#alaskan bush people fan fiction
84reedsy · 5 years
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OK, so I know I keep saying “There’s only a few chapters left before it’s completed “ but then the plot thickens and I have no self-control so the ultra-smut fic continues on!
43 Chapters, ~105,000 words. (and still growing)
Why thank you, but you are correct in assuming that I have no other hobbies. 
I’m going to assume that the story will not reach chapter 50 before the resolution is afoot, so we’ll call this a “LAST CALL” for the introductory price! It doubles as soon as I stamp a big fat THE END on the document that has spiraled out of my control. 
If you have read it, please feel free to leave a review for those who might still be on the fence or don’t, I’ll love you either way because you’re amazing.
DM me, @ me, however you choose, just act now before this opportunity vanishes!
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tk421beth · 6 years
Damn it, it’s so hard to write a fan fic about Matt Brown while being constantly interrupted at work 😄😂🤣
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bruh, tumblr is a crazy ass world people writing fan fiction for one of the dudes on Alaskan Bush People...I can't unread what I just read
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84reedsy · 6 years
Hello readers! 
I have spent a great deal of time authoring a fic that I will NOT be publicly sharing. It is an Alaskan Bush People fanfiction piece, as I'm sure you've guessed. 
The content I believe is far to graphic/intense (possibly it has been dubbed Ultra Smut) for most readers and I'd rather it not be as freely available. However, after private feedback I've decided to make it available to anyone interested for a fee. It is currently unfinished, but is 23 chapters/parts and I anticipate at least 3-4 more chapters. You can either purchase the story by chapter or pay for the entire piece. 
If you chose to purchase the entire piece it will be cheaper than per chapter AND you will receive all future chapters at no charge.  Please contact me if you are interested in this story and for details
Thank you for reading!
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84reedsy · 6 years
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Sticking to the Plan (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/ZFrLzixmOU The Alaskan Bush People family has made quite the name for the Brown Family of nine. But not all who've come to know this family are impressed with what they've seen. When new visitors make their way to Hoonah to hatch a devious little scheme, will the stakes remain harmless? Or will hearts and desires get tangled, threatening the plan's very core? Featuring: Joshua Bam Bam Brown, Matt Brown, Bear Brown, Gabe Brown, and Noah Brown.
Chapter 18 is live now!
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84reedsy · 6 years
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50 Shades of Alaskan Bush People - The Brown Boys (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/AJIjB5nHhU Collection of One-shots with the Brown boys in compromising situations ;)
Um, Yep. Reblogging because, why not!
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84reedsy · 6 years
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Sticking to the Plan (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/O50a2xiW9U The Alaskan Bush People family has made quite the name for the Brown Family of nine. But not all who've come to know this family are impressed with what they've seen. When new visitors make their way to Hoonah to hatch a devious little scheme, will the stakes remain harmless? Or will hearts and desires get tangled, threatening the plan's very core? Featuring: Joshua Bam Bam Brown, Matt Brown, Bear Brown, Gabe Brown, and Noah Brown.
Chapter 20 is live! Only one more chapter left!
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84reedsy · 7 years
10 Weeks Later - Matt Brown Steam
After watching him pop out of a box, I felt like we could all use a little Matt Brown smut - enjoy!
Characters: Matt Brown/OC
Word Count: 1914
Warnings: Smutty goodness
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Louisa’s face hit the bed. Her back ached with relief as the mattress became the main support rather than her tired feet. It was only two. Two tiny, squawling, adorable, exhausting babies. She’d never known that she could be this tired and her eyes still be open. To be fair, the babies were mostly happy, easily contented. But when they were not, they were united in the attempt to wear their parents to within a thin line of their sanity.
Soon the bed dipped as Matthew joined her, flopping on his back groaning.
“The bed has never felt so nice.” His arms flopped over his chest. Louisa had to will her head to turn, resting on the opposite cheek as she turned to face him.
“I know what you mean. I don’t think I can move any more muscles. I’m so tired.” She tried not to whine, but some of the words just couldn’t help to carry the sound of slight complaint.
“You ever wish I’d pulled out?” Matt’s crass joke made him chuckle and though Louisa tried to be offended, it tickled her a bit.
“Matthew Jeremiah, you watch your tongue. You know you love those babies. I do, too. I just wish...they were so much quieter.” She closed her eyes, resting them, but her ears were still alert for the sounds of any discomfort from their tiny infants.
Both Prim and Jeremiah had been borderline colicky, but multiplying that fate by two was teetering on too much for either of the new parents. Matt had his fair share of helping raise children; being the oldest of the Brown children, he’d spent plenty of nights walking the floor (or ground) with a fussy baby, changing diapers, feedings. But it was different, now that they were his own. He turned to meet Louisa’s eyes.
“I do love them. And you.” His hand brushed her cheek, “You know….the doctor said 10 weeks.”
“It hasn’t been 10 weeks.” She said, counting the days in her head, knowing some seem to run together into a blur.
“Oh yes it has. It was 10 weeks four days ago.” Matt hummed matter-of-factly.
Louisa sighed. She did desperately miss Matt as her husband. They’d barely pecked lips since they’d come home from the hospital. Nursing was taking a toll on her with two babe stomachs to fill and Matt had been running himself ragged between helping with them, trying to keep Louisa taken care of, as well as the household chores and work that needed to be done. How he’d managed to chop wood while barely being able to pick up an axe had been nothing short of a miracle.
But the cabin was warm. Bellies were full. And all was peaceful for the time being.
“I want to Matt. Believe me. I want us to have that time together. But I want to be as present as I can. I’m afraid I’d lay there like a slug.” She crawled up the bed a little more, letting her face crash into the pillow as she turned to her side, facing Matt.  
“Girl, don’t think I’m pushing you...that’s the last thing I want.” He followed her, taking her hands in his, kissing along her knuckles, “I just miss my wife...I want you to know that I still want you, I still desire you.”
Louisa blushed. She could feel the softness around her middle, the remainder of her pregnancy and immediately felt self-conscious about it. What if it moved too much, what if she couldn’t turn him on? These questions were not new. In fact, every time she bathed or changed, her mind was consumed with such thoughts.
“What? You think I wouldn’t still be insanely attracted to the love of my life? To the woman who changed my heart? Or is it me?” he grabbed a little of his pooch, jiggling it a little, “ Has my daddy weight made me an undesirable slob?” His self deprecation was in jest, knowing she would immediately defend him.
“Matt!” it worked, she perked up immediately, but hushed her tone afterwards,” Don’t you even think that. You are the most beautiful man.”
“And you are the most gorgeous woman.” He sidled closer to her, kissing the tip of her nose. She relaxed now, his hand resting on her hip. If anything, this man knew how to make her feel love and contentment. The love was wonderful, but the contentment? It had been then thing she’d pined for the most in life. To be enough. To be ‘it’ for someone. And through her disbelief, this man had spent many an hour showing her, convincing her, proving that she was those things and more.
“Tell me what you loved about me first.” He mumbled as he moved even closer. His lips brushed hers, dropping to her chin and kissing down to her neck, waiting for an answer. The kisses were like whispers of wind, the sensation intense for as light as it was.
“Matthew, you know what it was. “ She surrendered herself to the feeling, opening herself to him more. She’d said it a billion times. He wanted to hear it a billion more.
“Tell me….” He breathed the words over her skin.
“You’re laugh, that crazy, maniacal laugh. And the way those blue eyes of yours...just...lit up.” She managed to finish speaking even though his tongue licked a trail across her neck. It was amazing to her how such a short time of abstinence had made her so sensitive to his touch. His stubble across her jaw was excruciatingly enjoyable.
His lips and hands were patient, careful in his caresses, knowing she was sore and healing still. What he did touch he was soft and tender. Goosebumps cascaded down her skin repeatedly as he didn’t leave an inch of her unattended.
Against her leg, she felt his arousal, rigid and throbbing, even through his pants. She’d known he’d been yearning for relief for some time, but had been nothing short of a saint when it came to patience. And for the first time in weeks, she felt a need arise in herself. Not one of nurturing or mothering, but one of a primal nature. She felt the beast of desire stir itself awake as she felt how much he needed her.
His fingers gently played her pussy lips as if they were a gentle harp melody. His finger soon slick with her wetness as he hushed her cry of ecstasy with his lips. The release burned through her like a slow, smouldering blaze. The edges of her vision blurred and time was meaningly as her body quivered with the sexual thrill.
“Oh, my girl needed that bad didn’t she?” He hummed as he kissed her flushed, heated skin. Her eyes were a little wild now; her panting a sign of her thirst for him. She perched on her knees now, pawing at his pants, pushing them below his hips to free the strain on his manhood. He tried to quell his own aching desire, his instincts threatening his level head. More so when her soft hand encircled him. Even more when he lips were around his tip, the insane heat of her mouth enveloping him.
She grinned at the animalistic groan that he attention elicited from him. He was putty in her hands now. She knew the torturous pleasure of her slow movements was driving him to the brink of his self control. She had to admit, wielding such power over him was self-indulgent, but it also made her more submissive to her own wants.
His hands guided her head, careful to not let her bring him to the point of no return in which he would be lost to his own instinct. His eyes were glued to her as if her performance was art itself. Gently he stopped her, his eyes closing as he willed himself away from the edge of his impending release, his chest filling with deep breaths, his libido calming only slightly.
Matt lifted her face to his, his thumbs stroking her cheeks.
“Tell me...tell me if it’s too much...I’ll stop.” He spoke softly and she felt as if she’d melt right into him.
“Of course, Matthew. “ She turned her face to kiss his palm, laying back in against the bed, drawing him with her. His hips settled between her thighs with such a natural ease, it seemed as if they’d been built to fit each other. With a fluid movement of his hips, he found her entrance warm and wanting for him. He slid in with painstaking slowness, his eyes open though, watching for any hesitancy from her eyes.
Louisa gasped. It was obvious that it had been a while, but she was relieved that she could feel him, and feel him as much as before; her anatomical worries quelled, she relaxed a bit, letting herself feel more and more pleasure. She gripped her thighs a little tighter around his waist, her silent plea for more. He moved again, rhythmically, studying every expression for any suggestion of discomfort. When he found none, he moved again - and again. His pace quickened slightly as her hands slid along his ribs to his back, her fingertips gripping him.
“Lulu….love….you feel incredible…” he praised her, feeling her wetness surround him even more as his compliments erased any apprehension still lingering. As his movement intensity increased, so did her vocal appreciation. His lips had to quiet hers often. His hands slid under her shoulders, using them as leverage to delve deeper within her heat.
“Matthew...I want to watch….you…” She breathlessly begged. She didn’t want to risk another little one so quickly, but she really did enjoy watching him. He put on quite the visual spectacle.
He understood and knew that she could feel his grip of control slipping as much as he could.
“Anything...for you.” he grunted as he kissed her roughly, driving himself to the brink. He barely stalled his hips in time, withdrawing from her. His head fell back as his hand replaced the pressure of her, his seed spilling out repeatedly up her torso, the force of it spreading it farther than normal.
“Yes...Matthew...oh yes.” She panted watching him, getting almost as much pleasure from watching him experience a climax as she got from feeling it.
As he came down from the plateau, he watched as her fingers drug across her skin rubbing his seed in, making it a part of her. The scene was a perfect compliment to the pleasure waning within him. He hummed watching her.
She loved the feeling of him on her. A way of marking her as his. She didn’t mind if it seemed a little barbaric, she liked feeling like his. He made it no secret that he enjoyed feeling like hers either. He pulled himself back to the bed, his arms shaky now, the expended energy catching up to him now.
“My darling girl….” His words rushed out in a whoosh of air as his arms pulled her into a tight embrace, the slick heat of his sweaty body a comfort. Her giggle was raspy, her voice diminished from the sounds she’d made. She peppered kisses along his strong forearm, cuddling back into him. By some miracle the baby monitor still was quiet.
The fell into an effortless sleep as the light outside waned, wrapped in each other’s arms and love.
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84reedsy · 7 years
50 Shades of Christmas: Matt
So as a little gift to my bush babes, I’ve written a little,short drabble for each Brown brother, posting one a day through Christmas! Each story follows the couples from the original ‘50 Shades of’ series. 
Characters: Matt/OC
Word Count: 821
Warnings: A little steam, slight smut, dirty language
Description: Matt is excited for Jessica to open her Christmas gift.
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Jessica eyed the little wrapped package perched on the center of the bed as soon as she walked into the small cabin. Matt had been mysteriously absent the entire day, though no one else seemed particularly concerned. Matt so often had some wild impulsive thoughts that took him all over the island.
But the shiny wrapped box adorned with a bright green/sparkly bow indicated that he had indeed been nearby. She walked quietly over to it as if she were a child sneaking to peek under the Christmas tree. She glanced around to check that the coast was clear of someone who may witness her transgression.
Jessica yelped as she felt arms quickly envelop her waist.
“And just what do you think YOU’RE doing, young lady?” Matt scolded her, his chin on her shoulder, stopping her just short of reaching the bed, “It isn’t Christmas yet!”
“I wasn’t gonna do anything!” She fibbed without a supporting excuse, the lie was obvious.
Matt’s lips nuzzled her neck, his voice becoming low and gravelly, “You know, it’s awfully naughty to lie to Santa.”
She blushed deeply, but couldn’t respond with any sort of honest argument. His lips brushed across her cheek, feeling their warmth, he grinning, chuckling in his throat.
“But since Santa is feeling so generous, you can open this present early.” He walked her to the edge of the bed, spinning her to sit on the edge. He grabbed the box and placed it gently in her hands. He kissed her cheek, before kneeling in front of her, “For my special girl, on Christmas.”
Jessica couldn’t help the excitement on her face as she tried to politely unwrap the box, starting with unraveling the bow. Every part of her wanted to rip the paper into shreds, but she prolonged her excitement meticulously unwrapping it. Opening the box, she looked slightly confused as she pulled out a black silken fabric.
“A scarf? It...is it even that?” If it was a scarf it was the least practical scarf for bush life that she’d ever seen. It wouldn’t keep the cold away or block the wind in the slightest. And as she let it drape across her skin, the coolness of the fabric almost gave her a chill. She couldn’t make heads or tail of it at first, but Matt’s grin told her she was off base.
He held out his hands, letting her place the fabric in his hands. He lifted the gift upwards laying it over her eyes, tying it gently but securely around her head. Her fingers trailed over the scarf, but did not remove it.
“It’s really...only half the present. “ He whispered, encouraging her to stand. She felt a cool breeze, almost shivering as one by one, her clothing was stripped away. Her skin almost seemed to be in a state of hypersensitivity with her sight removed. His hands felt warm as the slid around her waist and back, lowering her to the blanket covering their bed.
“Half?” She gasped, feeling his fingers lingering over her sensitive flesh before withdrawing his touch from her completely. She stifled a whimper of disappointment.
Matt pulled a feather from his back pocket, freshly cleaned and fluffed, he spun it between his fingers a few times, then lowered it, circling her navel. She inhaled a sharp gasp at the sensation.
“M-Matt…” She moaned, the tickle radiating from the point of contact to every nerve throughout her being. The contact was confusing, her brain unable to cognitively deduce what his possible apparatus could be. But whatever it was, flamed her building desire.
He trailed the feather softest tendrils upwards, tracing the line of her breasts, teasing her nipples as her back arched. He leaned over it, trailing it as light as he could across her nose, cheeks, slowly over her lips, her labored breath swirling the feathers delicate plume. She could feel his bare skin against her, his clothes having been stripped off as well.
“I have a confession.” He kissed her lips softly, they followed him as he lifted his face. He lifted her arms, placing them above her head. She felt the feather dance down her arms, shuddering as it lowered more, grazing her ribs, “It’s just as much of a present to me...as it is to you.”
Matt kissed the path of goosebumps left in the wake of the feather, his hips settling in the valley between her legs as her thighs hugged his waist. She giggled as he brushed her neck with the plumage.
“What do you say to Santa?” He paused waiting for her reply as she squirmed for the touch to continue.
“Thank you, Santa.” She bluted out quickly, urging him to keep up his tease.
“Aaaand?” he drug the feather, barely touching her between her breasts, making her arch for more.
She grinned, feeling his desire begging to sink into her.
“Merry Christmas, Santa.”
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84reedsy · 7 years
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Betray/Forgive - Joshua Brown Two Part Short (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/UiNb/WYAdJY7RvK Chance encounters can have long-lasting effects. How can two people make sense of it all? Featuring: Joshua Bam Bam Brown/ OC Warnings: Sensitive topics
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84reedsy · 7 years
50 Shades of Christmas: Gabe
Characters: Gabe/OC
Word Count:1297
Warnings: Steam, language
Description: Gabe’s excitement for the holiday can barely be contained, eager as he waits to open gifts. 
Gabriel paced back in forth in front of the twinkling tree that seemed almost out of place in his small, rustic cabin. Rachel had said to meet back at the cabin at dusk and she’d let him open one, just one, present early. The stipulation was that she got to choose the gift he opened as he would choose the one she would open as well. He’d been giddy all day, rushing through chores and hauling logs from the beach. Bam’s particularity concerning the placement of the logs cost more time than was necessary, but arguing with his older brother was a moot point.
Rachel had been helping prepare the holiday meal all day with the other women in her newly acquired family. Preparation in the bush took longer, but it was if anything more rewarding. But at this moment, Gabe was impatient with that process. The last few days he’d barely seen his wife except for a few moments at night where they’d given in only to their exhaustion. For newlyweds it was quite tortuous.
But tonight, tonight they’d promised to make time for each other. She wasn’t late, but still he paced. He glanced through the window towards the winding dirt path that led to their slightly secluded spot. He breathed a sigh of relief as he saw her walking quickly down the path, almost looking like she was keeping herself from running.
Gabe threw the door open and jogged down the path. Rachel’s heart leapt as she saw him; he still gave her butterflies in her stomach. His white t shirt clung to his muscles, he looked so delicious running toward her. She went to throw her arms around him, but he dipped a little, scooping her up in his arms.
“My lady, how I’ve missed you,” he dramatically sang. Rachel couldn’t help but giggle at his over produced accent. She held tight around his neck as he jogged quickly back to the cabin. His strong arms felt safe and secure, but she’d take any excuse to get herself closer to him. She felt butterflies in her stomach again, though this time more likely because of nerves now that they were back in the cabin. As Gabe set her to her feet, she saw his gift out of the corner of her eye. She momentarily second-guessed her choice, but in a split second, Gabe’s hands were on the gift, looking as if he were about to burst.
Quickly, he shoved a long, shallow box wrapped in shiny blue paper to her. The bow was immaculate as was the wrapping job. There was no doubt he’d called in help for this one. As if reading her thoughts, he cheekily spoke up.
“Bird helped me wrap it, but...not the gift. She didn’t see the gift.” he rambled on his explanation as if he was talking himself out of a bind. Rachel smiled, walking up to him. She placed a single finger over his lips to hush his nervous rambling.
“Thank you.” She leaned up to place a small kiss on his lips. His demeanor calmed slightly, she could see the tenseness leave as his shoulders relaxed a little, his expression resting.
“You first.” he nodded to the gift in her hands, sitting on the small love seat with her as she situated the wrapped box in her lap. She carefully removed the taped joints of the paper, trying desperately not to rip the pretty package. She planned on saving any wrapping paper she could get her hands on. Gabe’s anxiety seemed to grow with each passing moment of her meticulously unwrapping; his foot tapped the floor as she set the paper aside and went to work opening the box.
Inside the folded tissue paper was a gorgeous, luxurious silken robe and teddy. The bodice adorned with delicate lace. The material felt like butter as she felt the material with her finger tips. It was not at all practical but that’s what made her love it even more. It was something he knew she’d love and he didn’t try to use reason to make her want it less.
“Oh, Gabriel…” The fire was warm, the cabin toasty in contrast to the bitter cold that lie in wait just outside their door, “It’s...it’s exquisite.” She stumbled for the right word, but that seemed to be the only fitting description for the midnight blue ensemble that lay in her lap, “Can I put it on? Now?” She looked radiantly expectant, clutching it to her chest now. Gabe gulped, but nodded quickly, relieved that she was accepting of his gift and that she seemed to really like it.
She planted another quick kiss on his lips before scurrying to the only other room of the cabin, dressing quickly. She smoothed the delicious fabric over her, loving the way it glided across her skin. She cinched the robe, looking herself over in the mirror. It fit perfectly, framing her curves and valleys as if it was tailored specifically for her. She sashayed back into the front room, modeling the new frock. Gabe gulped again, grinning his approval.
Perched on his knee, she encouraged him to open his gift now. Gabe didn’t need any further prodding, tearing into the gift with excitement and anticipation clearly written on his face. The paper flew, the bow sailed across the room, landing in the branches of the tree. The box didn’t even survive, Gabe’s strength uncontrollable through his enthusiasm. She hoped her gift wasn’t a disappointment.
Gabe grabbed the item in the box, gripping it lightly. He turned it over in his hand studying the lines of it, feeling the smooth, sanded wood, the delicate carved pictures.
“It’s…” he held the grip in his palm more firmly.
“A paddle... “ Rachel finished for him, running her own finger down the edge of it, “I made it...it’s something I’ve wanted to try for a while.” She traced the carving of scrolls and a rose she’d done in the corner of it. She held her breath almost for a moment, until his smile reappeared.
“Really? You wanna give it a try soon?” His fist looked so in control of the device, Rachel squirmed on his lap.
“Tonight?” She bit her lip, imagining the feel of it with only the silky fabric between her skin and the wood. His widening grin was her answer as she stood up. She bent over, almost animatedly slow and purposeful, bracing her hands on the arm of the love seat. Gabe was not as gracefully, quickly standing so quickly that he almost lost his balance. Once he regained his composure, he walked slowly around her, letting the wood warm against her thigh, dragging it lightly.
“You’re sure?” He questioned her cooperation, but her slightly wiggling hips as she hummed was an affirmative answer.  
“Yes, Gabey...please.” She begged slightly.
He rubbed her backside gently with his hand, as if marking his target. He placed the paddle against her, letting her feel the smoothness of her handiwork, the warmth of the wood. A short, soft bump of the paddle prepped her before he quickly and firmly brought it back down. The sting was even and dulled quickly, but she felt it fade into a softly burning warmth. She let out a breath of air in response.
“Yes…” She softly whispered in response. She felt her face redden a little, but she wanted more.
“What was that?” Gabe asked, slightly amused. He waited for her to start speaking again before repeating the motion.
“Um...I said Merry,” he popped her backside against, stilting her words, “Christmas!” She finished with a high pitched whimper. He chuckled, lining up again as she flexed her hips, begging for more.
“Merry Christmas to you too my love.”
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84reedsy · 7 years
50 Shades of Christmas: Bam
Part 5 of 5, the finale of the holiday series!
Characters: Bam/OC
Word Count: 1000
Warnings: Steam, language, slight smut
Description: Bam has shown Michelle a side of him that she wants to use the holiday to explore more.
Michelle awoke from her cat nap. Stretching, the blanket moved, almost uncovering her bare body from the trickle of dusky light that filtered through the window curtain gap. The sun was almost set and it was Christmas eve. She smiled as she saw the little rustic tree tucked into the little corner of their little bush cabin.
Other than her stretching moans and the crackle of the wood stove fire, no other noises were around. She was sure Bam was still helping chop wood and ready the middle of the family’s compound for the great Christmas bonfire. The sun set early so even as dark fell they’d still have at least a couple of hours. She glanced at the glimmering purple package beneath the tree boughs. Iridescent snowflakes caught the light and cast reflections on the hewn log walls.
Bam would shake his head at her excitement over the trimmings and trappings of the holiday, though every time she’d wish aloud for some decoration, he’d show up with it shortly after as if he’d just accidentally stumbled across it. She knew he was secretly a ‘Santa’s little helper’ at heart, but didn’t call him out on it as he’d only square his shoulder and deny it.
“They don’t call me Bam Humbug for being the harbinger of the season.” He’d say.
She stretched her muscles again, their slight soreness a welcome reminder of her morning wake-up call. He wasn’t always as kinky as other times, but he clearly had a plethora of stored energy that he could barely wait to expend. She’d been so spent, she hadn’t even been able to redress before resting. Michelle couldn’t fathom the thought all of that love-making and then going to chop wood or any other hard labor for that matter.
She slipped on a baggy t-shirt that sank down one shoulder. She began to brew some peppermint tea, knowing that as much as Bam liked the cold, he would return chilled and would more than appreciate the gesture. She was a little giddy, albeit slightly nervous as well as she glanced again at the purple package beneath the tree. The gift tag had Bam’s name on it, but it certainly wasn’t a gift only for him.
The door swung open and she barely missed spilling hot tea on her hand, startled by the noise and the rush of cold air that swirled through the cabin. Bam’s cheeks were tinged pink, small snowflakes hung in his curls, but his arms were bare as was usual for him. She never could understand how he didn’t have hypothermia on a daily basis.
“Good morning..” She smiled coyly, sipping her tea. Bam’s lips cocked into a smug grin.
“Good afternoon, wife.” His voice seemed unrealistically deep, she had to contain herself from shuddering in its wake. She rose from perching on the chair, bringing him the tea, perfectly steeped. He took it in his hands, inhaling it’s aromatic notes, “You certainly know what I like.”
He sipped the tea humming as it warmed his belly.
“I see you’ve dressed, barely.” He fingered the hem of her shirt that barely dropped below her hips, but just enough to maintain the slightest bit of modesty.
“Well, I thought we could go ahead and do our one gift on Christmas Eve. I figured being naked for that wasn’t appropriate.” She slightly twisted from side to side with excitement.
“With that gorgeous body, covering it is what isn’t appropriate.” He winked, settling in the chair. He reached for a small package wrapped in brown paper with cedar boughs and a pinecone adorning it; Michelle grabbed the purple package. He patted his knee and she happily sat herself in his lap, eagerly exchanging the boxes.
“You first.” He grinned, taking another sip of tea, watching as she opened the package quickly. Inside was a beautiful pair of mittens in green with delicate cabling.
“Oh Joshua! They are beautiful!” She slipped them on immediately, folding her fingers to move the mitten, “I love them!” He beamed slightly, proud she liked his gift. He slowly began opening his, slow enough that it seemed to drag on for hours.
“Joshua! Just open it!” She bounced in his lap a little as he cut the tape on the box open carefully. Moving aside the tissue paper, his hand grasped the leather clad handle inside, pulling out the item, his eyebrows raising slightly.
The leather wrapped tendrils from the device swayed lightly from the handle. Her eyes flashed excitedly as she looked from it to him, waiting for his reaction.
“It’s…wow.” He was stunned. She’d always seemed to like his kinky games, but she hadn’t been as bold as to suggest anything. Apparently her kink had been awoken as well, “It’s a cat-o-nine tails.” His grin spread across his face, slightly devious.
“Yep. Do you like it?” SHe worried her lip a bit, hoping the gift didn’t come off demanding.
“Oh, Michelle…” He flipped it over in his hand, the tendril snapping slightly against the air, “Girl…you know you’re way to this man’s heart.”
She hugged him, giddy; her excitement bubbled over.
Bam looked over the device, turning it in his hand, studying. Slowly he brought it to her calf. The leather was cool, but supple as he slide it up her leg at a snail’s pace. The tickle was intense, her shiver uncontrollable. At her thigh, he lifted it slightly and brought it back with a flick of his wrist. The leather knotted ends of the ropes snapped lightly against her skin, a small sting from each littered across her skin. She jumped but her desire celebrated the slow, warm burn that spread from each point of contact. Bam’s low, lusty chuckle rumbled in his chest. He lifted her shirt upwards, flinging it to the floor. He flicked his tongue over her aroused nipple as his new toy continued it’s ascent up her form.
“Well, what a Merry Christmas this will be for me.”
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84reedsy · 7 years
I updated my ABP masterlist, ya’ll! I think this is most of what I’ve written for the Alaskan Bush People fandom, minus the private special requests I’ve completed.
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84reedsy · 7 years
50 Shades of Christmas: Bear
The Holiday fun continues! Part 4 of 5. That means, you know who tomorrow!
Characters: Bear/OC
Word Count: 1101
Warnings: Steam
Description: Bear and Ann try to infuse some extreme elements into their Christmas celebration.
“Solomon Isaiah Freedom Brown!” Ann called from the ground. She shielded her eyes as she looked upwards into the tall tree her husband had just climbed, their presents to each other in tow, “I told you we are opening those presents in our cabin….there isn’t even a tree up there!”
Bear poked his head out of the tree house window; his laughter peeled down towards her.
“Princess...this IS a tree!” He called down. He dangled her present by the bow, “I hope you can catch!” He teases with no intention of dropping it.
“BEAR! Don’t you even THINK about it!” Ann found herself scaling the slats nailed to the trunk as she climbed the tree, not wanting either present ruined. She was out of breath, her chest heaving as she finally set foot in the treehouse.
Before they’d moved to the ground dwelling, the treehouse had been upgraded quite a bit, including a small heating stove and actual sealed windows. Still, it wasn’t very practical, so the treehouse wasn’t used for long term stays, but it made for some lovely autumn night sleepovers. With a foot of snow on the ground, Ann wasn’t sure this little hut was going to cut it.
As she stepped in though, she noticed the small fire just starting to take hold of the split logs in the stove’s belly. A tiny, spindly evergreen sat in the corner, decorated with a string of popcorn and tiny, twinkling snowflake lights and of course, wrapped in red ribbon. Bear definitely put his signature color on everything he could. Somehow he’d managed to hide chocolates and not eat them himself; they were on display as well among a pile of flannel blankets and down pillows.
“Bear! When did you do all of this?” Ann adored the cozy setting. She slipped her around his shoulders, giggling a little as his lips tickled her ear in their embrace.
“Princess, you know I’m full of surprises.” Leading her to the cozy sitting area he’d created, they sat together; Bear placed his personal gift to her in her lap, “Completely full of surprises.”
Ann grinned, kissing him quickly before eagerly turning back to the small package. Tearing off the paper, she popped open the box, her jaw fell a little.
“Solomon….’ His name was a whisper as her awe grew. She used his full name only when he was in trouble or if he’d done something impressive. The latter was clearly true as she turned the necklace over in her palms. The seaglass caught the light and almost sparkled, the delicate chain holding the delicate, swirly glass.
“The girls helped...but I made it. Just for you.” He tucked her hair behind her ear before kissing her cheek.
“It’s...it’s just beautiful….” Ann blinked back tears, now feeling a little silly over her gift. Before she could intervene though, his hands grabbed it from under the small tree.
“Bear….I...I don’t know if I should give this to you just yet…” She tried to take it from him, but he kept it just beyond her reach.
“Ann...you know I’ll love whatever you got me…” He looked almost hurt that she’d tried to take the present back, which only added to her guilt.
“I...it’s just...I just don’t…” She stammered, desperately searching for an excuse to take bake the gift and exchange it for another she had for him in their cabin. It was too late though, Bear was already ripping into the paper, placing the bow on his own head. She couldn’t help but laugh. He picked up the tissue-wrapped cylinder, unrolling it until a wide pillar candle fell into his hands.
The wax was bright red and carved like a tree trunk. He looked slightly confused at first, smelling the wax. Cinnamon.
“I made it...for you.” She said sheepishly. She picked up the box, handing him the lighter inside.
“Well I love it. It’s my favorite color and scent. You did good, princess.” He praised her, though it was still slightly confusing. She took both from him, lighting the wick.
“There’s more to it.” She pushed him back slightly to lounge against the pillows, snuggling up to his chest. They watched the small flame dance in the air, slowly turning the hardened wax into a thick, melted pool.
“More? How so?” He could tell her words were suggestive, but secretive. As they had laid together, she’d slowly worked her hand underneath his shirt, drawing lazy circles on his abs, his chest. He loved her gently touches, barely able to fight off the goosebumps they gave him.
“Let me show you.” She smirked, that look of mischief in her eye. She pulled him up long enough to slip his shirt over his head, “You trust me, right?”
Bear laid back against the pillows as she slowly situated herself on top of him, straddling his hips. His eyes were trained on her like a hawk, watching her every move.
“Of course princess…” he rubbed her thighs, watching as she reached for the candle, it’s flame having steadied. She held it in her hands, dipping the tip of her finger in the wax. It was very warm, hardening quickly though.
“Perfect,” Ann smiled devilishly. She pet his chest a few strokes more, easing his uncertainty, “Just tell me to stop if it gets too….extreme.” Her eyes were playful, knowing that such a challenge he would meet with ferocity.
“Nothing is too extreme for me, girl.” He flexed a little as if it helped prove his manliness. She bit her lip, barely tipping the candle so that a few drops fell onto his chest.
“Oops.” She fibbed, watching as the drops hardened almost immediately. Bear chuckled a little, his eyes darkening with a building lust as he looked back up at her. He hissed as she tipped the candle again, dripping a thin line down his chest to his stomach. The burn lingered only a few seconds before cooling quickly, lightly adhering to the curves of his muscles, “Too much?” She teased.
“No...never, girl.” His teeth grit a little as she repeated the action, the wax splashing on his abs. He refused to tell her to stop, knowing he could take this and much more. She wiped his skin clean, clearing her canvas, before pouring small dots of wax from his navel upwards.
“How do you like your present so far?” She cooed continuing to tease his body.
“Well princess,” He sucked in breath as she continued, but smiling the entire time,” This is one extreme, Merry Christmas.”
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84reedsy · 7 years
Betray/Forgive - Part 2 - A Bam Brown Fan Fiction
Enjoy the finale!
Pairing: Joshua Bam Bam Brown/OC
Rating: R (suggestive content)
She’d doubted that he’d find her out in the cavernous hills of the Rockies. She’d stayed put for 3 weeks. Surviving on only what whe’d brought or what she could forage. It was the reason she’d come to this place. She had another week to go and initially was feeling wonderful. She’d willed herself passed the feeling of being used and discarded. She’d thought a time or two to descend back into the valley, into the town and confront him and tell this woman what exactly her significant other had been up to, but she’d decided against it.
She wondered if she knew. If they had some sort of agreement and she already knew about her. What if he told her what they did and laughed about her technique or…or something. She didn’t want to face further humiliation so she let it go. She let it go. She tried to let him go.
It was difficult to fathom, but the hardest thing was shaking memories of him. She couldn’t figure it, they’d spent less than a full 24 hours in each other’s company yet she still felt as if she missed him.
“How can I miss someone I don’t even know…” She surmised aloud to the crackling fire in front of her. It did not provided an answer other than to slowly turn another log to ash. She threw a stick into the flame, frustrated.
“Lexi….you fool…” she said watching the flames choreograph their own moonlit dance.
Near the ending of the third week, she was wondering if she could even finish the next week she’d had planned; for a few days now she’d been periodically down. She worried she’d contracted some bug, some parasite or had eaten a misidentified leaf. But she would then suddenly feel better. The inconsistency baffled her, however throwing up every morning was beginning to take it’s toll.
As she decided to call the trip early, she had a dreaded thought. She paused in the middle of rolling her sleeping bag. No she thought, No, no, no, no, no!
“I…how could I have been so stupid!” She yelled at herself, her only audience was the cold, stony faces of rock that surrounded her, only echoing her frustrations.
Back in civilization, at her new place that she’d settled only weeks before taking off on her trip, she stared at the pregnancy test and it’s two glaringly blue lines. And there it was, another plus. She flung it into the sink basin, where it clacked against the other dozen or so tests she’d taken throughout the day. All of them. Every.last.one. Was positive.
She slunk to the floor. What was she going to do. Here she was, alone in a new city, a new state. She didn’t have the mentality to be a mother right now. This was not anything like what she was expecting. The move to Denver had been about new beginnings that were her choice, HER decisions. She was for once in life putting herself first. She was in no position to take care of a baby. Tears flowed from her eyes but she knew she was getting rid of it. Termination was her only option right now. The thought tore at her soul; it wasn’t that she didn’t want kids. She did. But she wanted them to be with someone she loved and respected and reciprocated those feelings. Not someone who used her for sexual amusement in the absence of his full time lover.
She had a short window and the cost, thanks to the bureaucracy, was astronomical. She gripped the pamphlet in her hand as the doctor gave her a rundown of options. She could pay for it, but then be strapped for months while she hoped no other emergencies occurred and would have to work overtime just to make ends meet…maybe. The doctor was very kind, and gently suggested that often the cost is supplemented by the other party. The other party. In order to do this she’d have to find him and ask for the money. Ask. The thought was ridiculous. He was just as responsible yet here she’d have to beg him to help her.
It was that or adoption. She made a deal with herself that she’d face him, she’d ask, but if he refused, she’d suffer through the pregnancy alone and give it up for adoption. She hoped it would stop there. She didn’t want him to have it. The thought of him using her as a baby machine turned her stomach even more than the turkey sandwich she’d just regurgitated. She shook the image of Bam and that woman cooing over a baby that she’d made, coveting it.
“Stop it….stop thinking like that. He’ll want this gone. He’ll want to move on from his mistake and make it go away,” She pep talked herself, “Just like I do…”
But there was something inside her, a small voice in her head that didn’t agree. A small voice energized each day as her endless nights of dreams concluded each morning. Dreams of Bam, remorseful and humbled, begging her forgiveness but insistent that his feelings were genuine. Each dream, each night seemed to rub a bigger and bigger ache in her heart. She tried to write it off as hormonal, knowing the dreams felt to real to be entirely fiction.
“Maybe he’s having the dreams too,” her subconscious reasoned, “Maybe he’s trying to reach you the only way he can.”
She shrugged off the thoughts as she finally boarded the train bound for Cortez. He’d said they lived nearby, maybe she’d run into him again as easily as she had the first time. Though she was sure this time he wouldn’t follow at such a distance; he’d either approach her immediately or possibly run for the hills.
She tried to let the visually stunning images she passed distract her mind from the task at hand, enjoying the low cost and better views that train travelling afforded her.
It did little to vacate her thoughts. Every grove of evergreens reminded her of their picnic in the woods. How he’d tenderly catered to her, refusing reciprocation. She scolded herself as she realized she was grinning at the memory.
“Perv…” She mumbled, trying to write him off.
When she arrived in the town, it was quiet. She didn’t expect much in the middle of the week, the busy tourist season already past. The streets had just a handful of people. The wind had just the slightest cool to it, but the overhead sun kept the day from being unpleasant.
She felt a little foolish now. Her plan ended here. She had no idea how to find him, she wasn’t even sure she could find a phone book and if they were even listed at that. She surely doubted it. She wandered the streets for a couple of hours, window shopping at all the places she’d seen this past summer. She felt a sense of guilt and longing as she passed a baby boutique, quickly leaving.
She sighed as she reached the end of the downtown area, the trailhead of the hike they took was dead ahead past the parking lot. She turned the other way, unable to think of the moments again. And there he was.
Walking up the street with a coffee in his hand. He was alone, he looked almost sullen. Her extremities went numb. His hair was down, long and flowing, even with sunglasses on she could see his perma-scowl, the one she’d lightly teased him about.
As she willed herself to move, she was stricken with fight or flight, her toes itching to carry her away from the impending confrontation. But her heels felt like lead weights. Somehow her feet moved, she was almost surprised to realize they were carrying her towards him. After only a few steps, she stopped as he looked up. His scowl disappeared as his face went blank. He turned almost paler than normal.
“You…” He almost mumbled, taking a few more steps towards her, “You…You’re here…” It was then she noticed his face almost looked relieved. Relieved? Surely she was reading him wrong.
“Yes, I am. I have something I need to talk to you about. It’s important.” She tried to make it sound business-like, but he stared at her as if she were heaven-sent. And he kept moving slowly to her.
THe slowness gave way to a sudden movement as she felt his body press to hers. His arms were around her and she felt his rough, bearded cheek against her ear as he embraced her. She was so shocked by this that her arms hung limply at her sides.
“I was hoping you would come back. I was. I needed to tell you so much, I needed to explain.” He murmured into her ear. She tried to maintain her strong front, nudging out of his embrace.
“I need to tell you something, too. I need to say mine first.” She tried to remain as businesslike as possible, “I’m…Bam, I’m pregnant.” The words left her, but she felt like a 3rd person in her own body as they came from her mouth.
His body went slack as the words sunk in. He stuttered out, “P-Pregnant? Wow….really? Pregnant?” She had expected anger, worry, indifference, but awestruck? She wasn’t prepared for his lack of indignance. His hand slid backwards over his hair, repeating the word to himself as if it would make it more real.
“Yes. Pregnant. I came to you….well…because I need $500 to…to get rid of it. For an abortion.” The words were harsh from her own admission. She cringed internally. But she needed to be blunt, as devoid of emotion as possible if she wanted to make it out of this with any scrap of dignity.
“It’s $1000…since it’s half yours, I think it’s only fair you pay half.” She reasoned as if she were asking to split the cost of dinner.
“Get rid of it? You…you’re getting an abortion?” The sadness on his face surprised her as well.
“I don’t want to raise a bastard child of an adulterer.” She wanted him to get upset, she didn’t want it to be amicable. She wanted a reason to hate him. She needed a reason to hate him.
“Hey…don’t.” He sounded as if he warning her, “It’s not what it seems like. And….really, you’re pregnant?”
She was tiring of his surprise and his lack of panic. She’d hoped this would throw him for a loop, rock his world, upend all of his plans like it was about to do for her.  
“Are you going to give me the money or not.” She didn’t need to know about his life, she didn’t want explanations or details. She wanted $500.
“Can we please, go somewhere? Talk about this?” He sounded pleading now, “ I’ve …I’ve been looking for you…for weeks. Please.”
“Is that code? Looking for another easy lay? Gonna cash in your chips and ask me to blow you?” She put up a facade with her crudeness, not wanting him to trigger her bleeding heart.
“Stop.” He said it with a demanding tone, taking a step towards her. He softened slightly as if begging for her to soften for only a moment, “You weren’t that to me. You were more than that. Things are complicated. Please let me explain.”
She huffed in aggravation. She rolled her eyes and looked off to the side, anything to emit a feeling of annoyance. But she couldn’t deny him. As much as she hated herself for it, she just could not bring herself to reject him completely.
He took her a different way from the trail, walking along a road abandoned years ago that led into the forest. The cracks in the worn pavement housed sprung plants and creeping vines sprawled as nature was taking back the path. The road looked as broken and worn as she felt. She listened quietly as he explained that the girl she’d seen with him, his wife, had cheated on him, continuously.
He’d wanted a family and she’d agreed to try. It never happened and after medical intervention, it was discovered that it wouldn’t happen. She couldn’t bear him children. He’d been broken hearted over that fact, but remained committed to her.
She however felt that with not having to worry herself with pregnancies, she was free to sexually gratify herself with any man she came across it seemed. Each time she’d apologize, and wail her undying love and manipulate him into staying. Each man had a different excuse for why. Each one broke him a little more inside.
He told her he’d stopped caring about being true to her; his love for her was broken and he’d told her so that last day when she’d arrived. When Lexi had fled to the hills. Her name was Amanda and she did not respond well. She spent days refusing to leave, even at his insistence.
“It was very confusing,” he said, “ For her to be so committed to remaining with me, but refusing to hold herself accountable for any of it.
“You helped me make that decision, you know.” He looked at her, a small smile on his lips. She did not smile back, she did not want him to know, to believe that he brought her any joy. Her mind flashed an image of joy he’d brought her as she writhed on the picnic blanket, his words praising her taste.
She shook it from her memory, angry that she’d let that surface.
“I helped you? Apparently I am just all sorts of help.” She tried to be snide, but it came off more sad and dejected.
“You did. Even when things were good. At their best. Even when we met. I never felt…I never felt what I should have. I thought she was love, I thought she was what I wanted. But I was really, really wrong.
“When I saw you…I realized any other woman in my life had been a mistake. I’ve been looking for you to tell you that.” He was shaking a little. He hid his trembling fingers in his pockets.
“You expect me to believe that you realized you loved me that fast.” She scoffed again, immediately regretting it when she saw the pained expression cross his face and the lump in his throat he swallowed.
“I don’t expect you to believe me, or forgive me…but I had to tell you.” He looked defeated, his shoulders slumped, “You mean…you really didn’t feel it too?” He looked a little hopeful but like he was preparing for those hopes to be dashed. “I thought…I thought maybe you’d been having the dreams too…”
She shivered. The dreams. The same dreams?
“Dreams?” She couldn’t help herself, she had to know.
“Yes. Every night, you’re in them. I beg you to forgive me every night. Sometimes you forgive me…sometimes not,” he swallows again, “ But I see you in them so vividly, it’s like you were real. Even though my heart broke half the time, I still got to see you every night.”
She tried to steady her rapid breathing. The same dreams, they’d had the same dreams. She hated the nights she’d dreamt she’d forgiven him, because her heart ache in the morning was that much worse.
“Are you going to give me the money?” She asked again, but her voice wavered as she asked, not nearly as strong and unmoving as she’d wanted it to be.
He took his sunglasses off, replacing them with his wire-rimmed frames. His eyes, he was much more human now that she could see them.
“She’s gone. She’s out of my life. I know…I know I fucked up. But please…give me a chance not to lose you, too.”
“Lose me? Bam we weren’t even together. There wasn’t an us to lose.” She sounded as if she were trying to convince herself just as much as him.
“Maybe,” he continued as if he didn’t believe she was convinced either, “ Maybe that little baby…that life inside of you is the universe’s way of telling us that this is worth trying.”
“That sounds far-fetched.” She hugged her arms around her, as if the motion would protect her from feeling any more emotions. Her eyes looked away, unable to look into his deep blue eyes and not yearn for him.
“Maybe. Maybe it is. But…you consume me, Lexi. I can’t ignore that. I dreamed of us. I dreamed of a baby, a child. We were so happy.” He reached for her, his fingers grazing her skin.
She felt a hot tear escape her eyes as she remembered the same dream. Laid out again on a picnic blanket, but this time with a toddler. He laid on his side, she laid with her head resting on his stomach as the child toddled towards them, wobbly and unsure, but smiling and happy. Bam retold the dream as if he’d been inside her own head.
“You know. You had it too, didn’t you?” He reached for her hand, taking it in his. Her non-response answered his question.
“I was so mad at you, Bam.” She sniffled as she fought back a sob, “I felt so much for you. I knew it was foolish….after one day. But then I saw you and her….you have no idea…how shitty that made me feel.”
He looked pained again, but nodded, letting her finish. His thumb rubbed the top of her hand the entire time.
“And then getting pregnant on top of all of that. My life has been a mess since I met you. And all I want is for that to stop.” a few more tears flowed down her cheeks.
“Let me help. Let me make it right, let me try, please.” He boldly reached up to her cheek with his thumb, wiping a tear track away. When she didn’t reject him, he slowly sank to his knees.
“I will do anything, anything if you’ll just give me a chance. GIves us a chance,” He took a big breath, letting a shaky one back out. He lifted his hand and placed it on her stomach, “Give this baby a chance.”
Suddenly she couldn’t remember her plans. The careful plan she’d figured for herself. It all blurred away. All she could see now was him, in front of her, begging for her love. She felt his hand against her belly, his touch igniting a realization inside her. She realized what she’d been fighting all this time. All the words of hatred she’d spewed was a lie, it was just her trying to convince herself of what she knew was true. She’d fallen in love with a man she’d known for 20 hours. Running was easy when she thought she couldn’t have him. But now here he was offering himself, risking humility and she couldn’t find one single iota of her being that wanted to run.
“You are crazy.” She bit her lip, overwhelmed, “What if…what if it doesn’t work.”
He looked down at the dirt for a moment, collecting himself before returning his gaze to her.
“Then we tried. And as for the baby. No matter what I will always be there for it. I’ll support you any way I can….even if we aren’t together.”
She knew a lot of guys said things like that, but not all of them followed through. But something about the sincerity in his voice, the mistiness in his eyes stifled her worry.
They walked out of the woods, back into the town a few minutes later, this time hand in hand. She felt emotionally raw. He gently spoke when he did speak to her, but mostly was silent, not wanting to push her too much. He watched as she placed her own hand on her stomach as they walked, rubbing it.
She realized she hadn’t done that at all since she’d found out she was pregnant. She never contemplated actually keeping it, having it, raising it. Even though her heart was a jumble, she had a feeling deep inside of her that surmised that indeed, everything would be alright.  Maybe he will care for her like he said. Maybe they will make a beautiful little family. Maybe this is the universe crashing them together for the sake of both of them. Maybe the universe was right after all.
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84reedsy · 7 years
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Bam's Contraband Girlfriend - Short One-Shot Series (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/UiNb/xFhSPIZ7nJ Joshua Bam Bam Brown is completing a 30-day house arrest sentence. To pass the time, he secretly befriends someone in the lower 48 via the internet. Warnings: Some suggestive content, some language, a little goofy.
- Maybe my favorite series
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