#ain't they all just soooo adorable XD
cray-cray-anime · 1 year
duo names and trio names for rottmnt
no srsly this haunting me. We got only officially disaster twins for leo and donnie and recently PB&J for mikey and donnie (and I think chaos duo). The couple I tagged before is
Fire buds for raph and mikey
And flashy classy compadre for leo and mikey
But i wanna hear
And there isn't a post here on tumblr as far as ik
Tho there's twitter
Buuuuut ya guys know why that ain't an option
Edit: I'm a dumbass who forgot edits anywhooo
Ok i am thinking now perhaps to shorten mikey and leo duo name.
I was thinking flashy fiends ooor classy compadre
Tho the ee sound in flashy classy is fun and compadre has Spanish origins that would match leo! (Plus compadre is just a fun word)
Alsoooo heard of tidepod duo which I thought was reference to the "eating tidepods" which ...they might do (esp mikey).
Also one I kinda into is portal rivals ! Both do portals aaaand probably reference the competitiveness b/w them in that episode w the waiting for those mobs
Buuuut now I'm thinking competitive compadre (if its not obvious, I like alliteration)
Onto the others!
There's a couple I heard that is just adorable!
Raph and mikey as sunset duo! It even goes w the rise theme!
Even cuter, donnie and mikey as smarts and crafts!
Annnnd someone ik irl suggested leo and raph as fire and water! Cos leo is def more chill and go w the flow guy and raph is more firey anger and passion plus it goes w their colours!
Edit2: Even tho I heard of the brawns and brains for donnie and raph, which both like sorta works but also kinda cliche and may not be the best rep of their duo. Tho I honestly think there isn't much moments w those 2 specifically. Both are kinda serious at times. Maybe the no duo or no no duo XD cos they shut down each others bs
Edit 3:
Hmmm I don't think flashy fiends or classy compadre are getting traction BUT i still definitely think fiends and compadre are going to be good in a duo name (or trio)
SOOOOOO I was thinking there's been w other turtles like "brains and brawns" or "smarts and crafts" soooo what if for leo and mikey it's like "the heart and head" tho that may sound like donnie and mikey.
OOOOOOOR "laughs and smiles" cos they seem the most likely to mess around and be positive (tho ofc the others do too, but not to the same extent)
Edit 4: now trio names added. I say because there desperately needs to be one for donnie , leo and mikey.
All I can think of for leo, donnie and mikey is the little brothers trio or chaos and disaster.
Cassandra and april are for sure badass. And think they need a duo name cos I can see their dynamic so well. We've seen BOTH of them literally LAUGHING while they're in danger or fighting. Like the daredevil twins.
Tho I'm running low on tags. Like oops. Perhaps should do post 2 for this.
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emperatrizdereiji · 6 years
Some of the Sakamaki brothers being plain assholes, basically.
Kanato: You pat his head to comfort him, he feels insulted.
Reiji: has you chained down to his bed while showing you the key, which is out of your reach. Clarifies you have no place to run to.
Shu: Gets tired of your bullshit, pushes you down and crushes your hand under his foot.
Subaru: Wrecks the church because you told him to stop it.
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belliesandburps · 3 years
I just read your Arkham City post. You have interesting thoughts on that game! How do you feel about the boss battles of Arkham overall?
Y'know something, Anon? I was actually eager to do one of those tier list dealios, and you just inspired me to whip one up. Soooo here ya go!
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You can see more of a proper rundown below:
In a nutshell, I think City and Origins had, bar none, the best boss fights in the entire series. They're all mostly imaginative, have a wide variety of attack patterns and utilize different strategies for defeating them. Best yet, unlike Asylum, you aren't just fighting the same one monster that resembles Batman villains as much as tanks resembled bosses people wanted in a Batman game. Origins gets extra marks over City because it manages to create proper mano-y-mano showdowns in a way people said was impossible, thanks to the brawler mechanics. Deathstroke and the first showdown with Bane are easily the most badass one-v-one showdowns, while Mr. Freeze is one of the absolute best stealth action bosses in the entire genre.
The rest in Asylum and Knight can be summed up as either unremarkable at best, or dreadfully disappointing or lazy at worst.
For example, I know a LOT of folks loooooved Croc-o's "boss fight" in Arkham Asylum. Problem is, that entire sequence doesn't feel like the boss fight. It feels like the first phase of a larger fight that never happens. Which applies to most of the bosses outside of City and Origins.
And what's sad is, looking back, I'd take even THAT crap over literal one button takedowns for half the quote unquote bosses of Knight.
I have theories for why Knight's bosses were complete garbage compared to City and Origins, namely the age old dilemma of "oh shit, we are WAY behind schedule and implementing this fucking Batmobile ate up so much of our dev time that we went overboard with that we don't have time to give this game any actual bosses. Because Rocksteady knew what they were doing with City. It's not like they just suddenly forgot how to do bosses. After all, we've heard so many stories of this crap happening when games are in development hell.
It's the same reason Electrocutioner was a joke one hit takedown despite being billed as one of the eight main bosses of the game. When the money and dev time ain't there? You gotta cut corners where you can. Hell, Arkham Origins Mobile gave him an actual boss fight which would've been great in the console game. Origins, to me, deserved the full Arkham treatment instead of being the "Portable Ops" of the Arkham series (a spinoff designed just to give players something to chew on before the main event). And like MPO, a big part of why the game was so much copy & paste is because it didn't have an ounce of Rocksteady's budget.
Same with Deadshot, who was just an alteration of Two Face / Harley's predator fight. But the reason I rank Deadshot as great is because his fight is infinitely harder than theirs, and his ricochet attack is a lot trickier to evade, so you actually feel like you have to use stealth to avoid his line of sight. And when it's just you and him, you CAN take him head on, rolling around to avoid his shots, which can feel gratifying and action packed. :P
So yeah! I adored Arkham City's four main bosses, enjoyed its lesser bosses, absolutely loved most of Origins' main bosses, really liked some of its side bosses and at least had fun with its lesser bosses...aaaand minus Poison Ivy and Scarecrow, kind of hated everything Asylum and Knight tried and failed to do with its bosses. (I don't HATE Croc's fight in Asylum or Knight, but the former just doesn't feel like a full boss fight, and Knight doesn't even let you ACTUALLY fight Croc so much as you do jump around him, punching his goons so you can do QTE's to do damage on Croc instead of doing the damage yourself.)
Yeah, I'm a gaming nerd, folks. These are facts. XD
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