saifalilive · 4 years
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puchre · 8 years
Tag I was tagged by @craftywhispersinternet rules: answer the questions and tag some cool people a - age: 19 b - biggest fear: failure c - current time: 09:19AM d - drink you last had: Water :(( f - favorite song: right now it was zion. T - complex but all time favorite would be haru haru by BigBang g - ghosts, are they real: yes. h - hometown: bangi in Malaysia i - in love with: are idols count? If so then choi seunghyun, hyunwoo monsta x, zion. T, jiyoung, baby panda, knk seungjun, mino, bobby😘😘😘💞 j - jealous of: someone who is smart but then dont use it like wtf k - killed someone: i wished but i cant :( l - last time you cried: last week because im so stress out. m - middle name: Ajeerah. Its mean secret. I like it because i have never meet anyone who have my name. So yeayyy n - number of siblings: 3 including me. And all girl :)) o - one wish: to live forever, if that can't be wished then i want to marry one of my fav idols 😁😁😁 p - person you last called/texted: called my housemate. Text my mom q - question(s) you’re always asked: “whose your boyfriend that you always post on instagram? " "when can i meet your boyfriend? " im single, i just post crop picture of my idols lol r - reasons to smile: bigbang, mino, bobby and my idols? My friends. s - song last played: bigbang- tell me goodbye t - time you woke up: 06:00AM. Only slept for 2 hours because im studying. u - underwear color: black?? v - vacation destination: Korea 😁 w - worst habit: Im antisocial and too savage. x - x-rays you’ve had: my whole body. y - your favorite food: pizza, salad z - zodiac sign: Sagi baby 😝 Tagging: everyone who want to do it.
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