#alecto & tisiphone 01
alectocarrion · 2 years
with: @tiziphone when: february 2130 (week one)  where: pontius (kalavria)
All of Alecto’s life, they’ve been able to look upon their past as if gazing through a never ending mirror. All of the intricate details were there, it was as if she could reach out, scrape her nail against them and come away with blood, dust, or ash -- but what happens when a past only having been split from shows up on your newly acquired doorstep? 
None of it had been real, and it’s something that they tell themselves every time they catch a glimpse of the Tartarus crew. None of it had been real, and she’d set the whole thing up under the guise of getting Nyx and Hades information. 
But how many times could she remind herself of that fact, especially when she’d been faced with their broken faces, had seen the hurt embed and reflect back to her -- it was in part a haunting, and in part a means to an end. 
But now, Tisiphone stands before her, and Alecto thinks of the way that Tisi had never really believed them to begin with. She wonders if she’ll be accosted with a knowing glance before Tisiphone were to bound off to another, to Meg, maybe, or even Dusa. “I’m sorry,” Alecto says, and it’s quiet. They’re alone in a hallway, absent of wandering eyes. 
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tlphousia · 3 years
𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡: @alectocarrion​​ 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧: february 2130 (week one of the summit) 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞: a supply closet in [redacted]
It is one thing to become an active participant in the schemes of her fellow Asphodels, and another matter entirely for Tisiphone to unknowingly become a pawn on the board of another. She would fall back into line, but not before making a few inquiries of her own. After all, they’d all been the ones to usher her into the shadows by leaving her in the dark. What was done further amongst the shade would remain there. 
They request— or demand— depending on how Alecto wants to see it, a meeting between the two of them. The Furies were a unit, after all. If all parts of the team aren’t on the same page, then the Furies were being compromised— and every party involved had been foolish for agreeing to do so. Perhaps, to a significantly lesser degree, there’d been scraps of betrayal beginning to fester in the crevices of her mind. Her being out of the loop could only mean they did not trust her to complete a job— at least not in what she wanted to be trusted. 
Tisiphone cleared an adequate amount of space, or what little space there was to be had for a supply closet meeting and waited.  She’d been scheming more than anything. She’d done so in the days spent before the meeting, and she’d purposely asked Alecto to arrive an hour after her own arrival to conspire some more. Every potential question needed consideration— they’d only have so much time, and Tisiphone wants to maximize its productiveness. It was always tricky with Alecto, though. As well as they’d been sure they knew them, there was always a sense of unpredictability that Tisiphone knew no mental algorithm would account for. A set risk that could enter or not enter the equation at any moment. 
Once Tisiphone hears the lurch of the door— they know it could only be one person. Still, they give Alecto an assessing once over to make sure, greeting them wordlessly, with only a gaze that teetered between curiosity and perplexion. “Alecto.” Perhaps this is where they were meant to thank them for meeting with them, but they were far past the point of formalities. They were not thankful. In their mind, Alecto owed them at least this much. “Before I say anything else, I want to know whose idea it all was.” She didn’t want to hear that it was her idea. They want the answer to matter, so they can direct the brunt of their displeasure at someone else. Perhaps it would make a difference if they knew Alecto was just following orders— though they knew them far too well to honestly believe this was the case. “And who determined this was the sort of direction the Furies should be taken in. I wasn’t aware that we were meant to be keeping secrets in addition to collecting them.”
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inspiringraisin · 3 years
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21 notes • Posted 2021-07-12 01:40:06 GMT
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Pathologic HD (2015)
25 notes • Posted 2021-02-12 03:21:06 GMT
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hello all. i normally dont post my art on Tumblr but I’m trying something new. i did semi realism with Artemy and some objects in Pathologic 2. both pictures i based off of official pathologic 2 art i used as a reference
i normally NEVER do objects so i’m really happy how the Medrel + and the Swevery came out! i think Artemy turned out well, too. however i like the tincture bottle the most. the digital piece took about 4-5 hours while the traditional piece took 2ish hours
the digital piece was made using Clip Studio Paint while the tradtitional piece was just pencil and a sketchbook. please do not repost my art without permission
28 notes • Posted 2021-01-03 03:48:53 GMT
Disco Elysium and No Truce with the Furies
It took me way too long to realize that Disco Elysium’s in development name, No Truce with the Furies, is a reference to the three Fury Sisters in Ancient Greek Mythology: Megaera, Tisiphone, and Alecto. From what I understand, they torture souls in Tartarus, the depths of hell basically, for the crimes they’ve committed in their waking lives.
From Disco Elysium’s perspective, however, it never fully rid itself of its Ancient Greek inspired roots with Elysium in its name. Elysium is the highest plane in the underworld, where important souls, like kings and warriors, lay to rest. However, it’s also kind of purgatory, where souls can forget their past? Which ties into the themes in the game, because Harry’s in literal purgatory/hell in Martainaise with his memory loss.
There’s a lot to unpack with Harry’s feelings and struggles in purgatory, but I want to look at it from the perspective of the Furies. I’ve also been playing a lot of Hades recently, and it was the game that I played after beating Disco Elysium, so that’s mostly what got me thinking about Disco Elysium. I also have this entire rant about Elysium in Disco Elysium but also Xenoblade Chronicles 2 if anyone else is interested.
Anyway, who are the Furies? As I said before, they torture people in death. But what about in Disco Elysium? I thought about it for a while, and it can mean a few things:
The three Krenel mercenaries. I think this is the most likely, because there’s three of them, and they want to basically torture you and the other characters for the death of the Hanged Man. It is also the focal point of the entire game, and where the most action happens; everything you’ve done in that game leads to this point. The ‘no truce’ part is also of importance, as there’s no way to get out of that confrontation without violence, or avoiding it in the first place. With the Furies' focus on torturing people, and therefore using violence, and Harry being in purgatory/hell, there’s some weight to it.
There’s the quote back when you’re handling the body for the first time to name the case No Truce with the Furies, even before you learn about the rest of Krenel. Which puts a bit of a wrench in this theory because you don’t know about the three guys out for your blood. I know it’s a reference to the original title, but there could be more to it that I'm not sure about.
The three main political factions. I know there are four, but it’s mostly based on the political climate of Revachol: fascism, libertarianism, and moralism, in respect to each of the main characters involved in each. I.e. Rene Arnoux, Evrart Claire, and Joyce Messier. I know communism is also present, but you don’t meet the Deserter until the end, after the tribunal. But anyway, this is more prominent for Evrart and Joyce, but you really have to play by their rules to succeed in the game. Grovel by Joyce’s feet for money, while kicking out poor people from their houses to make juvie, basically, for teens to find your gun for Evrart. There’s no way to talk them out of their political views, in the same way that you can’t talk a truce with the Furies to stop them from torturing you. I don’t think they’re necessarily torturing Harry, but they’re making his life more of a mess.
A slightly different version of the main political factions with Dolores Dei, Kras Mazov, and King Frissel, three main figures with political ties that still have significant holds on the world. I know there’s the Ultraliberal faction, but that one doesn’t really have a figurehead associated with it in the same way.
With a focus on the Fury Sisters, there’s definitely something with Dora/Dolores Dei in there and could possibly relate to Harry’s internal misogyny. Or relate to Elizabeth, Klassje, and Rose, three prominent female characters that all betray Harry in some way.
Could be a reference to the three main archetypes in the game. That there’s no way to fully tap into all three of them at the same time, and you can’t have a ‘truce’ between Harry’s thought demons in his head.
I think going with Disco Elysium was the better choice for the name of the game, but I still appreciate No Truce with the Furies still showing up in some way. Disco Elysium still gets across a name that basically doesn't make any sense, which really reflects the feelings of the game. No Truce with the Furies sounds more like a name for a side quest, rather than the name of a game, but it still has significant weight backing it.
I also had the realization while writing this that Harry losing his memory is likely a reference to the River Lethe in Elysium, where if you drink from it, it wipes your memories. But that's also its own post. God.
52 notes • Posted 2021-08-01 19:51:28 GMT
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The Gweat Gatsby (2021)
56 notes • Posted 2021-03-13 01:30:58 GMT
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reushq · 3 years
if we have multiple characters in the group, does each one need to have a separate account or can they be on one so long as we have a dedicated tagging system for each muse so nothing gets lost / confused? i'm thinking of applying for multiple characters but i'm not the best at remembering to sign into multiple accounts and sessionbox just aggravates me, lol
Hello! Multi-muse (mumu) blogs are indeed allowed. Whether multi-muse or single muse however, all blogs will be required to use a dedicated tagging system. This is best laid out in point #5 in the etiquette section on our Guidelines page: Important: tag all your threads with your character’s name and the name of every muse involved. When you have multiple threads between the same characters, add a number at the end. A first thread between Zagreus and Hades will be tagged “zagreus & hades 01”. A second thread between the Furies will be tagged “tisiphone & megara & alecto 02”. Do not use fancy text or nicknames for this. As part of our game mechanics, the mods will have to read through every reply before closure, and it helps if it's in the same place. Those making blogs for each of their characters may make them as sideblogs on the same account, as long as the main blog on the account belongs to one of their Reus characters (as opposed to sideblogs off of a personal account, for example.) If someone would prefer to make separate accounts for each character, we've had good luck with the Firefox multi-account containers extension for switching between accounts within the same window easily.
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