#aj grimes ; visuals.
spacedlexi · 2 months
Who in the twdg series have some of your favorite character designs? (Aside from Vi and Clem lol) Can be side characters + major!
i actually LOVE the character designs of S4 in general the whole cast is so visually strong. gonna use my old line up so you can see what im talking about without a layer of dirt and grime covering everyone (just imagine lillys here shdfjsk)
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each character is immediately distinct in a crowd (which is important when theres a lot of crowd shots and you need to recognize everyone quickly (they also do a really good job with shot composition they can fit so many characters in one frame comfortably 😭))
but also the use of color? look at how certain characters are sharing colors and patterns and straight up whole palettes. so while the characters still remain distinct from one another, you can See connections between them just through their designs. tenn and minerva i think are the most obvious example of that here. but something else i like is how aj changes from his blank white sweater to his red purple and green (if you choose the disco broccoli shirt but like.. i feel like thats the most popular choice anyway) top. clem vi and louis' colors become part of his palette as hes growing and learning. thats so cool!! plus shout out to clems S4 fit intentionally made to mirror lees fit. the narrative is dooming
ive always enjoyed the character designs in twdg theyve always been strong (its what taught me the importance of layering clothes, which was apparently a Rule for the designers). i just feel like S4 was really successful with it
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Send in 📜 and I’ll use this incorrect quotes generator using your muse and my muse. @halcyoniics
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fatcdsongmoved · 2 years
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voted most likely to stay together  past highschool ; featuring aj grimes & corey mason  - @halcyoniics
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ajbwasntwriting · 4 years
Daughter!Reader x Negan, Reader x Daryl: Chapter 4. Bow Boy
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After way too many chapters the reader will now meet our favorite archer. 
I’ll only post more chapters if previous chapters get a good reaction so if you enjoy this please heart it, reblog it, and/or reply to it. Interaction inspires.
 if you wish to be added to the tag list please dm me. All chapters can be found under the tag AJ’s Negan’s Daughter AU
In the weeks that followed you had become adept at moving through the dead. You had set up a little place closer in the city for yourself, complete with a crappy veggie garden on the roof of an apartment complex for yourself. Only Tomatoes, Onions, and Lettuce seemed to grow up there but it was better than nothing. You had built up a steady collection of books, turning one of the abandoned apartments into a library. You treated the zombie books as if they were comedy. ‘If only they knew’ you’d think looking at your wardrobe which consisted of some comfortable pieces to lounge around your hideout in and a bucket of cloths stewing in guts for when you went out. It proved beneficial to leave the home smelling freshly dead.
You were trying to build up a collection of canned food, meant to get you through the winter, but it wasn’t enough and with your last crop failing you knew it was back to foraging for at least the next three months. You had an old calendar broken up and spread across your floor. If you could fit seven cans on each page then you’d be fine...but seven cans was all you had, not including the dog food. The only good thing is that food was the only thing you had a hard time coming up with.
You were wandering through the streets again in your walker gear, your bag empty, aside from some old seed mix you took from the pet store. The snow had begun to fall making being discrete more difficult as the dead would often get stuck or fall over, which wasn’t an option for you. ‘Maybe when it gets heavy I can wear my normal clothes.’ you thought.
It was no use, the sun was setting, and traveling deeper into town would prove a fruitless effort if you got caught by the dead. You backtracked to a bank. The doors were broken and bloodied and ripped sleeping bags lined the ground, but what you came here for was the boards on the windows. You ripped some filling from a sleeping bag, shoving it into your ruck-sack, and moved to the windows.
You got the first board down but the click of a gun stopped your movements. “Turn around. Slowly” a man with a southern accent spoke. You did as he said, turning around with your hands raised. To say you were surprised would be an understatement. Before you stood Rick Grimes, along with a man with a crossbow and a woman with dark hair pulled into a tight pony, pointing a familiar rifle at you.
“Hey...Rick was it?” you nodded to the woman “Glad to see you got some use out of that rifle.” It took a moment for it to dawn on Rick who you were, at which he couldn’t contain his chuckle at your overly friendly attitude.
“I didn’t recognise you with all that filth on your face, then again I never got your name.”
“I have reasons to prefer it that way,” you smiled at him.
“Look, can you leave those blanks? We need to camp here for the night.” He asked, not putting his gun down, but you didn’t judge.
“I need the wood,”
“Let’s just kill her” the man spoke up, stepping closer then visually wincing. You looked him over quickly and noticed his leg was bleeding badly.
“Your hurt,” you spoke, locking eyes with the man. After a glance over the rest of them, it seemed they had been through a war. Maybe that’s why they decided to stay “I can help with that if you let me. I have a safe house not too far from here.” you said, nodding to the man behind Rick. “In return you guys just gotta help me carry up some planks to make a fire.”
“No” the woman behind Rick spoke.
“Yes,” Rick interjected. He turned to his group, his back to you which seemed to make them trail their weapons on your head. You took a step back for their sake. “If she says she can patch Daryl up then she can.”
“Why do you trust her?” the woman asked, not taking her eyes or aim off of you for a second.
“It’s a long story,” he whispered “But we’re cold and exposed out here. So I say we take her up on the offer.”
“Can I go back to getting my wood now?” you interrupted them. “It’s getting late and it’s hard to navigate in the dark”
“Yeah,” Rick said, turning back to you. You turned and started pulling the planks off the windows, now with Rick’s help. The other two took a moment to join you too, pulling a couple planks off the wall. Between yourself and Rick you had a few days worth of wood, while the woman was busy helping the second man who was limping. You lead them down to an old red-brick building, leading them to the entrance to the basement.
“It’s ten flours up,” you said, unlocking the gate and motioning the group to go down. “You’ll sleep like babies after.” Once inside the planks were offloaded onto you to carry the second man up the floors. Once on your floor, you dropped the planks onto the ground, finding an oil-lamp in the moonlight and turning it on. The group looked even more exhausted now. You held out the lamp to Rick and nodded to the door to your left. “My bed’s in there. Get him laid out. I’ll be on the roof.” he took the lamp from you. You grabbed two planks and walked past them “Don’t take my food there’s not enough” you called as you passed them.
You opened up the roof, finding what was left of your garden, some plastic boxes collecting snow, and a fire pit you had jerry-rigged out of a sheet of metal, an old lamp, and a punch of wire hangers twirled to suspend a pot that had filled with snow. You grabbed the hatchet you had found from it’s space by the door and got the filling from your bag and started a fire using a lighter. As it burned you went back to the entrance way to the roof, where you kept the bucket of guts for your walker gear and a small cupboard with clean clothes in it and some pieces of cloth. By the time you had peeled off the layers, the snow had turned to water. You poured some out into a neighbouring pot full of snow, cooling it.
As you were washing the gunk off your skin and out of your hair you heard the door open. It was the woman. “I’m so sorry” she yelped, closing the door.
“What is it?” you yelled just before she closed it again.
“We were wondering what was taking you” she answered. “You didn’t mention you were bathing.” you wiped the blood from your arms, your skin reacting to the sudden heat and cold.
“There’s a pot on the stove in my kitchen. Can you bring it up?” you called. She replied positively before fully closing the door. By the time she came back you were fully clean and redressed in some red pants, a black shirt, a yellow hoodie, and a pair of slip-on shoes you’d designated as your house shoes. She held the pot from behind the door, you walked over and opened the door, finding her with her eyes closed. “I’m dressed,” you said, taking the pot. You got some snow from the bins and emptied the last of the water into the new pot. You picked it up.
“I’m Tara, by the way” she spoke up as you walked back towards her.
“I didn’t ask” you replied, walking past her “close the door” you were down one flight of stairs with her behind you when you stopped short, looking over your shoulder. “Sorry, it’s just...safer to not exchange names.” Tara nodded at you
“No, I get it.” she smiled at you meekly. The two of you continued down the stairs. “How do you know Rick?”
“I tried to kill him,” you said plainly, pushing your door open to see Rick and the other man, now sitting on the couch. “I thought I told you the bed.” You said, putting the pot of hot water on the coffee table. “Where’s the wound?”
“His calf,” Rick replied, watching you walk into the kitchen. You threw open one of the presses and to the shock of the other three, it was over flowing with medical supplies. You grabbed a familiar first-aid kid, a bottle of antibiotics, some bandage, and gauze.
“Great. Take off your pants.” You unintentionally slammed the doors closed “Or just roll up the leg of your jeans. Either way, I need a look at it.” The man bent over and rolled up the jean leg.
“Where did you find all that stuff?” Rick asked. You picked up the man’s leg and placed it on the coffee table, shoving the pant leg up.
“Around” you replied as you cleaned the matted blood from the wound. It was a rather deep cut and it didn’t look good. “You’re gonna need stitches, and I’m gonna have to open it up more.”
“The hell you mean open it up more!” The man shouted
“To make sure it’s clean, numb-nuts. How’d you get this?”
“We jumped out of an office window” Tara spoke up. “Daryl got caught on the fire escape.” Now that made you laugh. That fragile-looking man, that baby-faced girl, and this rough-looking redneck is the one that gets hurt.
“Old steal.” you signed dramatically “I gotta clean it properly.” you spoke, opening the first aid kit to show it full of medical tools. Mainly single-use tweezers and scissors. You took some scissors and cut up some gauze, “It’s gonna hurt. Need a towel to bite on?” you asked, using a pair of tweezers to pick up the gaze and soak it in the steaming water.
“Fuck you” Daryl cursed. You positioned your free hand over the wound, pushing it open slightly, causing him to wince.
“As you wish” you cut back before focusing on cleaning the wound. He took it like a champ and you had him bandaged in no time. You dumped the water out the window when you were done. You laughed to yourself as it hit a walker and he grumbled up at you. You didn’t pay attention to their conversation until they pulled you into it.
“How many walkers have you killed?” Rick called over to you. You closed the window and walked back into the sitting room of the apartment,
“Please just answer the question,” Rick spoke quietly. You leaned against a hall and took a deep breath
“I don’t know... a lot”
“How many people have you killed?” he asked. You thought on it a moment and remembered the lady you sent a walker on back at Sanctuary
“She tried to kill me first”
The three of them looked amongst themselves as if reading each other’s minds. “We have a place-”
“No” you stopped Rick, knowing what was coming next. “I am not going to your camp, and you're not staying here. Tomorrow morning you will leave, and I will stay,” you spoke firmly
“It’s not a camp,” Tara spoke up from where she was sitting on the couch next to Daryl. “It’s a community. We have walls.”
“I’m not going” you spoke slowly, making sure every word was heard. You pushed off the wall and walked past the living area towards your bedroom. “Next door is my library. There’s another bed and a couch. Just don’t take my shit.” you closed the door and locked it for good measure. ‘They’ll take my supplies’ you thought as you crawled into bed, pulling the blankets as closely around you as possible, ‘but they won’t take me’.
The following morning you woke to see your patient out cold on your couch, with his friends on the floor covered in the blankets from the library. It was still dark out, as expected in the winter season, but you still wanted them gone. You walked past him to your door, remembering you’d left your bag on the roof. Everything up there was still in its place too.
Back in your apartment, you prepared a wonderful breakfast; half a can of soup, and some seed mix in a bowl. It tasted like crap but you knew it would fill you for the next while. “Thought you said there was no food” Daryl piped up from the couch. You turned your back to him.
“Not enough for more people” you retorted, slurping down your cold soupy-seedy mix.
“How long have you been out here?” He asked.
“Some time” you said through gulps
“Where were you before this?”
“Someplace else” you snapped, scraping the last of the mix into your mouth. Silence fell for a moment.
“Why did you help us?” he asked. You looked down into the old metal sink as if it had the answers. You used to do the same with the neck of a vodka bottle at sanctuary. They never had the answers. ‘Old soldiers don’t forget their training?’ you thought
“I don’t know” is what you said.
The other two woke not long after. Rick looked at your cabinet than at you before approaching you. Before he could speak you opened it up and pulled out two changes of bandages. “For Daryl,” you said, “Now get out.”
Three days later you were coming back to your home from another run, finding some clothes and chocolate powder but no food. With the seeds, you could stretch your rations to another week but it was still tight. That was when you saw a small pile of cans in front of your door. Eight in total. Soups, peas, beans, apple sauce. Among the cans, you found a small note. ‘From Alexandria’ it read. You thought of the ramifications that might have to your security and how that they’ll probably pay a price for not having enough food for your father this week, then one of the tins read /FAVOURITE SOUP/ and your stomach won over, demanding you to start a fire this minute and warm that can of delicious right up!
You were grateful for the first time. Alarmed the second time. Tired of it by the third time. They would come every week with cans and tins of food. When you expected the next delivery ‘from Alexandra’ you stayed home, sitting on the floor watching the door. The sun had been up a while and you were certain they weren’t coming when you heard heavy steps, followed by the sound of tin knocking off each other. You opened the door quickly, startling the delivery man in the process.
“Howdy, Bow Boy” you spoke to Daryl who had the bow pointed at your face. “What’re you doing?” Daryl slid his crossbow back into place.
“ugh...Feeding ya?” he said, a little embarrassed about getting caught. “I figured you’d be out, scavenging.”
“I usually am but some homeless-looking guy keeps bringing me food” you smiled sarcastically.
“Well he sounds like a gentleman,” he said, picking up the cans and offering one to you.
“Why are you doing this?” you asked, closing your eyes in annoyance.
“You need it,” he spoke plainly. You pushed your door open and motioned for him to follow.
“Put the cans on the coffee table” you said, going to your medical supplies and pulling some things out and placing them on the counter. “I am not taking any more charity. We are going to trade.” He looked over what you were pulling out.
“Are you sure?” he asked. You nodded sternly.
“You ain’t leaving me short, so I ain’t gonna leave you short. That’s the terms.” you held out your hand to him. “Deal?”
You parted with a lot of medical supplies, some soaps, two blankets, and a box of cutlery. You would have given him more but he couldn’t fit any more in his bag. You’d just have to find him better stuff next time.
Riding into the Sanctuary on his bike, Daryl was greeted by some saviours. He emptied his bag, claiming to have found the pieces. Everyone was overjoyed at the supplies and the fresh blankets went to Rodney and his new-born. Heading back to his quarters he was approached by Lauren. “Daryl! Daryl, it happened again. Some asshole robbed some of our cans”
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placetobenation · 5 years
Cliffhanger – (noun)  – a melodramatic or adventure serial in which each installment ends in suspense in order to interest the reader or viewer in the next installment.
It’s also a word that you could say sums up this week in the WWE. Whether it be what will happen next between Seth Rollins/Kevin Owens and the Authors of Pain or an RKO to AJ Styles on RAW, or  a triple-threat treat ending things on NXT or Bray Wyatt’s kidnapping of Daniel Bryan leading to the bizarre intrusion into The Miz’s family, the next step is left in the balance.  
Congratulations, @AJStylesOrg. Your victory prize tonight is…an #RKOOuttaNowhere!#RAW @RandyOrton pic.twitter.com/AoovesucIM
— WWE (@WWE) December 3, 2019
It’s a refreshing change in the WWE’s storytelling to let things play out over several weeks. A little breathing room brings out the mystery akin to the old days of pro wrestling where everything didn’t need to be explained in one episode because the attention span of the audience was only 30 seconds long. It’s also a building block to get us to come back week after week.
Take for instance the Daniel Bryan vs. The Fiend/Bray Wyatt storyline. I think we all expected this week’s Smackdown to just move into the announcement of Bryan vs. The Fiend for another WWE Universal Title match after The Fiend kidnapped him at the end of last week’s episode.
Cliffhanger time! Instead, we get a Firefly Fun House on Miz TV edition where Wyatt reminds us that Bryan was part of his family and that he won’t come out to play at the TLC PPV. Instead, we get a challenge for The Miz to play and when he won’t, Wyatt threatens his family. Brilliant.
So, after a backstage attack, will The Miz accept a match with The Fiend at TLC and just how Bryan play into it? How will he look when he returns? Will he be with Bray or against him?
Intrigue. Emotion. Drama. Exactly what you need for a good cliffhanger.
Cleanin' up the nasties in no time.
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#SmackDown @LaceyEvansWWE pic.twitter.com/Fr0YlHlDuB
— WWE (@WWE) December 7, 2019
It would be easy to give it again to an NXT star like Keith Lee or Rhea Ripley, but we’re going another route this week. Our star of the week goes to LACEY EVANS. It’s not because she dominated this week. It’s because she gave us a reason to like her. She gave us a reason to care. She gave us a reason to invest in her. By standing up to Sasha Banks as the mother of her 6-year old daughter, by standing up as a Marine and by showing it to us while keeping a little of that “nasty” persona, Evans did more to further her character than any match could do. Well done, Lacey!
Kevin Owens defeated Lashley (DQ when Authors of Pain interfere)
Drew McIntyre defeated Akira Tozawa
Aleister Black defeated Tony Nese
Andrade defeated Eric Young
Kyle Busch wins 24/7 Championship over R-Truth
Erick Rowan defeated No Way Jose
The Kabuki Warriors defeated Charlotte
The Viking Raiders defeated Mark Sterling & Mitchell Lyons
The OC defeated Rey Mysterio, Ricochet, & Humberto Carrillo
What we loved:
.@LanaWWE's music hits. #RAW@FightOwensFight: pic.twitter.com/he89zlDNsa
— WWE Universe (@WWEUniverse) December 3, 2019
The KO Show – Absolutely loved the spotlight that Kevin Owens is getting on Monday nights! Arguably one of the WWE’s best on the mic these days, Owens is working to thwart Seth Rollins and the AOP while interjecting himself into the Lana/Rusev/Lashley feud. Entertaining doesn’t even begin to start the back and forth between KO and Lana. Including the effort at Starrcade, it’s made me gain back my interest in Rusev vs. Lashley.
Kyle Busch wins the 24/7 title – Does anything else need to be said?!
Kabuki Warriors – Sure, the Warriors should win a 2-on-1 handicap match against The Queen, Charlotte Flair. But, in the match of the night, we get the Women’s Tag Team Champions win it with an InSane flying elbow from Kairi Sane off the top rope onto Flair while she’s got Asuka in a figure-eight leglock! Great visual.  
Lana – I’m suing! I’m suing! I’m suuuuuuiiiiiinnnnnngggggg! Her dramatics (and green dress to boot) after Bobby Lashley and herself were arrested for “assaulting” local police authorities was hysterical.
What we hated:
RAW Tag Team Championship – Can we get some challengers and a storyline? I get that they want to show The Viking Raiders as strong champs, but squash match after squash match isn’t helping them. They need to face, challenge and beat teams like The OC (possibly at TLC maybe).
Killian Dain defeated Pete Dunne
Shayna Baszler defeated Xia Li (Submission)
The Forgotten Sons vs. Adrian Alanis and Leon Ruff
Matt Riddle defeated Kassius Ohno
KUSHIDA defeated Cameron Grimes
Dominik Dijakovic, Keith Lee, and Tommaso Ciampa defeated The Undisputed Era
What we loved:
Everything @RealKeithLee does is a gift to the internet. 'Tis the season, @FinnBalor… #WWENXT pic.twitter.com/rib8JLdAdi
— WWE (@WWE) December 5, 2019
Star makers – The continued rise of Keith Lee and Rhea Ripley is awesome! Lee not only is becoming THE big man in NXT, but now he’s worked his way into a possible NXT Championship match if he can defeat Tommaso Ciampa and Finn Balor on the next episode of NXT. As for Ripley, in addition to helping Mia Yim get some measure of revenge on Dakota Kai, Ripley gets a title shot herself against Shayna Baszler on December 18th after bearing the brunt of a beatdown from Baszler and her crew. The skies the limit for these two!
.@itsLioRush puts the NXT Cruiserweight Title on the line against @AngelGarzaWwe NEXT WEEK on #WWENXT. pic.twitter.com/pCwPtta7Xw
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) December 5, 2019
Lio vs. Angel – We said a couple of weeks ago that we hoped the first match between NXT Cruiserweight Champion Lio Rush and Angel Garza was only the start of a feud. We get our wish now as the two are set for a rematch that hopefully will build on the personal involvement of Rush’s wife.
The backstory – Love that NXT is taking the next step in trying to get some of the lesser stars of the company over with simple vignettes that make us care about them more than just in the ring. In bringing back KUSHIDA and Kassius Ohno with a setup, it makes the in-ring more of a payoff.
Match of the night – Dain vs. Dunne – What a way to start the show! What a way to end a match. With a sleeper hold firmly in place on the top rope by Pete Dunne, Killian Dane powers back to pin Dunne for the duke! Well-paced, physical and set the tone for another wonderful night of wrestling from Full Sail.
Welcome back Mauro – After taking a shot from Corey Graves on Twitter for his NXT Takeover: WarGames work and missing Survivor Series plus last week’s episode of NXT, it’s awesome to not only have Mauro Ranallo back on TV, but to start the entire show. He’s a one-man treat giving not only play-by-play but also some commentary along the way. If I’m WWE, I’d give him a shot to do a show by himself or just with one other analyst. He’s that damn good!
What we hated:
The ambiance – I’m going to keep harping on it until they move an NXT out of Full Sail. The crowd just doesn’t measure up to the in-ring product. It does make an impact on watching at home. It’s an obvious upgrade the WWE and NXT came make to take on AEW, who’s look and feel does out do NXT each week even though you can argue that NXT delivers the better in-ring show.
Alexa Bliss defeated Mandy Rose
Smackdown Tag Team Title #1 Contender’s Elimination Match: The Revival defeated Ali & Chad Gable, Lucha House Party, & Heavy Machinery
Lacey Evans defeated Haley Jones
Roman Reigns defeated Dolph Ziggler
What we loved:
Wanna play with him now, @mikethemiz?#SmackDown #FireflyFunHouse @WWEBrayWyatt pic.twitter.com/Iayt1RSFJT
— WWE (@WWE) December 7, 2019
FAMILY – Bray Wyatt wants to be part of The Miz’s family. As we’ve stated above, a brilliant and diabolical plot is now unleashed by Wyatt to get The Miz to play with him at TLC after kidnapping Daniel Bryan and making him unavailable to play. Very intrigued to see what the next step is in this one.
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“@DaveBautista is a millionaire, plus he’s tall… “
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@IAmEliasWWE sings the difference between #TheAnimal and @WWEMaverick. #SmackDown @DanaBrookeWWE pic.twitter.com/xc8gvATvZM
— WWE (@WWEIndia) December 7, 2019
Elias and Dana Brooke – Forthe second straight week, we get an Elias sighting as Drake Maverick tries to get his swerve on with Dana Brooke. With a witty, whimsical rib, Elias not only mocks Maverick in song, but also in the ring, letting Brooke get the final say in embarrassing him with the “pin.”
Lacey Evans – see star of the week above.
What we hated:
King Corbin vs. Roman Reigns – Not for obvious reasons, but for the details. Before the show on social media, we get the announcement that it’s Corbin vs. Reigns in a TLC match at the PPV. Why? No explanation. Then, after a stellar match with Dolph Ziggler, Reigns gets handcuffed to the ring post and covered in dog food. Why? We get the obvious reference to Reigns as “The Big Dog,” but shouldn’t this all lead to a dog collar match instead of a TLC match? Makes no sense.  
Who’s under the ring – During the Reigns beatdown at the end of Smackdown, we see someone holding Reigns’ leg from under the ring. Who is it? No reveal even with Ziggler and Corbin searching under the ring for the dog food. Huh?!
Parting thought – Was looking forward to Arrow star Stephen Amell on WWE Backstage, but sickness forced a no-show. It would’ve been interesting to see if Renee Young and crew would press Amell about his involvement outside of WWE with Ring of Honor and All Elite Wrestling as he is an honorary member of The Elite. Maybe he’ll reschedule for this week’s show when CM Punk returns!
Welcome back John Morrison!
Thanks for letting us share our thoughts! Shoot me an email at [email protected]. We’d love to hear your comments and suggestions! You can also check out my blog, The Crowe’s Nest as we delve into more pro wrestling, sports entertainment and the World of Sports. My apologies ahead of time – I AM a Patriots and Red Sox fan! If you’re not down with that, I’ve got TWO WORDS for you… NEW ENGLAND!
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halearp · 7 years
     take back what you said --*
so… typically i am All About the Fluff.  however, i’ve evidently decided to majorly say /fuck that/ because i’m all about the angst right now.  so be aware that there’s some angst etc gonna be happening here, along with a lot of screaming and probably no smutty sex (though past/AU things will be hella gr8 too)
go read atticus’s blurb, because it has…. all the necessary info about the ex in it.  they had some kids (who are now age twenty-one, eighteen, sixteen, and thirteen — the younger two are a boy and a girl, and the older twos’ genders are open because they’re playable characters and i’ll be requesting them!!!) and got married (after they found out they were pregnant with their second).  they got divorced when their oldest was thirteen because they got into a fight and he raised a hand to her (never actually physically hurt her) and he got the hell outta dodge after the divorce papers were signed.
he’s been gone for eight years, moved off to a small town outside of jackson, mississippi.  i figure that, for the longest time, she kept the kids away from him???  maybe like… "once you’re old enough you can decide if you want to speak to your asshole father." etc.  i would love it if one of them (of the older two) came to live with him for a summer or s/t, just because they didn’t get along well with their mom. because drama y’all
but now he’s back in NOLA (because of a woman, but he wouldn’t tell anyone that, of course not) but… also with a daughter in tow???  a two year old, which means that his kids have a half sibling — gasp.
i kind of like the idea that she’s remarried and happy, but i also am trash and love the idea that she’s just bounced from one shitty guy to another, and she’s kinda stuck with the whole "i feel like i can’t do better for myself" mentality (spoiler alert — i want you to do better for her!!!).  
i… am super open with all of this.  she should be his age (or even a year older!!!) because he got her pregnant when he was fifteen.  so 36-38 for her age, and i don’t really have an occupation in mind for her???  i could definitely see her as being a nurse of some sort, though?  if you want her to have an additional kid or two from another guy, i wouldn’t be super opposed to it, but i realllllly like the idea of her not having any more kids other than the four with him.
i don’t really know who i want face claim wise???  i guess it kinda depends on age.  i will say, though, that she should be caucasian, because the faces i picked for their younger kids are millie bobby brown and aj mitchell (they’re NPCs and i’m trash for having a visual on the younger kids).  some suggestions, though, are: genevieve cortese/padalecki, katheryn winnick (combine it with my family request that’s here), sarah michelle gellar, rachael taylor, hilarie burton, sophia bush, lily rabe, bethany joy lenz, jaimie alexander, rachel mcadams, bridget regan, adrianne palicki, ali larter, jennifer morrison, liza weil…… as you can tell i’m super open lmaoooo
i just want some drama and angst and yelling and fighting and him trying to apologize and the awkwardness of him having another kid and???  really it’s just some hella plotting and you can do whatever you want with her outside of this (and i’ll gladly plot my other characters with her, especially if you use katheryn bc #twinthings) including siblings and stuff!!!  ... these two won’t get back together unless some insane act of god happens, so this is all just plot-building n stuff~*
and i’m just gonna go ahead and request the kids here too as well?  they’re super open, as long as they can pass as jared’s kid and the kid of someone above — i’ll throw some suggestions here, but i am open to female or male for either (or nb, though i’m not gonna suggest faces there but know i’m open to it)… just get @ me ok names are open too but i just kinda threw in names for the younger two, so play off that pls
female faces — natalia dyer (!!!! pls), olivia cooke, laura marano, liana liberato, maia mitchell, maisie williams, emily robinson, isabelle fuhrman, madison beer, maggie lindemann
male faces — colin ford (!!! pls), shawn mendes, brandon flynn, alex wolff, nat wolff, bradley steven perry, gavin maccintosh, tanner buchanan, uriah shelton, mateus ward, jake short, nick robinson
first grimes/last   36-38 + occupation + face + open
atticus grimes   36 + mechanic + jared padalecki + hales
first grimes   21 + occupation + face + open
first grimes   18 + occupation + face + open
kyle grimes   16 + student + aj mitchell + npc
meghan grimes   13 + student + millie bobby brown + npc
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hiya! i notice you tag a lot of your posts with 'nora, sloane, etc.' i understand these are characters for a story you're doing. i'm curious: what's the story about?
ok ! well @turnandchasethewind (olivia) & i have been working on the sketches for this show for like. a Long time lmao it has as most projects do grown & changed & become something entirely its own & i think it’s really awesome & lovely & am rly rly jazzed for it to move forward one day
anyway the working title for it is called views, & it basically follows sloane & nora, best friends who live & work in toronto. they met when they were 18/19 at a catering gig (terrible) & theyre the kind of love that is this epic soft quiet fun powerful love between female friends. they’re young & they’re a little lost always, & the world hurts, but like. they’re Good. the current storyline begins when they’re in their early/mid-twenties & nora meets ridley, who becomes her girlfriend. ridley is rly rly lovely & beautiful & whip smart & v kind & sloane hates her which is altogether mostly funny but a little sad
sloane ideally would be played by maia mitchell just for a visual but like. a grungier cooler hot mess version of maia bc like. sloane is a trash kid she’s our absolute fav she has tons of stick n pokes & her hair is a mess or buzzed (or both) & she will wear vans until they r literally falling off. she shops mostly at black market & she got this bike off kijiji that’s like 800% terrifying. she was diagnosed with bipolar I when she was 18 & shes on meds but its obviously still smth she deals with every day. shes from vancouver & she dropped out of mcgill after An Episode but mostly bc she hated it & she moved to toronto a few months after that (which is p much immediately when she met nora). shes like our token white character shes funny everyone drags her constantly abt so many things but they Love sloane. she eats Shit food unless nora’s parents buy her groceries & she drinks a lot & sometimes she has lil spirals but she has a dog named carly rae who helps a lot. she also has a big brother named whit he’s trans & he lives in brooklyn & she Adores him. shes a tremendously talented musician but ofc being a musician is v difficult so she also works a bunch of weird jobs between music gigs. she lives in a funky apartment in kensington w like six rotating roommates. she plays sets at the beaver all the time. if sloane was gonna write a song it would be ‘young’ by vallis alps but if sloane had a themesong its a tie between i wanna get better by bleachers & control by halsey & buzzcut season by lorde & then a rly rly sad cover of i rly like you by carly rae
nora is laura harrier bc like Hot & also biracial so thats dope. shes a baker & she works at a rly cute lil bakery on queen west & she always looks so pretty & put together & she rides this beautiful linus bike everywhere w a fucking basket & everything she wears so much birds of north america & oak + fort & rly just anything from victoire & she has like 12 pairs of blundstones. shes from etobicoke & her parents are both immigrants so nora is first generation canadian shes v v invested in how that all interacts shes a smart cool kid. she’s bisexual she came out when she was 16 bc she Literally got drunk in a closet & she has a history of dating Truly shitty ppl so sloane is like v v Hesitant when she falls for ridley. she has some beautiful tattoos & some silly stick n pokes, mostly w sloane. she has a rly cool little sister named kennedy who goes to ryerson & nora went to george brown. shes rly passionate abt intersectional feminism & she volunteers w a few different organizations around the city that help lgbtq+ youth shes like. a Good person & also sloane ADORES her & nora is in a v real kinda love w sloane theyre the v best pals. also girl can Drink. once a month regardless of how cold it is she & sloane make rly good pot brownies & go to trinity bellwoods & eat them & they end up Laughing a lot. nora also fosters w save our scruff bc she & sloane adopted carly rae together but carly rae is like an emotional support animal for sloane so she spends most of her time at sloane’s apartment so bc of that nora likes to foster dogs its rly cute. she has a beautiful lil tiny studio off euclid & queen. if nora had a themesong its like some dope gay (bi) ass mix of company by tinashe & feelin myself by nicki but then she meets ridley so shes like all night by bey
pls know that nora & sloane sometimes get Rly drunk at the greenroom in the annex mostly bc they love smoking in the lil alleyway its like. their trash special place. & their songs r like. california by grimes & love gang by whethan ft charli xcx & ribs by lorde 
ok in our heads ridley is played by aj but mostly bc its hot & we love her lol, ideally ridley is quebecois metis. she has a degree in physics but her parents just both died so shes kinda taking a break from everything & rn shes a florist in the shop next to noras bakery on queen west. shes from montreal but she went to school in the states & she has a longtime ex named ash. theyre non binary & ridley & ash are still rly good friends which sloane is like Suspicious abt but nora is like sloane jfc. ridley is rly smart she wears a Lot of stay home club & j brands & she & nora have a lot of shoes n boots that look almost identical. shes queer & shes kinda just been queer forever? her parents were scientists so it was always a v inclusive educated lil home she grew up in. she was named after ridley scott & everyone always jokes that she was conceived during alien lol & honestly she probably was. shes rly funny & she has beautiful tattoos & pretty pretty eyes & nora falls for her rly fast. she has a lil quebecois accent & sometimes she forgets words in english when shes drunk or tired. she & nora first kiss outside of the beaver in the snow theyre in the alley behind the gladstone w rly beautiful street art they were smoking cigarettes & its just. soft. so queer. ridleys lil songs r hold by vera blue & 21 moon water by bon iver & Mostly corbeau by coeur de pirate
sloane has a plot twist & falls in love w jack who is half-japanese & hes rly good friends w ridley which is the plot twist part a little but the BIG plot twist part is that she falls in love at all bc she is Convinced no one can handle her & she isnt stable enough for romantic love etc etc. but jack is so good hes so smart & hes a music therapist for kids on the spectrum its like Absurd how good a person he is. hes trans & hes abt to have top surgery like a few months after he meets sloane & she goes for a while & is like blah blah im not in love w him whatever its just sex but then shes So worried abt him being ok during & after surgery & she cares abt him so much & she gets Rly drunk & cries abt it to nora its funny. one day sloane is having a rly rly bad lil depressive episode & nora has been outta town all weekend w her parents & kennedy at their cottage in muskoka & so nora texts jack like. yo sloane has bipolar i she shouldve told u this but like i gotta tell u now bc shes havin a meltdown so pls go over & bring her food from fresh get the falafel tacos & like all the pressed juice ill venmo you & Pls make her shower if she buzzed her hair try to find the scalp treatment i got her from lush its in her dresser top drawer. also shes gonna wanna drink just let her do that & make sure she takes her meds she’ll be ok itll take a day or two & hes like ok. a lot but ok. & he goes & he brings sloane food & a tshirt of his & he gets her into the shower & out to the couch & puts on superstore & she curls up into him on one side & carly rae on the other & she cries a little but honestly its not so bad & like. hes so in love w her its wild she never thought that would happen its a fun plot twist even olivia & i didnt plan on
so anyway the whole show is kinda an ode to toronto & an ode to being young & in love w your friends in a rly profound way & also what its like to fall in love w ppl u might wanna spend ur life with, a kinda love thats v new. its abt queerness & gender & race in a way thats v much present but all of the main characters r rly informed & rly like passionate abt intersectional feminism & thats a cool aspect we r both v excited abt. also sloane deals v realistically w a balance between being stable w bipolar I & also being v creative & v connected to making music which is smth thats v important to me esp. nora was sexually assaulted before she met ridley (HATE!) but we delve into that as well. 
mostly like. its just ‘we’re never done w killing time/ can i kill it w you/ i’d like it if you stayed’ 
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weownthenitenyc · 5 years
27th Sónar Barcelona: 18.19.20 June 2020 – The 2020 edition brings together heroes of contemporary clubbing, avant-garde electronica and emerging talents of trap and urban rhythms from around the planet.
This is Sónar 2020
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Sónar 2020 will feature the most eagerly awaited electronic shows of the year by The Chemical Brothers. They will once again reign at Sónar introducing their new and spectacular immersive audiovisual show created together with their regular collaborator, Adam Smith, in which Tom Rowlands and Ed Simons will intersperse their legendary hits with those of their ninth album, “No Geography”, unanimously acknowledged by the critics as one of the most solid of their entire career.
A worldwide exclusive in 2020 only at Sónar, French electronic epic duo THE BLAZE will play their live show at SonarClub; another major highlight is the spectacular show by Swedish progressive house dj and producer Eric Prydz, as well as the circular hi-fi mobile sound system DESPACIO, led by luxury selectors James Murphy and 2manydjs, will return to the festival, this time at Sónar by Night in a non-stop 6-hour sets on Friday and Saturday in the SonarCar stage.
The festival brings together again DJ’s from the first international division such as Carl Cox, Richie Hawtin, Laurent Garnier, Helena Hauff, Âme, Joy Orbison, Charlotte de Witte, Avalon Emerson, 2manydjs or The Black Madonna closing Sónar by Night. Not to mention the cosmic and multidisciplinary project Lost Souls Of Saturn, which unites the internationally beloved tech house DJ, Seth Troxler, with the respected New York sound engineer Phil Moffa.
Also present will be Vancouver sound Jayda G, with house, funk and disco vibes; the fantastic Jyoty, a London underground star, firing off hip hop, grime, dancehall and r&b hits; veteran DJ Marcelle, a cult DJ among dance gourmets in Europe; Or:la, growing with every new release and moving between the best of techno and bass music; Manara, with her mix of grime with Bollywood and punjabi sounds; or Shanti Celeste, one of the most active presences of the current British electronic scene, forming a tandem with another of the greats of the UK scene, Midland.
2020 will be the year of Arca’s leap to Sónar by Night. The most radically innovative electronic artist today presents an exclusive live show with an overwhelming sound, traversing noise to melody and from euphoria to tears, premiering her longed-for new album and recreating unreleased versions of her repertoire.
Other exciting premieres or exclusives will be the long-awaited return of Telefon Tel Aviv, the new shows of Mura Masa, one of the most transformative artists on the current British scene, or American art-rock supergroup Battles, both with their new albums. Electronic emo-folk duo Howling, the return of TNGHT (tandem formed by Hudson Mohawake and Lunice), the provocative Sega Bodega, with a new synthetic pop album or the duo Giant Swan, with their abrasive physical techno-punk live.
The grand sound, visual and technological show by Max Cooper, who will perform his latest work “Yearning For The Infinite” will be performed within the colossal dimensions of SonarClub, the biggest stage at Sónar by Night. Koreless comes back with a fascinating visual show created together with his usual collaborator, the renowned Emmanuel Biard; and Ryochi Kurokawa will introduce “Subassemblies”, an audiovisual show in which the Japanese genius uses 3D laser-scanned data and nature images to talk about the destruction of the environment by humans.
Sónar 2020 will be an exceptional occasion to explore the new wave of avant-garde house and techno DJs: alongside the aforementioned Helena Hauff and Charlotte de Witte, there will be Joy Orbison, Bulgarian king of the live edits KiNK, half of the German duo Âme, the missing link between techno and reggaeton DJ Python, the new face of big room techno DJ ANNA (recently signed to Richie Hawtin’s label), the relentlessly innovative DJ and producer Avalon Emerson and the up and coming Swedish talent La Fleur.
Sónar explores and stages for another year the best in the British grime and hip hop, a sound in permanent evolution. Four of its most outstanding representatives will be performing at Sónar by Night.
This year the festival will feature the British rappers of the moment: Dave (revelation of 2019 and winner of the prestigious Mercury Prize) and AJ Tracey, the brilliant rhymer and author of the catchy hit ‘Ladbroke Grove’. From the dark side of rap and grime, Skepta and Stormzy collaborator and rising star of UK drill, Headie One, who will be preceded by the dj set of Conducta, one of the kings of the new UK garage revival..
Once again, Sónar serves as a huge platform for the most advanced and avant-garde sounds being created around the world today, introducing more than 20 nationalities, many of which focus on hip hop beats, dancehall and reggaeton updates, trap derivatives, new African rhythms, and hybrids of contemporary pop and r&b.
Charismatic New York MC Princess Nokia comes back to the festival, presenting her brand new album at the SonarVillage by Estrella Damm stage. The headlines of global sounds will be written by by Uruguayan Lechuga Zafiro, with a sound between grime and dembow; Brazilian Badsista, firing off funk and digital dancehall hits; and the brilliant Kelman Duran, a Dominican living in Los Angeles, taking reggaeton to experimental grounds. In a similar vein will be Venus X, the head of the legendary New York parties GHE20G0TH1K.
From Africa, the festival will host Ugandans Nihiloxica, with their frenetic polyrhythm and the duo MC Yallah & Debmaster, with their abrasive and close to grime sound. Congolese Lous and The Yakuza, mixing Afrotrap and pop; and the Palestinian dj Sama’, with her beats and hypnotic rhythms for the track will also see their debut in Spain.
The SonarVillage by Estrella Damm stage at Sónar by Day is the perfect place to enjoy Lindstrøm’s music; the wizard of Scandinavian cosmic disco. The same stage will host the live performance of the Italian duo Nu Guinea, top representatives of Napoli Sound.
The most radiant and melodic house will be excellently represented by the Canadian Project Pablo and the French Folamour, both growing very fast with every step they take, and offering contemporary dance sets at SonarLab and SonarVillage respectively. In a similar vein, the renowned Dutch dj Job Jobse, a specialist in mixing house from any era with other styles, from italodisc to trance and 21st century funk, will also be present.
The legendary Sónar by Day stage will also be the stage for the American Channel Tres live show, with their irresistible funk-house-pop; and for the French duo Polo & Pan, with their euphoric sound that equally accommodates Eurodisco and tropical pop.
At Sónar by Day the SonarXS stage grows and relocates, focusing on promoting and disseminating the most exciting and emerging national scene, with a new batch of artists such as Morad, the new urban sensation from L’Hospitalet; Kaydy Cain (ex PXXR GVNG playing their street trap hits adapted to a Latin salsa orchestra); Chenta Tsai-Baobae (new project by Putochinomaricón); and others like Afrojuice 195, Chico Blanco, Ms Nina or Califato ¾ and their flamenco rave.
Other National exclusive shows include two other absolute premieres at the festival. One of them will be presented by Niño de Elche with his new project which revise the sound legacy of José Val del Omar, experimental filmmaker and mystical genius, together with three of the most relevant young artists of the state electronic scene: Mans O, Shelly and Nara Is Neus. For their part, the duo Maria Arnal and Marcel Bagés, after the great success of their first album, will be releasing their long-awaited second work, which includes electronic beats, synthesizers and collaborations with important figures on the electronic scene. Also a very special mention goes to the performance of Carles Viarnès together with the visual creator Alba G. Corral.
Other National artists performing will be Barcelona band Egosex with their Afro-pop psychedelia and Hidrogenesse introducing their new album with their usual intelligence and cheekiness at SonarHall.
SÓNAR+D 2020
The programme for Sónar+D 2020, the 8th international congress on creativity, technology and business, will be announced soon. It will take place in parallel and simultaneously with Sónar by Day at Fira Montjuïc in Barcelona on the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th of June. More information at www.sonarplusd.com
For the first time, as of today, January 16, the SonarPass will be available in up to 3 installments. Also on sale today is the 2 Night VIP Ticket. The SonarPass and the SonarPass VIP will change in price on February 6th. Tickets are now available at www.sonar.es 
Keep up with Sónar:  Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Sónar Returns to its June dates with a Multi-faceted and Global Lineup 27th Sónar Barcelona: 18.19.20 June 2020 - The 2020 edition brings together heroes of contemporary clubbing, avant-garde electronica and emerging talents of trap and urban rhythms from around the planet.
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thisismehul · 5 years
Big Zuu x AJ Tracey x D7 - No Limits
Big Zuu x AJ Tracey x D7 – No Limits
Big Zuu has just dropped the visuals for his new record No Limits.
Big Zuu has called up AJ Tracey and D7 to feature on this record and with a melodic hook and straight bars from each verse, this energetic track is definitely one for grime fans.
Check out the video below.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
John Mitchell preserves it real as US Eagles face Italy team missing Parisse and more
Ex-All Blacks coach says Americans have an opportunity to beat first tier-one crew but counselings careful over impact of Super and PRO Rugby players
The US Eagles play their first summer Test on Saturday, looking for a first triumph against countries around the world from the first tier of world rugby union.
The game against Italy tier-two Russia follow next week is head manager John Mitchells firstly on American grime. Italy, incumbents of the Six Nations wooden spoon, will be playing their second activity under Conor OShea. The Irishman, who oversaw a 30 -2 4 defeat in Argentina last weekend, has left the hugely experienced forwards Sergio Parisse, Martin Castrogiovanni and Alessandro Zanni at home.
Definitely we have an opportunity, said Mitchell on Friday, having advanced with his team to the Avaya Stadium in San Jose. Whether we can do enough to acquire is dependent on what weve done in camp, on the impact of the bench. Its about putting on the t-shirt, forming consistency and creating prevailing renditions.
Mitchell is a former All Blacks pate coach-and-four who has worked in England, Australia and South Africa. His first five plays in charge of the USA came in the first Americas Rugby Championship, in February and March. The Eagle started with a 35 -3 5 attract with an Argentina XV, followed up with acquires over Canada and Chile, then suffered astonish wins in Brazil and Uruguay.
The ARC units ran widely, and the men who await the Azurri are far removed from those flogs in Barueri and Montevideo. They will be captained by the large-scale Newcastle back-rower Todd Clever, who will become the joint-most-capped Eagle, and guided from fly-half by AJ MacGinty, fresh from acquiring the Pro1 2 with Connacht.
There is also Super Rugby experience: hustler James Hilterbrand of the Waratahs and two flankers, Andrew Durutalo of the Sunwolves and, on the bench, Tony Lamborn of the Hurricanes. Mitchell accepts such strength, though he also voices an interesting memorandum of careful.
Our biggest challenge, he says, is that a lot of our overseas participates, many of them including Hilterbrand and Lamborn are merely stockpiles in those cultures. So they are yet to learn how to sustain durable executions week in, week out.
You do notice that sometimes in their concentration degrees when preparing, so thats certain challenges for us too, trying to keep those actors on task. Its surely their intention to do so, but why i am terrace musicians it creates a different psychology.
Thretton Palamo takes on the Samoa defence at the World Cup, with AJ MacGinty in backing. Photo: Charlie Crowhurst/ Getty Images
Mitchells arrival in the US was delayed by lineage affairs, and he did not select the ARC squad. Accordingly, he determines the Italy game as the first real objection in which Ive had an influence on selection in collaboration with my staff, though at the end of the day Im the convener and Ive had a big influence on it.
While some leading player are with the Eagles sevens crew, preparing for the Rio Olympics, a large Eagles Elite Training Squad has be gradually whittled down, subjected to exacting standards of fitness. Thanks in part to the advent of PRO Rugby, simply two of the match-day 23 New York Athletic Club lock Nate Brakeley and reserve back-rower Harry Higgins, from Old Blue in the same city do not presently pay a full-time living from rugby. This is unprecedented for a US squad, but Mitchell makes an interesting point.
One thing that has been a little disappointing and see, he says, is some of the PRO Rugby participates in the team that were on the ARC tour have actually come[ into camp] in worse surrounding than they were in ARC, which scares me.
It is a possibility[ they are not used to] the week in, week out schedule,[ but] I visualize PRO Rugby has to look moving forward at how they support the athlete around persuasivenes and conditioning. And too education around nutrition. Its one thing having a professional contract, but are those homes catering for all facets of professionalism?
There are those working in US rugby who will merrily say off the record that Italy can definitely be beaten. On the record, Mitchells realism is comprehensible , not least because he was formed in the toughest rugby person on land. A midweek All Black as a participate, he launched a coaching occupation in which the toughest jolt, a World cup finals semi-final demolish by Australia, is now 13 times in the past. Since then he has are going through downs as well as ups.
So have the Eagles. They have pushed the Maori, attracted 61,500 to watch the All Blacks and led Scotland at half-time. There ought to have disappointments too. In 2012, Italy left Houston with a 30 -1 0 prevail. In 2013 and 2014, Ireland and Scotland also prevailed in Texas. The 2015 World cup finals began with hope of progress, exclusively for Japan to glint instead.
Also, in most recent years there have been three or more summertime Exams in which to blood players and work towards the next World Cup. This time, after Scotland chose to go to Japan, there are only two. After Russia, the Eagles must wait to face the Maori in Chicago in November, on the undercard to the All Blacks versus Ireland.
Mitchell in 2003. Photo: David Rogers/ Getty Images
But nothing is ever easy in international rugby and it will not be so against an Italian team also looking to affect a brand-new coach. In May, after selecting his first touring party, OShea had texts for his new actors who are able to evenly apply to those now answering to Mitchell.
I dont think its about winning mentality, he said. Its about not accepting demolish. The best actors are the people who can cope with trouble, whove come back from misery, who are never ready to accept second. Its about how you greeting when things are tough.
In particular, concepts will be tough without Parisse, a mighty No8 who has acquired 119 caps in 14 times. Asked about ways to exploit any Italian shortcomings that may result, Mitchell is acknowledged that he and his tutors have studied them in Six Nations thoroughly and thought they might administer their musicians. Again, though, he lends academic qualifications.
Were in a similar place in a manner that is with some actors in the Olympic sevens force and with Samu Manoa staying with Toulon. In such status, you look to develop depth. So the focus will be very much on ourselves.
USA : Holder; Ngwenya, Palamo, S Suniula, Scully; MacGinty, Augspurger; Lamositele, Hilterbrand, Baumann, Brakeley, Peterson, Duratalo, Clever( capt ), Dolan. Replacements : Taufetee, Tarr, MacLellan, Higgins, Lamborn, Tomasin, London, Teo. Italy : McLean; Sarto, Campagnaro, Castello, Odiete; Canna, Gori( capt ), Lovotti, Gega, Cittadini, Geldenhuys, Fuser, Barbieri, Favaro, Van Schalkwyk. Permutation : Fabiani, Panico, Ceccarelli, Bernabo, Mbanda, Palazzani, Allan, Venditti. Referee : M van der Westhuizen( South Africa ).
TV : The Rugby Channel, 9pm ET; Replay: CBS Sports Network, Sunday, 9pm ET
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sentrava · 7 years
What’s On in Copenhagen: December 2017
We’re not sure about you, but we’re just a little excited (read: frighteningly eager) about the holiday season. Fairytale Copenhagen springs to life at this time, with all the twinkling lights and festive sparkle. With the Christmas markets in Copenhagen in full swing and the cultural calendar jam-packed over the next few weeks, you will be at odds to fit in all your shopping and glögg drinking.
Here’s what’s going down this month with all the best Copenhagen events:
Friday 1st – 3rd December
Christmas Fair at Designmuseum Danmark
Nab the perfect stocking-filler for that design-lover in your life. For a couple of days, the Designmuseum’s garden is being transformed into Santa’s grotto, complete with sweet treats from Cafe Klint.
    Saturday 2nd – 3rd December
Kødbyens Chrismas Market
Continue your hyper-local tour of Copenhagen’s Christmas markets down to Vesterbro where there will be unique Christmas gifts, homemade cakes and an all-round hyggeligt atmosphere.
    Sunday 3rd December
BRUS beer yoga
Want to get a bit of zen back in your life, but not willing to commit to that clean living vibe just yet? This fun workshop at Norrebro’s popular BRUS brewery combines beer tasting with yoga! TBH it sounds a bit weird, but that’s just the way we like it.
    Monday 4th December
Opening of Muf Coffee
The most chic new coffee spot on the block is open for business! Serving up CPH Coffee Lab brews with a side of minimalist interior, this is a new place you’ll want to know about. Run by fashion designer Maikel Tawadros, who closed his eponymous brand this year, Muf is named after his adorable pup Muffin. See you there!
    Tuesday 5th December
The Only Son at Cinemateket
1938 Japanese movie by Yasujiro Ozu on the power of a mother’s love. Widow Tsune gives up everything for her son’s education and future, in the hope that one day he will become a success. But, the measure of success is entirely subjective, as Tsune soon discovers…
    Wednesday 6th December
Bloki – Architecture as a Record
Towerblocks and high-rise living was once seen as a post-war utopian solution to overcrowded, bustling cities bereft of development space. Now these brutalist-style blocks are so commonplace in Poland that a third of the population inhabit them. The documentary Bloki tells the story of these buildings through mouths of those of that live there.
    Thursday 7th December
Did someone say Games Night? Grab your pals and head down to Vesterbro for some wholesome fun!
Manna Live: Hôy la at Jolene
Sad that there isn’t enough live music in Copenhagen? Prepare to be blown away by the talented Hôy la at Jolene. She’s releasing her new single on December 4 and we’ll join in the celebration with this live concert. Danish electronic melancholy at is best.
    Friday 8th December
Sister Act at Huset’s Biograf
When lounge singer Deloris Van Cartier goes into witness protection, masquerading as nun Sister Mary Clarence, she unsurprisingly has trouble fitting into life with the strict religious order. This is pure Whoopi Golberg comedy gold.
    Saturday 9th December
Julefrokost Drag Extravaganza
Drag queens, cocktails, disco and lots of mistletoe. A great excuse to dance off those extra julefrokost calories.
    Elmegade Christmas Market
If you’re looking for a more unique Christmas market with a community feel then Elmegade’s is the one. With its special, indie sellers and sloshings of glögg it’s bound to be a good time. And we heard a rumour that SANTA will be in attendance!
    Sunday 10th December
Onkel Dannys Fleamarket at DGI
Browse everything from vintage clothes, hats, kids’ clothes, homeware and art. Sundays were made for rummaging.
    Monday 11th December
Kelela at Pumpehuset
Kelela plays her first club show in Denmark bringing along her debut album Take Me Apart.
    Tuesday 12th December
Game of Thrones Quiz Night
Think you know you’re Missandei from your Ygritte? PROVE IT. Come and battle with fellow GOT fans and make Jon Snow proud.
    Wednesday 13th December
Saint Lucia Water Procession
200 kayaks on the water, lit up by candlelight to celebrate the Feast of Saint Lucia. The procession starts at Kayak Republic and ends with glögg and æbleskiver. It’s such a pretty site!
    Thursday 14th December
Akira at Huset’s Biograf
Cult Japanese sci-fli flick Akira tells the story of a teenage boy who acquires telekinetic powers after a motorcycle accident. Soon he finds himself in the middle of a chaotic and bloody conflict that threatens the future of Neo-Tokyo, then the entire world.
    Saturday 16th December
Closing Party at PapirØen
Celebrate four fantastic years of great culinary experiences at PapirØen at their big goodbye bash! Don’t leave us!
    Sunday 17th – Thursday 21st December
Handel’s Messiah at Holmens Kirke
Listen to the glorious choral notes of Handel’s iconic Messiah to get you primed for the big day. An annual Christmas staple.
    Monday 18th December
The Danish National Girls Choir – still going strong after an incredible 75 years – are warming their pipes and singing Christmas tunes at the DR Concert house.
    Tuesday 19th December
AJ TRACEY at Little Vega
Already a rising star on the London grime scene, AJ Tracey is a new talent to whom you should pay close attention.
    Thursday 21st December
An intriguing murder mystery based on Agatha Christie’s crime novel of the same name. Ten total strangers are summoned to an island in the middle of nowhere, where one by one, the guests are picked off by a mysterious killer.
    Saturday 23rd December
Free Christmas Movies
All your favourite feel-good Christmas films (Home Alone, Frozen) for FREE at Storehouse. There will be hot chocolate, popcorn and slushies to boot!
    Monday 25th December
Traditional Danish Christmas Dinner
If this is your first Christmas in Denmark, then hold onto your herring, you are in for a culinary extravaganza. Studenterhuset are hosting a Danish Christmas dinner and you can try out all the treats, topped off with glögg & æbleskiver, duh.
    Tuesday 26th December
The Lives Of Others at Cinemteket
The stunning film debut of Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck follows stasi officer Capt. Gerd Wiesler (played by Ulrich Mühe) as he surveys the lives of famous playwright (Sebastian Koch) and his girlfriend. Soon Wiesler finds himself sympathetic to his unsuspecting targets and facing an internal conflict between morality and ideology.
    Sunday 31st December
New Years Eve at Everywhere
New Year’s Eve is always a bit hit or miss. But there’s lots of options in the capital if you’re keen to ring in midnight anywhere other than your sofa. Try Operaen Christiania for a full on dance party, or alternatively a Cuban-inspired evening with Havana New Year’s Eve Party. Culture Box is also hosting an electro club night with a lineup of artists across house and techno.
    Ongoing in December
Dutch portrait artist Rineke Dijkstra explores identity and vulnerability in her timeless images. She centres her focus on subjects at a time of transition; children moving into adolescence, women in the first flourishes of motherhood. A truly modern approach to the long artistic tradition of portraiture.
  Micheal Kvium Circus Europe at Arken
Visual Danish artist Michael Kvium is setting up his circus of the absurd at Arken. The exhibition centres around the European identity and community in a time governed by xenophobia, fear and tension. Kvium takes the political and social scenes of life in contemporary Europe and places it under the big top for all of us to gawk at.
      Stanley Kubrick – The Exhibition
The Kunstforening GL STRAND presents the first exhibition of its kind in the Nordics, an exclusive look into Kubrick’s visionary workroom. Constructed from movie excerpts, interviews with Kubrick himself and colleagues, as well as old archive material, get a glimpse into the movie master at work.
      Masterpieces. From Degas to Hammershøi at Ordrupgaard
A wonderful opportunity to experience the works of some of the greats from Ordrupgaard’s Danish and French collection, including Edgar Degas, Claude Monet, Auguste Rodin, Paul Gauguin, Vilhelm Hammershøi and several others.
There will also be the opportunity to view the galleries extensive collection of pastels, rarely exhibited previously. These include Degas’s ballerinas in the rehearsal room and portraits by Renoir and Manet of life in Paris.
  Don’t forget: all the 2017 Holidays & Flag Days are here.
If you’re a business or organisation that would like us to add your event to next month’s calendar, please contact us at hello [@] scandinaviastandard [dot] com. Thank you!
  Stay Up to Date with our Newsletter
Get new articles, interesting links and upcoming events delivered to your inbox every month. No spam. Unsubscribe whenever you want.
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  What’s On in Copenhagen: December 2017 published first on http://ift.tt/2gOZF1v
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segundoenfoque1 · 8 years
Anderson Paak amplió el cartel del Sónar 2017
<!-- google_ad_client = "ca-pub-2705120220540975"; /* MAM319 - segundoenfoque - 300x250 - 70/30 */ google_ad_slot = "3039604882"; google_ad_width = 300; google_ad_height = 250; //-->
El Festival de Sónar 2017 sigue ampliando su cartel y a la lista de artistas que ya han confirmado su presencia en el festival (en Barcelona del 15 al 17 de junio)
Con respecto a este tema, se han añadido nombres como los Anderson .Paak, Arca, DJ Shadow y Soulwax, los más destacados de una amplia lista dada a conocer este martes y que también incluye a Carl Craig, que presentará en premier europea su nuevo proyecto, Evian Christ, Vitalic, Little Dragon y la sesión en el Sonar Car, escenario estrenado el año pasado, que protagonizarán en un mano a mano de seis horas Seth Troxler & Tiga.
Del mismo modo, el festival celebrará el décimo aniversario del sello experimental islandés Bedroom Community, que contará como atractivo más destacado con la actuación del fundador del mismo, Valgeir Sigurdsson. Atento como siempre a las evoluciones del grime, el festival vuelve a poner la mirada en el estilo inglés mediante la participación de AJ Tracey, nueva figura del género, y Benji B, locutor de la BBC que protagonizará un set con lo más destacado de la escena inglesa de grime y aledaños.
Aún así, entre los nombres hechos públicos este martes destaca Anderson .Paak, el batería, cantante, productor y compositor californiano autor de Malibu, uno de los discos más destacados de la cosecha del año 2016.
De hecho, Anderson es candidato a dos Grammy por este álbum, segundo de su carrera y excitante catálogo de música negra con raíces en los sonidos clásicos y la mirada puesta en nuestros días. Anderson .Paak vendrá acompañado por su banda, The Free Nationals.
El Festival  también presume de ser el único festival escogido por el músico y productor venezolano Arca para presentar su nuevo trabajo.
Por su parte, Arca ya estuvo presente en Sonar hace un par de años con un set inquietante basado en su disco Xen que mostró los nuevos caminos que se abren a las sonoridades electrónicas, lo que le ha llevado a ser reclamado como productor por artistas como Kanye West, Björk o FKA Twigs. Arca volverá a estar acompañado en los visuales por Jesse Kanda.
Finalmente, el grupo de los  belgas Soulwax presentarán también nuevo disco, que pondrán en escena recreando su estudio de grabación junto a una banda en la que contaran con tres baterías. Todos estos nombres se suman a un cartel que ya presentó en su momento los nombres de Justice, Nicolas Jaar, Moderat o De La Soul entre otros.
<!-- google_ad_client = "ca-pub-2705120220540975"; /* MAM319 - segundoenfoque - 300x250 - 70/30 */ google_ad_slot = "3039604882"; google_ad_width = 300; google_ad_height = 250; //-->
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
John Mitchell preserves it real as US Eagles face Italy team missing Parisse and more
Ex-All Blacks coach says Americans have an opportunity to beat first tier-one crew but counselings careful over impact of Super and PRO Rugby players
The US Eagles play their first summer Test on Saturday, looking for a first triumph against countries around the world from the first tier of world rugby union.
The game against Italy tier-two Russia follow next week is head manager John Mitchells firstly on American grime. Italy, incumbents of the Six Nations wooden spoon, will be playing their second activity under Conor OShea. The Irishman, who oversaw a 30 -2 4 defeat in Argentina last weekend, has left the hugely experienced forwards Sergio Parisse, Martin Castrogiovanni and Alessandro Zanni at home.
Definitely we have an opportunity, said Mitchell on Friday, having advanced with his team to the Avaya Stadium in San Jose. Whether we can do enough to acquire is dependent on what weve done in camp, on the impact of the bench. Its about putting on the t-shirt, forming consistency and creating prevailing renditions.
Mitchell is a former All Blacks pate coach-and-four who has worked in England, Australia and South Africa. His first five plays in charge of the USA came in the first Americas Rugby Championship, in February and March. The Eagle started with a 35 -3 5 attract with an Argentina XV, followed up with acquires over Canada and Chile, then suffered astonish wins in Brazil and Uruguay.
The ARC units ran widely, and the men who await the Azurri are far removed from those flogs in Barueri and Montevideo. They will be captained by the large-scale Newcastle back-rower Todd Clever, who will become the joint-most-capped Eagle, and guided from fly-half by AJ MacGinty, fresh from acquiring the Pro1 2 with Connacht.
There is also Super Rugby experience: hustler James Hilterbrand of the Waratahs and two flankers, Andrew Durutalo of the Sunwolves and, on the bench, Tony Lamborn of the Hurricanes. Mitchell accepts such strength, though he also voices an interesting memorandum of careful.
Our biggest challenge, he says, is that a lot of our overseas participates, many of them including Hilterbrand and Lamborn are merely stockpiles in those cultures. So they are yet to learn how to sustain durable executions week in, week out.
You do notice that sometimes in their concentration degrees when preparing, so thats certain challenges for us too, trying to keep those actors on task. Its surely their intention to do so, but why i am terrace musicians it creates a different psychology.
Thretton Palamo takes on the Samoa defence at the World Cup, with AJ MacGinty in backing. Photo: Charlie Crowhurst/ Getty Images
Mitchells arrival in the US was delayed by lineage affairs, and he did not select the ARC squad. Accordingly, he determines the Italy game as the first real objection in which Ive had an influence on selection in collaboration with my staff, though at the end of the day Im the convener and Ive had a big influence on it.
While some leading player are with the Eagles sevens crew, preparing for the Rio Olympics, a large Eagles Elite Training Squad has be gradually whittled down, subjected to exacting standards of fitness. Thanks in part to the advent of PRO Rugby, simply two of the match-day 23 New York Athletic Club lock Nate Brakeley and reserve back-rower Harry Higgins, from Old Blue in the same city do not presently pay a full-time living from rugby. This is unprecedented for a US squad, but Mitchell makes an interesting point.
One thing that has been a little disappointing and see, he says, is some of the PRO Rugby participates in the team that were on the ARC tour have actually come[ into camp] in worse surrounding than they were in ARC, which scares me.
It is a possibility[ they are not used to] the week in, week out schedule,[ but] I visualize PRO Rugby has to look moving forward at how they support the athlete around persuasivenes and conditioning. And too education around nutrition. Its one thing having a professional contract, but are those homes catering for all facets of professionalism?
There are those working in US rugby who will merrily say off the record that Italy can definitely be beaten. On the record, Mitchells realism is comprehensible , not least because he was formed in the toughest rugby person on land. A midweek All Black as a participate, he launched a coaching occupation in which the toughest jolt, a World cup finals semi-final demolish by Australia, is now 13 times in the past. Since then he has are going through downs as well as ups.
So have the Eagles. They have pushed the Maori, attracted 61,500 to watch the All Blacks and led Scotland at half-time. There ought to have disappointments too. In 2012, Italy left Houston with a 30 -1 0 prevail. In 2013 and 2014, Ireland and Scotland also prevailed in Texas. The 2015 World cup finals began with hope of progress, exclusively for Japan to glint instead.
Also, in most recent years there have been three or more summertime Exams in which to blood players and work towards the next World Cup. This time, after Scotland chose to go to Japan, there are only two. After Russia, the Eagles must wait to face the Maori in Chicago in November, on the undercard to the All Blacks versus Ireland.
Mitchell in 2003. Photo: David Rogers/ Getty Images
But nothing is ever easy in international rugby and it will not be so against an Italian team also looking to affect a brand-new coach. In May, after selecting his first touring party, OShea had texts for his new actors who are able to evenly apply to those now answering to Mitchell.
I dont think its about winning mentality, he said. Its about not accepting demolish. The best actors are the people who can cope with trouble, whove come back from misery, who are never ready to accept second. Its about how you greeting when things are tough.
In particular, concepts will be tough without Parisse, a mighty No8 who has acquired 119 caps in 14 times. Asked about ways to exploit any Italian shortcomings that may result, Mitchell is acknowledged that he and his tutors have studied them in Six Nations thoroughly and thought they might administer their musicians. Again, though, he lends academic qualifications.
Were in a similar place in a manner that is with some actors in the Olympic sevens force and with Samu Manoa staying with Toulon. In such status, you look to develop depth. So the focus will be very much on ourselves.
USA : Holder; Ngwenya, Palamo, S Suniula, Scully; MacGinty, Augspurger; Lamositele, Hilterbrand, Baumann, Brakeley, Peterson, Duratalo, Clever( capt ), Dolan. Replacements : Taufetee, Tarr, MacLellan, Higgins, Lamborn, Tomasin, London, Teo. Italy : McLean; Sarto, Campagnaro, Castello, Odiete; Canna, Gori( capt ), Lovotti, Gega, Cittadini, Geldenhuys, Fuser, Barbieri, Favaro, Van Schalkwyk. Permutation : Fabiani, Panico, Ceccarelli, Bernabo, Mbanda, Palazzani, Allan, Venditti. Referee : M van der Westhuizen( South Africa ).
TV : The Rugby Channel, 9pm ET; Replay: CBS Sports Network, Sunday, 9pm ET
The post John Mitchell preserves it real as US Eagles face Italy team missing Parisse and more appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
John Mitchell preserves it real as US Eagles face Italy team missing Parisse and more
Ex-All Blacks coach says Americans have an opportunity to beat first tier-one crew but counselings careful over impact of Super and PRO Rugby players
The US Eagles play their first summer Test on Saturday, looking for a first triumph against countries around the world from the first tier of world rugby union.
The game against Italy tier-two Russia follow next week is head manager John Mitchells firstly on American grime. Italy, incumbents of the Six Nations wooden spoon, will be playing their second activity under Conor OShea. The Irishman, who oversaw a 30 -2 4 defeat in Argentina last weekend, has left the hugely experienced forwards Sergio Parisse, Martin Castrogiovanni and Alessandro Zanni at home.
Definitely we have an opportunity, said Mitchell on Friday, having advanced with his team to the Avaya Stadium in San Jose. Whether we can do enough to acquire is dependent on what weve done in camp, on the impact of the bench. Its about putting on the t-shirt, forming consistency and creating prevailing renditions.
Mitchell is a former All Blacks pate coach-and-four who has worked in England, Australia and South Africa. His first five plays in charge of the USA came in the first Americas Rugby Championship, in February and March. The Eagle started with a 35 -3 5 attract with an Argentina XV, followed up with acquires over Canada and Chile, then suffered astonish wins in Brazil and Uruguay.
The ARC units ran widely, and the men who await the Azurri are far removed from those flogs in Barueri and Montevideo. They will be captained by the large-scale Newcastle back-rower Todd Clever, who will become the joint-most-capped Eagle, and guided from fly-half by AJ MacGinty, fresh from acquiring the Pro1 2 with Connacht.
There is also Super Rugby experience: hustler James Hilterbrand of the Waratahs and two flankers, Andrew Durutalo of the Sunwolves and, on the bench, Tony Lamborn of the Hurricanes. Mitchell accepts such strength, though he also voices an interesting memorandum of careful.
Our biggest challenge, he says, is that a lot of our overseas participates, many of them including Hilterbrand and Lamborn are merely stockpiles in those cultures. So they are yet to learn how to sustain durable executions week in, week out.
You do notice that sometimes in their concentration degrees when preparing, so thats certain challenges for us too, trying to keep those actors on task. Its surely their intention to do so, but why i am terrace musicians it creates a different psychology.
Thretton Palamo takes on the Samoa defence at the World Cup, with AJ MacGinty in backing. Photo: Charlie Crowhurst/ Getty Images
Mitchells arrival in the US was delayed by lineage affairs, and he did not select the ARC squad. Accordingly, he determines the Italy game as the first real objection in which Ive had an influence on selection in collaboration with my staff, though at the end of the day Im the convener and Ive had a big influence on it.
While some leading player are with the Eagles sevens crew, preparing for the Rio Olympics, a large Eagles Elite Training Squad has be gradually whittled down, subjected to exacting standards of fitness. Thanks in part to the advent of PRO Rugby, simply two of the match-day 23 New York Athletic Club lock Nate Brakeley and reserve back-rower Harry Higgins, from Old Blue in the same city do not presently pay a full-time living from rugby. This is unprecedented for a US squad, but Mitchell makes an interesting point.
One thing that has been a little disappointing and see, he says, is some of the PRO Rugby participates in the team that were on the ARC tour have actually come[ into camp] in worse surrounding than they were in ARC, which scares me.
It is a possibility[ they are not used to] the week in, week out schedule,[ but] I visualize PRO Rugby has to look moving forward at how they support the athlete around persuasivenes and conditioning. And too education around nutrition. Its one thing having a professional contract, but are those homes catering for all facets of professionalism?
There are those working in US rugby who will merrily say off the record that Italy can definitely be beaten. On the record, Mitchells realism is comprehensible , not least because he was formed in the toughest rugby person on land. A midweek All Black as a participate, he launched a coaching occupation in which the toughest jolt, a World cup finals semi-final demolish by Australia, is now 13 times in the past. Since then he has are going through downs as well as ups.
So have the Eagles. They have pushed the Maori, attracted 61,500 to watch the All Blacks and led Scotland at half-time. There ought to have disappointments too. In 2012, Italy left Houston with a 30 -1 0 prevail. In 2013 and 2014, Ireland and Scotland also prevailed in Texas. The 2015 World cup finals began with hope of progress, exclusively for Japan to glint instead.
Also, in most recent years there have been three or more summertime Exams in which to blood players and work towards the next World Cup. This time, after Scotland chose to go to Japan, there are only two. After Russia, the Eagles must wait to face the Maori in Chicago in November, on the undercard to the All Blacks versus Ireland.
Mitchell in 2003. Photo: David Rogers/ Getty Images
But nothing is ever easy in international rugby and it will not be so against an Italian team also looking to affect a brand-new coach. In May, after selecting his first touring party, OShea had texts for his new actors who are able to evenly apply to those now answering to Mitchell.
I dont think its about winning mentality, he said. Its about not accepting demolish. The best actors are the people who can cope with trouble, whove come back from misery, who are never ready to accept second. Its about how you greeting when things are tough.
In particular, concepts will be tough without Parisse, a mighty No8 who has acquired 119 caps in 14 times. Asked about ways to exploit any Italian shortcomings that may result, Mitchell is acknowledged that he and his tutors have studied them in Six Nations thoroughly and thought they might administer their musicians. Again, though, he lends academic qualifications.
Were in a similar place in a manner that is with some actors in the Olympic sevens force and with Samu Manoa staying with Toulon. In such status, you look to develop depth. So the focus will be very much on ourselves.
USA : Holder; Ngwenya, Palamo, S Suniula, Scully; MacGinty, Augspurger; Lamositele, Hilterbrand, Baumann, Brakeley, Peterson, Duratalo, Clever( capt ), Dolan. Replacements : Taufetee, Tarr, MacLellan, Higgins, Lamborn, Tomasin, London, Teo. Italy : McLean; Sarto, Campagnaro, Castello, Odiete; Canna, Gori( capt ), Lovotti, Gega, Cittadini, Geldenhuys, Fuser, Barbieri, Favaro, Van Schalkwyk. Permutation : Fabiani, Panico, Ceccarelli, Bernabo, Mbanda, Palazzani, Allan, Venditti. Referee : M van der Westhuizen( South Africa ).
TV : The Rugby Channel, 9pm ET; Replay: CBS Sports Network, Sunday, 9pm ET
The post John Mitchell preserves it real as US Eagles face Italy team missing Parisse and more appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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sentrava · 7 years
What’s On in Copenhagen: December 2017
We’re not sure about you, but we’re just a little excited (read: frighteningly eager) about the holiday season. Fairytale Copenhagen springs to life at this time, with all the twinkling lights and festive sparkle. With the Christmas markets in Copenhagen in full swing and the cultural calendar jam-packed over the next few weeks, you will be at odds to fit in all your shopping and glögg drinking.
Here’s what’s going down this month with all the best Copenhagen events:
Friday 1st – 3rd December
Christmas Fair at Designmuseum Danmark
Nab the perfect stocking-filler for that design-lover in your life. For a couple of days, the Designmuseum’s garden is being transformed into Santa’s grotto, complete with sweet treats from Cafe Klint.
    Saturday 2nd – 3rd December
Kødbyens Chrismas Market
Continue your hyper-local tour of Copenhagen’s Christmas markets down to Vesterbro where there will be unique Christmas gifts, homemade cakes and an all-round hyggeligt atmosphere.
    Sunday 3rd December
BRUS beer yoga
Want to get a bit of zen back in your life, but not willing to commit to that clean living vibe just yet? This fun workshop at Norrebro’s popular BRUS brewery combines beer tasting with yoga! TBH it sounds a bit weird, but that’s just the way we like it.
    Tuesday 5th December
The Only Son at Cinemateket
1938 Japanese movie by Yasujiro Ozu on the power of a mother’s love. Widow Tsune gives up everything for her son’s education and future, in the hope that one day he will become a success. But, the measure of success is entirely subjective, as Tsune soon discovers…
    Wednesday 6th December
Bloki – Architecture as a Record
Towerblocks and high-rise living was once seen as a post-war utopian solution to overcrowded, bustling cities bereft of development space. Now these brutalist-style blocks are so commonplace in Poland that a third of the population inhabit them. The documentary Bloki tells the story of these buildings through mouths of those of that live there.
    Thursday 7th December
Did someone say Games Night? Grab your pals and head down to Vesterbro for some wholesome fun!
    Friday 8th December
Sister Act at Huset’s Biograf
When lounge singer Deloris Van Cartier goes into witness protection, masquerading as nun Sister Mary Clarence, she unsurprisingly has trouble fitting into life with the strict religious order. This is pure Whoopi Golberg comedy gold.
    Saturday 9th December
Julefrokost Drag Extravaganza
Drag queens, cocktails, disco and lots of mistletoe. A great excuse to dance off those extra julefrokost calories.
    Elmegade Christmas Market
If you’re looking for a more unique Christmas market with a community feel then Elmegade’s is the one. With its special, indie sellers and sloshings of glögg it’s bound to be a good time. And we heard a rumour that SANTA will be in attendance!
    Sunday 10th December
Onkel Dannys Fleamarket at DGI
Browse everything from vintage clothes, hats, kids’ clothes, homeware and art. Sundays were made for rummaging.
    Monday 11th December
Kelela at Pumpehuset
Kelela plays her first club show in Denmark bringing along her debut album Take Me Apart.
    Tuesday 12th December
Game of Thrones Quiz Night
Think you know you’re Missandei from your Ygritte? PROVE IT. Come and battle with fellow GOT fans and make Jon Snow proud.
    Wednesday 13th December
Saint Lucia Water Procession
200 kayaks on the water, lit up by candlelight to celebrate the Feast of Saint Lucia. The procession starts at Kayak Republic and ends with glögg and æbleskiver. It’s such a pretty site!
    Thursday 14th December
Akira at Huset’s Biograf
Cult Japanese sci-fli flick Akira tells the story of a teenage boy who acquires telekinetic powers after a motorcycle accident. Soon he finds himself in the middle of a chaotic and bloody conflict that threatens the future of Neo-Tokyo, then the entire world.
    Saturday 16th December
Closing Party at PapirØen
Celebrate four fantastic years of great culinary experiences at PapirØen at their big goodbye bash! Don’t leave us!
    Sunday 17th – Thursday 21st December
Handel’s Messiah at Holmens Kirke
Listen to the glorious choral notes of Handel’s iconic Messiah to get you primed for the big day. An annual Christmas staple.
    Monday 18th December
The Danish National Girls Choir – still going strong after an incredible 75 years – are warming their pipes and singing Christmas tunes at the DR Concert house.
    Tuesday 19th December
AJ TRACEY at Little Vega
Already a rising star on the London grime scene, AJ Tracey is a new talent to whom you should pay close attention.
    Thursday 21st December
An intriguing murder mystery based on Agatha Christie’s crime novel of the same name. Ten total strangers are summoned to an island in the middle of nowhere, where one by one, the guests are picked off by a mysterious killer.
    Saturday 23rd December
Free Christmas Movies
All your favourite feel-good Christmas films (Home Alone, Frozen) for FREE at Storehouse. There will be hot chocolate, popcorn and slushies to boot!
    Monday 25th December
Traditional Danish Christmas Dinner
If this is your first Christmas in Denmark, then hold onto your herring, you are in for a culinary extravaganza. Studenterhuset are hosting a Danish Christmas dinner and you can try out all the treats, topped off with glögg & æbleskiver, duh.
    Tuesday 26th December
The Lives Of Others at Cinemteket
The stunning film debut of Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck follows stasi officer Capt. Gerd Wiesler (played by Ulrich Mühe) as he surveys the lives of famous playwright (Sebastian Koch) and his girlfriend. Soon Wiesler finds himself sympathetic to his unsuspecting targets and facing an internal conflict between morality and ideology.
    Sunday 31st December
New Years Eve at Everywhere
New Year’s Eve is always a bit hit or miss. But there’s lots of options in the capital if you’re keen to ring in midnight anywhere other than your sofa. Try Operaen Christiania for a full on dance party, or alternatively a Cuban-inspired evening with Havana New Year’s Eve Party. Culture Box is also hosting an electro club night with a lineup of artists across house and techno.
    Ongoing in December
Dutch portrait artist Rineke Dijkstra explores identity and vulnerability in her timeless images. She centres her focus on subjects at a time of transition; children moving into adolescence, women in the first flourishes of motherhood. A truly modern approach to the long artistic tradition of portraiture.
  Micheal Kvium Circus Europe at Arken
Visual Danish artist Michael Kvium is setting up his circus of the absurd at Arken. The exhibition centres around the European identity and community in a time governed by xenophobia, fear and tension. Kvium takes the political and social scenes of life in contemporary Europe and places it under the big top for all of us to gawk at.
      Stanley Kubrick – The Exhibition
The Kunstforening GL STRAND presents the first exhibition of its kind in the Nordics, an exclusive look into Kubrick’s visionary workroom. Constructed from movie excerpts, interviews with Kubrick himself and colleagues, as well as old archive material, get a glimpse into the movie master at work.
      Masterpieces. From Degas to Hammershøi at Ordrupgaard
A wonderful opportunity to experience the works of some of the greats from Ordrupgaard’s Danish and French collection, including Edgar Degas, Claude Monet, Auguste Rodin, Paul Gauguin, Vilhelm Hammershøi and several others.
There will also be the opportunity to view the galleries extensive collection of pastels, rarely exhibited previously. These include Degas’s ballerinas in the rehearsal room and portraits by Renoir and Manet of life in Paris.
  Don’t forget: all the 2017 Holidays & Flag Days are here.
If you’re a business or organisation that would like us to add your event to next month’s calendar, please contact us at hello [@] scandinaviastandard [dot] com. Thank you!
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Get new articles, interesting links and upcoming events delivered to your inbox every month. No spam. Unsubscribe whenever you want.
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  What’s On in Copenhagen: December 2017 published first on http://ift.tt/2gOZF1v
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