#albedo was a close second but jean is again crowned Mondstadt's Number 1 Best Older Sibling
atherea · 2 years
diluc once jokingly challenged jean to an older sibling-off after adelaide commented on how jean was so responsible for her baby sister, so jean was like 'bet' and they roped a reluctant kaeya and barbara into increasingly ridiculous shenanigans.
it went from 'who can read the best story' (winner unclear, barbara kept trying to eat kaeya's eyepatch) to 'best chef' (jean won, diluc got impatient and used his pyro vision to cook... and burnt everything) to 'who can glide down barbatos' statue safely while carrying your little sibling in your arms' (crepus may or may not have fainted that day.)
flash forward to post ragbros reconciliation, and word somehow gets to klee about the sibling-off (it was venti. he thought things were a little too peaceful in mondstadt) so she cajoles jean and kaeya AND albedo into a rematch, same rules apply.
traveller sneaks in with their twin, and kaeya, as both a younger and older sibling (side-eyes bennett and klee) gets the dubious honour of being both a judge and a contender.
mondstadt is cursed blessed with the sight of multitudes of people launching themselves off the barbatos statue. there's the chief alchemist serenely carrying mondstadt's resident red chaos child in his arms, the deaconess of the church hiding her face in the arms of the acting grandmaster, the honorary knight and the former ruler of the abyss order whooping in delight, and unholy screaming from the cavalry captain, the adventurer guild's son and the esteemed master of the dawn winery as they almost plummet to the ground
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