warau-okami · 6 years
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Look/To See Vocabulary
見 Kanji : see, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible
ON ケン
KUN み·る     み·える     み·せる
見「み」mi : looking; viewing
見「けん」ken : view (of life, etc.); outlook
見地「けんち」kenchi : point of view
見物「けんぶつ」 kenbutsu : sightseeing; sightseer; watching; watcher
見学「けんがく」kengaku : inspection; study by observation; field trip
見栄「みえ」mie : show; display; appearance; vanity; charm; attraction
見方「みかた」mikata : viewpoint; point of view
way of understanding; way of appreciating; how to look at something (e.g. noh, train schedule)
見入る「みいる」miiru : to gaze at; to fix one's eyes upon
見逃す「みのがす」minogasu : to miss; to overlook; to leave at large
見える「みえる」mieru: to be seen; to be in sight
to look; to seem; to appear
to come
見張る「みはる」mikeru : to stand watch; to stand guard; to look out
to open one's eyes wide
見通し「みとおし」mitooshi : unobstructed view; perspective; visibility; vista
forecast; outlook; prospect; prediction
insight; foresight
見破る「みやぶる」miyaburu : to see through another's thoughts; to have a sharp eye; to penetrate; to fathom
見出す「みいだす」miidasu : to find out; to discover; to notice; to detect
to select; to pick out
to look out (from the inside)
to be wide-eyed (in surprise, anger, etc.)
見して「みして」mishite : show me
月見「つきみ」tsukimi : viewing the moon
外見「がいけん」gaiken : outward appearance
偏見「へんけん」henken : prejudice; narrow view
先見「せんけん」senken : foresight; anticipation
花見「はなみ」onami : cherry blossom viewing; flower viewing
一見「いっけん」ikken : look; glimpse; glance
to glance; to glimpse
first meeting
apparently; seemingly
下見「したみ」shitami : preview; preliminary inspection
preparatory reading; preparation for a lesson; rehearsal
siding (on a house); clapboard; weatherboard
瞥見「べっけん」bekken : glance; glimpse; cursory view
菊見「きくみ」kikumi : chrysanthemum watching
梅見「うめみ」umemi : plum-blossom viewing
必見「ひっけん」hikken : must-see; worth seeing
謁見「えっけん」ekken : audience (with someone)
見る見る「みるみる」mirumiru : very fast; in a twinkle; before one's eyes
相見え「あいまみえ」aimamie : face-to-face encounter
逢い見る「あいみる」aimiru : to face
垣間見る「かいまみる」kaimamiru : to take a peep at; to catch a glimpse of
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