lupusxdei-a · 4 years
@akm0ng inquired: number six for the humans, what do they normally dream about? nightmares or nonsense?
Oh boy. Haewon’s dreams are not always dreams, and when they’re not - they’re typically nightmares. She has been plagued by strange visions, both in her waking and sleeping state, ever since her mother passed away. The dreams themselves are, thus, either related to her premonitions, in which case they are never pleasant and without exception mentally and physically draining once she is up (to the point of her not being able to go back to sleep), or there are no dreams at all. Rarely, she ends up having weird flashes of her childhood, of her dad, of some pleasant moments but unfortunately for Haewon, these are so rare that if you asked her when was the last time she had one, she would not be able to tell you.
Because of her “situation”, she has, unsurprisingly, developed a sleep disorder in which she is often afraid of going to sleep and ends up staying up for as long as two days (her personal record), though sleep naturally forces itself on her, just snatches her away despite her best efforts to keep up. No amounts of caffeine can keep her awake if the universe has decided to torment her once again.
After the murder of her sister, for many years, Seol-ju suffered from vivid nightmares about the act. Guilt-ridden, in her earliest years at university, she suffered from insomnia similarly to Haewon due to being afraid to go asleep, but over time, she learned to let go of her terrors enough to start maintaining a healthier schedule. In the most recent years, she either dreams about her work (as intense as it is, it is no shock that it creeps itself into her sleeping hours), her college days or something entirely nonsensical that she would not be able to put into a coherent story once awake. She still has nightmares about her sister to this day, but definitely not as frequent as they used to be ten, eight or six years ago.
Ahh, Jaehyun - the angsty baby boy.  Kidding.
For someone with such a high-risk job, he really sleeps well. He’s a deep sleeper who rarely remembers his dreams but there are times when he can recall seeing flashes and scenes from his childhood, usually about his brother. Unfortunately, having forgotten both his younger brother’s face and name, the boy he sees in his dreams is either faceless or with his back turned towards Jaehyun and no matter how hard he tries, he can never touch or hug or play with his brother in these dreams. They just...awkwardly exist in the short flashes and blurry images filled with melancholy.
Other than that, I’d say what he doesn’t remember are probably dreams about his job or his partner or some intense moments that had happened recently.
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kkotseo · 4 years
— in response to @akm0ng
A long tiring day just ended. Just like any others who worked the typical 9 to 5 schedule. Though Seoah wasn’t an office employee nor a worker with a morning shift. She just so happened to end a meeting earlier with nothing filling the rest of her agenda. An unfortunate miracle to say the least. Blonde hair did not go unnoticed among a sea of dark hues. Hood cast over her head, she stood in line for the bus to come by. An issue with the engine, her manager mentioned amidst his flurry of apologies for Seoah must head home by her own means.
It wasn’t a bother unlike how the other worded on the phone. Perhaps a small inevitable predicament, but definitely not the end of the world. Instead, it was an unexpected opportunity to the singer, a walk down in memory lane at the present tense. When was her last time she took public transportation? It felt so far away. Her younger self seemed to lose grasp of how the experience was. Always in a rush, tackling school during daytime and trainee practices during nighttime. Yet, back then, things were a lot easier than she made it sound in her head.
Each on their own, tending to their bubble, thickening invisible barriers with Bluetooth earphones. Everyone’s similar behaviour facilitated her task to blend in. A few rebellious strands shone under the sunlight only to be tucked deeper within the hooded shadow. And no sight of the proper numbered bus among the busy lanes. The slightest impression of a vehicle bigger than the cars made her head tilt slightly, only to be left in disappointment.
Usually, Seoah was a lady of patience. However jaded, standing still was already an undesired supplementary task. Her makeup weighed on her face yet concealed any signs of fatigue. If only her thin rosy lips could curl a bit so she wouldn’t appear peevish.
A smile finally tugged on them as the bus approached with a forced halt and its passengers holding its pivotal handles and vertical bars tight. The scene didn’t raise a reaction from the outsiders whose sole desires were to head home. The queue shortened faster than the singer thought it would and once inside, she wandered to the back.
That’s how she met eyes with the foreigner who happened to address her in a language she was the least knowledgeable of. At first, a light tilt of confusion accompanied her widened eyes. ❝ Oh no, no! ❞ The alarmed singer exclaims the first English words that crossed her mind, both agitated hands in rejection. ❝ You sit. You sit! ❞ She gestures where the empty seat is. ❝ Please si--! ❞ Her chance to employ better words in a decent sentence vanishes in a flash, slammed against the window due to the violent curve the bus driver manoeuvred. She turns on her heels and loses balance. Eyes closed shut for the imminent embarrassment and pain, her stupor further grows when the suffering does not occur.
And she finds herself seated at the spot the stranger gestured earlier. Cheeks now flushed red from the situation, Seoah manages to bow curtly in his direction.
❝ ... ... Thank you. ❞ 
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sweetmarzipan · 4 years
———  𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐒! ♡
Name! ♡ Biscuit Pronouns! ♡ He/Him Zodiac sign! ♡ Capricorn Taken or single! ♡ Painfully Single
1! ♡ I spent 4 months living in Seoul in 2018 while studying as an exchange student and it was an eye opening experience. 2! ♡ I’m an art student and am about to graduate with a Bachelors of Fine Arts in Illustration with a minor in animation. 3! ♡ I am bad at keeping up with people in general, mostly because I’m very easily distracted and very forgetful. The amount of times I believe I replied when, in fact, I hadn’t is absurd.
Platforms used! ♡  I started with Moonbase wayyy back when I was far too young to be on the internet and talking to strangers. Then moved into Chatango and then Tumblr and AIM. Took a detour to twitter on and off and am back to tumblr.
Female or male! ♡ Male, for a number of reasons. I’m trying to branch out but I find I just enjoy writing them more. Least favorite face(s)! ♡ Honestly kinda tired of seeing BTS everywhere (I say as I have 2? BTS fcs) but people can do whatever they want yknow. Multi or single! ♡ Multi! I get far too many muse ideas to ever stay as a single blog. The only time I’ve managed was on twitter and only because a multi-muse twitter is nigh impossible. I tried. Fluff, angst, or smut! ♡ A mixture honestly, though I always want the angst to have a happy ending because I’m sappy like that. Plot or memes! ♡ Both! I love getting memes even if I’m slow to answer. Plotting is fun but more difficult I find, even though sometimes some of the best things I’ve written have been plotted.
Tagged by! ♡ @akm0ng and I think a few others but I don’t remember Tagging! ♡ @tenderlovc, @sweetcherimoya, @oleandercrowns and anyone else
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seonothajun · 4 years
ONE.  i have the worst attention span known to man, sometimes my replies come quick and without a single hesitation and other times im literally sitting in front of my computer like a turd thinking about what to say. IF I SAY SHIT ABOUT GETTING THINGS DONE AND GET NOTHING DONE, PLEASE DON’T COME AT ME. 
TWO. my writing style is really clear and to the point, at most my word count goes up because i want to get a detailed picture of my characters’ movements. most times i’m bad at flourishing my words but when the inspiration hits, it really hits. so when i do novellas, it takes a longass time to finally get to that point and i really do apologize if we have a thread like that going on.
THREE. i like to plot and headcanon a lot of events, especially if we have a thread going on in discord or on twitter. i love developing my characters but sometimes i get overwhelmed so i try to still have that communication with other muns. also i really like getting to know other muns so our characters get to know each other better :’)
Tagged by:  @akm0ng (Thank you for tagging me!) Tagging: @ anyone else interested in filling this out.
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kkxai · 4 years
———  𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐒! ♡
Name! ♡ Kei/Kira Pronouns! ♡ Her/She Zodiac sign! ♡ Aries. Taken or single! ♡ Sfdkfdskf
1! ♡ I currently work at a clinic that treats vein disease. Vein disease is present within the legs and millions of people worldwide have this disease but are unaware. What we practice is a little new and kinda of rare, but very rewarding as we ensure patient’s DO NOT lose their legs. At the clinic I write medical notes and I am considered a medical scribe. Writing here, again, has helped me expand my vocabulary so that I write more efficiently at work. 2! ♡ I currently live with my sister and two other important people in my life. Altogether we own six cats and one dog, two cats being mine. Freya and Lucina(Luci). I adore animals with all of my heart. 3! ♡ My favorite color is pink. I’m kinda girly. (Wasn’t sure what other fact to put ok.)
Platforms used! ♡  I have been using Tumblr since possibly 2011-2012(for quite a while, I can’t even remember the timeline) and wrote until approximately 2016. I also use Discord but just now recently explored writing there and even then I have only written with probably one person. Twitter I never used, never will. Not the kind of writing experience I would enjoy, I think.
Female or male! ♡ Male. Only due to the fact these are the only muses I have used. However, I would LOVE to potentially go multi-muse and explore female options(this is up in the air). I love both equally. I just tend to write males better, for some reason. I love writing with both females and males. I have no preference to that. Least favorite face(s)! ♡ Back in the day, certain FC’s were RUINED due to mun’s who portrayed them. Since that is in the past, I sincerely can’t think of a muse I would dislike or disagree with. Aside from deceased or controversial muses.  Multi or single! ♡ Single, currently. Not opposed to multi, however. Again, being an old RP’er things back then were kind of distorted. Multi was not as popular, but now that it is I think I enjoy the freedom everyone has.  Fluff, angst, or smut! ♡ Angst and smut. Both of those, oddly enough, I consider myself fairly good at writing. Fluff is good and welcomed, but not my strongest suit. ( I still enjoy it though ). Plot or memes! ♡ Both? I am personally bad at plotting and coming up with ideas, but I am not against it. Plots/Memes, whatever it may be helps me write nonetheless.
Tagged by! ♡ @akm0ng ( Thank you dear!! ) Tagging! ♡ @zephyrvm, @moonaeraa, @trickerxlife, @spellbks, @multiplythatbyinfinity, @sugarberrys .
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kkotseo · 4 years
tagged by: @collapsecolours ( thank you very much! ♥(◍ ͒•ಲ• ͒◍)♬ ) tagging: @thecosmicsen, @lavtiena, @byeoljari, @akm0ng, @sugarberrys, @daiseun, @94lost, @geumija, @querenciant, @slayeoff, @mingeu, @ichorflows, @ofkngs, @denouae & I would tag everyone in all honesty since I am intrigued to read your answers to this! 
Un.   This muse is eight (8) years old. This entails a plethora of fictional scenarios combined with facts. At first, one would think of an accurate portrayal of the idol they roleplay. Accurate within the limits of their own interpretations and the information available at their reach, of course. Then, time elapsed and — oh! surprise! — interactions accumulated, plots piled up, meaningful encounters came shaking one’s muse’s life. All those elements couldn’t be ignored. Hence, nowadays, I wouldn’t say my Seoah is the closest representation of the real artist. Yes, I still keep the essentials ( e.g. her behaviour, her demeanour, her antics, her little habits ), but I believe with all those years offered a backbone that’s quite unique to my muse. I don’t bother separating actuality and fiction anymore. They have meshed into the muse you are all interacting with now. I honestly didn’t initially intend to have my Seoah for that long— guess life is full of surprises! ㅋ
Deux.    Writing bios is a struggle for me. I’ve never written a proper one for my Seoah. And it’s been eight years she’s around ( on and off at one point and a year break ). This alone tells a lot about my displeasure towards biographies. Not that I avoid them on purpose. I have tried countless times. I desire to have one up and ready for my muse so I can keep records of her past and how she developed with time through hardships and little miracles ( if I can call her blissful moments that way ). It’s just, for obscure reasons, extremely difficult for me. Thank goodness I have a good memory or else I would have failed in terms of consistency. (  ●︿●  )
Trois.    Mentioned just a moment ago, consistency is something I try to maintain with my muse. She continues to mature, grow and learn. With each new input, I have a penchant towards continuity. I like it when there’s logic linking everything together. Even if feelings can be acted upon without proper reasoning, I like to go back and see what can potentially lead my muse to behave a certain way. With that said, I’ve debated a lot in the past whether to keep certain elements or shove them down to the abyss of the unknown. I’ve managed to tweak some crucial episodes so they can work out despite the absence of their benefactors. However, not everything can be modified without affecting the entire plot. Silly of me to think some parts can be shunned publicly, but that’s subject for another time. Though, I won’t force anyone to squeeze their muses in her timeline. I don’t expect people to get involved in certain past plots and whatnot. After all, there is a need for reciprocation so things are fun for everyone.
Quatre.    I am still working on expanding my creativity. I may have hit a slope where I am sitting at the bottom, humming songs to pass time. And let me tell you all, I hate it. I almost feel unwell when sending messages on IM due to a strange concoction of guilt, insecurity and a tinge of foolishness. Because I have nothing in mind most of the time. Nothing extraordinary to bring on the table. That’s why my first greeting to everyone sounds generic... I’m so sorry about that! (◞‸◟;) Nonetheless, I leave something in people’s IM because I want to reach out to everyone. I want to interact with everyone and write amazing threads with incredible writers alongside their wonderful muses. Aside from plotting, I’m very open to multiple threads to obtain a better visualization of the relationship between my muse and others through different situations. Alternative universes are also a lovely solution! In conclusion, even if I’m currently awful at suggesting original ideas, I’m always down to create something with everyone even if it means several threads around to figure things out or even strengthen bonds, even if it means building something from scratch to develop interesting stories. 
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kkotseo · 4 years
the horror renaissance aesthetic edition
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the vvitch: the darkness of a cluster of trees. a crackling campfire. the snap of a twig underfoot. the sound of children’s laughter. a sense of kinship with animals. isolation in the wilderness of life. fighting to free yourself from repression. cutting ties with toxic family members. feeling lost, alone, and afraid in the forest of your own emotions. the feeling that something – or someone – is watching you.
it: the refreshing feeling of summer vacation. spending time with your best friends. the feeling that something important is missing from your life. waking from a nightmare in the middle of the night. the sick feeling of missing a step while walking up the stairs in the dark. thinking you see something moving just out of your line of sight. cotton candy. red balloons. a shiver running down your spine.
mother!: a sense of peaceful isolation, relief in solitude. the spike of anxiety upon being thrust into an unfamiliar situation. feeling protective over the things that are yours. a tumultuous turn in a relationship with someone you love. smoke billowing from a roaring fireplace. a thunderstorm raging outside an open window. the gutwrenching sound of a baby crying. your heartbeat pounding in your ears as your blood boils.
annihilation: embarking on a new adventure. the pursuit of knowledge and truth. the discovery of something you don’t quite understand, but want to. something strange and powerful running through your veins. sheer otherworldly beauty. the lump in your throat when you know you’ve done something wrong, and want to make up for it. the aurora borealis. a rainbow across the sky in the wake of a terrible storm.
halloween: a flickering jack-o-lantern on a front porch. distant sirens. being haunted by your past. a constant sense of vigilance. the sound of shattering glass. living like it’s the last night of your life. coming together to protect the people you love. a secret passageway. feeling the need to look over your shoulder as you walk home alone at night. blood staining your clothes.
hereditary: the creeping dread of walking through your house alone in the dark. dark family secrets, buried and then brought to light. strained family relationships. the feeling of something crawling on your skin. fear so suffocating that you struggle to breathe. an eerie light coming in through your bedroom window. losing your head. a heavy depression that threatens to destroy you.
suspiria: a curtain of long hair spread out across a pillow. the comforting touch of a hand against your cheek. a close circle of friends. music that carries you to the point where you just can’t help but dance. the thrill of having accomplished one of your goals. great power hiding behind innocence. straining to try and remember something you’ve forgotten. extending your hand in friendship and solidarity to others.
midsommar: a garden of brightly colored flowers bursting into life. a beautifully embroidered dress. dancing hand in hand. flowers braided into long hair. paint smeared across blank pages. billowing smoke. pristine white cliffs. the feeling of being left out of an inside joke. herbal tea. a close sense of community. letting go of painful memories and toxic relationships and moving forward in happiness.
us: feeling a disconnect with what you see when you look into a mirror. finding catharsis through dance. coping with trauma. hiding secrets from the people you love, fearing rejection. the haunting sight of an empty street. an ominous silhouette against the horizon. the lingering, unwanted connection to someone else. the rush of adrenaline as you run. rabbits. letting your past finally die.
tagged by: @ichorflows, @thecosmicsen & @lavtiena​ ( thank you, thank you! ^-^ ) tagging:  @ofkngs ( yukwon! ), @akm0ng ( white, changmin and suah! ), @mingeu, @slayeoff, @94vousmevoyez, @94lost, @daiseun & anyone who wants to do it! ^-^
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