers #evsavannah #evusa #realestateadvisor (at Mcmanamy Jackson Law)
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michaelguyyo · 7 years
1: Is there a boy/girl in your life?
Like relationship? Like do I have a girlfriend? Nope
2: Think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them?
Yeah I always forgive everyone. I don’t really hold grudges, like at all. I love people. Although I guess I am still pretty mad at band staff.. 
3: What do you think of when you hear the word “meow?”
What the fuck this furry shit
4: What’s something you really want right now?
I want tomorrow to be over with nothing gone wrong, I am so fuckin stressed. School needs to end. Now.
5: Are you afraid of falling in love?
No someone make me fall in love with them RIGHT NOW
6: Do you like the beach?
Not particularly, starting to be more fond of it, but ehhhh I like bonfires at the beach for sure!
7: Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?
Yeah all the time. Couches are great places for naps
8: What’s the background on your cell?
It like, space. Stars and shit.
9: Name the last four beds you were sat on?
Mine, Jamie’s old bed, Tu’s, ummmmmm… honestly I don’t know. Emme’s? Way back in Santa Barbara? That can’t be right but like
10: Do you like your phone?
Yee it’s neat, sometimes it’s kinda shitty though. Texting is a ball ache.
11: Honestly, are things going the way you planned?
Right now….? Yeah.. I’ll let you know tomorrow lmao
12: Who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?
The fuck who knows that shit… Emme? Tracy? Someone???
13: Would you rather have a poodle or a Rottweiler?
Poodle baby
14: Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?
Emotional pain probably, but I haven’t experienced any big physical pain things. No bone breakings, no bad burns.. So who knows, someone hurt me
15: Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
Zoo’s are more mindless fun I’d say! I can just be a kid again
16: Are you tired?
Shit dude you know it.. This question is real as fuck
17: How long have you known your 1st phone contact?
Like you talkin alphabetical? I think I’ve known Aileen since Freshman year.
18: Are they a relative?
Again, alphabetically naw
19: Would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes?
20: When did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with?
Just talked to her last night fam
21: If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?
Nope, that’s too much pressure, I’ve got some life to live first.
22: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Yeah always
23: How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
Big fat zero
24: Is there a certain quote you live by?
Nope, and I hate these kinds of questions lmao
25: What’s on your mind?
OH I’m glad you asked!!! Tomorrow I have to go to court from 1:30-3:30, then go to a commission meeting from 4-5:30 then another from 6-7. Then I get home and have to finish ~20% of e2020 and if anything goes wrong in this process I simply do not graduate with my friends!!!!! FUN
26: Do you have any tattoos?
Nope, but I’d consider getting some. I don’t really have any meaningful symbols or anything in my life though so who knows.
27: What is your favorite color?
Purple bb
28: Next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
Hopefully everyday for the rest of my life.
29: Who are you texting?
Texting, nobody. Snapchat? Nikki as always and Amber
30: Think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch?
Yeah wtf
31: Have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?
This is ominous. Probably? Who cares, I don’t have like some story.
32: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
YEAH!!! She a homie, Nikki Bee is perfect ily. But I have lots others too, I can just talk to Nikki about literally anything.
33: Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
I’d like to think so ya, but in reality, probably not lmao
34: Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
Yeah, I get it fairly often. In fact the other day I was at the school and this girl who walked past me stopped to compliment my eyes and then yelled at her friend to come see. I was flustered, it was nice.
35: Say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?
The last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you. lol. I dunno, I’d probably be a little bitter, but they ain’t mine they can do whatever they want. I just don’t wanna watch
36: Were you single on Valentines Day?
Nope, Valentines Day was nice and equally stressful. Almost didn’t do anything but it turned out to be a pretty okay day. Some big complications tho.
37: Are you friends with the last person you kissed?
Yup, pretty close friends luckily!
38: What do your friends call you?
Attractive? Cool? Bit of a dick (who am I kidding a major dick). Lmao they just call me Michael. Some times Mickey McG
39: Has anyone upset you in the last week?
Yeah fuck band
40: Have you ever cried over a text?
All the time binch. A lot of my breakups and stuff have been over texts. Not only that but also arguments or deep discussions. Texting is wild.
41: Where’s your last bruise located?
On my chest probably. Maybe legs somewhere. I’m white, we whites bruise pretty easily.
42: What is it from?
Who knows, they appear.
43: Last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?
Every time I invite a girl over who I’m not really that into, I just think about them leaving the whole time. Same when I go out with some girl I’m not really into. I just wanna go. It’s shitty.
44: Who was the last person you were on the phone with?
If Skype call counts, then the homies. If not, then Lizz I think.
45: Do you have a favourite pair of shoes?
Ummmmmm not reaaaaally, different shoes for different occasions and outfits. I switch it up.
46: Do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day?
Not anymore :)
47: Would you ever go bald if it was the style?
Douubt it, my head is a weird shape.
48: Do you make supper for your family?
49: Does your bedroom have a door
50: Top 3 web-pages?
Probably Tumblr, Youtube, and Netflix (maybe Amazon?)
51: Do you know anyone who hates shopping?
Probably? But idk they’re lame. Shopping rocks.
52: Does anything on your body hurt?
Right now, ya. Always. I’m a mound of aches and pains. But specifically nope I’m pretty good today.
53: Are goodbyes hard for you?
Goodbyes are fake. Not real. Nobody ever leaves me. Fake. (yes)
54: What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
Soda probably? Ya some good ole’ Dr. Pepper.
55: How is your hair?
Cute thanks for asking
56: What do you usually do first in the morning?
Go. Back. To. Sleep. (check my phone eventually)
57: Do you think two people can last forever?
I sure hope so!!!!
58: Think back to January 2007, were you single?
Yes. 100%. No question.
59: Green or purple grapes?
Tough one but I’d say green.
60: When’s the next time you will give someone a BIG hug?
Hopefully every fuckin day. Graduation probably though, lotta people.
61: Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
Yeah I would rather be out with people havin fun any day of the week.
62: When will be the next time you text someone?
Still texting people, so gimme 5 seconds.
63: Where will you be 5 hours from now?
Asleep in bed pls.
64: What were you doing at 8 this morning.
Asleep in bed pls.
65: This time last year, can you remember who you liked?
Did I like Lizz by then? No of course not, Amber. Probably Amber.
66: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
Yeah plenty of people, but Genessis lights up my fuckin world!!! Same with Julia!!! They’re precious!!! 
67: Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
Nope, lonely boy (busy boy)
68: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
I dunno I was probably horny or panicked. Or both.
69: Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
Yeah of course, everyone has let downs. I can’t think of anything specific though
70: How many windows are open on your computer?
Right now? 3. But that’s not the usual.
71: How many fingers do you have?
What the fuck.
72: What is your ringtone?
Whatever the basic thing is, I keep it on silent all the time.
73: How old will you be in 5 months?
Almost 19
74: Where is your Mum right now?
Asleep upstairs. Sleepy mum.
75: Why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love?
I couldn’t live being around her dad all the time, plus my feelings just kinda faded. I don’t know, it was rough. I still care about her a ton though.
76: Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?
Yeah probably
77: Are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?
Luckily yeah!! and more!!
78: Do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7?
Um ye: Jenna Kern, Summer Stevens, and Cassie Frame to name a few.
79: Is there anyone you know with the name Mike?
80: Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?
Yeah of course, I love sleepin with people like that. It’s perfect.
81: How many people have you liked in the past three months?
2-3 who knows. A few. Lots. Probably 10′s
82: Has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days?
Yuuppp, I think so, 3 days is a standard gap probably lmao
83: Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
Yeah I always talk to the girls I like lmao like all the time
84: You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?
Apparently a bunch of assholes. Me and my friends would never, it’s shitty.
85: If your BF/GF was into drugs would you care?
As long as they aren’t like, fucked with drugs, then no.
86: What was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie?
We were in the front front row and we were literally 10 feet from the screen. It was the worst experience of my life.
87: Who was your last received call from?
Me mom
88: If someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you?
I mean.. Yeah? The fuck the butterfly would understand I wouldn’t even feel that shitty about it.
89: What is something you wish you had more of?
Goldfish. Sex. In that order.
90: Have you ever trusted someone too much?
Umm probably? But not many people have really destroyed my trust for them, so it’s not a big deal. I am not a very honest person, so trust isn’t a huge concept to me lmao
91: Do you sleep with your window open?
Nope, I sleep too long into the day. Noises would wake me up. Shame too, I like my room chilly.
92: Do you get along with girls?
You know it bby
93: Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?
No, but if you think I am, confront me. I’ll letcha know
94: Does sex mean love?
Hell no??? It can I guess but like.. very separate.
95: You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
Naw we’d be a-ok
96: Have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring?
Nope but I’m down, hmu
97: Did you sleep alone this week?
Ya… always… thanks for reminding me… binch
98: Everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you?
My friends make me happier than anything. I love them all so much and they’re a joy to be around/talk to. I’m glad the seniors last year have still been so influential in my life especially.
99: Do you believe in love at first sight?
Sure why not, girls are pretty.
100: Who was the last person that you pinky promise?
I don’t know, what grade am I in lmao. This was a weird one to end on. Literally who knows
Thanks a bunch you monster!! This was fun binch
0 notes
C I T Y   &   S T A R S  ~#9
A/N: This takes place a few days before the last challenge (Haiden’s birthday and the rebel attack). Colleen blooming y’all. Also my brotps tbh. Thanks @haidenschreave for the RP.  Includes first and third person perspectives.   Ft. Cole, Haiden and Aileen’s fam.
The Gossipel was an interesting magazine, I wouldn’t deny that, but I was hardly into it at the moment. Apparently I ‘was not confident in my relationship with Haiden’.
Then again, they might have gotten that from my interview since—as confident as I was in it—my relationship with Haiden was not the expected one from a Selected. He was my friend. I might pretend to compete, but I never tried to stand out as ‘possible winner’ or ‘the favorite’. I had even restrained myself from admitting we had kissed to the Gossipel, which brought me to another fact that rubbed on me the wrong way while reading the latest issue.  
Lots of girls were vague when asked about kissing him by their interviewer, which I guessed was normal when none of them knew how far the others had gone, and wanted to show other people they were in a good place. Adriana however, didn’t just give a vague answer, but said she had and I knew it wasn’t true.
I talked with Haiden pretty often and even though he had been acting a bit distant a week ago he had told me he hadn’t risked kissing another girl just yet, so I didn't exactly rejoice on one of the Selected lying about it for everyone else to see. It wasn't a lie about her only; it involved and affected other people (in a sense). I’d never talked one on one with her before though, and decided not to let than one mistake make up my whole opinion about her.
It was around 10pm when a knock came to my door accompanied by a voice calling out my name.
I raised my head from my reading, confused. “Haiden?”
“Uh, are you decent?”
I had to snort at his response. Yep, definitely him. “Give me a sec.” I closed the magazine and rushed to put on a wool sweater on, then walked to the door and greeted him. “Hey. Something wrong or is there a particular heist you need me for? I'm up for either.”
“Um, this might be a little weird to ask…” He hesitated.
“Pretty sure we've done weirder, so shoot.”
“Do you wanna go out?”
I raised an eyebrow surprised by the offer. “You mean...out of the palace?” Not out to the gardens, but out of the palace?
“Um, yeah.”
Don’t need to give it that much thought. I closed the door behind me with a smile. “Yes, please,” then noticing his apparent eagerness I asked, “is there something wrong though?”
“Nothing... wrong. I just thought it'd be nice to get out for a bit.”
“Okay then,” I didn’t really believe him “where to?”
“Surprise” he said, holding out his arm for me. I accepted it with a smirk.
“So how are things going?”
“Uh, better.”
“Just the Elite left now.”
He was being too reserved and vague. I looked up at him with narrowed eyes. “Okay, what's wrong?”
He gave me a brief glance before picking up his pace. “Not here. Let's go.
I breathed in the fresh air. “Ahh, Angeles.” Nothing like the city.
“It's nice, isn't it?”
“Yeah, I missed it... Dominica will always have a place in my heart,” all the waterfalls and forests and ecstatic people and friends “but Angeles is where we always come back too.” Every single time.
“Will you... come back someday? To see me?”
I grinned, happy to know he wanted me to do so. “Of course I will. It's just a matter of you letting me in the palace.” My parents stay in Dominica was coming to an end anyways. I wouldn’t leave Angeles any time soon.
“As long as you don't get banished from the palace, you're always welcome.” He joked and I pretended to be offended.
“Why would I ever be banished? I'm a very decent young lady.”
“I don't know. Vandalizing?”
“Tempting, but no,” I paused when I noticed we were farther into the streets. “So, will you finally stop avoiding my question?”
“What question?”
I glared at him for playing dumb. “You were acting weird on the palace, like there was something wrong. Either I'm reading your giddiness incorrectly or you're hiding something.”
“Could be both.”
I sighed. Being vague like that was many times his way of ‘yes, but I’m going to make this a guessing game.’ “Right, tell me when you're ready then. Where are we going?”
“Um, a club. Kinda.”
Sounded sketchy enough. “A kinda club?”
“It's less... intense.”
“Less intense sounds good.” I laughed.
 The lights were dimmer once we were inside the little place, and people quietly talked around different tables with glasses in their hands. On the center of a small stage, that was further away from the entrance, there was a young man reciting something—some listened to what he had to say intently and others just let him stay as background noise.
“Wait...is this a poetry club?”
He gave me a sheepish look, “Maybe.”
“Maybe?” I smirked. The guy on the stage is reciting poetry.
“Uh, yes.”
I shook my head with a smile and we walked further in. “You come here often?”
“When I can.”
I remembered old movies with scenes that happened in similar places and felt slightly excited when I asked: “Ooh, is this where you clap by snapping your fingers? No wait that might be for jazz...” I trailed off waiting for him to fill in the answer.
I couldn’t figure out if he wanted to laugh or cry of embarrassment after my suggestion. “No, nobody does that.”
“Bummer,” that was slightly disappointing. “Can I do it though?”
“If you like weird looks, then sure.”
I clicked my tongue. “Fine, I'll keep my fingers to myself…” I realized too late what my words had been “I MEAN…” I stopped with a sigh. It didn’t really matter. Haiden wouldn’t think anything of it anyway. “Forget it, you know what I mean.”
He laughed and I rolled my eyes.
“So, what do you do at a poetry club?” Nudging him repeatedly I wondered, “are you going to recite a poem? You should recite a poem.”
“No, not today, I mostly listen. It's relaxing.”
We picked out a table. “Okay, but maybe you'll have to explain a couple of them.” Poems and I had never fully gotten along. Hearing them wasn’t bad, but sometimes the point of the author felt like a riddle.
“That's fair. Uh, anyway…” he paused, and I waited for him to finish the sentence “do you have anything to tell me?”
“About?” I couldn’t help but think he was expecting a certain response.  
“Umm, I don't know…” I tried to think of whatever news I hadn’t told him about yet. “I think I'm giving Sam a chance to talk with me.”
“Good. That's good.”
Remembering what had happened a few days ago I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly. “I almost left the palace a few nights ago to see if I could talk to him—since I know he's staying with David—but I couldn't bring myself to go alone.” Five years. It had been a long time.
Thinking about seeing Sam again always brought the most coward part in me. I’d almost made it outside of the gardens when I hesitated and decided to turn back, only to sit down on the fountain for about an hour trying to see if I could convince myself to go again. Surprisingly Cole had appeared and approached me—I was happy he’d been on the gardens that late at night for whatever reasons.
“I'll try again though.” I finally sighed.
“It's okay” Haiden’s go-to phrase for comfort, hearing it almost made me smile.
“I know, but I will do it. No backing out of it next time.” I meant it. I just wasn’t sure of when that next time would be.
“I believe in you.”
“Cheesy, but highly appreciated.” I mumbled with amusement.
“I never said I was gifted in motivational speaking.”
I looked at the new woman who had taken the stage. She mentioned something about the sea and birds. “Cole said it was probably normal for me to hesitate as well.”
That seemed to spike his interest. “Cole?”
“Yeah, I think his hormones have toned down,” I laughed at my own reference to one of our conversations, but Haiden didn’t find it funny. “He's a lot more decent than expected.”
He shifted awkwardly on his seat. “Yeah... I guess so.”
Out of my conversations with Cole I had gotten that they didn’t get along, but not even Cole seemed to be sure as to why. I could tell it bothered him though, no matter what he said. I couldn’t see why Haiden would despise him so much for no reason however.
“Is there—did he ever do anything to you?” I eyed him warily.
“No. Well, not intentionally.”
“What do you mean not intentionally?”
“It's complicated.”
I hesitated only for a second before asking if he wanted to explain and he said he wasn’t too fond of the idea, so I could only stare down at the table as I mumbled, “That’s okay. You don’t have to explain.” I wanted to help them though. Haiden had mentioned he could use a couple more friends and I’d seen Cole’s reaction when his relationship with his cousin was brought up. He wasn't opposed to it, and no matter how indifferent he acted, I knew he wished things were better between them. “…I think you should give him a chance though.
“I've known him for 19 years. I've given him more than one.”
“I thought you said he didn't do anything to you intentionally...he thinks you hate him.”
“Who am I to stop him?”
I tried to give him a sympathetic smile. “Haiden…”
Playing dumb again. “Just... think about it, ok?”
“I will.”
Thinking that was better than nothing I changed the subject. “Well, what do you have to tell me?”
“Multiple things.”
“Oh wait, let me guess” I changed my voice to do a dramatic impression of him “'I don't wanna talk about it yet'.” He deserved my teasing for all his vagueness.
“Wow, rude.”
“Spill then.”
“I... think I like someone.”
My eyebrows raised in surprise before my grin widened. “That’s...that’s great!”
“Don't get too excited. It's just, you know…” he trailed off and I elbowed him playfully.
“Liking is something to get excited for at this point!”
“I feel like I should be offended.” He frowned. I dismissed him with the flick of a hand.
“Nonsense, you know me. So who is it?”
“I can't tell you.”
I reclined on the backrest of my seat with a grunt. “Why must you torture me?” I stressed the last word in a whine.
“Sorry, kiddo.”
“I don't like talking to you now” I pouted.
“Aw, come on. Do you have anything to tell me? You got a crush on a cute guard?”
Jeez, why does he think I’m hiding something? “No. I don't have a crush on a guard” I rolled my eyes “and I shall forever resent you for this.”
“Come on...” He flicked my ear and I smacked his hand away. 
“You’re a bad friend.”
He narrowed his eyes at me. “And you are mean.”
I gasped. “Not true!”  
“Yes, true.”
I blew a strand of hair out of my face in resignation. “What other news do you have?”
“Uh, well, I've been mostly sober for a week”
“Gasp. An accomplishment! You know, I haven't seen you drunk yet...kind of surprising.”
“No, you have.”
I rubbed my chin searching for the memory. “I don't remember this.”
“You wouldn't, but it happened.”
“It did?” I was confused as to why I wouldn’t remember.
“Yep.” He seemed eager to change the topic and I could only ponder on the idea long enough to remember that one time he’d brought some wine. Wait, had I gotten drunk when he— “So do you have any gossip for me?”
I decided to let my confusion go for the time being. “Gossip? Hmm no, it's been pretty calm lately between the girls.”
Now he was the one whining. “Come on.”
“Hey, you kept your secrets! And besides the things that have happened must be common knowledge to you. Mila cut her hair, Naomi is obsessed with almonds...you know; nothing out of the ordinary.”
He sighed. “You're all such disappointments.”
That one actually offended me and I shoved him. “Well, sorry we're that boring.”
He gave me an amused grin. “Oh, come on. You're not boring.”
 I stared up at the moon as we walked on the street again.
“That wasn't bad...though I have no clue what the last guy meant with his poem.”
“Only he does.”
“Was he drunk?”
“It's possible.”
I was about to ask if he’d ever recited a poem while drunk when someone bumped into him. The night took an interesting spin after that.
Okay, not gonna lose her this time.
I kept my eyes locked on Elaine’s curly hair as I walked through the busy streets of Angeles. Even this late at night there were enough people walking around to say it wasn’t completely abandoned. I tried to avoid anyone as best I could, not wanting any attention drawn to me as I followed my cousin from a safe distance—if she realized I was following her I’d be screwed—and no, I wasn’t trying to be creepy, but I knew she was still upset about Haiden, and I didn’t think it was a good idea for her to be fighting strangers with a sword when she was like this. Actually, I wouldn’t think it a good idea even if she were on her 5 senses.
Elaine was born with the regality any princess should have, yet anyone who paid enough attention to the way she carried herself could get a glimpse at the wild spirit she tried to hide for the sake of formality. When we were all younger she was always the one trying to climb trees, the one who suggested we play soccer and the one who randomly tackled Haiden into the pool whenever he refused to go in. When she took up ballet she asked to be put on fencing too, and combined the grace and delicacy of both. When we first learned to ride horses she tried to ride one without a saddle or reins and actually made it. So when I asked her if she was going to sword fights in the city and she denied it I had a hard time believing her, especially since I knew she practiced with the guards sometimes.
The first time I saw her leaving the palace at night was the moment I got suspicious. Ever since her fight with Haiden she’d left the palace grounds three times, counting this one. The first time I lost her as soon as we reached the city, the second time I didn’t make it out of the gardens, noticing Aileen’s ginger hair under the moonlight—slumped near the fountain in the middle of the night—I pondered for a few seconds before walking over to her… But this time I wasn’t going to lose her.
Or that’s what I thought.
She turned a corner and I waited a couple of minutes to go the same way, but as I did I bumped into someone. “Uh, sorry sir—” I looked at the person briefly and froze in place when I recognized him. You have to be kidding me.
“What the—” He stopped mid-sentence as his eyes widened. “Oh my.”
Oh, my indeed. “Haiden...” I glanced at Elaine’s retreating shadow a block away and then looked back at him. “Sorry, um—what are you...” my eyes drifted to the person next to him and I gulped. “Oh, Aileen...”
Both her eyebrows were raised in surprise. “Cole, what are you doing here?”
“Uh...” Haiden seemed uncomfortable.
“Well, just” I looked back at where Elaine had been walking, but she wasn’t there anymore. Great. “Um, taking a walk...” She gave me a puzzled look and Haiden just seemed unimpressed. It took me a second to wonder myself what the two of them were doing out of the palace at nigth. Together. I cleared my throat, hoping my voice would sound normal and casual as always. “I guess you two must be on a date.”
“Huh?” Haiden shook his head “No, no, we're just... hanging. What are you doing here, exactly?”
Right. “You know just...taking a look at Angeles.” I shrugged
“Uh, nice.”
There was a short but uncomfortable silence and Aileen decided to jump in. I could tell by the look she gave me she hadn’t bought my excuse. She went along with it however.
“Yeah, we were in the middle of doing that too. You can join us if you want.”
I glanced at Haiden for a second, thinking of what a terrible idea that could be. “Oh, I don't know…”
“Yeah, he doesn't know.” Haiden grumbled and I silently scoffed, shoving my hands inside my pockets.
“It's probably better if I don't intrude.”
She gave Haiden a look I didn't understand and clarified, “...we'll just be walking.”  
He practically groaned in response, but added: “You should come with us, Cole.”
“Such enthusiasm” I replied with an eyeroll.
When Aileen looked at me though, I had to comply with a sigh. I knew what she was trying to do, and I thought it was a horrible idea, yet I couldn’t say no to her. “I guess, one walk won't hurt.”
“It's settled then.” She continued walking without another word. I followed step behind her, deciding it would be better if she was the middle point between the three of us.
To my surprise Haiden was the one to address me first. “How are you, Cole?
“Um...good?” I tried to think of something else to say “Elaine started going to fencing practice again.”
“That's…” he paused and I could see regret on his eyes “good.”
Idiot, you could have already fixed it.
Aileen turned to me with a frown at the news. “Wait, she missed practices? I thought you said she never missed them.”
“Yeah, she um…” I couldn’t avoid glancing at Haiden “she was upset about something.”
I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly as she glared back at Haiden. “You never mentioned it.”
“Slipped my mind, sorry.”
Seemed like Aileen knew him pretty well by the way she almost scoffed in disbelief. “Your sister slipped your mind?”
I wouldn’t help you. I remembered the words he’d mentioned days ago before his panic attack well, but still found myself saying, “Uh...it was my fault.”
She raised an eyebrow at me. “It was?”
“It was?”
Aileen snapped her head back to look at him suspiciously.
Nice going, Haiden. Very smart. “Yes...I just said something I shouldn't have and she refused to practice with me until I apologized.”
She punched my arm. Not with all her strength but hard enough.  “What did you say to her?”
“Umm,” I reached to rub where she’d hit me and discreetly eyed Haiden, wondering if he would speak up and say I was lying, “not much.”
She shook her head and stared ahead. “Did you at least apologize quickly?”
He should have. I glanced at Haiden before replying. “Yeah…”
He stared at me unblinkingly and then nodded, silently thanking me. I looked back at the ground, not caring much for his gratefulness. He’s just doing it because you saved his ass. I wasn’t expecting him to really appreciate the gesture, he didn’t care.
No one said anything for a while.
“You guys are suddenly very—” she came to a halt and took in her surroundings. I noticed how her nails dug into her palm.
She kept staring at the street. “W-We should maybe turn around.”
Haiden was concerned as well. “Everything all right?”
She spun on her heel ready to head back the other way. “Yeah, perfectly.”
“A-Aileen, what—” Haiden gave her a confused look and she turned around again, but without looking at him. Her eyes were locked on the pathway.
“Or maybe…” she shook her head and turned around once more “No, no, that's a bad idea.”
I rolled my eyes and reached for her arm to stop her. “Hold it there, firework. What's wrong?”
Both me and Aileen turned to look at Haiden. He was raising an eyebrow at us and I almost thought he seemed bothered.
“Uh, yeah…” I decided to avert my eyes from his gaze, staring back at Aileen, hoping she would explain what was wrong.
She tried avoiding my questioning eyes by turning to Haiden and replying to his unspoken question. “Cole insists on using nicknames referencing my hair.”
He raised his chin and eyed me, as if slightly annoyed by my presence more than usual.  “Of course. Anyway…”
When Aileen accepted we were both expecting an explanation she sighed and looked back at the street, mostly mumbling to herself. “No backing down next time.”
That had been her vow when we’d talked in the palace’s fountain. I looked at the street; we were in an area with nicer houses now. “Wait, is this—” I didn’t need to finish the sentence before she nodded. “Oh…”
“I'm confused.” Haiden frowned.
“My uncle's house is on this street.”
He had my same response. “Oh...”
Her gaze fell to the ground. “Yeah.”
He walked closer to her. “Do... you wanna go?”
“Wouldn't it be weird for you two?” she asked looking at both of us in turn. Then we looked at each other.
“I don't mind…” I mumbled “Can't be certain about it being weird or not though.”
Haiden seemed as uncertain as I was. “Well…”
“Wow, when you said you might visit with the Prince one night I thought it was a joke.”
“Me too...” Aileen rolled her eyes at her cousin and then gave me a glance. “And actually, I brought two.”
David gave me a once over and then a salute, bringing a hand to his forehead, nonchalant, “A pleasure to meet royalty.”
Haiden and I exchanged glances and I could tell he was trying to hide a smile at the odd greeting as well, but it was a good greeting nonetheless. Whenever we had to meet new diplomats we had to worry about using the right titles or protocols, and it could be slightly annoying, so it was nice to see him so calm about it.
“David, who is it?” A girl from inside asked.
He looked over his shoulder. “We got special visitors.”
“It’s almost midnight.” She pointed out and he rolled his eyes.
“Okay, fine. We got special night-loving visitors.”
“I want to eat dessert David, just hurry it up.” Now it was a boy speaking.
David looked at Aileen with a knowing grin, and stepped aside to let us in. We followed inside and I swallowed a lump that had formed on my throat out of nowhere. Even if it wasn’t exactly her house, her closest family lived there, and she'd told me she’d spent entire summers at her uncle’s house sometimes.
When we made it to the dining room I could see who the two voices had come from. Sitting on the table was a teenage girl and boy, alongside whom I could only guess to be Aileen’s uncle and—considering the ginger hair—her brother, Sam. As soon as they all noticed us they stopped eating.
“Hey guys...” she couldn’t even finish her sentence before the girl jumped out of her seat to hug her. Lyra most likely. Middle child according to what Aileen had told me.
Soon enough her uncle was up too, embracing her and then asking me and Haiden to excuse him for not receiving us himself, offering us a seat and something to drink. For once Haiden was the one who actually spoke up with no hesitation, and it was me who remained silently smiling on the side. I was nervous, and it was stupid, but even I couldn’t lie to myself about it.
“Wait, where’s Biscuit?” Aileen asked, referring to her dog.
“Grounded outside for now.” Lyra replied while crossing her arms.
“He ate the batch of cookies she made,” the boy explained with a smirk, and it was the last confirmation I needed to know that was Robbie. “You should have seen her face when she found out.”
Aileen laughed, but it came to a stop when her eye caught on her brother, standing awkwardly, still near his chair. “Hey sis...”
The words hung in the air and they both clenched their jaws. David gave her a worried look, but when she glanced back at him, he turned it into a reassuring smile. With a sigh she held Sam’s gaze. “We should talk.”
“I’d like that.”
“You guys going to be alright?” That question was for me and Haiden, so we both nodded.
After our confirmation they headed for the backyard.
Cole helped David and Lyra wash the dishes, while Aileen and Haiden helped arrange the already clean ones back in place. Meanwhile, in the dining room Robbie helped his father pick up the table.
Aileen could feel her two companions’ eyes glancing at her every few minutes, knowing they were probably wondering how the conversation with her brother had gone. Since she’d returned—Sam trailing behind her—she had been more relaxed, but the distance she had kept from her sibling was noticeable as he was the only one sitting on a couch feet away.  
Gladly there weren’t any uncomfortable silences as the room was mostly filled with conversations between Robbie and Lyra as they argued from opposite sides of the house about school. That was until David started humming. Robbie soon joined in with a smirk, drumming with two forks against the table.
Aileen immediately perked up and gave her eldest cousin a narrow-eyed look. David only smiled as he kept making his way to the stereo, already moving his shoulder rhythmically. Sam raised his eyes from his reading, recognizing the humming and feeling a smile tug at his own lips, knowing what was sure to come.  Aileen was used to it as well as anyone who’d known her family long enough, but she doubted the two Princes would find her family’s extravaganzas that normal.
By the time David hit the stereo on Lyra was humming along and both Haiden and Cole were giving Aileen curious looks. She tried to avoid them for as long as possible, even when the music started blaring through the speakers and Lyra swayed with the music as she rinsed the plates. David appeared next to her and closed the faucet of the sink, hauling her to the living room, ignoring the soap still on her hands. She laughed, used to her brother’s shenanigans, following him and taking the towel he was twirling around to dry herself.
There, in the middle of the living room, they started dancing. Robbie kept drumming with the forks until his father snatched them away with a heavy glare and he had to go get his actual drum sticks.
Before he could reach the place where he usually hid them however, David grabbed his hand and made him take his place on the makeshift dance floor with Lyra. Robbie rolled his eyes but complied, spinning his sister around, as David made his way back to Aileen and began singing.
David had a well-educated voice, melodic and with good ranges, reasons why he’d been so popular as soon as he’d launched his first song. That accompanied by good music, a handsome face and a family that had been in the acting and music business for more than one generation made him an uprising talent.
He offered Aileen a hand like he’d done a million times before and she chewed the inside of her cheek, considering. It’d been awhile since she’d washed the dishes with her cousins, and if she was being honest with herself, she’d been expecting it to turn out as it always did since the moment David first suggested they stayed for dessert when she finished talking with Sam.
“Feel the beat, cuz.” She rolled her eyes at his words. The first advice he’d ever given her when she started taking music as a serious part of her future was that, and the phrase had become a sort of joke over the years.
She handed Haiden the plate she’d been holding and David took that as a yes, reaching for her wrist to make her join his two siblings in the middle of the room. As usual they constantly changed partners with each other, moving to the beat of the music between smiles and laughs, Aileen and Lyra joining in to sing with David every now and then.
Sam shook his head with amusement, but didn’t move from his spot on the couch. He didn’t feel like he was allowed to join in after all the passing years of absence, and even though they were in good terms now he knew things with Aileen wouldn’t go immediately back to normal. He remained happily staring from afar... or at least he did until he saw Prince Haiden finally get over his initial surprise to join in. Sam shifted uncomfortably on his seat as he saw Haiden ask Robbie for his sister’s hand, ignorant to the type of relationship they both actually shared.
“May I?” he smiled.
Robbie gave him a suspicious glance but let him take the dance anyway. “I’ll be watching you, Prince or not.” He pointed at him accusingly and narrowed his eyes.
“Uh...” Haiden squirmed and Aileen laughed at her friend before pulling him to the center of the circle. The prince was rather stiff at the beginning, but then let himself enjoy the moment, hoping he could have a family like this when the Selection was over with the girl he did end up falling for.
Cole just stared from the kitchen in awe as Aileen twirled around, her ginger hair flying behind her like a real blaze, a joyful smile spreading across her face. The way she moved gracefully made him feel like the song had been made to fit her instead of the other way around, and her voice—though in reality not particularly outstanding—captivated him like nothing else. Her carefree spirit made him feel inexplicably drawn to her and it wasn’t the first time he’d felt like that.
He wouldn’t admit it, but he’d felt like that since the moment she shoved him aside to leave the palace’s medical wing with Lady Mila. She didn’t bother herself with treating him nicely just because he was a royal. If he was rude she snapped back at him without giving it much thought, forcing him to be polite, but she never lost that hint of constant amusement that made her stand out so much to him.
David, who knew Aileen better than she would give him credit for, noticed that though she and Haiden were close, and cared for each other, they were not in love. He would even dare to say that they both knew it — and he wasn’t wrong. However, he did notice the way Cole’s eyes were completely engrossed by her. 
“Highness, maybe leave the dishes for a while.”
Cole snapped back to attention and shook his head with a curt smile, taking an extra step back into the kitchen as if to say he was fine there. That had made everyone turn their eyes to him though and David made his way to the kitchen to push him out of there.
The second prince tried to resist, stuttering to say he really wasn’t that good a dancer and Aileen grinned at the way he seemed shy around her family. She winked at Haiden and gave his hand to Lyra (who barely fifteen was happy to get a dance with the heir to the throne). The royal could only give her a sheepish smile before looking over his shoulder at Aileen as she made her way to Cole, her body swaying to the song’s beat.
He’d been wondering what her feelings for his cousin were, and had hoped she would explain when she got his hints--as she usually did--but this time she hadn’t, oblivious to his insinuations the same way she was oblivious to her exact feelings for Cole.
Once standing in front of him she reached for his hand with a sympathetic smile and made him walk the rest of the way to the rest of the group. To his surprise she didn’t let go of his hand and tried to dance with him, forcing him to twirl around with her. He could only refuse for so long. Saying he wasn’t good had been a lie
He surprised her with his swift moves, making her spin and generally having a good rhythm and pace, but he felt his heart hammering on his chest as hard as the music when she sang a few verses so close to him, her eyes sparkling. He was glad when Sam finally decided to stand up and ask for a chance to dance with her. He was pretty sure he would have done something stupid if he hadn’t arrived.
“So…” he mumbled and I smiled. Haiden always said that when he didn’t know how to start.  
“My family is kind of wild…”
“It was nice to meet them.”
“My parents were missing.” I laughed. “They would have taken the spotlight there.”
He smiled giving me a sideways glance. “Like you?”
“I didn't take the spotlight.” I elbowed him.
“You always do, you know.”
“That's not true.” I dismissed the idea. The spotlight was exactly what I avoided. “It's probably just my hair standing out.”
“You do. You always... light up the room whenever you walk in. Everyone loves you.”
I smiled. Haiden had his way with words every now and then. “Thanks...but I wouldn't say everyone loves me.”
“I do.”
“You better,” I grinned and he nudged me. I nudged him back.
“You know I—you know I'm going to have to eliminate you... right?”
“Are you going to wait after your birthday, at least?”
“Well, yeah, after the ball.”
I hugged my knees, placing my feet on the bench, to look at the stars spread across the sky. “Gotta pick a Queen soon, I get it.” The thought of returning to live with my cousins wasn’t bad, even though my brother would be with us once more. “Things are...uh, better with Sam. I think I can handle coming back here again.”
“I don't want you to leave.”
“Strangely I don't either...I liked being around.” Talking with you or the girls, walking through the gardens, having random meet ups with Cole.
“I don't know, it's weird. I feel like I finally have someone to talk to.”
I smirked, staring back at him, “Even if you still try to hide things from me sometimes?”
He gave me a sheepish look. “I don't mean to, you know that right?”
I made a noncommittal “hmmm” and eyed him. “I know Cole was lying about Elaine.”
It must have been why he’d been acting up every now and then. He must have gotten in a fight with her.
“It's complicated, Aileen.”
Sam’s words as well, and he was wrong. “A lot of things seem to be so lately...I just want to help.” I sighed, “I care about you Haiden, and Cole lied for you, so I know he cares about you too.”
He pressed a hand to his forehead, shutting his eyes before staring at me with pained eyes. “I hurt her, Aileen. I hurt her. And I don't want to hurt you too.”
His outburst took me by surprise, and I gave him a worried glance before placing a hand on his shoulder. “Why would you do that?”
“I... don't know. I-I wasn't thinking.”
He must be even more stressed than I thought. We remained silent and I tried to look for the best words. “Haiden, being an heir can't be an easy task...you need to let people in, let them help you. You're not alone on this, you have people that care about you—believe it or not—and pushing those people away is the worst thing you can do.”
“I know…”
“I'm sure whatever happened with Elaine can be fixed, just be honest with her. Sometimes showing vulnerability with someone isn't as bad if it's the right person. Don't push her way…” I searched his eyes “don't push me away.”
“I won't.”
I scooted closer to him and gave him a hug that he returned.
“Thanks, Aileen.” His arms held me tighter.
“No problem. And just as a reassurance, remember I'm a tough gal, you won't hurt me.”
I smiled as we parted and he punched me lightly on the arm as if to prove the point.  I shoved him with a snort before admiring the sky again. “Will you visit to update me on the Selection?”
He laughed. “We can have weekly calls so we can update each other on gossip, and you have to come for my wedding.”
“HA, as if I would miss my best friend's wedding.”
“You should be my best man.”
That time it was me who laughed. “Helping you find a nice tux will be quite entertaining. I'll make you try them all.”
“Even the neon purple?”
“Especially the neon purple,” I teased. “I'll take pictures for whoever your bride is and we'll make fun of you together. That's what friends are for, right?”
His response was unexpected. “And I'll get your approval first.”
“You—you will?”
“Of course. What if the girl I'm in love with is a complete tool to other people?”
“What do you mean?”
He didn’t give me a direct answer. “You are my best friend, you know.”
It was a statement, and it made me jump back to that first not-so-quite date with our treasure hunt. We’d come a long way in the strangest setting possible.
“I can surely say now that joining this Selection has been the best wild card I have ever taken.” I admitted.
He smirked and shoved me off the bench.
“Wha-” I scoffed hauling him with me to the ground. “You little twerp, this is how you treat your best friend!”
“Ow.” Seriously Haiden?
“Why do we always end up on the floor? You need to stop pushing me off things.”
“Always pushing limits.”
I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. “Right.”
Then Cole walked into the terrace, reading a magazine. “Guys, it's getting a bit—” he stopped when he noticed we were on the floor. “Uh…”
Haiden laughed at his face and grinned at me. “Guess we got a bit too handsy, huh?”
I tried to keep a straight face. “I guess we did.”
“Ummm,” Cole clenched his jaw, blushing and looking at anything but us. That was new. “Right I'll— I didn't mean to— I wasn't— I'll just go back inside…”
“Chill, Cole. I'm not playing with fire. Right, Aileen?”
I shoved him before laughing and was pretty sure Cole’s eye twitched as he blushed.
“I— You shouldn't—I just— Stop laughing!”
Haiden took it as a cue to laugh harder and Cole glared at him.
“He's just messing around with you, Cole. You can join us if you like.”
Haiden raised an eyebrow at me. “Sounds kinky.”
“Well, he did admit he was an expert on those.” I countered, just to continue with the teasing, remembering my charade game with him in the gardens.
“What? That is so not what I said,” he scowled.
I ignored his protests and kept my eyes on Haiden. “I'm pretty sure he has a kink for staircases actually.”
“Siblings!” he yelled. “I was talking about us being 5 siblings! Nothing related to staircases or kinks!”
“It's kinda hard to get out of this one, Cole.” Haiden laughed again.  Cole seemed surprised to see him joking with him at all; meanwhile, I smirked, thinking of the time we’d been on a staircase.
I’d brought up the joke about his kink up and he’d started using what he called ‘his little brother’s moves’ to make me laugh. It resulted in a lot of winks, ‘babe’s and a slight disregard for personal space, but he was respectful. There was that moment however, where I thought he would lean in for a real kiss—I wasn’t sure if I was opposed to the idea or not—yet believed it to be my head playing tricks on me.
“There was also that time you flirt—” I stopped to dodge the magazine he threw at me. “Rude!”
He returned the smirk. “My hand slipped.”
I scoffed with amusement, easily recognizing the reference from the time I’d pushed a water bottle into his face.
“Should I leave?” Haiden suggested and I smacked his shoulder.
“Shut up.”
He stood up. “I'm gonna leave.”
“Why?” I began to stand up after him.
Cole looked at both of us in turn silently and Haiden eyed him warily. “You two need a moment.”
“Umm…” Cole gave Haiden a strange look “what do you mean?”
Haiden seemed annoyed as he rolled his eyes, shaking his head, walking back to the house. “Good God.”
After he left Cole and I stared at each other.
“What bit him?” I asked raising an eyebrow. He hesitated.
“I don’t know,” then shaking his head “how did things go with Sam though?”
I walked over to the bench again and sat down. “They weren’t so bad…”
“You let him dance with you.”
“Yeah,” I looked down at my hands. It really hadn’t been unbearable. It had almost felt like the old days. Well, except he and Haiden had been there, and I was glad they had been. The extra support was nice.
Besides, Cole had made a different spark ignite inside me as I went along with the music. Something new. Something I liked it.
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thenoticeblog · 8 years
Thank You to Our Kickstarter Backers & Patrons
We had a crazy past few weeks, but let's take the time to show some love to the people who are making all of this possible. This is for you:)   ------- Wanna join the fam? Make a contribution here, and help support the Voice of the Unheard: http://kck.st/2jdRqjo ---------------------------- WALL OF WOKE (You can find it on the front page of our website too)
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patiencetaught · 6 years
The Big Mun Questionnaire Thingamajig— answer these questions then tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better! Even though I tagged mostly my buds who I already know but I love ya’ll!!! so suck it up!!!
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tagged by: @dxspereaux tagging: @coalessscence, i’m literally just tagging star because i’m pretty sure she hasn’t done it yet and i am contractually required to tag her. But anyone else who wants to is free to. 
nicknames: Hannah Banana. My parents calls me Hanny but they are the sole people who can do that?
zodiac: Virgo
height: 5′ 5″
time: 8:24 a.m.
favourite band / artist: idk. my taste in music is weird as shit. The Beatles and The Ramones are good guesses, though.
song stuck in my head: africa by toto because of course it is
last movie i saw: I just watched Lilo and Stitch last night.
last thing i googled: best actuallyautistic posts about why autism speaks sucks
other blogs: @piper-aileen-lenox, my redheaded gremlin child <3
do i get asks: for memes. And those really nice chain messages, sometimes!
why did i choose this username: It’s based on a line from Matilda the musical. Basically Jenny argues that she taught her children with patience and respect, etc. and that that’s the reason they’re able to spell big words, not that they’re cheating. It’s like, the first time she stands up to the Trunchbull and I feel like it also nicely highlights a lot about her personality too??
following: 238
average amount of sleep: lmao who knows? Anywhere from 7-10. It varies. 
what i’m wearing: Jeans, a baseball shirt with the stranger things kids looking like they’re walking across Abbey Road, and my boots. Because I have to leave for class pretty soon.
dream job: let 👏🏻me 👏🏻 work 👏🏻 in 👏🏻 a 👏🏻 museum. or in the nps. HISTORY.
dream trip: oh man oh man oh man. Paris because I want to go to all  of the art museums with all of my nerd heart. But more realistically, I’ve really wanted to do was to try to visit every presidential house/library that I can? Like, I’ve hit George Washington. I’m going to hit Taft pretty soon because it’s literally 40 minutes away. So, I still have a lot to cover...
favourite food: okay...panera bread’s breast cancer awareness bagels. They’re only around in october and they’re probably one of my top ten favorite things to eat. 
play any instruments: French horn/mellophone from back in the day. And I played trumpet for a year, which was terrible.
eye colour: blue (?)
hair colour: brown-red.
languages you speak: english and i can read spanish moderately well, but I have a hard time understanding if you talk too fast and my speaking is really slow. 
most iconic song: cell block tango, don’t @ me
random fact: i can’t remember the last time i wasn’t exhausted. like...i’ve gotten blood work done three times to try and figure out what’s wrong. we haven’t found it yet.
describe yourself as aesthetic things: okay, so here’s the thing. My sister makes fun of me because I have thirty aesthetics going on at once and I don’t commit to any of them. but i guess??? Typewriter font, street art/graffiti, weird ass things you found at a thrift store, commemorative glasses with JFK on them to celebrate his inauguration, a public library in the middle of a weekday, records, jean jackets with patches and pins, the opera section of bohemian rhapsody playing on full blast, the energy of that kid in high school who told your class the dark original versions of the grimm brother’s fairytales, kitsch salt shakers, 1950s cocktail dresses, cats, graphic tee shirts with history puns on them, doc martin boots. idk fam. my aesthetic is weird as shit. 
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Week 13: Sunday, 26th November to Sunday, 3rd December 2017 
bienvenue and welcome to this week´s reading list hosted by me, aileen :D i hope you all had a great week and are super excited for christmas (i personally hate it but oh well). this week, i´ll give you some recommendations about 25 pieces I read (mostly on the past few days but hey) plus there will be a little shoutout at the end of this list :) so be excited!
now sit back and relax while reding this list. feel free to leave the authors some love :) 
- xx, aileen 
1. In Your Footsteps: Part 15 by @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars
the grande finale. let me tell you: IT WAS AMAZING! i feel so so blessed by this series bc it was everything and i will for sure reread it as often as i can. this was all i needed. i was so sad when i realized a few minutes ago that there won´t be a new part tomorrow :( i will for sure miss it but this ending was all we needed! well done and congrats to an amazing series!
2. Round and Round We Go by @dontshootmespence
okay first of all, i am living for OC´s. i also have like 5 right now and i love to write oc´s. this was so so heartbreaking to read and i felt so so sorry for the girl bc i know out of first hand how cruel bullying is. i loved spence in it. overall an amazing piece which was very well written! 
3. Talk, Talk, Talk by @x-criminalminds-x
first things first, i normall don´t like jotch as a romantic ship. for me they are only very good and close friends and jj is happy with will (WILLIFER for life). but this piece was amazing and i enjoyed reading it! 
4. All You Need is Love: Chapter NIne “I Want You” by @welp-there-it-is
okay i feel bad bc it feels like my opinion becomes irrelevant bc i keep telling you the same but IDK what else to say BC THIS IS EVERYTHING. the angst is perfect, the fluff, percy...just everything makes sense and i am in love <3 
5. #1 Fan by @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars
this was the cutest thing i read all week. it was very well written and i fell in love with it! <3 
6. Beautiful: Luke Alvez; Spencer Reid by @heartlessromanticc
this was really good and i loved how cool spence and luke reacted and talked to her and yep, overall a very good work! 
7. Fight by @ssa-aaronhotchner
oh lord, this was intense but SO ANGSTY <3 i loved it, especially the ending :) 
8. Caught Off Guard In the Best Way by @dontshootmespence
this.was.the.cutest.shit. OMG i love henry and michael and omg they are all so overwhelming cute. i can´t.
9. Perfect Recall - Part Four by @illegalcerebral
i´m so here for your series. i love this one so much and its so close to ending again. so excited for the last part <3 ily :) 
10. Puppy Love by @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars
i am in love <3 luke and dogs are omg. this was cute, i loved it! 
11. Parent-Teacher-Conference by @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars
such a sneaky daughter :D i love it! it was so perfect and pure and i love luke, my child. 
12. Aaron Hotchner / Family by @writefasttalkevenfaster
okay, i appreciate that you share a rather personal work with us (like you said it hit close to home). i really loved reading it bc it was very well and carefully written. like the details and everything were on point. i´m a proud woman! 
13. An Act of Kindness by @captainreid
awwww this was so so heartwarming and adoreable and this made me so so happy <3 
14. Lost And Found  (Part 2) by @crimindsaspe
first of all, i´m happy that you are back writing and i love talking to you :) part 2 was perfectly angsty omg. i can´t wait for another part <3 
15. A Sleepless Night by @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars
ANGSTY FLUFF. i´m so here for it. i love protective and comforting luke. i need someone like him in my life. AMEN. 
16. Drabble to “A Father´s Nightmare” by @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars
this drabble was on point and everything i needed. i love how string Y/N is. Luke can be super proud. thanks for writing my request! :) 
17. S8E12 - Zugzwang by @cm-drabbles 
OMG. RIP my heart...what the hell? like the OG ep already killed me but this??????? holy fish sticks....i´m not crying you are. 
18. Not Strong enough by @graygublerreid
and again RIP me....like omg my poor heart...but it was really good! 
19. The Key to Never Aging by @dontshootmespence
i will for sure start drinking wine now :D this was the funniest ever :) 
20. Smart Enough // Spencer Reid by @spencerthepipecleaner
aawwwww this was so good and very well written and i love spencer so so so much! 
21. Humilation by @crimindsaspe
as i already told you this was perfectly angsty and i felt blessed. i loved it! 
22. Fortress of Friendship by @illegalcerebral
awwwwwwwwwwwwww this is so cute and good and happy and awwww my heart. <3 
23. Do You Wanna Build a Snowman? by @criminal-minds-fanfiction
i had the song stuck in my head for an hour straight after i read it. but i loved it and saoirse (?) is such a cutie. <3 
24. Never Enough Cookies by @dontshootmespence 
CUTE OMG. i love spencer and the reader was amazing. 
25. Goodbyes by @ssa-aaronhotchner 
a shoutout to @veroinnumera bc she is new to the fam and would like to write YOUR requests. so go follow her and see who she writes for and request some stuff! <3 
this was this weeks reading list! i hope you´ll liked it :) have a great week and see you next sunday :) 
- xx, aileen 
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Christmas and Stuff!
heyyyy everyone!
so my Christmas break finally started and i am so thankful for that. I really need it. Life hates me at the moment. Currently, I am down with really bad back pains (yey me) but i´m getting better! I´m also working on the reading list! I´m so sorry that it took me so long! I promise that i will also get some requests out in my three weeks of break! 
since it´s christmas i wanna say thanks to some special people who helped me in the last few weeks: 
@illegalcerebral was a really big help for me in these past weeks. she comforted and supported me whenever i felt down or helpless. i´m am more than thankful for you! Without your help, i swear i would have gone crazy! :D thank you sarah! you´re such an amazing person! i´m so honored to have met you on here :) lots of love to you xx
@veroinnumera is new to our fam but it really feels like you´ve been here way longer. you are such a supportive and understanding person. i´m really glad i could help you into this family and i´m so happy that you are here! thank you so much for everything! you´re amazing! lots of love to you too xx
@remember-me-forever-silent-angel and me haven´t talked in a while but i´m still so thankful for all your advices and help :) i´m in love with my name twin ally and i´m glad that we are friends! we need to talk more again! lots of love to you too xx
@dontshootmespence when you followed me a few weeks ago i was literally crying bc you are such a huge inspiration to me! your writing is out of this world and i´m so happy that we started talking! i´m really thankful for you! lots of love x
@butsomeofusarelookingatthestars you slay big time! like you´re such an amazing and kind hearted person. you inspire me and i´m glad i got to know you on here! :) lot of looove xx
also LOTS OF LOVE TO ALL MY OTHER BAES, FOLLOWERS AND FRIENDS on here! thanks for keeping up with me these last weeks where everything was insane!!! 
.- aileen <3
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What the wind brought ~ #10
A/N: Last challenge for me probably! There was a ‘who-knows-how-many’ part fic before this, but due to time I have to post this before. I’ll post the others later, however...and I’m pretty sure there will be one or two fics taking place after this...so not the last thing I’ll write lol, you ain’t getting rid of me yet. Something from Cole’s perspective might come, who knows. This takes place during Haiden’s birthday ball. Thanks @prince-consort-kile​ for the rp as @winter-havilliard​ and windy fam. Ft. Cole & his family. As always, apologies if this is horrible ;) (P.S. School sucks for writing)
I had only briefly chatted with one of the ex-selected…and now in Haiden’s birthday party I wondered if maybe I should have taken the opportunity to talk to more—just to see if I could hear any interesting stories—since I would probably leave the palace soon. I looked around to see if I could find the birthday boy, and noticed him talking with a dignitary. Fun stuff there. I almost considered coming in with an excuse to save him but couldn’t come up with anything sufficient.
You are my best friend, you know.
I smiled at the thought of Haiden’s words from a couple of nights back. I really hoped he would be happy and my gaze shifted across the room, wondering who would be the one. Even if he didn’t want to give me a name yet I was glad to know he was at least starting to like someone—whoever it was. 
I was in the middle of pacing the room, thinking of talking to Mila or Naomi, when a rather unexpected companion approached me.
“Hello, darling, I’m Winter.”
“Oh…” I tried to smile, doing a curtsy without seeming surprised “A pleasure to finally meet you Princess Winter.”
“So, I've seen you've met some of my children.”
That’s a weird question. “Yes...Cole and Autumn so far. Autumn is quite energetic, but very sweet.”
“She's definitely a lot. That girl's going to rule the world one day, I'm sure.” She laughed at the thought and I joined her before she added, “What about Cole?”
“Well, he's not the sweetest guy out there” I smirked with an eye roll “or that's what he pretends.”
“Not the sweetest?” the princess seemed slightly bothered by the news “Don't mind him. He's just hopped up on that teenage angst.”
I laughed again. “That's probably true. He's not that bad once you get to know him.”
“Give him a few months. He'll turn 20 and leave it all behind. I like to think I've gotten to know him pretty well. I did birth him.”
“Oh, that does seem to make you a very reliable source. Personally, I've convinced myself he just likes scaring off people with that unreadable expression of his to avoid conversing. Guess it didn't work for him this time.” Gladly.
She chuckled and I couldn’t help but note some of the similarities between her and Cole. “Guess not. He likes his quiet time.”
“Have to say his silent staring was rather confusing at the beginning.” I snorted, but before she could reply Cole seemed to appear out of nowhere, budding into our conversation with eagerness.
“Mom!” He noticed my surprise and cleared his throat to collect himself. “What are you doing here?”
Princess Winter didn’t seem bothered by his strange attitude. “Oh, hi baby! I'm just talking.”
He narrowed his eyes at her in suspicion for a reason I didn’t quite understand. “Why?”
Is it bad that she’s talking to me?
“Why not?” his mother countered “It's encouraged that former Selected speak to the current Selected.”
“That is true.” I nodded.
“...Selected” I noticed him clench his jaw. “Right, yes...Of course.” He looked the other way as if to say we could continue talking but didn’t leave.
His mother gave him a peering look. “Cole?”
“Are you alright, snowflake?”
He turned to look at her alarmed and slightly flustered as I tried not to laugh. No wonder he calls me nicknames.  
“Mom...” he sounded embarrassed.
“Nice nickname.” I decided it would be fun to press on that.
“Isn't it cute? I thought it was.”
He glared at me and then looked back at his mom. “I'm fine.”
“I don't know, you seem tense, feel free to be more in the conversation. It might lighten you up.”
I could see his cheeks turning red. I’d only ever seen him blush when Haiden and I teased him by calling him kinky, so deciding I wanted to see him flustered again I joined his mother’s queries. “She's right, are you ok?
“Yes.” he insisted. “I'm glad you two are both concerned, but like I said before, I'm fine. I can't join a nonexistent conversation however, so…” he gestured for us to continue and I was disappointed he hadn’t blushed entirely.
“Hmm... alright then” plan B “how was Cole when he was little?”
He cleared his throat. “I don't think that's—” he started, but before he could get another word out his mom started gushing.
“Oh, my little Cole was just the cutest little boy. He had the biggest blue eyes and the brightest smile, such a little thing too.”
That seemed to work.
“Mom, maybe—”
“Brightest smile? Oh, I do agree” I elbowed him playfully “but it isn't as easy to get it out of him now.”
“I didn't smile that much back then either.” he mumbled, rolling his eyes.
“Darling, don't lie.” the princes pinched his cheeks and I couldn’t hold my laughter any longer. “I used to think your face would freeze smiling.”
“Mom, that hurts.” his voice was muffled by her pinching.
She ignored his protests and then frowned after assessing his suit—her hands immediately straightening his clothes. “I swear, Cole, you need to stop allowing your clothes to wrinkle. You look homeless.”
Almost blushing.
“Oh, I tell him that all the time.” I joked and he glared back.
“You do not” then back at his mother—finally blushing—he added “and I do not look homeless, I make sure my clothes are ironed because of you.”
“Well, at least keep your tie in place. I will not have the country thinking I'm not capable of teaching my son how to look presentable. I am so sorry, Aileen. Sometimes my maternal senses completely take over.”
Cole scowled, slightly offended. “I—I look presentable!”
“Oh my gosh, Cole! Aileen listen to him, he sounds just like my husband. He has this little stutter when he's embarrassed. It's the cutest thing.”
“Oh, really?”
“Pfft—whaaa—I…—that's not— Mom seriously I don't—I never stutter...” he trailed off and looked the other way. This was a new level of flustered.
“Cole! I love you, baby. You're just like your father.” The princess was gushing so much I wouldn’t have been surprised if hearts started floating in the air around her like on cartoons. “Isn't he precious?”
“Have to admit he is.” I laughed and he adjusted his glasses, his whole face red now.
“Mom, please, this— this is not helpful.”
She hugged Cole tightly, completely towered by him. “I'm always helpful. It's my job as your mother.”
“Mom…” it felt like the only protest he could utter under the circumstances.
His whine was immediately followed by a new one however. “Mom!”
Princess Winter didn’t miss a beat to turn around. A boy that practically reached my height walked over to us. “Oh, yes dear?” she looked back at me apologetically. “Sorry, this is my son, Jason.”
Oh boy. Thirteen year old flirting boy.
“And who are you?” Jason practically winked at me and Cole glared down at him since he was still taller than his younger brother.
“Too old for you.” He snapped.
“Please, age is just a number.”
He took a step closer to him with a cold gaze. “Yeah, and death is just a nap.”
“Umm,” I stood there awkwardly, confused by Cole’s sudden change in manner, but it didn’t last long as none other than Prince Cody walked over to smack him on the head—trailed by a girl around my age holding Autumn’s hand as she fumed.
“Hey, no threatening your brother.” The prince warned. I wasn’t sure if he noticed I was there but I tried not to seem too nervous surrounded by most of Cole’s family. Schreaves. Royals.
My nervousness disappeared however as—who I could only guess to be—Wendy spoke up.
“What? Was being decent for more than two seconds too much for you, Cole?”
A third girl appeared, not much older than the one that had just spoken, staring at us clearly confused. “Why are we all over here?”
Cole ignored the third girl's question and answered Wendy’s, gesturing at Jason with his head. “He was making her uncomfortable.”
“Um, I was fine,” I snickered, but I doubted anyone heard.
“Mom! Wendy won't let go of me!” Autumn protested, clearly annoyed, but both her mother and sister ignored it.
Wendy frowned. “Who? Jason?”
Jason yelled a “No!” at the same time Cole said “Yes!”
“Probably.” The last sister (that hadn’t been mentioned) shrugged. I assumed she was Violet.
“Dad!” Autumn whined again but Prince Cody was too busy whispering something into Winter’s ear.
“What is it?” Their mother asked absently, too busy smiling at her husband, but Wendy still began to explain why she wouldn’t let go of Autumn.
“She tried to convince a guard to steal some food from people.”
Then everyone gave different responses at the same time. Oh, wow.
I hesitantly decided to speak up in the middle of it all. “A pleasure to meet you all…” It sadly sounded more like a question than a statement and I stood there awkwardly bawling my hand into the dresses’ skirt, wondering if I should even bother with a curtsy.
Jason seemed to perk up at my statement however. “The pleasure’s all mine” he leered, reaching for my hand to give it a kiss.
Prince Cody hit him this time. “Jason!”
At that I did have to laugh and Violet joined in too. Cole shook his head with a sigh.
Winter seemed to realize some introductions where needed. “I am so sorry, Aileen. This is my husband Cody.”
“Uh, yeah—um hi.” he stuttered.
Winter practically beamed as if saying ‘there it is!’ “Adorable, I know.”
All the children groaned—even Cole—and I found it all so strangely amusing it was hard not to grin.
“A pleasure...and this is great to be honest.”
Cole’s eyebrows shot upward and he glanced at me. “It is?”
Jason took the opportunity for a move. “Of course it is. I'm here” he winked.
Cole rolled his eyes. “Shut up.”
“I think I'm going to throw up.” Wendy mumbled.
“I think I just did.” Violet stated, deadpan.
Cole swiveled around to look at her with a frown. “What?”
“Figure of speech. Oh my gosh, Cole. Get it together.”
He scowled at her.
Autumn rolled her eyes for the sixth time in a row. “I'm so bored right now.”
“Well, I guess I'm not too worried about my family anymore.” I mumbled. For a moment had been worried all the random dancing had been a bit too much for him to handle on the first meet. Not that I believe he’ll ever see my family again anyway but…
“I told you they weren't as bad” he grumbled.
“We're not bad! We're just very close.” Winter chided.
“Yeah, don't mind my kids. They're not as great as my wife. It's impossible.”
The Princess’ blush matched the one Cole had had a few minutes ago as she almost giggled. Everyone groaned again and I could only smile at their reactions.
“I'm actually so offended right now.” Violet admitted, but Wendy dismissed her.
“Used to it.”
“Why are you like this?” this time it was Cole who protested and I shoved him.
“Let them be in love.”
He glared at me, but his eyes sparkled with amusement. “Oh, you gotta be kidding me.”
Jason tried a move again. “So... Aileen... how you doin'?”
“Did you seriously just say that?” Violet practically scoffed.
I glanced at Cole. “At least he has manners.”
He took full offense in this and opened his mouth to say something when Wendy interrupted him.
“I'm done. I'm going to look for a good looking guard.”
“That's my girl. When I was your age, I was married.” Winter proclaimed proudly, but her husband had a different reaction.
“Wha—ah, no Wen—stop,” she was gone before he could even get a sentence out. “Oh God.”
Autumn, who had finally been released by Wendy, yelled “FREEDOM!” as she left. A couple of bystanders stared at her as she walked away.
Violet did a small curtsy before staring at her brothers and parents. “Well... this has been fun. I'm going to go. Love you!
Jason took a step closer to me and winked again. If he really wanted that to work one day he would need to tone down the winking. “Looks like it's just you and me.”
Winter and Cody gave him puzzled looks and I raised an eyebrow at him. He blew a kiss before Cole decided to stand between us, dramatically clearing his throat.
“Don't be jealous, Cole. There's enough of me to go around.”
“Why you little—”
He mother glared him into silence. “Cole! I dare you.”
Prince Cody covered Jason’s mouth. “Alright. That's enough out of you.”
Even though Cole hadn’t finished his sentence his parents seemed adamant on making him remember ‘Mama's rules’ and briefly scolded him for his attempt.
After they were done Jason removed his father’s hand from his mouth. “I'm still here, y'know.”
Cole immediately glared down at him.
“Jason, why don't you come with me to get something to eat? Sound good? Great.” Prince Cody pushed him away, only briefly turning around to kiss Winter before leaving. “I love you, Win.”
Jason took the opportunity to get out of his grasp and kissed my cheek. “HAH!”
I would have punched him in the face if it had been anywhere else.
“JASON” Cole seemed ready to hit him for me, but their father grabbed his shirt and ripped him away with embarrassment, before Cole had a chance.
“Dear Lord, child? Chill your hormones!”
Princess Winter placed a hand on Cole’s shoulder. “Calm down, Snowflake. He's just playing. I'll give him the talk later. Is that a worthy punishment?”
“He shouldn’t be playing like that,” he grumbled in response and I was suddenly very intrigued by how overprotective he’d been during it all.
“Wait, why do you even care?”
Cole froze and his mother grinned.
“Ooh, she got you there. If you'll both excuse me, I'm going to go find my husband. It was so lovely meeting you, Aileen. Cole, fix your tie. Bye!” She left and I looked back at him only to have him stare at his shoes.
“It’s a nice party.”
Nice view you’ve got of it there. I elbowed him. “I like your family.”
“They’re crazy.” He sighed.
“I’m crazy, and in case you don’t remember my cousins forced you to dance in the middle of our living room after ‘washing the dishes together’ turned into a musical.”
He smiled. “It wasn’t that bad.”
“I’m beginning to think you and Haiden have really strange standards for what is and isn’t bad.”
“I’ve never had that much fun washing the dishes, so there’s that.”
“I doubt you’ve ever washed dishes before” I joked, and as I rolled my eyes a new song began. We exchanged looks before glancing away.
“I like your dress.” He mumbled.
“I like it too” I smirked and he laughed—I liked the way he tilted his head slightly whenever he laughed—as if his amusement was always followed by curiosity.
“No compliments for me?”
Giving him a sideways glance I stated, “You’re tie is crooked.”
“Guess my Mom is right then.” A head tilt and a light laugh.
“We can fix it though.”
I reached for his tie and pulled him by it into the group of people dancing.
They were in the middle of their second dance when shots where fired and chaos erupted.
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