#akito looks so ugly my god (affectionate)
starshine-valley · 11 months
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The feeling when you wanted to pursue something but you ended up giving up on it because of how badly you were beaten down so you settle for the one thing you have talent in (art) and even then you’re still an amateur compared to your father and sister and you don’t know what dreams are anymore.
The feeling when you were bullied since you couldn’t pick sides so you ended up pleasing everyone but feeling empty inside so you don’t know what true friendship feels like anymore because you gave that up to be liked by everyone.
The feeling when you wanted to be an idol all your life and you did but no one appreciated you so you had to quit but now everyone’s talking about the version of you you want to forget instead of the version of you that you want to be known as so you hide so that you won’t be seen as something you’re not and can’t be.
The feeling when something that has been close to you and you swore to save ends up shutting down so you feel like the world is crumbling down on you and want to escape the reality of it all so you try to make other people smile so that you can forget how much of your past is going away bit by bit.
Anyways, here’s designs for MI2ERY’5 MYSTERY. They’re very sad but that’s okay (it isn’t).
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