#alex mcleish!!!
letterboxd-loggd · 2 years
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Stan & Ollie (2018) Jon S. Baird
November 26th 2022
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theroyalsandi · 2 months
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British Royal Family - The Princess Royal made Alex Mcleish an Officer of the Order of the British Empire at Windsor Castle, Berkshire. The honour recognizes services to charity. (Photo by Jonathan Brady) | April 09, 2024
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tianalaurence1 · 2 months
🏅 Today, Princess Anne held an investiture at Windsor Castle.
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Alex Mcleish is made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire by the Princess Royal at Windsor Castle, Berkshire. The honour recognises services to charity.
Image ID: 2X0214W / Jonathan Brady / PA Wire
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bsaka7 · 1 year
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Mikel Arteta at Rangers and his title-clinching penalty: 'He pulled rank on everyone' - Jordan Campbell
As the go-karts whizzed around the chicane, each player was treated to the usual jeers and taunts from their Rangers team-mates waiting to race. Karting had become a regular team-building exercise for Rangers in the 1990s, but there was one unusual sight on this afternoon in 2002 that caused the rest of the squad to double-take.
“Mikel Arteta was driving one-handed. We couldn’t believe it,” laughs former Rangers full-back Maurice Ross.
“We gave him pelters at the time but, if we’re talking about coolness and being in control, then that was Mikel in a nutshell.”
His unassuming persona made an immediate impression, but fast forward to May 25 the following year and Arteta faces the most intense scrutiny of those qualities imaginable.
Heading into the final day of the 2002-03 season, Rangers and Celtic are neck and neck. Level on 94 points and inseparable on goal difference, the only column that differs is that Rangers have scored 95 and Celtic have scored 94.
It is a minor advantage, but with 92 minutes on the clock, Rangers 5-1 up at Ibrox against Dunfermline Athletic and Celtic 4-0 up at Rugby Park, that was still the only difference. A last-gasp goal for Celtic would see the helicopter carrying the trophy turn west to Kilmarnock.
Cue a 93rd-minute penalty to Rangers. All eyes are now on who would dare to be the hero.
Twenty-year-old Arteta. He casually strokes the ball into the bottom right corner, sending goalkeeper Derek Stillie the wrong way, and produces the most iconic of images with his celebration.
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Shaking both of his hands wildly above his head, fingers splayed like a raptor, he sprinted towards the jubilant fans at the Copland Road end. He pulled down his shirt from the badge and threw a fist pump like an uppercut before being swarmed. Rangers were champions of Scotland for the 50th time.
“My brother-in-law gave me a picture of that moment and enlarged it. I’ve got it in a frame in my house. I can still hear the noise through it now,” his then-manager Alex McLeish tells The Athletic.
The mystery? How the baby-faced Spaniard, mostly seen and not heard, ended up with the ball in his arms.
He was in a team of big names including Lorenzo Amoruso, Arthur Numan, Barry Ferguson, Claudio Caniggia, Shota Arveladze, Ronald de Boer and Michael Mols. Only Caniggia and Mols were not on the pitch at that moment and even their replacements, 29-year-old Neil McCann and Scotland striker Steven Thompson, may have had cause to claim the ball.
Granted, Ferguson had missed two in one game against Dundee the month earlier, which saw Arteta take the third penalty and score, but under such pressure, it would have been natural to revert to authority.
“He pulled rank on everybody. Ronald must have said, ‘Let him take it, he’ll bury it’,” adds McLeish.
“Who, me?” asks De Boer. “No, he just took the ball. That says something about his personality.”
“No one argued. There was a confidence in him within our team. We had no doubt he was going to score,” adds Australian centre-back Craig Moore.
Within a year of joining from Barcelona, Arteta had earned the trust of his seniors and cemented his place in Rangers folklore.
How Rangers managed to lure him to Glasgow surprised even those who brokered the deal, but how his time in Scotland was limited to just two seasons — and a tale of two halves — is a source of frustration for some ex-team-mates.
(Second photo) Arteta (right) chats to Emerson (left), Nuno Capucho and Michael Mols in training (Photo: Alan Harvey/SNS Group via Getty Images)
His move only came about due to Rangers being drawn to face Paris Saint-Germain in the third round of the UEFA Cup in November 2001, which saw manager Dick Advocaat request a report from chief scout Ewan Chester. He went to watch PSG twice, away from home in freezing conditions, and returned with the message to look past the glamorous names. ‘Young Arteta is their most influential player’, his report read.
After two legs, in which Arteta delivered an outstanding performance at Ibrox, Rangers went through on penalties. It was a huge feat but when McLeish took over the next month, the talk was still about the boy with jet-black hair and blushed cheeks who had strolled around the pitch as if he owned it.
“He was so mature. You could immediately see he came from that Barcelona background. I thought, ‘Who is that guy?’,” De Boer tells The Athletic.
McLeish knew he had to use his finite resources wisely come the summer and so he sought counsel from two wise heads. His assistant Andy Watson provided a glowing review but McLeish sighed when he read his defined position was a holding midfielder.
“I knew right away that would be a problem as we had a phenomenal player of our own making in Barry Ferguson,” McLeish says.
“Could the two of them play together? Andy thought not. He said he was a nice footballer and never really got troubled in the game but it would probably be difficult for him in Scotland.
“So I got Ronald in the office and asked if he thought he could play in different positions. He said he could play anywhere and that he would be a tremendous signing.”
PSG had first refusal on him but Rangers splashed £6million on Arteta. They had finished the previous season strongly by winning both domestic cups, but Celtic had won back-to-back leagues.
There was not a huge influx of players to wrestle back the title, though. Kevin Muscat on a free was the only other signing. All the eggs had been placed in Arteta’s basket.
So when the Spaniard scored six minutes into his first Old Firm derby, a fixture that can define players good or bad, a few sighs will have been let out in the boardroom. “It’s as if you’re in a washing machine at a thousand miles per hour,” Arteta poetically described in 2019, after choosing it as the most ferocious derby he had played in.
(Third photo) McLeish (left) with Nuno Capucho and Arteta in training (Photo: Nick Ponty/SNS Group via Getty Images)
“I try to dictate play, but in that game, you can’t. Don’t even bother. It doesn’t stop. One touch, bam! Next touch, boof! Tackle, shot, corner, we go again! It’s nuts.”
McLeish’s assistant, Jan Wouters, had been a key figure in convincing Arteta he would fit in despite telling him to get ready for 90 minutes of being chased.
“He played his own game with one and two touches,” he says. “Sometimes, you don’t need words to see how important a player can be on the pitch. He took the lead by showing, ‘This is how we want to play, the combination play’.
“It’s a gift. You can learn but only if you have the talent for it. Players around him could see he was a fantastic player and that made it easy to accept if he said something.
“Players were physical with him but he could be mean if needed, too, don’t forget that. He would be tricky with it so no one noticed it.”
His own team-mates wanted to test his mettle and see if he was ready for the cauldron of Scottish football.
“He was quite slight, so in his first session I tried to go in and nick the ball from him,” says former full-back Maurice Ross.
“But he had this ability like a basketball player where they show it with one hand and then shift it to the other side of their body so you can’t see it or get round him. That was when you realised just how strong his legs were.
“It was normal to be roughed up. No one was given special treatment. Billy Dodds’ wife used to stay behind the training ground and one day she said, ‘What the hell was happening in training today with the noise?’. That was just Scotland boys vs the rest of the world. It was like a cup final most days, it was mental.”
Arteta’s ability won him respect instantly, but his team-mates speak of a player who appeared to be acutely aware of the hierarchy he had entered.
“He hardly spoke apart from the few he got close to as he was a quiet boy… but he had this stare,” says Ross.
“That can lead to people thinking, ‘Oh, he’s a bit mysterious, a bit deep, a bit aloof, maybe he doesn’t want to talk to us’. But he just didn’t get involved in the extra stuff and I admired him for that. It wasn’t bravado or forced, it was just this calm authority. He just knew he was the mustard.”
Arteta was friends with Argentinian winger Claudio Caniggia as they could speak in Spanish, and Georgian defender Zurab Khizanishvili says he and his wife often went for dinner with Arteta’s now-wife Lorena Bernal at popular Glasgow haunts O Sole Mio and Il Pavone.
They were both young and adjusting to the pressure and spotlight.
“At Rangers, you have to win every game. All I ever heard before a game in the dressing room was ‘three points’. Alex McLeish would say, ‘I don’t care how, I just need three points’, even if it was against Man United,” says Khizanishvili.
The person who got to know him best, though, was De Boer. Having spent a season at Barcelona in 1999 before joining Rangers, he felt duty-bound to make sure Arteta settled in Scotland.
“I had the father-son role,” says De Boer.
“Me and my wife took him everywhere with his girlfriend and got on really well, so I took him under my wing. He was a great son. Humble and always wanted to listen and learn.
“You saw some moments where you could see him maybe thinking, ‘What am I doing here?’. But there were other times I thought, ‘Jesus, he’s really stepping up now and doesn’t give in’.”
De Boer describes a little “shoulder rubbing” with Ferguson over who was seen as the main catalyst in possession, but Ross says their egos worked “silently in the background” to propel each other.
It was an interesting jigsaw as Ferguson was ‘Mr Rangers’, the heartbeat of the team who constantly demanded the ball incessantly and represented everything the club stood for in a city where symbolism is king.
“In the first season, we deployed Mikel on the left with the freedom to come inside and interact with Barry while supporting the front men,” says McLeish.
“It worked absolutely amazingly for us. Barry ran the show and Arteta was the playmaker coming in on his right foot. He was a revelation. If he had played central midfielder for us he would have been kicked all over the place.
(Fourth photo) Ferguson (second right) and Arteta learned to work together in midfield (Photo: Matthew Ashton/EMPICS via Getty Images)
“The game was tougher then — referees let you get away with a bit more. Celtic were a big strong team, so it may have been a bit too much in a defensive midfield role. We played him in the right position for that moment.”
Rangers won a domestic treble and Arteta played 35 times, scored five goals and looked every bit the superstar they were hoping he would be. But De Boer maintains that it still wasn’t the optimal solution.
“People said he couldn’t stand the physical part of the game, but I told people to give him time as I only learned what football really was at 20. He was a raw diamond, we just had to polish him,” says the Dutchman.
“In the beginning, it should have been 60 per cent Ferguson to demand the game and Mikel 40 per cent, but as his level progressed, by the end it should have been 60 per cent Mikel the playmaker as he had more skills.
“Barry was a tremendous player box to box but the real artistry was Mikel. They wanted to give Ferguson that role but that was a mistake in my eyes.”
Come the second season, that was a moot point. Arteta was now in a very different team.
It was widely appreciated that Rangers were looking to raise funds, but McLeish had half of his team gutted. Ferguson and Amoruso were sold to Blackburn Rovers, McCann moved to Southampton, Caniggia went to Qatar and Numan retired.
Half the senior starters exited and Rangers spent less than £1million on refreshing the squad as Sir David Murray attempted to cut the wage bill amid rising debts. Arteta even came out publicly to deny claims from Rangers executives that he had asked to go back to Spain.
“I was worried beforehand about the crowd’s reaction, but I love these fans,” Arteta said in August 2003 after a starring performance against Kilmarnock.
“I never said I would like to leave here in the first place. I only ever said that one day I would like to go back to Spain and it’s normal to want to return home sometime. But I am in no hurry. It would be impossible to leave now.”
He remained and took up the mantle from Ferguson at the heart of midfield, but Rangers were a shadow of the team from the previous season. They finished 17 points adrift of Celtic, losing all four league derbies, and failed to reach either of the domestic cup finals.
“This was his chance to play central midfield but I was playing a young cultured player who hadn’t been through the wars and learned to cope himself,” says McLeish.
“We put him to the forefront. Him and Stevie Hughes (a 22-year-old academy player) played in the middle of the park against Manchester United in the Champions League. They got a wee lesson that night against Roy Keane and Scholes but they were valuable.
“He was hugely respectful at all times. We gave him the perfect solution in the first season and a not-so-perfect one in the second season with a depleted squad. He didn’t quite have the shoulders to lean on.”
Arteta left for home at the end of his second season, moving to Real Sociedad for a fee below what Rangers paid for him. It was a crime that Rangers didn’t retain a player of his ability for longer — as De Boer believes they could have if the club had made him feel more important — or at least capitalise on that talent by making a profit.
The official line at the time was that he was homesick, but it was a curt goodbye for a young player who delivered the classiest of debut seasons. Had he stayed for longer, Arteta would have been held in the same esteem as many less talented foreign players are, but as Craig Moore knew after his first few sessions, this was a boy destined for the top.
This article is part of a series on Arsenal manager Mikel Arteta which will be published during the international break. The next feature is scheduled for Monday.
Artwork: Sam Richardson, using Getty Images
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markwatkinsreviews · 1 year
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It’s now nearly the end of February, 2023 and the new football  books (and sports books generally) keep coming from the top professionals, PITCH publishing, among which are these fantastic four. 
Two essentially focusing on the Scottish National team, the remainders on football’s past (teams).
SCOTLAND 42 ENGLAND 1 by Mark Winter is a travelogue of visits to all 42 Scottish League clubs made from his “one” Dover base. Match reports given in diary form covering the lowlands, highlands and mainland's with typical Tartan humour. Released 30 January, 2023; 320 pages; paperback.
Rating: 8/10 
A NATION AGAIN by Andy Bargh ably reflects back to the renaissance of the Scottish national team under  two distinctly different managers, Alex McLeish and Steve Clarke culminating in relative success at the European Championships in 2020, drawing 0-0 with England but still finishing at the bottom of Group D. Released 20 February, 2023; 352 pages; hardback.
Rating: 7/10
SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT by Hannah Grainger Clemson presents  historic, sepia-style documentation in a commendable book that traces a football family journey through wartime and dealing with various cultural changes and social challenges. Player’s wages may have changed dramatically but abuse of referees hasn’t so much, as somewhat sweetly depicted in a Tom Browne cartoon from 1903.  Released 16 January, 2023; 352 pages; paperback.
Rating: 9/10
FORGOTTEN FOOTBALL CLUBS by Philip O’Rourke has produced a riveting read on forgotten clubs from right across the globe, such as FC Amsterdam (Netherlands) and Sportivo Palermo (Argentina). Some clubs have simply changed their names but of course you can’t rewrite history only reveal it and this interesting book succeeds in doing just that thanks to thorough research. Released 6 February, 2023; 256 pages; hardback. 
Rating: 7.5/10
Mark Watkins, Dare radio, 21 February, 2023
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mancity-fc · 1 year
Raheem Sterling is out of contract in 2023, is no closer to extending his deal and has interest from clubs in Europe, so it’s possible the 27-year-old leaves this summer. Manchester City won’t want to lose a valuable asset for free transfer next year, so they may have to cash in early if he won’t commit his future to City. Alex McLeish believes Pep Guardiola might already have planned for Sterling’s departure this summer. He says City could have a replacement lined up if the England international ends his seven-year stay at the Etihad Stadium, telling Football Insider: “It depends on what Pep is going to bring to the table to replace him or what he’s already got at the club to replace him?” Sterling joined the Sky Blues from Liverpool in 2015 and has made 339 appearances in all competitions, scoring 131 goals with 95 assists. The 27-year-old scored 17 goals with nine assists from 47 games across the board this season but amassed just 121 minutes of football from City’s Champions League quarter-final and semi-final clashes. Sterling was unhappy at missing out on big games last season, eventually requesting a transfer over the summer, so he won’t be pleased with how this campaign has panned out. McLeish added: “Everything comes to an end sometimes. Maybe doesn’t feel as loved as he has over the few years. (He’s been) in and out of the team over the past season.” There is growing interest in Sterling and City haven’t made progress in tying him down a new deal, so how will this saga end? In other news, Danny Mills says Oleksandr Zinchenko has tough decision to make this summer #Mancity, #ManchesterCity, #premierleague, #livematch, #livestream, #skysports, #premierleaguetv, #epl, #epl2023, #premier league, #premierleaguetable, #epl table, #eplfixtures, #ipl2021 live, #premierleaguefixtures, #fantasypremier eague, #eplresults, #epllivescores, #premierleague results, #pltable, #chelseafixtures, #eplscores, #arsenalfixtures, #premier leaguestandings, #eplstandings, #plfixtures, #eplschedule, #ipllive 2023, #dstvpremiership, #premierleaguetable2023, #pslfixtures, #epllive, #premiershiptable, #eplresultstoday, #eplfixturestoday, #Bitcoin, #Dolars
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goodthoughts001 · 2 years
Seminggu adalah waktu yang lama dalam bursa303.city! Ulasan
Ini klise lama yang melelahkan, tetapi seminggu adalah waktu yang lama dalam sepak bola dan terasa sedikit lebih lama bagi John Arne Riise. 4thegame.com memperhatikan cerita yang membuat berita dan bertanya: "Apakah dia akan mencetak gol yang lebih baik dari itu di ujung kanan?" bursa303.city
Kemarin adalah hari derby di Liga Premier, dan Newcastle United serta Aston Villa muncul sebagai pemenang besar. Michael Owen menjadi bahan pembicaraan setelah mencetak kedua gol dalam kekalahan 2-0 The Magpies atas Sunderland di St James 'Park, sementara Villa mencetak lima gol melewati Birmingham City dalam pertarungan Second City di Villa Park. Berita bagus untuk Martin O'Neill dan Fabio Capello, yang menyaksikan duo Inggris Ashley Young dan Gabriel Agbonlahor mencetak gol, apalagi Alex McLeish, yang timnya sekarang berada di bawah Bolton di klasemen. Bolton! Aduh Buyung...
Ini juga semakin ketat di puncak klasemen menyusul penampilan rapuh lainnya dari Manchester United di Blackburn. Pasukan Sir Alex Ferguson membutuhkan sundulan Carlos Tevez di menit terakhir untuk membatalkan gol Roque Santa Cruz di babak pertama untuk membawa pulang satu poin dari Ewood Park. Itu membuat mereka hanya unggul tiga gol dari Chelsea, tetapi Ferguson setidaknya dalam suasana hati yang baik, menyebut penampilan itu sebagai penampilan sang juara. Akan jauh lebih mudah untuk menganggapnya serius dalam hal itu, tentu saja, jika bukan karena kembalinya selebrasi boneka Tevez. Bagaimana dia bisa mempertahankan benda itu selama pertandingan?
Sementara itu, kehebohan media yang biasa telah dimulai karena semua orang (baik, penggemar Liverpool dan Chelsea) bersiap untuk bentrokan raksasa antara kedua pihak yang bertikai. Rafa Benitez membuat bola menggelinding dengan mengatakan bahwa Chelsea belum benar-benar berubah sejak Avram Grant tiba dan bahwa dia tidak merindukan Jose Mourinho, tetapi itu tidak menghentikan langkah Special One. kompetisi dan setidaknya memenangkan piala," katanya. "Jika tidak, semua orang akan mengatakan musim ini gagal. Setelah uang yang dihabiskan Liverpool, mereka akan mengerti itu." Apakah Jose dibayar untuk ini, atau apakah dia hanya bergerak karena dia mendapat tendangan darinya...
Bisa ditebak, itu semua berlanjut hari ini. Rafa Benitez berpendapat bahwa Chelsea "terluka secara psikologis" oleh kekalahan mereka sebelumnya di Anfield, tetapi John Terry menegaskan bahwa masa lalu tidak akan berpengaruh pada pertandingan ini, dan bahwa timnya hanya berkonsentrasi untuk lolos ke final dan membuat sejarah. Sementara itu, Stevie G mengatakan dengan caranya yang agak menipu seperti biasanya: "Tim ini tidak pernah tahu kapan akan dikalahkan. Beberapa tim akan layu dan membuangnya saat keadaan menjadi sulit. Tidak demikian halnya dengan kami." Tidak, Stevie. Anda hanya layu dan membuangnya saat permainan hampir menang ...
Yap, jauh ke menit tambahan dan dengan timnya unggul satu gol dan mengambil langkah penting menuju final Liga Champions ketiga mereka dalam empat tahun, John Arne Riise memutuskan bahwa semuanya menjadi sedikit dapat diprediksi dan menyundul umpan silang yang tidak berbahaya dari Salomon Kalou ke gawang. belakang jaringnya sendiri. Netral di mana-mana berpesta karena sesuatu yang menarik terjadi dalam pertandingan Liverpool vs Chelsea lainnya yang mengerikan, tetapi Rafa Benitez kurang terkesan. Tapi siapa yang harus disalahkan? Diri? Pemainnya? Naaah...
"Tentu saja saya kecewa dengan kinerja ofisial," lolong si berjanggut. "Sangat sulit untuk dipahami karena ada 94 atau 95 menit dan saya terkejut. Ini bukan pertama kalinya hal ini terjadi pada kami dan kami benar-benar kecewa." Kecewa dengan kinerja wasit Liga Champions, ya? Kami yakin penggemar Arsenal akan memiliki sesuatu untuk dikatakan tentang itu ...
Jelas ingin membuktikan para pakar salah dan menunjukkan bahwa mereka juga bisa memainkan sepak bola membosankan yang menyedot kehidupan para penggemar, Manchester United melakukan snoozer di Barcelona di semifinal kedua, dan itu semua salah Cristiano Ronaldo. Pemain sayap Portugal, yang telah mencetak lebih banyak gol musim ini daripada makan malam panas kami, membuktikan bahwa dia adalah manusia dengan melakukan tendangan penalti yang sangat tinggi dan melebar dari gawang Victor Valdes di menit kedua pertandingan di Nou Camp.
Seandainya masuk, United akan berada di kursi kotak untuk leg kedua, tetapi Ronaldo telah berjanji untuk memastikan dia dan timnya tidak menyesalinya. "Saya tahu saya akan mencetak gol pada pertandingan kedua di Manchester Selasa depan," jelasnya usai pertandingan. "Saya selalu percaya diri. Saya mencetak 38 gol musim ini jadi tidak masalah jika Anda melewatkan satu atau dua gol. Saya tidak mengubah gaya saya mengambil penalti. Saya mencetak gol di sudut atas itu sebelum musim ini." Jika saya mendapat penalti lagi di Manchester, saya akan mencetak gol."
Dan untungnya, dia mungkin memiliki kesempatan untuk melakukan itu, karena Sir Alex bersikeras bahwa dia akan membiarkan timnya menyerang di leg kedua. "Tentu saja, tidak ada pertanyaan tentang itu. Pertandingan sekarang dimulai di Old Trafford - ini adalah pertandingan penentuan,' katanya. "Barcelona memiliki banyak penguasaan bola di semua pertandingan, terutama di kandang, dan saya puas dengan clean sheet - itu adalah pertunjukan profesional." Tidak, Sir Alex, itu pertunjukan yang membosankan.
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sportearly · 2 years
Hurt - Sky Sports man reacts as Aston Villa attacker suffers 'huge' off-field blow
Hurt – Sky Sports man reacts as Aston Villa attacker suffers ‘huge’ off-field blow
According to Football Insider, former Aston Villa manager Alex McLeish has commented on the Phillipe Coutinho story. Although Coutinho made his transfer to Villa Park permanent over the summer, he has not yet reached the heights of Steven Gerrard’s previous season. In eight appearances in all competitions, the 30-year-old has started just four Premier League games this season and has failed to…
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supasoccer · 2 years
https://soccer.supatainment.com/that-rangers-header-champions-league-pride-and-hull-city-dream-shota-arveladze-interview/?feed_id=3624&_unique_id=630b222b2a1c7 >
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teesfortims · 2 years
Another Former Ibrox Boss Hails ‘Outstanding’ Jota
Another Scottish football legend has praised Celtic for their signing of Portuguese winger Jota. The former Benfica player scored an absolutely cracking goal at the weekend against Alex McLeish’s former side Aberdeen with the former Dons defender stating that he believes Celtic secured an ‘amazing’ deal’. Celtic signed the 23-year old after an impressive loan spell for a fee to believed at £6.5…
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youthsloadedmedia · 2 years
He’s A Terrific Asset – Alex McLeish Tells Gerrard To Sign Chelsea Star
He’s A Terrific Asset – Alex McLeish Tells Gerrard To Sign Chelsea Star
Former Aston Villa coach, Alex McLeish, has urged the club’s manager Steven Gerrard to sign Chelsea midfielder Conor Gallagher if the Blues decide to sell him this summer transfer window. McLeish believes Gallagher, who he described as a terrific asset, would be a great addition to Gerrard’s team this summer. Gallagher was impressive on loan at Crystal Palace during the 2021-2022 season. The…
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scottishdreams · 2 years
Expert: Liverpool have pulled off 'another coup' as 'exciting' Calvin Ramsay claim made
Aberdeen ^ | Alex McLeish has told Football Insider Liverpool have pulled off "another coup" after completing the signing of Calvin Ramsay from Aberdeen. http://dlvr.it/SSxv7m
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tinbongdaso247 · 2 years
Ten Hag được tiến cử hợp đồng chất lượng
Manchester United bước vào kỳ chuyển nhượng mùa Hè với hàng loạt mục tiêu quan trọng, dù vậy, ở thời điểm hiện tại thì họ vẫn chưa thể đón bất kỳ tân binh nào do những thương vụ trọng điểm như Frenkie De Jong hay Jurrien Timber đều gặp bế tắc.
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Theo quan điểm đến từ Alex McLeish, Man Utd nên ưu tiên chiêu mộ một tiền đạo đẳng cấp, và đây cũng luôn là vị trí được Sir Alex đặc biệt quan tâm trong quá khứ. McLeish nhận định, nếu có được một chân sút đủ khả năng ghi 20 bàn/mùa, Quỷ đỏ thậm chí sẽ có cơ hội vô địch Premier League.
Trao đổi với Football Insider, cựu cầu thủ người Scotland chia sẻ:
“Công tác tuyển dụng của họ đã bị chỉ trích trong suốt 10 năm qua. Việc mà Sir Alex Ferguson sẽ làm và cũng là điều mà ông ấy giỏi, là lựa chọn những tiền đạo xuất sắc."
“Ông ấy sẽ tổ chức hàng thủ của đội, tìm một vài kẻ chơi bóng xấu xí như tôi và Willie Miller, sau đó ông ấy sẽ lựa chọn những người biết ghi bàn."
“Mark Hughes, Van Nistelrooy, Dwight Yorke, có rất nhiều tiền đạo đã ghi hàng loạt bàn thắng cho Man United."
"Nếu bạn ký hợp đồng với một tiền đạo có khả năng ghi được 20 bàn trong một mùa giải, thì bạn đã tiến gần đến chức vô địch Premier League hoặc tấm vé tham dự Champions League.”
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rangersfc-1872 · 2 years
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Happy 63rd birthday to former Rangers manager, Alex McLeish! 🎂
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imvges-football · 3 years
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mancity-fc · 1 year
Manchester City plan to make only two more signings this summer after bringing Erling Haaland to the Etihad Stadium – a left-back to replace the suspended Benjamin Mendy and a defensive-midfielder to replace the outgoing Fernandinho. Brighton & Hove Albion defender Marc Cucurella could be succeeding Mendy while Leeds United’s Kalvin Phillips could be succeeding Fernandinho, but Alex McLeish believes the latter should avoid a move to City if he’s not ‘guaranteed’ a starting place under Pep Guardiola. Real Man City previously wrote that Phillips would have Rodri for competition in midfield and isn’t likely to dethrone the outstanding Spaniard after his form in 2021/22, so what would his role be in the squad? The 26-year-old is a talented ball-winner and ticks the homegrown quota box, but he’ll be an expensive backup option. Leeds are requesting in excess of £50m for the midfielder who’s open to a move this summer, but McLeish warned Phillips that it’s not worth the payrise if he’s sitting on the bench. He told Football Insider: “He should be going somewhere he’s playing regular football every week. “Phillips shouldn’t go somewhere if he’s going to be on the bench, playing every five weeks or something. No. For me, for his career, wherever he goes, he’s going to make enormous money. For me, it stands to reason that he goes to someone for enormous money and plays every week. “I would say if he is not guaranteed as a Man City stalwart or in the nucleus of the team, he should go somewhere else. That’s my opinion.” Phillips made 234 appearances in all competitions for Leeds, scoring 14 goals with 13 assists, so he’s been a terrific servant. Few would begrudge him leaving, except McLeish it seems…. Vital City are looking to recruit a new writer for the site. If you are a fan of the club and can commit to writing 3—5 articles at least 4 days per week then we would love to hear from you. Mail [email protected] for more information. In other news, podcast guest ‘can’t wait’ to see Erling Haaland ‘brush off’ defenders and ‘plunder goals’ in the Premier League #Mancity, #ManchesterCity, #premierleague, #livematch, #livestream, #skysports, #premierleaguetv, #epl, #epl2023, #premier league, #premierleaguetable, #epl table, #eplfixtures, #ipl2021 live, #premierleaguefixtures, #fantasypremier eague, #eplresults, #epllivescores, #premierleague results, #pltable, #chelseafixtures, #eplscores, #arsenalfixtures, #premier leaguestandings, #eplstandings, #plfixtures, #eplschedule, #ipllive 2023, #dstvpremiership, #premierleaguetable2023, #pslfixtures, #epllive, #premiershiptable, #eplresultstoday, #eplfixturestoday, #Bitcoin, #Dolars
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