#ajahhshdhdudyd im sorry this took so long to answer
sir-sunny · 3 years
(Green) ur headcanons got me thinking about Gonta running somewhere chanting 'BUGS BUGS BUGS BUGS' while Nagito is being carried under his arm also chanting 'bugs bugs bugs bugs' but softer lol
Alright here are some thoughts/headcanons I've had about Nagito!! Ones that I haven't talked about much here at least girughrtg
-Sometimes I think about,,,the fact that it's implied that Nekomaru and Kazuichi didn't bring him any food while he was tied up?? Like I know he's a weird little rat man and kinda scary but he's still a human who's susceptible to hunger and Mahiru and Hajime seem to be the only people who realise that. Did he feel sick because of how long he went without eating?? Do you think he was used to it because he already looked like he only ate one meal a day? Also Hajime I know you're tsundere but I don't think telling Nagito to eat the food you brought in while his hands were tied behind his back was the smartest move
-I really love the fact that he's a character who doesn't express his emotions that much but somehow is always smiling. Usually in anime-esque things, the emotionless character has a very neutral expression like Kyoko did, but you don't usually get ones who's default face is a smile. It makes me wonder if that's Nagito's natural face or if he does it on purpose to hide what he's really feeling
-This one is very recent because I only saw it this morning but apparently there's an interaction between him and Kokichi in the development plan mode and literally all it is is the two of them trying to out-wit the other and I think that's so funny. Like, we know both characters are smart but we only really see Kokichi trying to out-wit people. With Nagito, you can never really tell if he's trying or if he's just being cryptic by accident unless it's Chapter 5, but with Kokichi he's all "alright fucker you think you can outsmart me well joke's on you I have over 150 IQ and a million yen all you have are a pair of clown shoes"
(IK development plan isn't canon I just think the interaction is funny lol)
-I'm being completely self indulgent here but the drawing of him on the laptop during Chapter 5,,,the one where he's smirking,,,it does something to me man, and idk what it is but good lord it's Something hfiughg
-Honestly I don't know what would be funnier; Nagito being protective over the Warriors of Hope despite all the shit they put him through or Nagito pretending to be nice to the Warriors of Hope but secretly wishing he could punt every last one of them into orbit
-Still thinking about Chisa adopting Nagito,,,her presenting him adoption papers and being all "if you don't want to go through with it, I understand. this is your decision to make" and him being so conflicted because he's wanted someone in his life who actually likes him for so long but he also realises that with that comes the risk of them being more susceptible to his bad luck and he doesn't want another person to die because of him- he just,,,leans against Chisa and drops the paper unsure of what to do and tbh the one thing about this that makes me obsessed is Chisa choosing to do this because she knows the risks of being Nagito's mother and doesn't care because she wants to protect him that much
-Lowkey obsessed with the fact that his robot arm makes noises when he moves it in the anime and now I'm imagining him also being obsessed with it. Just twisting his hand around and hearing it go wrrrrr and weeeeee and him giggling to himself (bonus: he can rotate his hand 360 degrees and he thinks its the funniest shit)
-Do you think it's a wildly known thing in the Danganverse that Nagito is attractive? Or is it only Genocide Jack who thinks that? I've always thought he was meant to look kinda sick and withered but now I'm wondering if Nagito was the resident pretty boy in the Ultimate Department
-The Soup Episode was really weird and we all now it but what the fuck did it mean when Nagito was h*rny and the FIRST THING he thinks of is hope like has this gone beyond coping from trauma, is the concept of hope an actual k*nk that Nagito has I need ANSWERS KODAKA WHAT IS THIS MAN'S DEAL
-(This one might be a little dark so just a heads up, nothing explicit) that being said,,,it makes sense why Nagito would use the concept of hope as a coping mechanism for the shit that's happened to him but I gotta wonder,,,why his reactions to it are almost always sexual,,,obviously I know its just because he's Weird and the creators want us to know he's Weird but I like overanalysing stuff and it makes me think about what might have happened to him in the past,,,I wanna give him a hug
-You know what I rarely see anyone talk about? Nagito's handwriting. I think I once read a submission on danganronpaheadcanons that talked about the handwriting on his letter and how that might correlate with his dementia, as one of the symptoms of the type that he has is poor mobility. I wonder if sometimes Nagito feels bad that he can't write as nice as some of the others because of his illness, or if he doesn't actually care that much. ALSO do you think his mobility would be better after getting the robot hand?? I just thought of that holy shit
I'm gonna stop there because this ask is long as hell and I'm not gonna clog your askbox up too much fuerhgiuerg
man,, dude,, bro,, ok ive thought abt nagito being tied up too (more than id like to admit hgrhg) but what if being tied up unlocked some kind of memory from being servant, when theyd tie him up and kick him. ykno not a full memory, maybe some vague deja vu like hmmmmm
YO SAME the art of him on the laptop hrvgg (i redraw that a while ago for that one nagito edit ansjdhdg)
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like 😳😳😳
aksjdhdh, personally i think nagito may have a little grudge against the warriors of hope like, he'd never be mean to them cuz their just kids, but if he sees on of them trip, he might give it a second or two before he helps them up 🤷
MAN YOU ARE KILLING WITH CHISA ADOPTING NAGITO DUUUUDDDEEE ,,,dude,, he cant comprehend why she'd want him in her life,,, but she's so genuine and sincere that he cant even doubt herrrr,,,,
oooooooo i think kaz or hajime (whoever canonically made the hand for him) would put his mobility into consideration,, or what if he personally asked them for help with that,,,,, maybe ,,,, or maybe it could be an upgrade later on
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