#alastor and charlie’s ‘sins’ COULD be swapped but i think these are the correct ones
rants-i-guess-idk · 3 months
Each of the hotel members represent a sin. Minus Lucifer.
Alastor represents pride. Need i explain it?
Angel Dust is lust. Again, do i need to explain?
Husk is greed. His entire thing is gambling and gambling is a form greed. Greed is also often associated with alcoholism.
Sir Pentious was envy. Envious of overlords and craving for that power recognition for himself as well. He’s almost painfully aware of the fact that he is weak and compensates it for his constant drive to improve his machinery. And he’s envious of Angel’s and Cherri’s close bond.
Vaggie is wrath. She is incredibly vengeful and angry, even if that passion is sourced from a good place. Her indignation stems from the fact that she was kicked out from heaven by being a good person for sparing a child. Her wrath stems from her desire to one up Lute in that sinners can be good people, and her wholehearted trust in Charlie.
Charlie represents sloth. Her goal is to make the lives of pride ring hellborn and sinners easier. Sloth, by the older definition, is the wanting to have everything basically at your fingertips and have no need to expend any effort. This could also be Alastor’s representative sin, but it’s mostly Charlie’s.
Nifty is gluttony. We don’t much about her as of yet so she will have to do for now as gluttony, or over-indulgence as i call it. Her obsession with cleaning could perhaps constitute for her “gluttonous” attribute.
Where am i going with this? Simple, each one will have to commit the opposite virtue of their sin in order to reach redemption.
Like in the example of Sir Pentious. Sir Pentious was redeemed via his act of kindness, for his self-sacrifice. The virtue of kindness is the opposite to the sin of envy.
So for Husk and Angel to ascend, they will need to learn to be charitable and perform chastity in some form. These go hand in hand, much like it seems that the show is leading towards. It is a large hope of mine for them to ascend together.
For Vaggie to return she will need to learn patience. Have patience in herself and others, have patience in the success of the hotel, in Charlie.
Niffty’s temperance will be her ability to let things go. To let a mess be a mess and not a picture perfect clean house. Messes are inevitable and constant, it is impossible for everything to be scrubbed clean of filth. Turmeric stains are proof of that…
Charlie is going to learn that diligence, that constant work, is what’s going to keep not only the hotel afloat but also keep the pride ring from over flowing. She will work her ass off everyday to make it easier, and at times it will seem to never work but it is. Never give up.
Alastor WILL learn about humility. At some point far down the path of this show will he see that being humble and subtle is most times the better option than openly boasting of his strength. Humility can still be “sinful” in that sense, that his quietness about his strength, his humility, will show more than tell.
In the end all of them will have their ascensions, in one way or another. By acting out the capital virtues at the moments of their second deaths.
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