#aka: angel plays stupid games and is astounded at the stupid prizes
baby--charchar · 7 months
Angel would be a great big brother figure to Charlie and Vaggie when they're regressed- but also, he'd be an OBNOXIOUS big brother and one of his favorite pastimes would be trying to trigger big Vaggie to regress. It's not malicious or anything, he's just kinda awful like that. And poor Vaggie has such a tiny headspace (0-2) years old that her baby brain can be activated just by waving a toy around or cooing at her a little. Just...absolute baby.
And for this reason alone, he's just gotta mess with her.
Vaggie: Angel you promised you'd be home by midnight, now where the FUCK were you?!
Angel: Aww sorry dollface, I didn't mean to make the baby fussy~!
Vaggie: Shut the FUCK UP you piece of- wait wtf is that sound?!
Angel: *phones is out, has pulled up a piano version of the My Neighbor Totoro theme*
Vaggie: .....UGGGHHH!!!!!! * covers her ears and storms off before she can slip*
Angel: *absolutely dying of laughter*
Vaggie: Angel, you promised you'd straighten up the lobby today. When are you gonna get to it?
Angel: Oh I already did, shnookums, and guess what I found in the couch cushions? *jingles a set of plastic keys with obvious teething marks* You must have missed these dearly~
Vaggie: I...ugh!!! FUCK you! *shoves them in her pocket*
Angel: Love you too~
Charlie: WHAT, ANGEL I- Oh...Vaggie.
*Vaggie curled up on the ground, nomming on a stuffed animal and cooing*
Angel: I swear I was just messing around!!! Ya gotta help, I'm not ready to take care of a baby!!!
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