snickerdoodlles · 10 months
H: How would you describe your style?
i???? have a style?????? surely not, i am word spaghetti at best
oh man tho uhhhh hmm. idk if it counts, but my approach to anything i write is "yes, and-" which i think accounts for 57% of my reputation as a 'crack' writer (??????). i'm not really funny but i really love humorous stories/stories delivered in a humorous tone, so i'm doing my best to deliver that as well *finger guns*
i really have no idea how to describe my own writing, but i think it has a sort of "snappiness" to it which mainly comes from my love for "economical" writing? i looooove writing that can paint a scene or deliver a punch in a few simple wrods. even beyond novel writers i really love, i love microfiction (flash fiction, postcard fiction, drabble fiction, 55 word fiction-- i have so many anthologies of these, i love them so much) and there's also a lot of poetry i like that either delivers a very big concept in very few words or comes with a knife twist at the end. i'm by no means an economical writer, i'm not that good and i never shut up, but when i really reflect on my writing and work to improve it, that's the skill i focus on and try to hone the most.
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