#aka the love of my life Rudy Rochman
laineystein · 3 years
Who are we were never lost team?
A bunch of Jewish badasses!
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We Were Never Lost is a documentary (in-progress) that explores and honors small Jewish populations in Africa. They’re currently filming but everything was put on hold when the filmmakers (Rudy Rochman, Andrew Noam Leibman, Edouard David Benaym) were detained in Iqbo, Nigeria because the government claimed that their visit was politically motivated…which it obviously was not. They were held in terrible conditions but were finally released 2 weeks ago. The whole ordeal only highlighted the fact that these minority communities in Africa experience extreme persecution.
Honorable Mention:
Rudy Rochman AKA one of the most beautiful Jewish men in existence for so many different reasons. (Okay but his love for Judaism and the Tribe and he was a Lone Soldier (Paratrooper!) and he went to Columbia University and is a proud Zionist and HAVE YOU SEEN HIS FACE?)
Please support the project if you can! Even if it’s just sharing posts on social media. The work they’re doing is so important, especially as the rest of the world continues to emphasize this belief that Jews are “White”. Ashkenazim are merely one subset of the Jewish people. It is so important that we highlight and celebrate not only Sephardim and Mizrahim but Ethiopian Jews and any lesser know Jewish populations, no matter where in the world.
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