#aki who kisses you on the top of the ferris wheel
meownotgood · 2 years
do you think aki would enjoy amusement parks? or is he the type that gets sick/wouldn't ride anything
I feel like aki is pretty indifferent towards them. he isn't crazy about amusement parks or the rides, but he doesn't hate them either. he'd go if he was invited, but more often than not he ends up as the person who holds everybody's (denji and power's) bags while they go on the roller coaster.
if you convince him to go on a ride though, he'll go on pretty much anything. and on most roller coasters, he's the type who's totally silent, not screaming in fear or excitement. the only rides he really doesn't like are ones that go upside-down too much; they'll make his head start to hurt.
he really likes the ferris wheel because it's nice and calm, and the view from up there is great. I also think he's the type who really comes to amusement parks and fairs just for the food, like he'll want to stop at every stand and restaurant just to try what they have lol
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frozenfauna · 7 years
i wrote a little bit of fluff (and a lil’ angst) for akira & annabelle after an idea popped into my head.... enjoy~
aki & annie belong to @electricpuke!
"Do I really have to wear this dumb blindfold?"
Akira chuckled at Annabelle's tense voice next to him, one hand leaving the steering wheel to give a playful flick to her hair.
"Yes! Don't you know what a surprise is?" Akira said, chuckling again at the huff that came from Annabelle.
“Who ever said I liked surprises?” Annabelle replied, sticking her tongue out. Akira just smiled at her response and gave her head a pat with his free hand. He had decided to take Annabelle on a date tonight after seeing that the carnival was back in town. The thought of just getting away for a night, pretending things were normal… It was worth it for Annabelle.
Bright, multicolored lights appeared up ahead, the view of an assortment of rides and booths soon popping up after. For a local carnival, it was rather big. He quickly found a place to park and took a deep breath.
“We’re here!” He said, reaching over to untie Annabelle’s blindfold. She blinked at the bright lights, but didn’t say anything. He couldn’t read her expression.
"It's kind of silly, but I thought it might be fun." Akira rubbed the back of his head. "Is it too stupid?"
Annabelle smiled at him and shook her head. He felt a little self-conscious about it. He didn't really get to go on many dates... With Annabelle, he wanted it to be extra special. Sano only agreed to let her come out after Akira begged.
“Actually… it’s perfect.” Annabelle said. Akira felt relieved. They both got out of the car and made their way to the carnival, Akira grumbling a bit at the overpriced tickets.
“So, what first?” Annabelle said, looking around as she spoke. Akira’s stomach grumbled, and he smiled sheepishly. Annabelle shook her head. “Guess that’s my answer.”
They wondered for a bit among the food booths before deciding to split a giant funnel cake, finding a place to eat near the ferris wheel. Akira ripped off a large piece with his hands and shoved it in his mouth, powdered sugar smearing on his cheek. Akira leaned towards her and wiggled his eyebrows. Annabelle laughed at him and rolled her eyes, leaving Akira to pout.
“We’re not in a movie, Aki. I’m not gonna lick it off your cheek.” She said, taking a bite with her fork. He stuck his tongue out at her, using his hand to wipe it off his face and onto the bench. She rolled her eyes at him again but smiled as she took another bite.
Once they finished eating they wondered around the carnival a bit more, Annabelle’s hand eventually finding Akira’s. They attracted a lot of stares as they wondered but ignored them as they got lost in their own conversation.
Annabelle hadn’t been too keen on riding anything, but Akira convinced her to get on the ferris wheel. The ferris wheel had topped with their seat at the top, giving them a great view of the carnival. Akira wrapped his arm around Annabelle as she scanned the carnival and jumped a bit when he heard her gasp.
“What is it, Annie?” He said, concerned.
“Giant. Stuffed. Animals.” She said, her sights zeroed in on the games area of the carnival. Even from the top of the ferris wheel, Akira could see the giant plushies she was talking about. There were several booths with an assortment of various animals. “Will you win me one?”
“Of course.” He said, placing a kiss on the top of her head. He couldn’t help but get a chuckle out of her serious attitude. Well, stuffed animals were serious business…
As soon as they exited the ferris wheel they made their way to the games area, Annabelle stopping at every booth to view the prizes. Several typical carnival games were scattered about, from the ladder climbing game to the classic milk jugs game. Akira felt confident he could win any of them.
Annabelle took a moment to choose, before pointing to a gigantic purple cat. It was located under the game that involved knocking milk jugs down. The attendee noticed them looking and whistled.
“We gotta couple looky-loos over here! You two gonna play or what?” His voice was amplified by a small microphone he was wearing. Something about him made Akira angry. But maybe that was his intention, he thought.
Annabelle grimaced at him, ignoring him, and pointed at the giant purple cat again. Akira nodded and pulled his wallet out, pulling out some bills to play.
"Look at this hot shot! You really think you can do it, meathead?" The attendee laughed again. A small crowd of people had gathered to watch. "I doubt you can even get one hit in."
Akira bristled for a moment at his jab, but Annabelle's hand on his arm reminded him to calm down. Oh, he would win all right.
He handed the money over to the attendee who just smirked in response. The attendee handed him the balls and stepped to the side.
Akira took a moment to assess the game. Sure, they were usually rigged, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t win. Most people didn’t have the accuracy and strength he had. The attendee clapped his hands.
“Now or never, big guy. 3 hits for the cat.” He motioned for Akira to throw.
Akira lined up his shot quickly and threw the ball, smirking as the first jug fell over. The attendee clapped again.
“Lucky shot, lucky shot.” A few more people had gathered to watch. A crowd made him feel even more confident. But really, he just wanted to win this for Annabelle. He took his second shot, smoking the milk jug straight in the middle and knocking it down. The third shot had the same result. Akira tossed the 4th ball in his hand for a moment, showing off for the crowd before knocking down the 4th jug. The next two went down the same, and he received applause from the crowd. The attendee just grumbled as he went to grab the giant cat down.
Akira grabbed it and looked at him expectantly.
“Since I got all 6, don’t you think I should win another prize?” He smirked at the attendee. Annabelle had walked up behind him, and he heard her giggle. The attendee rolled his eyes but nodded.
“Your pick, Annie.” Akira said. Annabelle looked again and laughed loudly before she pointed at a giant black snake plushie that was hanging behind the others. The attendee grumbled again and handed them the snake before turning his attention elsewhere.
Akira wrapped the giant snake around Annabelle’s shoulders, its body hanging halfway down hers. The giant purple cat she was holding dwarfed her body too, making Akira smile.
“Thank you, Aki.” Annabelle said, squeezing the cat. “Now we have to think of names!”
“If you don’t name that snake Akira, I’ll be wounded.” He replied, putting his hand over his heart. “As for the cat… how about Ace?”
“Interesting. I like it.” Annabelle said. “Hmm, I suppose the snake can be Akira.”
“Good! That way, I’ll always be with you.” He said, watching as her face fell. What he had just said dawned on him – it was definitely a sore spot for her. He pulled her in for a hug, squishing the giant cat in-between them.
“But what if you’re not one day? Things have been hard lately. You know that.” Annabelle said beneath him, her voice quiet. He felt the pain in her voice.
“I will always be here for you, Annabelle.” He kissed the top of her head. “I promise. Even if I can’t be near you… I’m protecting you.”
He felt her nuzzle her face into his chest before stepping back, arms still wrapped around the giant cat plush.
“Thank you, Akira. For everything.” She leaned up and Akira bent down to meet her, their lips meeting in a gentle kiss. She stepped back after a moment, and Akira realized the crowd from the game was still gathered around. “Let’s spend our last hour somewhere alone?”
“Perfect.” Akira replied. “For now, let me carry Ace, yeah?” He said, and Annabelle handed him the stuffed cat, which he was easily able to hold in the crook of one arm.
“Let’s get out of here.” Akira said, and felt Annabelle’s hand reach for his free hand. He squeezed her hand as they turned to walk away, wishing that the moment didn’t have to end. Maybe one day, it wouldn’t.
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