#airenyah shut the fuck up challenge
airenyah · 1 month
fandom: he's such a good actor, look at his MiCrOeXpReSsIoNs
meanwhile me: now THIS!! is peak acting
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airenyah · 1 year
thinking about my tags on this post, specifically about:
#i keep watching ships on other shows kiss and it's like#this is nice and all but!! it's just not แค่เพื่อนครับเพื่อน bad buddy series ep. 5 [4/4] (11:33)
and it's like. not gonna lie but this applies even to the patpran ep11 beach kiss
#bbs#bbs ep11#airenyah talks acting#airenyah shut the fuck up challenge#it's all about the dringlichkeit!!#during the rooftop kiss the actors add more dringlichkeit the longer it goes on#meaning the longer it goes on the more important and more urgent it feels#we as an audience feel like it's a now or never situation‚ like that kiss is the only thing that matters right now‚ like there's no tomorro#through the increase in dringlichkeit that the actors are showing#meanwhile in the ep11 kiss.. sure they get a little faster but. apart from that nothing really changes#and that's BORING. esp in comparison to the rooftop kiss#and yeah the stakes are higher in the rooftop scene but still. the ep 11 kiss also needs some dringlichkeit!!#esp considering that the characters end up sleeping with each other afterwards#so that beach make-out session also needs a kind of importance. in a completely different way from the rooftop kiss#the rooftop kiss was all ''i need to kiss you NOW bc i don't know how else to address all the unspoken things between us''#the rooftop kiss was all ''i need to kiss you NOW bc it might be the only chance i get''#whereas the ep11 kiss should be something like ''i need to kiss you NOW bc i want you''#to borrow patpran's food metaphor: the ep11 kiss should be something like ''i need to kiss you NOW bc i'm hungry and want to eat you up''#that's what the ep 11 kiss should be. ESP when they kiss again after they've pulled apart for a moment#it's not the speed of the action that makes the difference‚ it's the dringlichkeit!!#that's what the ep11 kiss needs. less speed and more dringlichkeit#(speaking of: my voice/articulation teacher once told us a trick that we can fake faster speed through an increase of dringlichkeit)#adrm#also it's not just a problem of dringlichkeit but also the haltung and the gedanken#the haltung (attitude?? mindset??) should be ''i wanna eat you up''#and the gedanken is like. what exactly are the characters thinking when they're kissing? what are they feeling?#in acting every single thing that you do needs to be filled (and felt) and that also applies to kissing#if you're just kissing bc the script says to kiss and the director is yelling ''nowww kiss!!'' well......#that will never hit as hard as when you're actually filling up that kiss with throughts and feelings and telling a story with it#god the rooftop kiss is just so fucking GOOD maybe i should just go rewatch ep5 immediately
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airenyah · 2 years
i really wish people would realize that just bc someone can cry on camera it doesn't mean that their acting is very good
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airenyah · 1 year
na oida, owa die posts die i driawa gseng hob, dass de schauspülarische leistung vom [redacted] in [redacted] so scheiße nd so guad woa und dass se do gsessn san so "geh mädl gib uns goa nix!!"........ jo oiso die find i scho a wengal witzig, ngl
waun de gaunzn leid wissadn, dass i ma genau des (oiso "geh mädl gib ma goa nix") stönweise ah scho in [redacted] docht hob..... 🤭🤭🤭
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airenyah · 1 year
oh the blessing and the curse of having an education in something
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airenyah · 1 year
there is no fandom term i hate more than the term "microexpressions"
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