kadenca · 4 years
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The Association of International Photography Art Dealers (AIPAD)
Did you know there are several techniques that produce PHOTOGRAS - images created without cameras ?
“My aim with this work is to record something about the landscape without the camera’s capacity to transcribe it. The #photogram, as the most rudimentary photograph, allows me to look for the essence of the place by using simplicity and abstraction.
”Nadezda Nikolova-Kratzer (b. 1978, former Yugoslavia) is a photographic artist working with #wetplatecollodion #photograms.
Her process begins with daily walks in the nearby redwood forest overlooking the San Francisco Bay, where she observes and connects with the landscape. She distills the gleaned information into sketches which she then translates into tintype photograms (single panels, diptychs, and polyptychs) created by placing paper cutouts on sensitized collodion film and making an exposure in darkroom conditions. She invites process artifacts manually and photochemically by employing brushes, spray bottles, cliché verre, and by manipulating chemical composition of the materials and processing duration. This is the performative aspect of image-making where chance comes into play. “Ultimately, I want the audience to connect to the work on an emotional level, but also to question the reality of the material form while contemplating its immanence.
”Contemplative and ethereal her silhouette images “elevate the human spirit by deepening rather than unveiling the mystery.” Her contemporary interpretation of early photographic methods eschews the camera by combining the wet collodion process with the photogram technique, using chemistry, light, paper, scissors, paint brushes, and cliché verre.IMAGE"  Elemental forms, landscape in flux no 1, 40 x 32.5 in. (101.6 x 82.6 cm.), unique wet plate collodion, signed artwork label.  
©Nadezda Nikolova-KratzerFor more information and additional images please visit AIPAD MEMBER DEALER Hackelbury Fine Art
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